public OutpostGump(Mobile from, OutpostCamp camp)
            : base(100, 0)
            m_From = from;
            m_Camp = camp;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 380, 380, 0xA28);

            AddHtml(140, 20, 300, 35, "Secure Outpost", false, false);
            AddItem(80, 15, 0xFAC);
            AddItem(80, 20, 0xDE3);

            AddHtml(50, 55, 300, 140, "Outposts are upgradable encampments that can be outfitted with various utilities that benefit all passing adventurers.<br><br>Any adventurer with enough skill in Camping can establish or upgrade these outposts.", false, false);

            AddButton(75, 208, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(110, 210, 110, 70, "MARK LOCATION", false, false);

            AddButton(75, 233, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(110, 235, 110, 70, "BUILD TENT", false, false);

            AddButton(75, 258, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(110, 260, 110, 70, "BUILD SHRINE", false, false);

            AddButton(75, 283, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtml(110, 285, 110, 70, "BUILD STASH", false, false);
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            PlayerMobile pm     = m_From as PlayerMobile;
            OutpostCamp  camp   = m_Camp;
            int          button = info.ButtonID;

            if (camp.m_Tent != null)
                HasTent = true;
                HasTent = false;

            if (button == 1 && m_Camp.Active)
                CampersMap map = FindMap(pm);
                if (map == null || map.Deleted)
                    pm.SendMessage("A camper's map must be in your backpack.");
                else if (pm.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value < 50.0)
                    pm.SendMessage("You do not have sufficient skill in camping to do that.");
                    map.Target    = pm.Location;
                    map.TargetMap = pm.Map;
                    map.Marked    = true;
                    pm.SendMessage("Your camper's map has been updated.");

                pm.SendGump(new OutpostGump(pm, m_Camp));

            if (button == 2 && m_Camp.Active)
                if (m_Camp.m_Tent == null && (pm.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value >= 70))
                    pm.SendMessage("You upgrade the outpost with a tent.");
                else if (m_Camp.m_Tent != null)
                    pm.SendMessage("The outpost already has that upgrade.");
                    pm.SendMessage("Doing that would require greater skill in Camping.");

                pm.SendGump(new OutpostGump(pm, m_Camp));

            if (button == 3 && m_Camp.Active)
                if (m_Camp.m_Ankh == null && (pm.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value >= 90))
                    pm.SendMessage("You upgrade the outpost with a shrine.");
                else if (m_Camp.m_Ankh != null)
                    pm.SendMessage("The outpost already has that upgrade.");
                    pm.SendMessage("Doing that would require greater skill in Camping.");

                pm.SendGump(new OutpostGump(pm, m_Camp));

            if (button == 4 && m_Camp.Active)
                if (m_Camp.m_Stash == null && (pm.Skills[SkillName.Camping].Value >= 100))
                    pm.SendMessage("You upgrade the outpost with a stash.");
                    pm.PlaySound(0x2A);     //or 0x3BA
                else if (m_Camp.m_Stash != null)
                    pm.SendMessage("The outpost already has that upgrade.");
                    pm.SendMessage("Doing that would require greater skill in Camping.");

                pm.SendGump(new OutpostGump(pm, m_Camp));