Example #1
        private static void CheckOutlineCodeIdUniqueness(string dataDir)
            Project project = new Project(dataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            OutlineCodeDefinition textOutline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();

            textOutline.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");
            textOutline.Alias   = "My Outline Code";


            OutlineMask mask = new OutlineMask();

            mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;

            OutlineValue textValue = new OutlineValue();

            textValue.Value       = "Text value 1";
            textValue.ValueId     = 1;
            textValue.Type        = OutlineValueType.Text;
            textValue.Description = "Text value descr 1";

            project.Save(dataDir + "MultipleOutlineValues.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP);
Example #2
        public void WorkWithOutlineMask()
            // ExStart:WorkWithOutlineMask
            // ExFor: OutlineMask
            // ExFor: OutlineMask.#ctor
            // ExFor: OutlineMask.Type
            // ExFor: OutlineMask.Separator
            // ExFor: OutlineMask.Level
            // ExFor: OutlineMask.Length
            // ExSummary: Shows how to work with outline masks.
            var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            var outline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();

            outline.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");
            outline.Alias   = "My Outline Code";


            var mask = new OutlineMask();

            // set the type of a mask
            mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;

            // set the separator of code values
            mask.Separator = "/";

            // set the level of a mask
            mask.Level = 1;

            // set the maximum length (in characters) of the outline code values. 0 if length is not defined.
            mask.Length = 2;

            // add the mask to the definition

            var value = new OutlineValue();

            value.Value       = "Text value 1";
            value.ValueId     = 1;
            value.Type        = OutlineValueType.Text;
            value.Description = "Text value descr 1";

            // ...
            // ExEnd:WorkWithOutlineMask
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:UpdateOutlineCodes
                string  dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName);
                Project project = new Project(dataDir + "project.mpp");

                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                OutlineCodeDefinition code1 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code1.Alias     = "New task outline code1";
                code1.FieldId   = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode1).ToString();
                code1.FieldName = "Outline Code1";
                OutlineMask mask = new OutlineMask();
                mask.Separator = "+";
                mask.Level     = 1;
                mask.Type      = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                OutlineValue value = new OutlineValue();
                value.Description = "Value description";
                value.ValueId     = 1;
                value.Value       = "123456";
                value.Type        = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                OutlineCodeDefinition code2 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code2.Alias     = "New rsc outline code2";
                code2.FieldId   = ((int)ExtendedAttributeResource.OutlineCode2).ToString();
                code2.FieldName = "Outline Code2";
                OutlineMask mask2 = new OutlineMask();
                mask2.Separator = "/";
                mask2.Level     = 1;
                mask2.Type      = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                OutlineValue value2 = new OutlineValue();
                value2.Description = "Value2 description";
                value2.ValueId     = 2;
                value2.Value       = "987654";
                value2.Type        = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                // Save project as MPP
                project.Save(dataDir + "Updated_project_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP);
                // ExEnd:UpdateOutlineCodes
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");
Example #4
        public void UpdateOutlineCodes()
                // ExStart:UpdateOutlineCodes
                // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.Values
                // ExSummary: Shows how to create new outline codes.
                var project = new Project(DataDir + "project.mpp");

                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                var code1 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code1.Alias     = "New task outline code1";
                code1.FieldId   = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode1).ToString();
                code1.FieldName = "Outline Code1";
                var mask = new OutlineMask();
                mask.Separator = "+";
                mask.Level     = 1;
                mask.Type      = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                var value = new OutlineValue();
                value.Description = "Value description";
                value.ValueId     = 1;
                value.Value       = "123456";
                value.Type        = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                var code2 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code2.Alias     = "New rsc outline code2";
                code2.FieldId   = ((int)ExtendedAttributeResource.OutlineCode2).ToString();
                code2.FieldName = "Outline Code2";
                var mask2 = new OutlineMask();
                mask2.Separator = "/";
                mask2.Level     = 1;
                mask2.Type      = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                var value2 = new OutlineValue();
                value2.Description = "Value2 description";
                value2.ValueId     = 2;
                value2.Value       = "987654";
                value2.Type        = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                project.Save(OutDir + "Updated_project_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP);

                // ExEnd:UpdateOutlineCodes
            catch (NotSupportedException ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");
Example #5
        public void CheckOutlineCodeIdUniqueness()
            // ExStart:CheckOutlineCodeIdUniqueness
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.#ctor
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.FieldId
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.Alias
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.AllLevelsRequired
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.Enterprise
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.EnterpriseOutlineCodeAlias
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.FieldName
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.Guid
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.LeafOnly
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.Masks
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.OnlyTableValuesAllowed
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.PhoneticAlias
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.ResourceSubstitutionEnabled
            // ExFor: OutlineCodeDefinition.ShowIndent
            // ExSummary: Shows how to work with outline code definitions.
            var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            // create a new outline code definition
            var outline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();

            // set the field number of an outline code
            outline.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");

            // set the name of a custom outline code
            outline.FieldName = "Outline Code1";

            // set the Guid of an outline code
            outline.Guid = "e6afac06-0d86-4359-a96c-db705e3d2ca8";

            // set a value indicating whether the values specified in this outline code field must be leaf values
            outline.LeafOnly = false;

            // set the alias of a custom outline code
            outline.Alias = "My Outline Code";

            // set the phonetic pronunciation of the alias of the custom outline code
            outline.PhoneticAlias = "Outline Code";

            // set a value indicating whether the new codes must have all levels. Not available for Enterprise Codes.
            outline.AllLevelsRequired = true;

            // set a value indicating whether a custom outline code is an enterprise custom outline code
            outline.Enterprise = false;

            // set a reference to another custom field for which this outline code definition is an alias
            outline.EnterpriseOutlineCodeAlias = 0;

            // add an outline mask
            var mask = new OutlineMask();

            mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;

            // set a value indicating whether the values specified must come from values table
            outline.OnlyTableValuesAllowed = false;

            // set a value indicating whether the custom outline code can be used
            // by the Resource Substitution Wizard in Microsoft Project
            outline.ResourceSubstitutionEnabled = false;

            // set a value indicating whether the indents of this outline code must be shown.
            outline.ShowIndent = false;


            var value = new OutlineValue();

            value.Value       = "Text value 1";
            value.ValueId     = 1;
            value.Type        = OutlineValueType.Text;
            value.Description = "Text value descr 1";

            // ...
            // ExEnd:CheckOutlineCodeIdUniqueness
Example #6
        public void WorkWithOutlineValue()
            // ExStart:WorkWithOutlineValue
            // ExFor: OutlineValue
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.Type
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.Value
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.ValueGuid
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.ValueId
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.Description
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.DurationValue
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.IsCollapsed
            // ExFor: OutlineValue.ParentValueId
            // ExFor: OutlineValueType
            // ExSummary: Shows how to work with outline values.
            var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            var outline = new OutlineCodeDefinition();

            outline.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");
            outline.Alias   = "My Outline Code";
            var outline2 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();

            outline2.FieldId = ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode7.ToString("D");
            outline2.Alias   = "My Outline Code 2";


            var mask = new OutlineMask();

            mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;

            // create an outline value
            var value = new OutlineValue();

            // set the actual value
            value.Value = "Text value 1";

            // set the unique Id of an outline code value within a project
            value.ValueId = 1;

            // get a GUID which identifies this value among others in the entire project
            Console.WriteLine("Check value GUID: " + value.ValueGuid);

            // set the outline code type
            value.Type = OutlineValueType.Text;

            // set the description of an outline value
            value.Description = "Text value descr 1";

            // set a value indicating whether outline value is collapsed or not
            value.IsCollapsed = false;

            // check parent value id
            Console.WriteLine("Check parent value id: " + value.ParentValueId);

            // create an outline value with duration
            var value2 = new OutlineValue();

            // set the duration value
            value2.DurationValue = project.GetDuration(1, TimeUnitType.Hour);

            // set the unique Id of an outline code value within a project
            value2.ValueId = 2;

            // ...
            // ExEnd:WorkWithOutlineValue
        public void WorkWithOutlineMaskCollection()
            // ExStart
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Add(OutlineMask)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Clear
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Contains(OutlineMask)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.CopyTo(OutlineMask[],Int32)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Count
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.GetEnumerator
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.IndexOf(OutlineMask)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Insert(Int32,OutlineMask)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.IsReadOnly
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Item(Int32)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.Remove(OutlineMask)
            // ExFor: OutlineMaskCollection.RemoveAt(Int32)
            // ExFor: MaskType
            // ExSummary: Shows how to work with outline mask collections.
            var project = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            var outline = project.OutlineCodes[0];

            // clear outline masks
            if (outline.Masks.Count > 0)
                if (!outline.Masks.IsReadOnly)

            var mask = new OutlineMask();

            mask.Type = MaskType.Characters;
            var maskWrong = new OutlineMask();

            maskWrong.Type = MaskType.Null;


            // insert a wrong mask
            outline.Masks.Insert(0, maskWrong);

            // edit the mask by using index access of collection
            var idx = outline.Masks.IndexOf(mask);

            outline.Masks[idx].Length = 2;

            // remove a wrong mask by index
            var idxOfWrong = outline.Masks.IndexOf(maskWrong);


            // iterate over masks
            foreach (var outlineMask in outline.Masks)
                Console.WriteLine("Length: " + outlineMask.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Level: " + outlineMask.Level);
                Console.WriteLine("Separator: " + outlineMask.Separator);
                Console.WriteLine("Type: " + outlineMask.Type);

            var otherProject = new Project(DataDir + "OutlineValues2010.mpp");

            var otherOutline = otherProject.OutlineCodes[0];

            var masks = new OutlineMask[outline.Masks.Count];

            outline.Masks.CopyTo(masks, 0);

            foreach (var maskToAdd in masks)
                if (!otherOutline.Masks.Contains(maskToAdd))

            // ExEnd
        public static void Run()
                // ExStart:UpdateOutlineCodes
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName);
                Project project = new Project(dataDir + "project.mpp");
                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                OutlineCodeDefinition code1 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code1.Alias = "New task outline code1";
                code1.FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.OutlineCode1).ToString();
                code1.FieldName = "Outline Code1";
                OutlineMask mask = new OutlineMask();
                mask.Separator = "+";
                mask.Level = 1;
                mask.Type = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                OutlineValue value = new OutlineValue();
                value.Description = "Value description";
                value.ValueId = 1;
                value.Value = "123456";
                value.Type = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                // Define outline code and its outline mask
                OutlineCodeDefinition code2 = new OutlineCodeDefinition();
                code2.Alias = "New rsc outline code2";
                code2.FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeResource.OutlineCode2).ToString();
                code2.FieldName = "Outline Code2";
                OutlineMask mask2 = new OutlineMask();
                mask2.Separator = "/";
                mask2.Level = 1;
                mask2.Type = MaskType.Numbers;

                // Add outline value
                OutlineValue value2 = new OutlineValue();
                value2.Description = "Value2 description";
                value2.ValueId = 2;
                value2.Value = "987654";
                value2.Type = OutlineValueType.Number;

                // Add outline code to project

                // Save project as MPP
                project.Save(dataDir + "Updated_project_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP);
                // ExEnd:UpdateOutlineCodes
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http://www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");