//public static ImportDataDelegate<PhoneNumber> CreateDummyPhoneNumberImportDataDelegate() { // return delegate(IObjectSpace os, object[] args) { // object masterObject = null; // int index = 0; // if (args != null) { // if (args.Length == 2) { // masterObject = args[0]; // index = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); // } // } // PhoneNumber phoneNumber = os.CreateObject<PhoneNumber>(); // phoneNumber.Number = String.Format("Number{0}", index); // phoneNumber.PhoneType = String.Format("PhoneType{0}", index); // phoneNumber.Party = masterObject as Party; // return phoneNumber; // }; //} //public static ImportDataDelegate<Person> CreateDummyPersonImportDataDelegate() { // return delegate(IObjectSpace os, object[] args) { // object masterObject = null; // int index = 0; // if (args != null) { // if (args.Length == 2) { // masterObject = args[0]; // index = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); // } // } // Person person = os.CreateObject<Person>(); // person.FirstName = String.Format("FirstName{0}", index); // person.MiddleName = String.Format("MiddleName{0}", index); // person.LastName = String.Format("LastName{0}", index); // return person; // }; //} public static ImportDataDelegate <OwnScore> CreateDummyOwnScoreImportDataDelegate() { return(delegate(IObjectSpace os, object[] args) { object masterObject = null; int index = 0; if (args != null) { if (args.Length == 2) { masterObject = args[0]; index = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } } OwnScore ownScore = os.CreateObject <OwnScore>(); Office office = os.FindObject <Office>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("OfficeId=?", index)); ownScore.Office = office; ownScore.Result = index; ownScore.Score = index; ownScore.WeightScore = index; return ownScore; }); }
private void CreateAll(OpenSendScore oss, Employee owner) { var listOffice = ObjectSpace.GetObjects <Office>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("OfficeId like '%000'")); foreach (Office office in listOffice) { if (office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00001" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00002" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00003" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00004" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00004" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00005" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00006" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00007" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00008" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 5) == "00009" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 4) == "0001" || office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 4) == "0002") { continue; } Score sc = ObjectSpace.FindObject <Score>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("ERound = ? AND Office=?", oss.ERound, office)); if (sc == null) { sc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <Score>(); sc.Office = office; sc.ERound = oss.ERound; sc.Owner = owner; } decimal sum; string ofid; if ((sc.Office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 3) == "000" && sc.Office.OfficeId.Substring(5, 3) == "000") || (sc.Office.OfficeId.Substring(2, 6) == "000000")) { ofid = "00000000"; } else { ofid = sc.Office.OfficeId.Substring(0, 2) + "000000"; } foreach (PointOfEvaluation poe in oss.ERound.PoEs) { OwnScore oc = ObjectSpace.FindObject <OwnScore>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("MainScore = ? AND PointOfEvaluation=?", sc, poe)); AuditScore aoc; if (oc == null) { oc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <OwnScore>(); // PoE oc.MainScore = sc; oc.PointOfEvaluation = poe; aoc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditScore>(); aoc.OwnScore = oc; aoc.Owner = owner; } else { if (oc.AuditScore == null) { aoc = ObjectSpace.FindObject <AuditScore>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("OwnScore = ?", oc)); if (aoc == null) { aoc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditScore>(); //Audit Score of SubPoE aoc.OwnScore = oc; aoc.Owner = owner; } else { oc.AuditScore = aoc; } } else { aoc = oc.AuditScore; } } sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { DetailExpect expect = ObjectSpace.FindObject <DetailExpect>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE is null AND Year=? AND ExpectMonth=?", office, poe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (expect == null) { expect = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <DetailExpect>(); expect.Office = office; expect.PoE = poe; expect.Year = oss.ERound.Year; expect.ExpectMonth = i; if (poe.No == 1) { Emonth j; if (i == Emonth.ตุลาคม || i == Emonth.พฤศจิกายน || i == Emonth.ธันวาคม) { j = i + 10; } else { j = i - 2; } var url = "" + ofid + "/year/" + oss.ERound.Year.ToString("D4") + "/month/" + ((int)j).ToString("D2");//DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("D2"); var tax = _download_serialized_json_data <Rootobject>(url); var taxOwn = tax.taxCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.officeCode == sc.Office.OfficeId); if (taxOwn != null) { expect.ExpectMonthValue = taxOwn.CMCYforcast; } } expect.AuditScores.Add(aoc); expect.Save(); aoc.DetailExpects.Add(expect); sum += expect.ExpectMonthValue; } else { bool expectHavedAudit = false; foreach (AuditScore au in expect.AuditScores) { if (au == aoc) { expectHavedAudit = true; } } if (!expectHavedAudit) { expect.AuditScores.Add(aoc); } expect.Save(); bool aocHavedExpect = false; foreach (DetailExpect dt in aoc.DetailExpects) { if (dt == expect) { aocHavedExpect = true; } } if (!aocHavedExpect) { aoc.DetailExpects.Add(expect); } sum += expect.ExpectMonthValue; } } aoc.Expect = sum; //End Crete DetailExpect. //ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { OwnResult or = ObjectSpace.FindObject <OwnResult>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE is null AND Year=? AND ResultMonth=?", office, poe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (or == null) { or = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <OwnResult>(); or.Office = office; or.PoE = poe; or.Year = oss.ERound.Year; or.ResultMonth = i; if (poe.No == 1) { Emonth j; if (i == Emonth.ตุลาคม || i == Emonth.พฤศจิกายน || i == Emonth.ธันวาคม) { j = i + 10; } else { j = i - 2; } var url = "" + ofid + "/year/" + oss.ERound.Year.ToString("D4") + "/month/" + ((int)j).ToString("D2");//DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("D2"); var tax = _download_serialized_json_data <Rootobject>(url); var taxOwn = tax.taxCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.officeCode == sc.Office.OfficeId); if (taxOwn != null) { or.ResultMonthValue = taxOwn.CMcurrentYear; } } or.OwnScores.Add(oc); or.Save(); oc.OwnResults.Add(or); sum += or.ResultMonthValue; } else { bool orHavedOc = false; foreach (OwnScore o in or.OwnScores) { if (o == oc) { orHavedOc = true; } } if (!orHavedOc) { or.OwnScores.Add(oc); } or.Save(); bool ocHavedOr = false; foreach (OwnResult r in oc.OwnResults) { } if (!ocHavedOr) { oc.OwnResults.Add(or); } sum += or.ResultMonthValue; } } oc.Result = sum; //End Crete OwnerResult. //ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { AuditResult aResult = ObjectSpace.FindObject <AuditResult>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE is null AND Year=? AND ResultMonth=?", office, poe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (aResult == null) { aResult = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditResult>(); aResult.Office = office; aResult.PoE = poe; aResult.Year = oss.ERound.Year; aResult.ResultMonth = i; if (poe.No == 1) { Emonth j; if (i == Emonth.ตุลาคม || i == Emonth.พฤศจิกายน || i == Emonth.ธันวาคม) { j = i + 10; } else { j = i - 2; } var url = "" + ofid + "/year/" + oss.ERound.Year.ToString("D4") + "/month/" + ((int)j).ToString("D2");//DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("D2"); var tax = _download_serialized_json_data <Rootobject>(url); var taxOwn = tax.taxCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.officeCode == sc.Office.OfficeId); if (taxOwn != null) { aResult.ResultMonthValue = taxOwn.CMcurrentYear; } } aResult.AuditScores.Add(aoc); aResult.Save(); aoc.AuditResults.Add(aResult); sum += aResult.ResultMonthValue; } else { bool arHevedAoc = false; foreach (AuditScore a in aResult.AuditScores) { if (a == aoc) { arHevedAoc = true; } } if (!arHevedAoc) { aResult.AuditScores.Add(aoc); } aResult.Save(); bool aocHevedAr = false; foreach (AuditResult ar in aoc.AuditResults) { if (ar == aResult) { aocHevedAr = true; } } if (!aocHevedAr) { aoc.AuditResults.Add(aResult); } sum += aResult.ResultMonthValue; } } aoc.Result = sum;//End Crete AuditResult. aoc.Save(); //oc.AuditScore = aoc; oc.Save(); bool scHavedOc = false; foreach (OwnScore o in sc.OwnScores) { if (o == oc) { scHavedOc = true; } } if (!scHavedOc) { sc.OwnScores.Add(oc); } if (oc.PointOfEvaluation.SPoEs != null) { foreach (SubPointOfEvaluation soe in poe.SPoEs) { OwnScore soc = ObjectSpace.FindObject <OwnScore>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("MainScore = ? AND PointOfEvaluation=? AND SubPointOfEvaluation=?", sc, poe, soe)); AuditScore asoc; if (soc == null) { soc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <OwnScore>(); // SubPoE soc.MainScore = sc; soc.PointOfEvaluation = poe; soc.SubPointOfEvaluation = soe; asoc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditScore>(); //Audit Score of SubPoE asoc.OwnScore = soc; asoc.Owner = owner; } else { if (soc.AuditScore == null) { asoc = ObjectSpace.FindObject <AuditScore>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("OwnScore = ?", soc)); if (asoc == null) { asoc = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditScore>(); //Audit Score of SubPoE asoc.OwnScore = soc; asoc.Owner = owner; } else { soc.AuditScore = asoc; } } else { asoc = soc.AuditScore; } } sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { DetailExpect sexpect = ObjectSpace.FindObject <DetailExpect>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE=? AND Year=? AND ExpectMonth=?", office, poe, soe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (sexpect == null) //สร้าง ข้อมูลประมาณการหากไม่มีเดือนในรอบ { sexpect = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <DetailExpect>(); sexpect.Office = office; sexpect.PoE = poe; sexpect.SPoE = soe; sexpect.Year = oss.ERound.Year; sexpect.ExpectMonth = i; sexpect.AuditScores.Add(asoc); sexpect.Save(); asoc.DetailExpects.Add(sexpect); sum += sexpect.ExpectMonthValue; } else { bool sexpectHavedAudit = false; foreach (AuditScore au in sexpect.AuditScores) { if (au == asoc) { sexpectHavedAudit = true; } } if (!sexpectHavedAudit) { sexpect.AuditScores.Add(asoc); } sexpect.Save(); bool asocHavedExpect = false; foreach (DetailExpect de in asoc.DetailExpects) { if (de == sexpect) { asocHavedExpect = true; } } if (!asocHavedExpect) { asoc.DetailExpects.Add(sexpect); } sum += sexpect.ExpectMonthValue; } } asoc.Expect = sum; //End Crete Sub DetailExpect. //ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { OwnResult sor = ObjectSpace.FindObject <OwnResult>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE=? AND Year=? AND ResultMonth=?", office, poe, soe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (sor == null) { sor = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <OwnResult>(); sor.Office = office; sor.PoE = poe; sor.SPoE = soe; sor.Year = oss.ERound.Year; sor.ResultMonth = i; sor.OwnScores.Add(soc); sor.Save(); bool sorHavedsoc = false; foreach (OwnResult or in soc.OwnResults) { if (or == sor) { sorHavedsoc = true; } } if (!sorHavedsoc) { soc.OwnResults.Add(sor); } sum += sor.ResultMonthValue; } else { if (sor.OwnScores == null) { sor.OwnScores.Add(soc); sor.Save(); } bool sorHavedsoc = false; foreach (OwnResult or in soc.OwnResults) { if (or == sor) { sorHavedsoc = true; } } if (!sorHavedsoc) { soc.OwnResults.Add(sor); } sum += sor.ResultMonthValue; } } soc.Result = sum;//End Crete Sub OwnerResult. //ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); sum = 0m; for (Emonth i = oss.ERound.MonthStart; i <= oss.ERound.MonthStop; i++) { AuditResult asResult = ObjectSpace.FindObject <AuditResult>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Office=? AND PoE=? AND SPoE=? AND Year=? AND ResultMonth=?", office, poe, soe, oss.ERound.Year, i)); if (asResult == null) { asResult = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <AuditResult>(); asResult.Office = office; asResult.PoE = poe; asResult.SPoE = soe; asResult.Year = oss.ERound.Year; asResult.ResultMonth = i; asResult.AuditScores.Add(asoc); asResult.Save(); bool arHavedaoc = false; foreach (AuditResult ar in asoc.AuditResults) { if (ar == asResult) { arHavedaoc = true; } } if (!arHavedaoc) { asoc.AuditResults.Add(asResult); } sum += asResult.ResultMonthValue; } else { if (asoc.AuditResults == null) { asResult.AuditScores.Add(asoc); asResult.Save(); } bool arHavedaoc = false; foreach (AuditResult ar in asoc.AuditResults) { if (ar == asResult) { arHavedaoc = true; } } if (!arHavedaoc) { asoc.AuditResults.Add(asResult); } sum += asResult.ResultMonthValue; } } asoc.Result = sum;//End Crete Sub AuditResult. asoc.Save(); //Save Sub Owner Score soc.Save(); //Add Sub Owner Score to Main Score bool socHavedsc = false; foreach (OwnScore o in sc.OwnScores) { if (o == soc) { socHavedsc = true; } } if (!socHavedsc) { sc.OwnScores.Add(soc); } } } //End SupPointOfEvaluation } //End PointOfEvaluation Loop sc.Save(); //Save Score ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); } }