public static void SortGUIDIntoGroup(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string FileGUID, string GroupPath) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { bool bFoundGroup = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXGroup> CurrentGroup in CurrentProject.groups) { if (CurrentGroup.Value.path == GroupPath) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentGroup.Value.ContainsKey("children"), "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " doesn't have a children array.")) { object GroupChildrenObj =["children"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, GroupChildrenObj != null, "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " has a children key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(GroupChildrenObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj PBXGroup " + GroupPath + " has a children key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList GroupChildrenList = (PBXList)GroupChildrenObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, GroupChildrenList != null, "XCodeProj casted Children List is null.")) { if (GroupChildrenList.Contains(FileGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "FileGUID " + FileGUID + " has already been added to the Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } else { GroupChildrenList.Add(FileGUID);["children"] = GroupChildrenList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + FileGUID + " file to the Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } } } } bFoundGroup = true; break; } } } IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, bFoundGroup, "Couldn't find a PBXGroup with path " + GroupPath + " in the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); } } }
public static void AddFramework(IIgorModule ModuleInst, string ProjectPath, string Filename, TreeEnum TreeBase, string Path = "", int FileEncoding = -1, string LastKnownFileType = "", string Name = "") { string FrameworkFileRefGUID = AddNewFileReference(ModuleInst, ProjectPath, Filename, TreeBase, Path, FileEncoding, LastKnownFileType, Name); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { bool bFoundFrameworksGroup = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXGroup> CurrentGroup in CurrentProject.groups) { if ( == "Frameworks") { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentGroup.Value.ContainsKey("children"), "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup doesn't have a children array.")) { object FrameworkChildrenObj =["children"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkChildrenObj != null, "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup has a children key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(FrameworkChildrenObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj Frameworks PBXGroup has a children key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList FrameworkChildrenList = (PBXList)FrameworkChildrenObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkChildrenList != null, "XCodeProj casted Framework Children List is null.")) { if (FrameworkChildrenList.Contains(FrameworkFileRefGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Framework " + Filename + " has already been added to the Framework Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } else { FrameworkChildrenList.Add(FrameworkFileRefGUID);["children"] = FrameworkChildrenList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + Filename + " framework to the Framework Group " + CurrentGroup.Key + "."); } } } } bFoundFrameworksGroup = true; break; } } } IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, bFoundFrameworksGroup, "Couldn't find a Frameworks PBXGroup in the XCodeProj."); CurrentProject.Save(); } } string FrameworkBuildFileGUID = AddNewBuildFile(ModuleInst, ProjectPath, FrameworkFileRefGUID); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, Directory.Exists(ProjectPath), "XCodeProj doesn't exist at path " + ProjectPath)) { XCProject CurrentProject = new XCProject(ProjectPath); CurrentProject.Backup(); if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentProject != null, "XCodeProj couldn't be loaded.")) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> CurrentTarget in CurrentProject.frameworkBuildPhases) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, CurrentTarget.Value.ContainsKey("files"), "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase doesn't have a files array.")) { object FrameworkFilesObj =["files"]; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkFilesObj != null, "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase has a files key, but it can't be retrieved.")) { if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, typeof(PBXList).IsAssignableFrom(FrameworkFilesObj.GetType()), "XCodeProj Framework Build Phase has a files key, but it can't be cast to PBXList.")) { PBXList FrameworkFilesList = (PBXList)FrameworkFilesObj; if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(ModuleInst, FrameworkFilesList != null, "XCodeProj casted Framework File List is null.")) { if (FrameworkFilesList.Contains(FrameworkBuildFileGUID)) { IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Framework " + Filename + " has already been added to the Framework Build Phase " + CurrentTarget.Key + "."); } else { FrameworkFilesList.Add(FrameworkBuildFileGUID);["files"] = FrameworkFilesList; IgorDebug.Log(ModuleInst, "Added the " + Filename + " framework to the Framework Build Phase " + CurrentTarget.Key + "."); } } } } } } CurrentProject.Save(); } } }