Example #1
        private static IEnumerable <(string, IEnumerable <Interface>, IEnumerable <(FunctionSignature, StringBuilder)>)> GetWithoutEnums(IEnumerable <FunctionSignature> fns)
            // extension or core, (interface name, functions)
            var projects = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <FunctionSignature> > >();

            foreach (var function in fns)
                foreach (var category in function.Categories)
                    // check that the root project exists
                    if (!projects.ContainsKey("Core"))
                            new Dictionary <string, List <FunctionSignature> >()

                    // check that the extension project exists, if applicable
                    if (function.Extension != "Core" && !projects.ContainsKey(category))
                            new Dictionary <string, List <FunctionSignature> >()

                    // check that the interface exists
                    if (!projects[function.Extension == "Core" ? "Core" : category]
                        .ContainsKey("I" + NativeIdentifierTranslator.TranslateIdentifierName(category)))
                        projects[function.Extension == "Core" ? "Core" : category]
                            "I" + NativeIdentifierTranslator.TranslateIdentifierName(category),
                            new List <FunctionSignature>()

                    // add the function to the interface
                    projects[function.Extension == "Core" ? "Core" : category][
                        "I" + NativeIdentifierTranslator.TranslateIdentifierName(category)]

                       x =>
                           x.Value.Select(y => new Interface(y.Key, y.Value)),
                           x.Value.SelectMany(y => OverloadBaker.GetOverloads(y.Value))
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously generates bindings for the API described by the given <see cref="IGeneratorSettings"/>
        /// object.
        /// Broadly, this takes the following steps:
        /// 1) Load the base API.
        /// 2) Bake overrides into the API
        /// 3) Bake Documentation into the API
        /// 4) Create mappings between OpenGL types and C# types
        /// 5) Apply the mappings to the API
        /// 6) Bake convenience overloads into the API (adding unsafe, etc)
        /// 7) Write the bindings to the files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generatorSettings">The settings describing the API.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        private static async Task GenerateBindingsAsync([NotNull] IGeneratorSettings generatorSettings)
            var signaturePath = Path.Combine(Arguments.InputPath, generatorSettings.SpecificationFile);

            if (!_cachedProfiles.TryGetValue(signaturePath, out var profiles))
                profiles = SignatureReader.GetAvailableProfiles(signaturePath).ToList();
                _cachedProfiles.TryAdd(signaturePath, profiles);

            var profileOverrides = OverrideReader

            var baker        = new ProfileBaker(profiles, profileOverrides);
            var bakedProfile = baker.BakeProfile

            var documentationPath = Path.Combine

            var docs      = DocumentationReader.ReadProfileDocumentation(documentationPath);
            var bakedDocs = new DocumentationBaker(bakedProfile).BakeDocumentation(docs);

            var languageTypemapPath = Path.Combine(Arguments.InputPath, generatorSettings.LanguageTypemap);

            if (!_cachedTypemaps.TryGetValue(languageTypemapPath, out var languageTypemap))
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(languageTypemapPath))
                    languageTypemap = new TypemapReader().ReadTypemap(fs);
                    _cachedTypemaps.TryAdd(languageTypemapPath, languageTypemap);

            var apiTypemapPath = Path.Combine(Arguments.InputPath, generatorSettings.APITypemap);

            if (!_cachedTypemaps.TryGetValue(apiTypemapPath, out var apiTypemap))
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(apiTypemapPath))
                    apiTypemap = new TypemapReader().ReadTypemap(fs);
                    _cachedTypemaps.TryAdd(apiTypemapPath, apiTypemap);

            var bakedMap = TypemapBaker.BakeTypemaps(apiTypemap, languageTypemap);

            var mapper        = new ProfileMapper(bakedMap);
            var mappedProfile = mapper.Map(bakedProfile);

            var overloadedProfile = OverloadBaker.BakeOverloads(mappedProfile);

            var bindingsWriter = new BindingWriter(generatorSettings, overloadedProfile, bakedDocs);
            await bindingsWriter.WriteBindingsAsync();