Example #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // generate all of the prefabs for the waypoints

        float xOff = -3.2F;
        float yOff = 0.0F;

        foreach (OverlandWaypointModel waypoint in tileModel.waypoints)
            GameObject   newObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/WaypointView"));
            WaypointView objWv     = newObject.GetComponent <WaypointView>();

            objWv.model = waypoint;

            newObject.transform.parent        = this.transform;
            newObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(xOff, yOff);
            xOff += 0.4F;
            yOff -= 0.08F;

        // set the first waypoint to reached
        OverlandWaypointModel first = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints [0];

        first.reached = true;
        first.passed  = false;
Example #2
    private void revealWaypointsAfterCamp(int campIndex, OverlandTileModel tileModel)
        bool foundNext    = false;
        int  nextWaypoint = tileModel.waypoints.Count - 1;

        for (int dex = campIndex + 1; dex < tileModel.waypoints.Count; dex++)
            // and stop at the next waypoint

            if (!foundNext)
                OverlandWaypointModel wap = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints[dex];

                if (wap.waypointType == ewaypointType.waypointCamp)
                    nextWaypoint = dex;
                    foundNext    = true;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("checking dex{0} next{1}", campIndex, nextWaypoint));

        for (int dex = campIndex; dex <= nextWaypoint; dex++)
            OverlandWaypointModel wap = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints[dex];

            wap.beyondNextCamp = false;
Example #3
    public OverlandTileModel()
        for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++)
            OverlandWaypointModel waypoint = new OverlandWaypointModel();
            waypoint.waypointType    = ewaypointType.waypointIcon;
            waypoint.iconRequirement = ewaypointType.waypointBoots;             // just to be clear what I'm doing

            if (index == 8 || index == 16)
                waypoint.waypointType = ewaypointType.waypointCamp;

            if (index == 5 || index == 19)
                waypoint.iconRequirement = ewaypointType.waypointMaps;

            if (index == 3)
                waypoint.iconRequirement = ewaypointType.waypointBlades;

            if (index == 12)
                waypoint.waypointType = ewaypointType.waypointEncounter;

            if (index == 21)
                waypoint.iconRequirement = ewaypointType.waypointCups;

            if (index == 23)
                waypoint.waypointType = ewaypointType.waypointFinal;

            if (index > 8)
                waypoint.beyondNextCamp = true;


        OverlandWaypointModel firstModel = (OverlandWaypointModel)waypoints[0];

        firstModel.waypointType = ewaypointType.waypointStart;
Example #4
    public void processSeries(CrewModel theCrew, ArrayList dice, OverlandTileModel tileModel)
        foreach (DieView die in dice)
            // get an array of effects on the current side
            ArrayList results = die.model.iconsOnCurrentSide();
            foreach (edieIcon icon in results)
                processAction(theCrew, icon, tileModel, dice);

        int finalIndex = 0;
        int startIndex = tileModel.currentNode;

        bool movementHalted = false;

        // process progress total
        if (theCrew.progress > 0)
            for (int index = 0; index <= theCrew.progress; index++)
                if (!movementHalted)
                    OverlandWaypointModel wap = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints[index + tileModel.currentNode];

                    //OverlandWaypointModel startNode = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints[startIndex];
                    // verify we have the prerequisite for the next

                    // if we LAND on a camp, we're done.
                    if (wap.waypointType == ewaypointType.waypointCamp && index + tileModel.currentNode != startIndex)
                        movementHalted = true;
                        // display further waypoints
                        revealWaypointsAfterCamp(index + tileModel.currentNode, tileModel);

                    // if we LAND on an encounter, we're done.
                    if (wap.waypointType == ewaypointType.waypointEncounter && index + tileModel.currentNode != startIndex)
                        movementHalted = true;

                    // if we LAND on an icon that we don't have in hand, we're done
                    if (wap.waypointType == ewaypointType.waypointOptionalEncounter && index + tileModel.currentNode != startIndex)
                        //movementHalted = true;

                    // icon waypoint
                    if (wap.waypointType == ewaypointType.waypointIcon && index + tileModel.currentNode != startIndex && wap.iconRequirement != ewaypointType.waypointBoots)
                        // check to see if we have one
                        if (!hasRequiredIcon(dice, wap.iconRequirement))
                            movementHalted = true;

                    // if we LAND on the final, we're done

                    finalIndex = index + tileModel.currentNode;

                    // check the previous waypoint
                    if (index + tileModel.currentNode - 1 >= 0)
                        OverlandWaypointModel bak = (OverlandWaypointModel)tileModel.waypoints[index + tileModel.currentNode - 1];
                        bak.passed = true;
                    wap.reached = true;

        tileModel.currentNode = finalIndex;
        // reset crew progress
        theCrew.progress = 0;