Example #1
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)

                // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
                // TODO: set large fields to null.

                disposedValue = true;
    void Start()
        _Listener = FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioListener)) as AudioListener;
        _PCMBuffer = new PCMQueue(1);

        if (_HRIR == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("No HRIR specified. Binaural audio processing disabled.", this);

        if (GetComponent<AudioSource>() == null)
            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("There is no AudioSource attached to {0}. Binaural audio processing disabled.", this.name), this);

        if (GetComponent<AudioSource>() && GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip != null && GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip.channels != 2)
            Debug.LogWarning("This script can only run on 2 channel audio clips. Binaural audio processing disabled.", this);

        if (_Listener == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("No Listener in scene. Binaural audio processing disabled.", this);

    void UpdateHRIR()
        if (_HRIR == null)
            _FilterEnabled = false;

        if (_PCMBuffer.Length != _HRIR.Samples)
            _FilterEnabled = false;
            _PCMBuffer = new PCMQueue(_HRIR.Samples);

        int newIAzimuth = _HRIR.GetNearestAzimuthIndex(_Azimuth);
        int newIElevation = _HRIR.GetNearestElevationIndex(_Elevation);
        if (newIAzimuth != _IAzimuth || newIElevation != _IElevation)
            _IAzimuth = newIAzimuth;
            _IElevation = newIElevation;
            _LeftHRIR = _HRIR.GetLeftHrir(_IAzimuth, _IElevation);
            _RightHRIR = _HRIR.GetRightHrir(_IAzimuth, _IElevation);

        _FilterEnabled = true;