public ActionResult Orders(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string databaseName, string customerId, string companyId)
            APIAuth  auth     = new APIAuth(Request, Response);
            AuthInfo authInfo = auth.CheckLogin();

            if (authInfo.IsAuthenticated)
                Customer localCust = new Customer();
                localCust.DatabaseName = databaseName;
                localCust.CustomerId   = customerId;
                localCust.CompanyId    = companyId;

                //Check if this user has access to this customer
                var userCustomers = db.GetUserCustomersSync(authInfo.User.Id);

                //Customer selectedCompany = userCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerKey == localCust.CustomerKey).First();
                //return Json(new { foo = "ok", baz = "alee" });

                //if (selectedCompany != null)
                if (userCustomers.Count(x => x.CustomerKey == localCust.CustomerKey) > 0)
                    IEnumerable <RentalOrder> orders;

                    Customer activeCust = db.GetCustomer(localCust.DatabaseName, localCust.CompanyId, localCust.CustomerId);
                    if (activeCust.showChildBROrders)
                        var validCustomers = new OverviewDAL().GetCustomersRegisteredSync().Where(x => x.DatabaseName == activeCust.DatabaseName && x.CompanyId == activeCust.CompanyId);
                        orders = db.GetRentalOrdersChildBRSync(activeCust, startDate, endDate);
                        orders = orders.Join(validCustomers, x => x.CustAccount, y => y.CustomerId, (ord, cust) => ord);
                        orders = db.GetRentalOrdersSync(localCust, startDate, endDate);

                    //need to manually add trackunit data
                    RentalsDAL dbRental = new RentalsDAL();
                    IEnumerable <TrackUnitData> units = dbRental.GetTrackUnitDataSync();

                    using (var orderEnum = orders.GetEnumerator())
                        while (orderEnum.MoveNext())
                            RentalOrder order = orderEnum.Current;

                            var unit = units.Where(x => x.ReferenceNumber == order.ObjectId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (unit != null)
                                order.IsMachineLocalized = true;
                                order.Latitude           = unit.Latitude;
                                order.Longitude          = unit.Longitude;
                                TimeSpan diffTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(unit.GpsFixTime);
                                if (diffTime.TotalMinutes > 240)
                                    order.markerColor = "yellow";
                                else if (unit.Speed > 15)
                                    order.markerColor = "green";
                                else if (unit.Input1.Value == true)
                                    order.markerColor = "blue";
                                    order.markerColor = "red";
                                order.IsMachineLocalized = false;
                                order.Latitude           = 0.0;
                                order.Longitude          = 0.0;
                                order.markerColor        = "";
                    //END trackunit

                    //new CustomJsonResult(
                    //return Content(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(orders.ToList()), "application/json");
                    return(new CustomJsonResult {
                        Data = orders.ToList()
                    return(Json(new { error = "No access" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));