public void Test(SharpNeat.Phenomes.IBlackBox box, IList <double> inputs, OutputProcessor fun)
            var outputs = new double[nbOutputsNN];

            activate(box, inputs, outputs);
            var clustersOutputs = GetOutputValuePerCluster(outputs);

            for (int i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
                fun(i, clustersOutputs[i]);
Example #2
        internal static void RemoveData <T>(OutputProcessor sessionHolder, string sessionID)
            SessionProvider session;

            if (!sessionHolder.Sessions.TryGetValue(sessionID, out session))
                //there is nothing to remove

            //TODO remove session itself, if needed
Example #3
        public static string GetPayslip(string input)
            var inputProcessor   = new InputProcessor();
            var payslipGenerator = new PayslipCalculator();
            var outputProcessor  = new OutputProcessor();

            //InputProcessor will split the required Input from string
            payslipInput = inputProcessor.Process(input);

            //Payslip Generator internally will calculate tax and create tax table to prepare payslip
            payslipInfo = payslipGenerator.Calculate(payslipInput);

            //OutputProcessor will join the output in string
Example #4
        internal static string GetFlash(OutputProcessor sessionHolder, string sessionID, string messageID)
            SessionProvider session;

            if (!sessionHolder.Sessions.TryGetValue(sessionID, out session))
                //there is no session with possible flash

            string value;

            session._flashStorage.TryGetValue(messageID, out value);
Example #5
        internal static void FlipFlash(OutputProcessor sessionHolder, string sessionID)
            SessionProvider session;

            if (!sessionHolder.Sessions.TryGetValue(sessionID, out session))
                //there is nothing to flip

            var xchgTmp = session._flashStorage;

            session._flashStorage = session._flashFlip;
            session._flashFlip    = xchgTmp;

        public void Success_CorrectlyFormatsOutputOfValidItem()
            // Setup
            const string expectedName    = "MyItem";
            const int    expectedSellIn  = 49;
            const int    expectedQuality = 78;

            bool result;

            byte[] buffer;
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream))
                    var processor = new OutputProcessor(streamWriter);

                    var item = new Item(expectedName, expectedSellIn, expectedQuality, QualityStrategy.Stable,

                    // Execution
                    result = processor.Process(item);

                // Get the contents of the stream
                buffer = stream.GetBuffer();

            // Assert

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    var line = reader.ReadLine();

                    // Assert
                    var expectedString = $"{expectedName} {expectedSellIn} {expectedQuality}";
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, line);
        public void PayslipCalculatorTest()
            string Input    = "David,Rudd,60050,9%,01 March – 31 March";
            string Expected = "David Rudd,01 March – 31 March,5004,922,4082,450";
            string Actual;

            PayslipInput payslipInput;
            PayslipInfo  payslipInfo;

            var inputProcessor    = new InputProcessor();
            var payslipCalculator = new PayslipCalculator();
            var outputProcessor   = new OutputProcessor();

            payslipInput = inputProcessor.Process(Input);
            payslipInfo  = payslipCalculator.Calculate(payslipInput);
            Actual       = outputProcessor.Process(payslipInfo);
            Assert.AreEqual(Expected, Actual);
Example #8
        private void onKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad0)


                new WepShopProcessor("shopdata/");
                new WeaponMetaProcessor(@"gameinfo/weapons.meta", @"gameinfo/weaponcomponents.meta");


                OutputProcessor.OutputDataFile(@"output/weaponData.json", OutputProcessor.MakeOutputPayload(WeaponStorage.weaponData));
                GTA.UI.Screen.ShowNotification("~g~weaponData.json created!");
Example #9
        public static void WriteOutputToFile()
            string result = OutputProcessor.Process(schedules);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                string Directory  = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
                string OutPutFile = @"" + Directory;

                using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite((GetFilePath(false))))
                    Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(result);
                    fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);
                    byte[] newline = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Environment.NewLine);
                    fs.Write(newline, 0, newline.Length);
        public void VerifyArgumentPositivelScenario()
            var outputProcessor = new OutputProcessor();
            var payments        = new PaymentDetails {
                MonthlyPayment = 454.23m,
                TotalInterest  = 83523.23m,
                TotalPayment   = 163523.23m

            var result = outputProcessor.Process(payments);

            Assert.Equal("{" + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  \"monthly payment\": 454.23," + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  \"total interest\": 83523.23," + Environment.NewLine +
                         "  \"total payment\": 163523.23" + Environment.NewLine +
                         "}", result);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 异常处理
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="responseModel"></param>
        /// <param name="ex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetErrorContent(RequestModelType request, ApiResponseModelBase responseModel, Exception ex)
            string custError = GetCustomErrorOutput(request, responseModel, ex);

            if (custError != NoCustomOutputFun)
            //responseModel.respTime = DateTime.Now;
            var resp = GetUnSuccessResponseModel(responseModel);

            if (resp == null)
                return(OutputProcessor.OutPut <ApiResponseModelBase>(responseModel, IgnoreList));
                return(OutputProcessor.OutPut <ResponseModelType>(resp, IgnoreList));
Example #12
        private void OnKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
             * if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad4)
             * {
             *  foreach (var weapon in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WeaponHash)))
             *  {
             *      Game.Player.Character.Weapons.Give((WeaponHash) weapon, 100, true, true);
             *  }
             * }
             * if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad2)
             * {
             *  Vehicle veh = World.CreateVehicle((VehicleHash) Game.GenerateHash(Game.GetUserInput()),
             *      Game.Player.Character.Position + Game.Player.Character.ForwardVector * 3.0f,
             *      Game.Player.Character.Heading);
             *  veh.PlaceOnGround();
             * }*/
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad1)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageCode))
                    languageCode = Game.GetUserInput("en");




Example #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter input file path:");
            string filePath = Console.ReadLine();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) || !File.Exists(filePath))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid file path");

                InputProcessor ip         = new InputProcessor(filePath);
                Conference     conference = ip.GetConference();

                if (conference.TalksToSchedule.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No talks found. Please add valid talks");

                OutputProcessor op     = new OutputProcessor(conference);
                string          output = op.Process();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An Error occurred: ", ex.Message);
Example #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string Directory      = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            bool   InputFileFound = false;

            string[] Inputs = null;

            //This input can be taken from user
            int NumberOfTracks = 2;

                Inputs         = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GetFilePath(true));
                InputFileFound = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Input file - " + ex.Message.ToString());
                InputFileFound = false;
            if (InputFileFound)
                List <Track> Tracks           = new List <Track> {
                InputProcessor inputProcessor = new InputProcessor(Inputs, NumberOfTracks);
                Tracks = inputProcessor.Process();
                OutputProcessor outputProcessor = new OutputProcessor(Tracks);
                Outputs = outputProcessor.Process();
                if (Outputs.Count > 1)

                Console.WriteLine("Output file is available at " + GetFilePath(false));
        public void Success_CorrectlyFormatsOutputOfNullItem()
            // Setup
            var result = false;

            byte[] buffer;
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream))
                    var processor = new OutputProcessor(streamWriter);

                    // Execution
                    result = processor.Process(null);

                // Get the contents of the stream
                buffer = stream.GetBuffer();

            // Assert

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    var line = reader.ReadLine();

                    // Assert
                    var expectedString = "NO SUCH ITEM";
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, line);
        public string GetChart()
            Dictionary <string, string> summary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Int64 total    = 0;
            Int64 duration = 0;

            foreach (Latency.TranProcessingTime_Sec lb in list)
                total    += lb.TranCommits;
                duration += lb.Sum_Duration;
            summary.Add("Total Transaction Processed", total.ToString());
            summary.Add("Transaction Commit Avg Duration", ((1.0 * duration) / total).ToString("F") + " ms");
            string sumHtml = OutputProcessor.ConvertDictionaryToHTMLTable(summary);

            Controller.latencySummaryDict.Add("Transaction Processing (db=" + dbid + ")", (int)(duration / total));

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            /*Date.UTC(1970, 10, 25,10,20,55), 1*/
            List <string> Avg_Duration = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.TranProcessingTime_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.Avg_Duration;
            dict.Add("Avg_Duration", Avg_Duration);

            Controller.AddChartData("Trans processing (db=" + dbid + ")", Avg_Duration);

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict2 = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> trans = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.TranProcessingTime_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.TranCommits;
            dict2.Add("TransCommit", trans);

            string chartHtml = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml("Transaction Processing Avg Duration Per Second", title,
                                                              "Time", "Duration (ms)", dict, "#005c99");

            string chartHtml2 = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml(" Transaction Processing  Sum Per Second", title,
                                                               "Time", "Transactions Processing", dict2, "#408000");

            return(sumHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml2);
Example #17
        public string GetChart()
            Dictionary <string, string> summary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Int64 total    = 0;
            Int64 duration = 0;

            foreach (Latency.LogBlockFlush_Sec lb in list)
                total    += lb.LogBlocks;
                duration += lb.Sum_Duration;
            summary.Add("Total Log Blocks Processed", total.ToString());
            summary.Add("Log Blocks Avg Harden Duration", ((1.0 * duration) / total).ToString("F") + " ms");
            string sumHtml = OutputProcessor.ConvertDictionaryToHTMLTable(summary);

            if (repl == Replica.Primary)
                Controller.latencySummaryDict.Add("Primary Log Harden (db=" + dbid + ")", (int)(duration / total));
                Controller.latencySummaryDict.Add("Secondary Log Harden (db=" + dbid + ")", (int)(duration / total));
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            /*Date.UTC(1970, 10, 25,10,20,55), 1*/
            List <string> Avg_Duration = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.LogBlockFlush_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.Avg_Duration;
            dict.Add("Avg_Duration", Avg_Duration);

            if (repl == Replica.Primary)
                Controller.AddChartData("Primary Log Harden (db=" + dbid + ")", Avg_Duration);

                Controller.AddChartData("Secondary Log Harden (db=" + dbid + ")", Avg_Duration);
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict2 = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> logBlocks = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.LogBlockFlush_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.LogBlocks;
            dict2.Add("LogBlocks", logBlocks);

            string chartHtml = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml("Log Block Local Harden Avg Duration Per Second", title,
                                                              "Time", "Duration (ms)", dict, "#005c99");

            string chartHtml2 = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml(" Log Blocks Sum Per Second", title,
                                                               "Time", "Log Blocks", dict2, "#408000");

            return(sumHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml2);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// The main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            // We require two arguments, one for the input file and the other for the output file. If we don't have these
            // we must stop
            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: GuildedRose InputFileName OutputFileName");
                Console.WriteLine("The program will parse the input file, modify the contents and output the result to " +
                                  "the output file");

            // Creates a mapping between the quality control strategy and the implementation. This uses
            // type and not a direct instantiation to prevent to prevent more complicated classes interfering with
            // each other should this algorithm ultimately be paralleled.
            var qualityAlgorithmFactory = new QualityAlgorithmFactory(new Dictionary <QualityStrategy, Type>()
                { QualityStrategy.Stable, typeof(StableQualityAlgorithm) },
                { QualityStrategy.LinearDecrease, typeof(LinearDecreaseAlgorithm) },
                { QualityStrategy.LinearIncrease, typeof(LinearIncreaseAlgorithm) },
                { QualityStrategy.RapidDecrease, typeof(RapidDecreaseAlgorithm) },
                { QualityStrategy.IncreasingUntilSellBy, typeof(IncreasingValueUntilSellByAlgorithm) },

            // Creates a mapping between the shelf life strategy and the implementation.
            var shelfLifeAlgorithmFactory = new ShelfLifeAlgorithmFactory(new Dictionary <ShelfLifeStrategy, Type>()
                { ShelfLifeStrategy.Stable, typeof(StableShelfLifeAlgorithm) },
                { ShelfLifeStrategy.LinearDecrease, typeof(LinearDecreaseShelfLifeAlgorithm) }

            // Creates a mapping between an item of stock and it's corresponding stock management strategy.
            var itemFactory = new ItemFactory(new Dictionary <string, StockManagementStrategy>()
                    "Aged Brie",
                    new StockManagementStrategy(QualityStrategy.LinearIncrease, ShelfLifeStrategy.LinearDecrease)
                    "Backstage passes",
                    new StockManagementStrategy(QualityStrategy.IncreasingUntilSellBy, ShelfLifeStrategy.LinearDecrease)
                { "Sulfuras", new StockManagementStrategy(QualityStrategy.Stable, ShelfLifeStrategy.Stable) },
                    "Normal Item",
                    new StockManagementStrategy(QualityStrategy.LinearDecrease, ShelfLifeStrategy.LinearDecrease)
                    new StockManagementStrategy(QualityStrategy.RapidDecrease, ShelfLifeStrategy.LinearDecrease)

            // Define a list of quality control steps that must be run every time
            var qualityControl = new List <IQualityAlgorithm>()
                new QualityNeverNegativeAlgorithm(),
                new QualityNeverAboveThresholdAlgorithm(50)

            // And now the object that creates the factory for the item.
            var qualityFactory = new QualityPipelineFactory(qualityAlgorithmFactory, qualityControl);

            // Create an object that can parse the text. If multiple formats are required this could be created via
            // a factory object. For now, we only have one format
            var stringParse = new SpaceSeparatedParser();

            // Create the processing object that performs the main business logic
            var itemProcessor = new ItemProcessor(qualityFactory, shelfLifeAlgorithmFactory);

            // Create the object that can convert between our parsed item and the real inventory item
            var itemToInventoryParse = new ParsedItemToInventoryItemConverter(itemFactory);

                // Open the input file
                await using var inputStream = new FileStream(args[0], FileMode.Open);

                // Create the output file
                await using var outputStream       = new FileStream(args[1], FileMode.Create);
                await using var outputStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputStream);

                // Create the object that performs the final output
                var outputProcessor = new OutputProcessor(outputStreamWriter);

                // Run the pipeline by awaiting on the observable
                await create_observable_stream(inputStream, stringParse, itemToInventoryParse, itemProcessor, outputProcessor);

                Console.WriteLine("File processed.");

                // The file was processed successfully. We do not consider any parsing errors as significant (since
                // the output file has been marked accordingly).
            catch (Exception ex)
                    $"The process could not be completed because an error occurred. Exception: {ex.Message}");
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// 执行接口序列化
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="responseModel"></param>
 /// <param name="requestModel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string GetOutPutContent(ResponseModelType responseModel, RequestModelType requestModel)
     //responseModel.respTime = DateTime.Now;
     return(OutputProcessor.OutPut <ResponseModelType>(responseModel));
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenien
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <param name="inputs"></param>
 /// <param name="fun"></param>
 public void Test(SharpNeat.Phenomes.IBlackBox box, IList<double> inputs, OutputProcessor fun)
     var outputs = new double[nbOutputsNN];
     activate(box, inputs, outputs);
     for (int i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                 fun(i, GetOutputValuePerCluster(outputs, j, k)[i]);
        public string GetChart()
            if (list == null || list.Count == 0)

            Dictionary <string, string> summary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Int64 total = 0;
            Int64 total_processingTime = 0;
            Int64 max_processingTime   = 0;

            foreach (Latency.EventRecord_Sec lb in list)
                total += lb.Count;
                total_processingTime += lb.Sum_ProcessingTime;
                if (max_processingTime < lb.Max_ProcessingTime)
                    max_processingTime = lb.Max_ProcessingTime;
            summary.Add("Events Processed", total.ToString());
            summary.Add("Avg Processing Time", ((total_processingTime) / total) + " microseconds");
            summary.Add("Max Processing Time", max_processingTime + " microseconds");
            string sumHtml = OutputProcessor.ConvertDictionaryToHTMLTable(summary);

            Controller.AddChartDataSummary_new(order, chartName, (int)((total_processingTime) / total));

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            /*Date.UTC(1970, 10, 25,10,20,55), 1*/
            List <string> Avg_Duration = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.EventRecord_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.Avg_ProcessingTime;
            dict.Add(chartName + "->Avg_ProcessingTime", Avg_Duration);

            Controller.AddChartData_new(order, chartName, Avg_Duration);

            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dict2 = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> trans = new List <string>();

            foreach (Latency.EventRecord_Sec lb in list)
                string str = "Date.UTC("
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Year.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Month.ToString() + ","
                             + lb.EventTimeStamp.Day.ToString() + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Hour.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Minute.ToString()
                             + "," + lb.EventTimeStamp.Second.ToString()
                             + ")," + lb.Count;
            dict2.Add(chartName + "->Count/Sec", trans);

            string chartHtml = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml(chartName + "->Avg ProcessingTime/sec", "",
                                                              "Time", "Duration (Microsecond)", dict, "#005c99");

            string chartHtml2 = Output.HighCharts.GetChartHtml(chartName + "->Count/sec", "",
                                                               "Time", "Count", dict2, "#408000");

            return(sumHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml + "<br>" + chartHtml2);
Example #22
 internal ProcessingUnit()
     Output   = new OutputProcessor();
     Database = new DatabaseProcessor();
Example #23
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task <ConnectResult> ConnectAsync(IActivityMonitor?m, MqttClientCredentials?credentials = null, OutgoingLastWill?lastWill = null)
            if (IsConnected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This client is already connected.");
            using (m?.OpenTrace("Connecting..."))
                    (IOutgoingPacketStore store, IIncomingPacketStore packetIdStore) = await _config.StoreFactory.CreateAsync(m, _pConfig, _config, _config.ConnectionString, credentials?.CleanSession ?? true);

                    IMqttChannel channel = await _config.ChannelFactory.CreateAsync(m, _config.ConnectionString);

                    ConnectAckReflex     connectAckReflex = new();
                    Task <ConnectResult> connectedTask    = connectAckReflex.Task;
                    var             output = new OutputPump(this, _pConfig);
                    OutputProcessor outputProcessor;
                    var             input = new InputPump(this, channel.DuplexPipe.Input, connectAckReflex.ProcessIncomingPacket);
                    OpenPumps(m, new ClientState(input, output, channel, packetIdStore, store));
                    ReflexMiddlewareBuilder builder = new ReflexMiddlewareBuilder()
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new PublishReflex(_config, packetIdStore, OnMessage, output))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new PublishLifecycleReflex(packetIdStore, store, output))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new SubackReflex(store))
                                                      .UseMiddleware(new UnsubackReflex(store));
                    if (_config.KeepAliveSeconds == 0)
                        outputProcessor = new OutputProcessor(output, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, store);
                        OutputProcessorWithKeepAlive withKeepAlive = new(_config, output, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, store);;
                        outputProcessor = withKeepAlive;
                        _ = builder.UseMiddleware(withKeepAlive);
                    connectAckReflex.Reflex = builder.Build(InvalidPacket);
                    OutgoingConnect             outgoingConnect    = new(_pConfig, _config, credentials, lastWill);
                    CancellationTokenSource     cts                = new(_config.WaitTimeoutMilliseconds);
                    IOutgoingPacket.WriteResult writeConnectResult = await outgoingConnect.WriteAsync(_pConfig.ProtocolLevel, channel.DuplexPipe.Output, cts.Token);

                    if (writeConnectResult != IOutgoingPacket.WriteResult.Written)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.Timeout));
                    Task timeout = _config.DelayHandler.Delay(_config.WaitTimeoutMilliseconds, CloseToken);
                    _ = await Task.WhenAny(connectedTask, timeout);

                    // This following code wouldn't be better with a sort of ... switch/pattern matching ?
                    if (connectedTask.Exception is not null)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.InternalException));
                    if (CloseToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.RemoteDisconnected));
                    if (!connectedTask.IsCompleted)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.Timeout));
                    ConnectResult res = await connectedTask;
                    if (res.ConnectError != ConnectError.Ok)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(res.ConnectError));
                    bool askedCleanSession = credentials?.CleanSession ?? true;
                    if (askedCleanSession && res.SessionState != SessionState.CleanSession)
                        _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                        return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.ProtocolError_SessionNotFlushed));
                    if (res.SessionState == SessionState.CleanSession)
                        ValueTask task = packetIdStore.ResetAsync();
                        await store.ResetAsync();

                        await task;
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                catch (Exception e)
                    m?.Error("Error while connecting, closing client.", e);
                    _ = await CloseAsync(DisconnectedReason.None);

                    return(new ConnectResult(ConnectError.InternalException));
Example #24
 public SubFunctions(OutputProcessor output)
     this.output = output;
     // 대소문자 미구분자
     comp = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
 public void Test(SharpNeat.Phenomes.IBlackBox box, IList<double> inputs, OutputProcessor fun)
     var actualOutputs = new double[nbClusters];
     activate(box, inputs, actualOutputs);
     for (int i = 0; i < nbClusters; i++)
         fun(i, actualOutputs[i]);
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// 执行接口序列化
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="responseModel"></param>
 /// <param name="requestModel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string GetOutPutContent(ResponseModelType responseModel, RequestModelType requestModel)
     return(OutputProcessor.OutPut <ResponseModelType>(responseModel, IgnoreList));
 public void Test(SharpNeat.Phenomes.IBlackBox box, IList<double> inputs, OutputProcessor fun)
     var actualOutputs = new double[dataset.OutputCount];
     activate(box, inputs, actualOutputs);
     for (int i = 0; i < dataset.OutputCount; i++)
         fun(i, actualOutputs[i]);