public void fm_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        Shape sh = null;

        if (currentShape == Shape.RECT)
            sh = new Rect();
        else if (currentShape == Shape.OVAL)
            sh = new Oval();
        else if (currentShape == Shape.LINE)
            sh = new Line();
        sh.SetStartPoint(e.X, e.Y);
        sh.SetEndPoint(e.X, e.Y);
Example #2
        protected void HandleOval(Oval item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox = ToPhysicalBox(item, context);

            var go = (PdfGraphicsOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.GraphicsOptionsRef ?? context.GraphicsOptionsRef) ?? new PdfGraphicsOptions();

            writer.DrawOval2(physicalBox[0], physicalBox[1], physicalBox[2], physicalBox[3], go);
Example #3
        public static Shape createShape(ScreenshotEditor editor, bool cropBoxActive, XPathNavigator element)
            string type = element.GetAttribute("type", "");
            Shape  s    = null;

            switch (type)
            case "Arrow":
                s = new Arrow(editor, element);

            case "CropBox":
                s = new CropBox(editor, element, cropBoxActive);

            case "Censor":
                s = new Censor(editor, element);

            case "Line":
                s = new Line(editor, element);

            case "Oval":
                s = new Oval(editor, element);

            case "MagnifyingGlass":
                s = new MagnifyingGlass(editor, element);

            case "Pencil":
                s = new Pencil(editor, element);

            case "Picture":
                s = new Picture(editor, element);

            case "PonyVille":
                s = new PonyVille(editor, element);

            case "RectangleShape":
                s = new RectangleShape(editor, element);

            case "TextShape":
                s = new TextShape(editor, element);

 public void ToolMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
         oval        = new Oval(e.X, e.Y);
         oval.width  = 0;
         oval.height = 0;
        public void ShouldParseSquareCommand()
            // Arrange
            string inputStrig = "Draw an oval with an x-axis radius of 50 and a y-axis radius of 170";

            // Act
            var  parser = new OvalParser();
            Oval res    = parser.Parse(inputStrig);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(50, res.XRadius);
            Assert.AreEqual(170, res.YRadius);
Example #6
        private void CoinGenerator_Tick_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Oval coin = new Oval();
            Random randomCoinLocation = new Random();
            Random randomCoinInterval = new Random();

            coins[indexCoin].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255);
            coins[indexCoin].Image = Resources.CoinSM3DL;
            coins[indexCoin].Height = 30;
            coins[indexCoin].Width = 30;
            coins[indexCoin].Top = 0;
            coins[indexCoin].Left = randomCoinLocation.Next(0, 410);
            coinGeneratorTimer.Interval = randomCoinInterval.Next(coinFrequencyMinimumNumber, coinFrequencyMaximumNumber); ;
Example #7
        public override Point GetLineAnchorLocation(DiagramItemBase toItem, Point toPoint, int toItemDiagramLinesCount, int toItemDiagramLinesNumber, bool isSelfStart)
            Point p  = new Point();
            Point p2 = new Point();

            Point pTo = new Point();

            Line2D firstLineSelf;

            if (toItem != null)
                pTo.X = Canvas.GetLeft(toItem) + toItem.ActualWidth / 2;
                pTo.Y = Canvas.GetTop(toItem) + toItem.ActualHeight / 2;
                pTo = toPoint;

            double tX = Canvas.GetLeft(this) + this.ActualWidth / 2;
            double tY = Canvas.GetTop(this) + this.ActualHeight / 2;

            double testX = pTo.X - tX;
            double testY = pTo.Y - tY;

            if (testX == 0)
                testX = 0.001;
            if (testY == 0)
                testY = 0.001;

            double ovalX  = Canvas.GetLeft(this) + this.Width / 2;
            double ovalY  = Canvas.GetTop(this) + this.Height / 2;
            double ovalR2 = this.Width / 2;
            double ovalR1 = this.Height / 2;

            Oval o = new Oval(ovalX, ovalY, ovalR1, ovalR2);

            if (toItemDiagramLinesCount > 1)
                if (toItem == this)
                    if (isSelfStart)
                        p.X = Canvas.GetLeft(this) + ((((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber) / 2 + 1) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualWidth);
                        p.Y = tY - this.ActualHeight / 2;

                        p2.X = Canvas.GetLeft(this) + ((((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber) / 2 + 1) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualWidth);
                        p2.Y = tY - this.ActualHeight;

                        firstLineSelf = Geometry2D.GetLine2DFromPoints(p, p2);

                        return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLineSelf, o)[0]);
                        p.X = tX + this.ActualWidth / 2;
                        p.Y = Canvas.GetTop(this) + (((double)(toItemDiagramLinesCount - ((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber) / 2)) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualHeight);

                        p2.X = tX + this.ActualWidth;
                        p2.Y = Canvas.GetTop(this) + (((double)(toItemDiagramLinesCount - ((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber) / 2)) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualHeight);

                        firstLineSelf = Geometry2D.GetLine2DFromPoints(p, p2);

                        return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLineSelf, o)[1]);

                Point pFrom = new Point();

                pFrom.X = tX;

                if (testY <= 0)
                    pFrom.Y = Canvas.GetTop(this) + (((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber + 1) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualHeight / 2);
                    pFrom.Y = tY + (((double)toItemDiagramLinesNumber + 1) / ((double)toItemDiagramLinesCount + 1) * this.ActualHeight / 2);

                Line2D firstLine = Geometry2D.GetLine2DFromPoints(pTo, pFrom);

                // we have two:
                // - line from pTo to pFrom (firstLine)
                // - oval

                if (testY <= 0 && testX <= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[0]);

                if (testY <= 0 && testX >= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[1]);

                if (testY >= 0 && testX >= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[1]);

                if (testY >= 0 && testX <= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[0]);
                if (toItem == this)
                    if (isSelfStart)
                        p.X = tX;
                        p.Y = tY - this.ActualHeight / 2;

                        p.X = tX + this.ActualWidth / 2;
                        p.Y = tY;


                Point pFrom = new Point();

                pFrom.X = tX;
                pFrom.Y = tY;

                Line2D firstLine = Geometry2D.GetLine2DFromPoints(pTo, pFrom);

                if (testY <= 0 && testX <= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[0]);

                if (testY <= 0 && testX >= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[1]);

                if (testY >= 0 && testX >= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[1]);

                if (testY >= 0 && testX <= 0)
                    return(Geometry2D.GetOvalLineCross(firstLine, o)[0]);

 private void Oval_pressed(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
Example #9
 public void copy(Shape s)
     Shape temp;
     if (s!=null)
         temp = new Rect(0,0,1,1,Color.Black);
         //is s a rectangle...?
         if (temp.GetType() == s.GetType()) temp = new Rect((Rect)s);
             //is it an oval...?
             temp = new Oval(0,0,1,1,Color.Black);
             if (temp.GetType() == s.GetType()) temp = new Oval((Oval)s);
                 //is it a line...?
                 temp = new Segment(0,0,1,1,Color.Black,1);
                 if (temp.GetType() == s.GetType()) temp = new Segment((Segment)s);
                     //is it a triangle...?
                     Point p1 = new Point();
                     Point p2 = new Point();
                     Point p3 = new Point();
                     temp = new Triangle(p1,p2,p3,Color.Black);
                     if (temp.GetType() == s.GetType()) temp = new Triangle((Triangle)s);
         //put the brand new copy into myShapes right after(above in the picture) the original
     //if s is null, do nothing
Example #10
        public static void Menu()
            int x = 0;

                 * Interfaces Implement Polymorphism.   Each class that Inherits an Interfaces will implement
                 * the method defined in the interface in a different way, making it Polymorphic.
                 * Interfaces make it easier to make code easier to maintain,extend, and test.
                 * When a class implements an Interface, it fufills a contract set by the Interface.
                 * See Generic Examples also
                 * Interfaces should be programmed at the right level.   Interfaces should be granular
                 * IList<T> - ICollection  -> IENumberable
                 * IEnumerable Implementations (IEnumerable<T> limited to collectsions that are strongly typed:
                 *  List<T>
                 *  Array
                 *  ArrayList
                 *  SortedList<TKey, TValue>
                 *  HashTable
                 *  Queue / Queue<T>
                 *  Stack / Stack<T>
                 *  Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
                 *  ObservableCollection<T>
                 *  ICollection<T> Implementations
                 *  List<T>
                 *  SortedList<TKey, TValue>
                 *  Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
                 *  IList<T> Implementations
                 *  List<T>
                 *  Program at the Right Level
                 *  IEnumerable <T>  -  If we need to Iterate over a Collection / Sequence or Data Bind
                 *                      to a List Control
                 *  ICollection<T>  - If we need to Add/Remove Items in a Collection,
                 *                    Count Items in a Collection,
                 *                    Clear a Collection.
                 *  IList<T> -        If we need to Control the Order Items in a Collection,
                 *                    Get an Item by the Index.
                 *  Differences between IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList Interfaces
                 *  Abstract Classes        versus Interfaces
                 *  -------------------------  |  ---------------------
                 *  May Contain implementation |  May not contain implementation code - Biggest weakness
                 *  Code or may simulate an    |  By default all objects are public and absract.  Since it is
                 *  interface and just have    |  abstract by default then all methods must be implemented.
                 *  abstract signature.        |
                 *  A class may inherit from a |  A class may implement any number of interfaces - Biggest
                 *  single base class          |  strength.
                 *  Members have access        |  Members are automatically public
                 *  modifiers
                 *  May contain fields,        |  May only contain properties, methods, events, and indexers .
                 |  No implementation usually just contain signatures.
                 |  properties, constructors,  |
                 |  destructors, methods,      |  Interfaces may not contain fields
                 |  events, and indexers       |
                 |  Note:  You can use interface when you know signature but you don't know the implmentation.
                 |  You can use abstract class when you know some implementation but not all.  A class may only
                 |  inherit from one abstract class, but a class may inherit from multiple interfaces.  See
                 |  info on Abstract Methods in BaseExamples.cs
                 |  Note_2: Interfaces can't have static methods.  A class that implements an interface needs
                 |  to implement them all as instance methods.
                 |  As a guideline:
                 |  Use classes and subclasses for types that naturally share an implementation
                 |  Use interfaces for types that have independent implementations.
                 |  Natural - Can Compare with other Instances of the same type
                 |                EQUALITY                   COMPARISONS
                 | Natural        IEquatable<T>              IComparable<T>
                 |                                           IComparable
                 | Plugged_in     IEqualityComparer          IComparer
                 |                IEqualityComparer<T>       IComparer<T>
                 | Structural     IStructuralEquatable       IStructuralEquatable
                Console.WriteLine(" Types of Interfaces \n ");
                Console.WriteLine(" 0.  IComparable \n ");
                Console.WriteLine(" 1.  IDisposable \n ");
                Console.WriteLine(" 2.  IEnumerable \n ");
                Console.WriteLine(" 3.  IList \n");
                Console.WriteLine(" 4.  IDictionary \n");
                Console.WriteLine(" 5.  Self Created \n");
                Console.WriteLine(" 6.  IQueryable \n");
                Console.WriteLine(" 8.  Web Page \n");
                Console.WriteLine(" 9.  Quit            \n\n ");
                Console.Write(" Enter Number to execute Routine ");

                int selection;
                selection = Common.readInt("Enter Number to Execute Routine : ", 0, 9);
                switch (selection)
                case 0:
                     * IComparable will allow you to compare one class( one instance) to another
                     * class (or instance).  You have to implement 'compare' in class that is
                     * inheriting IComparable.
                     * IComparable will tell you if
                     * x < y
                     * x > y
                     * x == y
                     * returning an integer
                     * - 1 means less than
                     *  1 means greater
                     *  0 means equal to


                // ==, != operators  - Work out of the box only for primitive types and reference types
                //                     Operators do not work in generic code
                //                     Object.Equals  - ok in generic code
                // >, <, >=, <=  operators - Work out of the box only for primitive types
                case 2:
                     * When something is define as IEnumerable it lets you know that you can use
                     * LINQ to Query.
                     * IEnumerable - A List, Array, Query, String implements IEnumerable.
                     * An IEnumerable Interface specifies that the underlying type implements IEnumerable
                     * public Interface IEnumerator
                     * {
                     ***  MoveNext will throw an exception if collection has changed.
                     ***  Cannot modify a collection while enumerating.
                     *** bool MoveNext();
                     *** object Current {get;}
                     *** void Reset();
                     ***public interface IEnumerable
                     ***IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
                     ** You can implement a class that uses the IEnumerable<string> interface.  If you do this
                     ** you will have to use the 'yield return'
                     ** 'yield return' statements are NOT Return statements.
                     **  What happens when a yield return occurs inside a method that returns an IEnumerator interface
                     **  The C# compiler determines this is a case where you want the compiler to write an enumerator for
                     **  you.  The yield return statements simply tell the compiler what the sequence of enumeration values
                     **  to return is.
                     **  Use 'yield return' when you want to return elements from a collection one at a time. Once
                     *   execution goes back it will pick up execution at the statement immediately following
                     *   the 'yield' return.
                     * See also IterationStatements.cs for examples of Yield Return.
                     * See also LINQExamples.cs on how deferred execution works.

                case 3:
                    // See BaseExamples.cs on more info on Array versus Lists
                    // IList<T>
                    // Arrays are a fixed size.  System.Array does not contain a definition for 'Add'
                    // new string[]  is a fixed size.
                    // This problem with arrays is what List<T> was designed to overcome.
                    // new List<string> allows you to add to an array.
                    // Arrays can be multi-dimensional.  List are restricted to being one dimensional.
                    // List<T> acts as an array in every aspect and in addition you can add and
                    // remove elements.
                    // List<T> uses a capacity and a count method
                    // Capacity - Gets increased if you keep adding elements.  Once you add elements
                    //            and go past the capacity it gets increased by 8.
                    // count - Total number of elements you have added
                    // if the count is 4 and the capacity is 8 you cannot display elements that exceed the count.


                //case 4:
                //Dictionary uses a hash table.   It is a large collection
                //that will divide a collection into smaller collections.
                //Each smaller collection is defined as a bucket.
                //If you know what bucket the item your searching for is in,
                //you only need to search that bucket.
                //The modulo % method along with the .gethashcode method is used to determine the bucket when
                //storing or retrieving a value.
                //If two values x and y evaluate to equal then they must evaluate to the same hash code.
                // StringComparer implements IEqualityComparer
                // If two objects are equal they must return the same hash code that is why the IEqualityComparer
                // defines its own get hash code method so you can make sure that rule is followed.
                // public int GetHashCode (string obj)
                // {
                //    return obj.ToUpper().GetHashCode();   // Best to reuse what Microsoft has already done
                // }
                // SortedList<TKey, TValue>  - Dictionary that keeps its values sorted.  It's a Dictionary and NOT a List.
                // Sorted List does NOT contain a Hash Table.  So when you implement an IComparer interface you won't have a
                // hash method.
                // SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>  - Functionally is the same as SortedList<TKey, TValue>
                // Added and Removing Elments is a lot faster using a Sorted Dictionary verus a Sorted List.
                // So only use a SortedDictionary if you need to make frequent changes to the collection.
                case 5:
                    Shape shape = new Oval();
                    var car = new Car();
                    var mower = new LawnMower();
                    Console.Write("\nPress Enter to Continue ");


                case 6:
                    /* IQueryable is used in Entity Frameworks and serves as a replacement for IEnumerable.  It is how
                     * a database is accessed via SQL.  Like IEnumerable it represents a datasource something you can query.
                     * IQueryable does not execute code in memory.  IQueryable translates code into SQL.   IQueryable works
                     * with the Expression clause.  The Expression Clause will translate Lambda statements and passes them
                     * so that they can be translated into SQL.  The Entity Framework will inspect the Expression to tranlate
                     * into SQL.
                     * Watch this video again at some point to write program that will use Entity Frameworks and display
                     * SQL to Console.
                    Console.WriteLine(" Not yet built");

                case 8:

                case 9: x = 9;

                default: Console.WriteLine(" Invalid Number");
            } while (x < 9);  // end do
        }  // end Menu()
        /// <summary>
        /// Отпускание кнопки мышки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ContainerMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // если мышь была захвачена
            if (!_container.Capture)
            // освобождаем захват мышки
            _container.Capture = false;
            // если нажата левая кнопка
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                var    rect = _ribbonRect;
                Figure figure;
                switch (EditorMode)
                case EditorMode.Selection:
                    // нормализация параметров для прямоугольника выбора
                    // добавляем все фигуры, которые оказались охваченными прямоугольником выбора
                    // в список выбранных фигур
                    foreach (var fig in _figures.Where(fig => rect.Contains(Rectangle.Ceiling(fig.Bounds))))
                    if (_selected.Count > 0)

                // перетаскивание выбранных фигур "мышкой"
                case EditorMode.Dragging:
                    if (CurrentMarker == null)
                        FileChanged = true;
                        // перебираем все выделенные фигуры и смещаем
                        foreach (var fig in _selected)
                    else if (CurrentMarker is ISizeMarker)     // тянут за размерный маркер
                        FileChanged = true;
                        // перебираем все выделенные фигуры и меняем размер
                        foreach (var fig in _selected)
                            fig.UpdateSize(_mouseOffset, CurrentMarker);
                    else if ((CurrentMarker is VertexLocationMarker) && _selected.Count == 1)     // тянут за маркер узла
                        FileChanged = true;
                        var fig = _selected[0];
                        fig.UpdateSize(_mouseOffset, CurrentMarker);

                //TODO Сделать что-то с этой "лестницей"
                case EditorMode.AddLine:
                    figure = new Polyline(MouseDownLocation, _mouseOffset)
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone()

                case EditorMode.AddPolygon:
                    figure = new Polygon(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height))
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(),
                        Fill   = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone()

                case EditorMode.AddRectangle:
                    figure = new Rect(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height))
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(),
                        Fill   = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone()

                case EditorMode.AddSquare:
                    figure = new Square(rect.Location,
                                        new Point(Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height), Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height)))
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(),
                        Fill   = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone()

                case EditorMode.AddEllipse:
                    figure = new Oval(rect.Location, new Point(rect.Width, rect.Height))
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(),
                        Fill   = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone()

                case EditorMode.AddCircle:
                    figure = new Circle(rect.Location,
                                        new Point(Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height), Math.Min(rect.Width, rect.Height)))
                        Stroke = (Stroke)DefaultStroke.Clone(),
                        Fill   = (Fill)DefaultFill.Clone()
            // возвращаем режим
            EditorMode = EditorMode.Selection;
            // обнуление прямоугольника выбора
            _ribbonRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            _pt1        = _pt2 = Point.Empty;
Example #12
 public void TouchEnd(Point p)
     Geometry.End = p;
     Geometry     = new Oval(Geometry);