private void btnEditGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.FocusedNode.GetValue(colIDTree)); if (id == 0) { return; } PBDLStructureModel model = (PBDLStructureModel)PBDLStructureBO.Instance.FindByPK(id); frmPBDLStructure frm = new frmPBDLStructure(); frm.Model = model; frm.ParentID = model.ParentID; frm.DepartmentID = TextUtils.ToInt(cboParent.SelectedValue); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _curentNode = frm.CurentNode; loadTree(); } } catch (Exception) { } }
/// <summary> /// Phân bổ dữ liệu cho phòng kế toán /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); string _productCode = "TPAD.A2106"; string _projectCode = "DA1"; string _serverPathCK = "Thietke.Ck/" + _productCode.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + _productCode + ".Ck/"; DataTable dt = TextUtils.Select("vPBDL_Structure_File", new Expression("DepartmentID", 8)); ArrayList listStruc = PBDLStructureBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("DepartmentID", 8); if (listStruc.Count > 0) { FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string initPath = fbd.SelectedPath; #region Lấy dữ liệu trong file danh mục vật tư cơ khí try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(_serverPathCK + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm")) { //Download file danh mục vật tư DocUtils.DownloadFile(initPath, "VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm", _serverPathCK + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm"); } } catch { } string pathDMVT = initPath + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm"; DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(pathDMVT, "DMVT"); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { dtDMVT.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } File.Delete(pathDMVT); #endregion foreach (var item in listStruc) { PBDLStructureModel strucModel = (PBDLStructureModel)item; string pathStruc = strucModel.Path.Replace("project", _projectCode).Replace("code", _productCode); string pathLocal = initPath + "/" + pathStruc; Directory.CreateDirectory(pathLocal); DataTable dtFile = TextUtils.Select("vPBDL_Structure_File", new Expression("PBDLStructureID", strucModel.ID)); foreach (DataRow row in dtFile.Rows) { int pBDLFileID = TextUtils.ToInt(row["PBDLFileID"]); PBDLFileModel fileModel = (PBDLFileModel)PBDLFileBO.Instance.FindByPK(pBDLFileID); if (fileModel.GetType == 0)//nhieu file { string pathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("group", _productCode.Substring(0, 6)).Replace("code", _productCode); #region Mã vật liệu if (fileModel.FilterMaVatLieu)//nếu có mã vật liệu { DataRow[] listMaVatLieu = dtDMVT.Select("F5 <> '' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowMVL in listMaVatLieu) { string fileName = rowMVL["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion #region Đơn vị if (fileModel.FilterDonVi != "") { DataRow[] listDonVi = dtDMVT.Select("F6 like '%" + fileModel.FilterDonVi.ToUpper() + "%' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowMVL in listDonVi) { string fileName = rowMVL["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion Đơn vị #region Thông Số if (fileModel.FilterThongSo != "") { DataRow[] listThongSo = dtDMVT.Select("F3 like '%" + fileModel.FilterThongSo.ToUpper() + "%' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowThongSo in listThongSo) { string fileName = rowThongSo["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion Thông Số #region MẶT if (fileModel.MAT) { try { string[] listFileMat = DocUtils.GetFilesList(pathServer); if (listFileMat != null) { foreach (string fileName in listFileMat) { try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName, pathServer + "/" + fileName); } } catch { } } } } catch { } } #endregion Mặt #region TEM if (fileModel.TEM) { try { string[] listFileTEM = DocUtils.GetFilesList(pathServer); if (listFileTEM != null) { foreach (string fileName in listFileTEM) { try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName, pathServer + "/" + fileName); } } catch { } } } } catch { } } #endregion TEM } else//1 file { if (strucModel.FolderType != 2)//nếu không phải là thư mục điện tử { string filePathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("group", _productCode.Substring(0, 6)).Replace("code", _productCode); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(filePathServer)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, Path.GetFileName(filePathServer), filePathServer); } } catch { } } else { DataRow[] listPCB = dtDMVT.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'"); foreach (DataRow rowDT in listPCB) { string pcbCode = rowDT["F4"].ToString(); string pathPCB = pathLocal + "/" + pcbCode; if (pathPCB == "") { continue; } Directory.CreateDirectory(pathPCB); string filePathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("tpat", "TPAT." + pcbCode.Substring(4, 7)).Replace("code", pcbCode); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(filePathServer)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathPCB, Path.GetFileName(filePathServer), filePathServer); } } catch { } } } } } } } } }
protected PBDLStructureFacade(PBDLStructureModel model) : base(model) { }