Example #1
        public void Execute(IPCBIWindow parent)
            if (parent == null || !parent.JobIsLoaded)
                MessageBox.Show("No job loaded.");

            IStep   step   = parent.GetCurrentStep();
            IMatrix matrix = parent.GetMatrix();

            if (matrix == null || step == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No job loaded.");

            PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog reportDlg = new PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog("TP Check Cell Outline to Cell Outline and TP to high Componen", "Result:");

            //Check Top Component Layer
            tpCountTotal = 0;
            string topComponentLayerName = matrix.GetTopComponentLayer();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topComponentLayerName))
                ILayer dataLayer = step.GetLayer(topComponentLayerName);
                if (dataLayer != null && dataLayer is ICMPLayer)
                    CheckTestpoints((ICMPLayer)dataLayer, ref reportDlg);

            //Check Bot Component Layer
            string botComponentLayerName = matrix.GetBotComponentLayer();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(botComponentLayerName))
                ILayer dataLayer = step.GetLayer(botComponentLayerName);
                if (dataLayer != null && dataLayer is ICMPLayer)
                    CheckTestpoints((ICMPLayer)dataLayer, ref reportDlg);

Example #2
        private void CheckTestpoints(ICMPLayer layer, ref PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog reportDlg)
            if (layer == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Layer is null referenced.");

            reportDlg.AppendLog("Analyzing " + layer.GetLayerName());

            PointD fromPoint = PointD.Empty, toPoint = PointD.Empty;

            List <IObject> allComponents = layer.GetAllLayerObjects();
            double         maxDistance   = Math.Max(MinDistanceTP2TP, MinDistanceTP2CMP) * 1.01;

            int tpCountOK = 0;

            foreach (IObject element in allComponents)
                if (element is ICMPObject)
                    ICMPObject tpCmp = (ICMPObject)element;

                    if (tpCmp.Ref.StartsWith(tpReferencePrexix))  //cmp is a Testpoint...
                        bool       hasWrongDistance = false;
                        RectangleD checkRect        = tpCmp.GetBoundsD();
                        checkRect.Inflate(maxDistance, maxDistance);

                        IPolyClass tpPoly = tpCmp.GetPolygonOutline(false);

                        foreach (IObject nearElement in layer.GetAllObjectInRectangle(checkRect))
                            if (nearElement is ICMPObject)
                                ICMPObject nearCmp = (ICMPObject)nearElement;
                                if (tpCmp.Ref == nearCmp.Ref)
                                if (!nearCmp.Ref.StartsWith(tpReferencePrexix) && nearCmp.CompHEIGHT < PCBI.MathUtils.IMath.MM2Mils(5))
                                    continue;                                                                                                     // Abfrage ob Bauteil kleiner 5 mm, dann ignorieren ausser Testpunkte
                                IPolyClass nearCmpPoly = nearCmp.GetPolygonOutline(false);

                                if (tpPoly != null && nearCmpPoly != null)
                                    double distance    = tpPoly.DistanceTo(nearCmpPoly, ref fromPoint, ref toPoint);
                                    double distanceC2C = IMath.DistancePointToPoint(nearCmp.Position, tpCmp.Position);
                                    if (nearCmp.Ref.StartsWith(tpReferencePrexix))  //nearCmpPoly is also a Testpoint...
                                        if (distance < MinDistanceTP2TP)
                                            if (hasWrongDistance == false)
                                                tpCmp.ObjectColor = Color.Orange;
                                                hasWrongDistance  = true;
                                            reportDlg.AppendLog(" -> " + tpCmp.Ref + " too close to " + nearCmp.Ref + " (" + PCBI.MathUtils.IMath.Mils2MM(distance).ToString("F3") + "mm)", PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog.LogType.Warning);
                                        if (distanceC2C < MinDistanceCenterTP2TP)
                                            if (hasWrongDistance == false)
                                                tpCmp.ObjectColor = Color.Orange;
                                                hasWrongDistance  = true;
                                            reportDlg.AppendLog(" -> " + tpCmp.Ref + " Center to Center" + nearCmp.Ref + " (" + PCBI.MathUtils.IMath.Mils2MM(distanceC2C).ToString("F3") + "mm)", PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog.LogType.Error);
                                        if (distance < MinDistanceTP2CMP)
                                            if (hasWrongDistance)
                                                tpCmp.ObjectColor = Color.Red;
                                                hasWrongDistance  = true;
                                            reportDlg.AppendLog(" -> " + tpCmp.Ref + " too close to " + nearCmp.Ref + " (" + PCBI.MathUtils.IMath.Mils2MM(distance).ToString("F3") + "mm)", PCB_Investigator.PCBIWindows.PCBIReportDialog.LogType.Warning);

                        if (!hasWrongDistance)
                            tpCmp.ObjectColor = Color.Green;
                            reportDlg.AppendLog(" -> " + tpCmp.Ref + " is OK");

            reportDlg.AppendLog("=> " + tpCountOK + " of " + tpCountTotal + " Testpoints are OK");