public void RazorDocumentOutputChanged(RazorFileChangeEventArgs args)
            if (args == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));


            // This is required due to a bug in OmniSharp roslyn
            // OmniSharp doesn't directly listen for .cs file changes in the obj folder like VS windows does. Therefore
            // we need to play that part and force buffer updates to indirectly update their workspace to include our Razor
            // declaration files.

            lock (_refreshLock)
                var projectFilePath = args.UnevaluatedProjectInstance.ProjectFileLocation.File;
                if (!_pendingOutputRefreshes.TryGetValue(projectFilePath, out var outputRefresh))
                    outputRefresh = new OutputRefresh();
                    _pendingOutputRefreshes[projectFilePath] = outputRefresh;


                if (!_deferredRefreshTasks.TryGetValue(projectFilePath, out var update) || update.IsCompleted)
                    _deferredRefreshTasks[projectFilePath] = RefreshAfterDelay(projectFilePath);
        private async Task RefreshAsync(OutputRefresh refresh)
            // Re-evaluate project instance so we can determine compile items properly.
            var projectInstance = _projectInstanceEvaluator.Evaluate(refresh.ProjectInstance);

            foreach (var documentChangeInfo in refresh.DocumentChangeInfos.Values)
                    // Force update the OmniSharp Workspace for component declaration changes.

                    var componentDeclarationLocation = documentChangeInfo.FilePath;
                    var isCompileItem   = IsCompileItem(documentChangeInfo.RelativeFilePath, projectInstance);
                    var wasACompileItem = false;
                    lock (_lastSeenCompileItems)
                        _lastSeenCompileItems.TryGetValue(documentChangeInfo.FilePath, out wasACompileItem);
                        _lastSeenCompileItems[documentChangeInfo.FilePath] = isCompileItem;

                    if (!isCompileItem && wasACompileItem)
                        // Output document should no longer be considered as a compile item, clear the workspace content for it.
                        var request = new Request()
                            FileName = componentDeclarationLocation,
                            Buffer   = string.Empty,
                        await _updateBufferDispatcher.UpdateBufferAsync(request);
                    else if (isCompileItem)
                        // Force update the OmniSharp Workspace for component declaration changes.
                        var request = new UpdateBufferRequest()
                            FileName = componentDeclarationLocation,
                            FromDisk = true,
                        await _updateBufferDispatcher.UpdateBufferAsync(request);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError("Unexpected error when updating workspace representation of '" + documentChangeInfo.FilePath + "': " + ex);
