private void ResolveFiles_1(string[] searchPaths) { if (_assemblyReferences != null) { foreach (AssemblyReference a in _assemblyReferences) { if (!a.IsPrerequisite || a.AssemblyIdentity == null) { if (!ResolveAssembly(a, searchPaths)) { if (_treatUnfoundNativeAssembliesAsPrerequisites && a.ReferenceType == AssemblyReferenceType.NativeAssembly) { a.IsPrerequisite = true; } else { // When we're only reading a manifest (i.e. from ResolveNativeReference task), it's // very useful to report what manifest has the unresolvable reference. However, when // we're generating a new manifest (i.e. from GenerateApplicationManifest task) // reporting the manifest is awkward and sometimes looks like a bug. // So we use the ReadOnly flag to tell the difference between the two cases... if (_readOnly) { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.ResolveFailedInReadOnlyMode", a.ToString(), this.ToString()); } else { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.ResolveFailedInReadWriteMode", a.ToString()); } } } } } } }
private void ValidateConfig() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFile)) { return; } FileReference configFile = FileReferences.FindTargetPath(ConfigFile); if (configFile == null) { return; } if (!TrustInfo.IsFullTrust) { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); XmlReaderSettings xrs = new XmlReaderSettings(); xrs.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore; using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(configFile.ResolvedPath, xrs)) { document.Load(xr); } XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = XmlNamespaces.GetNamespaceManager(document.NameTable); XmlNodeList nodes = document.SelectNodes(XPaths.configBindingRedirect, nsmgr); if (nodes.Count > 0) { OutputMessages.AddWarningMessage("GenerateManifest.ConfigBindingRedirectsWithPartialTrust"); } } }
private void ResolveFiles_2(string[] searchPaths) { if (_fileReferences != null) { foreach (FileReference f in _fileReferences) { if (!ResolveFile(f, searchPaths)) { // When we're only reading a manifest (i.e. from ResolveNativeReference task), it's // very useful to report what manifest has the unresolvable reference. However, when // we're generating a new manifest (i.e. from GenerateApplicationManifest task) // reporting the manifest is awkward and sometimes looks like a bug. // So we use the ReadOnly flag to tell the difference between the two cases... if (_readOnly) { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.ResolveFailedInReadOnlyMode", f.ToString(), this.ToString()); } else { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.ResolveFailedInReadWriteMode", f.ToString()); } } } } }
private async void GetReactionsCommand() { ReactionList.Clear(); List <ReactionInfo> tmp = new List <ReactionInfo>(); if (Mode == "my") { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Loading " + CurrentUser + "'s reaction(s)...", Level = "" }); _logService.Write(this, "Loading " + CurrentUser + "'s reaction(s)...", "debug"); tmp = await _dbService.GetReactions(Person); } else { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Loading all reaction(s)...", Level = "" }); _logService.Write(this, "Loading all reaction(s)...", "debug"); tmp = await _dbService.GetReactions(); } OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = tmp.Count + " reaction(s) loaded!", Level = "" }); _logService.Write(this, tmp.Count + " reaction(s) loaded", "debug"); foreach (var item in tmp) { ReactionList.Add(item); } }
public void Alive() { if (!this.IsAlive) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.DeadCharacter()); } }
internal static void ValidateCharacter(Character character, string name) { if (character == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(OutputMessages.CharacterNotFound(), name)); } }
internal static void CanHeal(Character character) { if (character.GetType().Name != "Cleric") { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(OutputMessages.CantHeal(), character.Name)); } }
internal static void CanAttack(Character character) { if (character.GetType().Name != "Warrior") { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(OutputMessages.CantAttack(), character.Name)); } }
private void ValidateDeploymentProvider() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_deploymentUrl) && PathUtil.IsLocalPath(_deploymentUrl)) { OutputMessages.AddWarningMessage("GenerateManifest.InvalidDeploymentProvider"); } }
private async void GetProjectsCommand() { ProjectList.Clear(); List <Project> tmp = new List <Project>(); if (Mode == "my") { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Loading " + CurrentUser + "'s project(s)...", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, "Loading " + CurrentUser + "'s project(s)...", "debug"); tmp = await _dbService.GetProjects(Person); } else { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Loading all project(s)...", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, "Loading all project(s)...", "debug"); tmp = await _dbService.GetProjects(); } OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = tmp.Count + " project(s) loaded!", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, tmp.Count + " project(s) loaded", "debug"); foreach (var item in tmp) { ProjectList.Add(item); } }
private void SaveProjectCommand() { _dbService.UpdateProject(_project.ProjectID, ProjectName, Leader, Goal, Description, NewProjectPlan); _logService.Write(this, "Project modified", "debug"); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Project modified!", Level = "" }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a request object from the command line arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="pOptions">The parser options.</param> /// <param name="pArgs">The command line arguments.</param> /// <param name="pDescs">Argument descriptions.</param> /// <param name="pOutput">Factory for handling output.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Request Create(CliOptions pOptions, IEnumerable <string> pArgs, IEnumerable <Description> pDescs, iOutputFactory pOutput) { iOutputStream outputStream = pOutput.Create(); OutputMessages outputMessages = new OutputMessages(pOptions, outputStream); Validator validator = new Validator(outputMessages); return(Create(pOptions, validator, pArgs, pDescs.ToList())); }
private static string getError(OutputMessages pMessages, Description pDescription, eERROR pError) { using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { Console.SetError(sw); pMessages.Error(pDescription, pError); return(sw.ToString().Trim()); } }
public string AddItemToPool(string[] args) { string itemName = args[0]; var item = ItemFactory.CreateItem(itemName); itemPool.Push(item); return(string.Format(OutputMessages.ItemAddedToPool(), itemName)); }
public override void Spike(int time, double val = 1) { if (CurrentlyTraining) { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage(time, new SynapseObject(this, null), val)); } messageHandler.addMessage(new OutputMessage(time + Delay, new SynapseObject(this, null), val)); }
protected void ValidatePlatform() { foreach (AssemblyReference assembly in AssemblyReferences) { if (IsMismatchedPlatform(assembly)) { OutputMessages.AddWarningMessage("GenerateManifest.PlatformMismatch", assembly.ToString()); } } }
private void ValidateReferencesForNativeApplication() { foreach (AssemblyReference assembly in AssemblyReferences) { // Check that the assembly identity matches the filename for all local dependencies... if (!assembly.IsPrerequisite && !String.Equals(assembly.AssemblyIdentity.Name, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assembly.TargetPath), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.IdentityFileNameMismatch", assembly.ToString(), assembly.AssemblyIdentity.Name, assembly.AssemblyIdentity.Name + Path.GetExtension(assembly.TargetPath)); } } }
private void ValidateEntryPoint() { if (_entryPoint != null) { bool isCorrectFileType = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_entryPoint.TargetPath) && _entryPoint.TargetPath.EndsWith(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (!isCorrectFileType) { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.InvalidEntryPoint", _entryPoint.ToString()); } } }
private void ConfirmUserChangeCommand() { CurrentUser = SelectedUser; var myMessage = new NotificationMessage(SelectedUser); Messenger.Default.Send(myMessage); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Current user set to: " + CurrentUser, Level = "debug" }); _loggerService.Write(this, "Current user set to: " + CurrentUser, "debug"); }
internal static Faction ValidateFaction(string faction) { bool result = Enum.TryParse(typeof(Faction), faction, out object factionObj); if (!result) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(OutputMessages.InvalidWeatherType(), faction)); } return((Faction)factionObj); }
private void AddProjectCommand() { if (Validate()) { _dbService.AddProject(_ProjectInfo); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = ProjectName + " added!", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, ProjectName + " added", "debug"); } }
public string JoinParty(string[] args) { string faction = args[0]; string characterType = args[1]; string name = args[2]; var character = CharacterFactory.CreateCharacter(faction, characterType, name); party.Add(character); return(string.Format(OutputMessages.JoinedParty(), name)); }
private void SelectObservationImgCommand() { var resu = _openFileDialogService.ShowOpenFileDialog(); ObservationImgsFilePaths.Add(resu); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage() { Message = resu + " added as Observation Img", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, resu + " added as Observation Img", "debug"); }
public void Heal(Character character) { this.Alive(); character.Alive(); if (this.Faction != character.Faction) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.DifferentFaction()); } character.HealCharacter(this.AbilityPoints); }
private void ValidateMinimumRequiredVersion() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_minimumRequiredVersion)) { Version v1 = new Version(_minimumRequiredVersion); Version v2 = new Version(AssemblyIdentity.Version); if (v1 > v2) { OutputMessages.AddErrorMessage("GenerateManifest.GreaterMinimumRequiredVersion"); } } }
public void Error_1() { MockOutput mock = new MockOutput(); OutputMessages output = new OutputMessages(CliOptions.WindowsStyle, mock); Description desc = new Description("width", "The rectangle width", eROLE.NAMED, new ParamString(), eSCOPE.REQUIRED, eMULTIPLICITY.ONCE); const eERROR unsupported = (eERROR)(-1); output.Error(desc, unsupported); }
private void ExplicitModifyCommand() { double tmp; if (Double.TryParse(ModifyAmount, out tmp)) { if (tmp < 0) { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Amount cannot be negative!", Level = "error" }); _logService.Write(this, "Amount cannot be negative!", "error"); } else { if (Selected.mAvailable.HasValue) { Selected.mAvailable = tmp; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Selected)); _logService.Write(this, "Update inventory with: " + Selected.CAS + " " + Selected.Location + " " + tmp + " " + null, "debug"); _dbService.ModifyMoleculeAvailable(Selected.CAS, Selected.Location, tmp, null); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Inventory updated!", Level = "" }); _logService.Write(this, "Inventory updated!", "debug"); } else { Selected.VAvailable = tmp; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Selected)); _logService.Write(this, "Update inventory with: " + Selected.CAS + " " + Selected.Location + " " + null + " " + tmp, "debug"); _dbService.ModifyMoleculeAvailable(Selected.CAS, Selected.Location, null, tmp); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Inventory updated!", Level = "" }); _logService.Write(this, "Inventory updated!", "debug"); } } } else { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage { Message = "Cannot convert given value to number", Level = "error" }); _logService.Write(this, "Cannot convert given value to number", "error"); } }
public void Attack(Character character) { this.Alive(); character.Alive(); if (character == this) { throw new InvalidOperationException(OutputMessages.CantAttackSelf()); } if (character.Faction == this.Faction) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(OutputMessages.SameFaction(), this.Faction)); } character.TakeDamage(this.AbilityPoints); }
private async void SaveReactionCommandAsync() { OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage() { Message = "Saving to database", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, "Saving to database", "debug"); await _dbService.FinishSketchReaction(_reactionId, ClosureDate, Procedure, Observation, Yield, ObservationImgsFilePaths.ToList()); OutputMessages.Add(new OutputMessage() { Message = "Finished!", Level = "debug" }); _logService.Write(this, "Finished", "debug"); }
public string UseItem(string[] args) { string characterName = args[0]; string itemName = args[1]; var character = party.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == characterName); Validate.ValidateCharacter(character, characterName); Item item = character.Bag.GetItem(itemName); character.UseItem(item); return(string.Format(OutputMessages.ItemUsed(), character.Name, itemName)); }
public override bool Validate(PatternSettings settings, OutputMessages output) { bool hasErrors = false; PatternInstanceElement grid = settings.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("//Grid"); String customrender = grid.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.Grid.CustomRender); ControlDefinition control = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customrender)) { control = Controls.getControl(customrender); } foreach (PatternInstanceElement gridprop in settings.PatternPart.SelectElements("//GridPropertie")) { if (control == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Invalid CustomRender: ", new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } else { String nome = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.GridPropertie.Name); String valor = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.GridPropertie.Valor); PropDefinition p = control.GetPropertiesDefinition().GetPropDefinition(nome); if (p != null) { try { p.PropertyConverter.ConvertFrom(valor); } catch (Exception e) { output.Add(new OutputError("Property: " + nome + " - " + e.Message, new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } } } } if (!hasErrors) { PatternInstanceElement saction = settings.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("//StandardActions"); Object oLegendObject = saction.Attributes.GetPropertyValue(SettingsAttributes.StandardActions.LegendObject); PatternInstanceElement actLegend = settings.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("//StandardActions/Legend"); Boolean oLegendEnabled = actLegend.Attributes.GetPropertyValue<Boolean>(SettingsAttributes.Action.DefaultMode); Boolean oLegendEnabledPrompt = actLegend.Attributes.GetPropertyValue<Boolean>(SettingsAttributes.Action.PromptMode); if ((oLegendEnabled || oLegendEnabledPrompt) && oLegendObject == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Legend Object Not Defined: ", new PatternElementPosition(saction))); hasErrors = true; } } if (!hasErrors) { PatternInstanceElement template = settings.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("//Template"); String tabfunction = template.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.Template.TabFunction); tabfunction = Controls.getTabUserControl(tabfunction); ControlDefinition controltab = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tabfunction)) { controltab = Controls.getControl(tabfunction, null); } foreach (PatternInstanceElement tabprop in settings.PatternPart.SelectElements("//TabProperty")) { if (controltab == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Invalid UserControl Property: ", new PatternElementPosition(tabprop))); hasErrors = true; } else { String nome = tabprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.TabProperty.Name); String valor = tabprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(SettingsAttributes.TabProperty.Valor); PropDefinition p = controltab.GetPropertiesDefinition().GetPropDefinition(nome); if (p != null) { try { p.PropertyConverter.ConvertFrom(valor); } catch (Exception e) { output.Add(new OutputError("Property: " + nome + " - " + e.Message, new PatternElementPosition(tabprop))); hasErrors = true; } } } } } return !hasErrors; }
public override bool Validate(PatternInstance instance, OutputMessages output) { bool hasErrors = false; foreach (PatternInstanceElement actionElement in instance.PatternPart.SelectElements("//actions/action")) { PatternInstanceElement container = actionElement.Parent.Parent; Debug.Assert(container != null && (container.Type == InstanceElements.Transaction || container.Type == InstanceElements.Selection || container.Type == InstanceElements.Tab || container.Type == InstanceElements.WebPanelRoot || container.Type == InstanceElements.Prompt)); if (container != null) { bool cannotHaveInGrid = (container.Type == InstanceElements.Tab && container.Attributes.GetPropertyValue<string>(InstanceAttributes.Tab.Type) == TabElement.TypeValue.Tabular); bool isInGrid = actionElement.Attributes.GetPropertyValue<bool>(InstanceAttributes.Action.InGrid); if (isInGrid && cannotHaveInGrid) { output.Add(new OutputError(Messages.FormatValidationErrorActionCannotBeInGrid(actionElement.ToString()), new PatternElementPosition(actionElement))); hasErrors = true; } } } if (!hasErrors) { if (instance.Parent is Transaction) { if (instance.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("instance/transaction") == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Não é permitido excluir o nó Transaction")); hasErrors = true; } else if (instance.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("instance/webPanelRoot") != null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Não é permitido o nó WebPanel na Transação")); hasErrors = true; } } } if (!hasErrors) { if (instance.Parent is WebPanel) { if (instance.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("instance/webPanelRoot") == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Não é permitido excluir o nó WebPanel")); hasErrors = true; } else if (instance.PatternPart.SelectSingleElement("instance/transaction") != null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Não é permitido o nó Transaction no WebPanel")); hasErrors = true; } } } if (!hasErrors) { foreach (PatternInstanceElement tabElement in instance.PatternPart.SelectElements("tab")) { string nome = tabElement.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.TabForm.Name); string desc = tabElement.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.TabForm.Description); if (!Variable.IsValidName(nome)) { output.Add(new OutputError(String.Format("Caracter inválido no nome da Aba: '{0}', Descrição: {1} ",nome,desc))); hasErrors = true; } } } if (!hasErrors) { foreach (PatternInstanceElement gridprop in instance.PatternPart.SelectElements("//GridPropertie")) { String nome = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.GridPropertie.Name); String valor = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.GridPropertie.Valor); String nomeControl = Controls.getCustomRender(gridprop); ControlDefinition control = Controls.getControl(nomeControl); if (control == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Invalid CustomRender: ", new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } else { PropDefinition p = control.GetPropertiesDefinition().GetPropDefinition(nome); if (p != null) { try { p.PropertyConverter.ConvertFrom(valor); } catch (Exception e) { output.Add(new OutputError("Property: " + nome + " - " + e.Message, new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } } } } } if (!hasErrors) { foreach (PatternInstanceElement gridprop in instance.PatternPart.SelectElements("//GridColumnPropertie")) { String nome = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.GridColumnPropertie.Name); String valor = gridprop.Attributes.GetPropertyValueString(InstanceAttributes.GridColumnPropertie.Valor); String nomeControl = Controls.getCustomRender(gridprop); ControlDefinition control = Controls.getControl(nomeControl); if (control == null) { output.Add(new OutputError("Invalid CustomRender: ", new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } else { PropDefinition p = control.GetColumnPropertiesDefinition().GetPropDefinition(nome); if (p != null) { try { p.PropertyConverter.ConvertFrom(valor); } catch (Exception e) { output.Add(new OutputError("Column Property: " + nome + " - " + e.Message, new PatternElementPosition(gridprop))); hasErrors = true; } } } } } // TODO não permtir textblock no form com o nome internalname duplicado return !hasErrors; }