public GoHInterface(bool isBackground) { this.LaListeDesCommandes = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); this.IsBackground = isBackground; this.m_noir_Transparent = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0)); try { this.m_img = Get_Img_From_Bitmap(Resource1.kinect); } catch (Exception ex) { Outil.Ecrire_Erreur(ex); //try //{ // this.m_img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(IMG_BACKGROUND)); //} //catch (Exception ex2) //{ // Outil.Ecrire_Erreur(ex2); // throw; //} throw; } string[] ts_Lines; string filePath; try { if (File.Exists(CONFIG_NAME)) { filePath = CONFIG_NAME; } else if (File.Exists(CONFIG_FOLDER + CONFIG_NAME)) { filePath = CONFIG_FOLDER + CONFIG_NAME; } else { throw new ApplicationException(" Erreur : pas de fichier " + CONFIG_NAME); } Console.WriteLine(@" fichier de config : " + filePath); ts_Lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { Outil.Ecrire_Erreur(ex); throw; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts_Lines[0])) { Console.WriteLine(@" Pas de parametre dans le fichier : "); Console.WriteLine(filePath); return; } else if (ts_Lines[0].StartsWith(@"http://")) { this.m_connection = new ClientGoHWeb(this.LaListeDesCommandes, ts_Lines[0]); } else { this.m_connection = new ClientGoHSsh(this.LaListeDesCommandes, filePath); } RefreshMenu(); //Return the typeface collection for the fonts in the selected URI location. using (IEnumerator <Typeface> t = Fonts.GetTypefaces("file:///C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\#Georgia").GetEnumerator()) { t.MoveNext(); this.m_typeface = t.Current; } this.m_center = new Point(X_DECALAGE_BACK, Y_DECALAGE_BACK); this.m_pen = new Pen(Brushes.White, 1); this.m_radiusX = X_TAILLE; this.m_radiusY = Y_TAILLE; }
public GoHInterface(bool isBackground) { this.LaListeDesCommandes = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); this.IsBackground = isBackground; this.m_noir_Transparent = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0)); try { this.m_img = Get_Img_From_Bitmap(Resource1.kinect); this.m_hand_Transparent_Img = Get_Img_From_Bitmap(Resource1.hand_transparent); this.m_fist_Transparent_Img = Get_Img_From_Bitmap(Resource1.fist_transparent); } catch (Exception ex) { Outil.Ecrire_Erreur(ex); throw; } string[] ts_Lines; string filePath; try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (assembly == null) { throw new Exception(" assembly == null "); } string codeBase = assembly.CodeBase; DirectoryInfo exeFolder_Di = new FileInfo(new Uri(codeBase).LocalPath).Directory; FileInfo fi_02 = new FileInfo(exeFolder_Di.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\" + CONFIG_NAME); if (File.Exists(CONFIG_NAME)) { filePath = CONFIG_NAME; } else if (fi_02.Exists) { filePath = fi_02.FullName; } else { throw new ApplicationException(" Erreur : pas de fichier " + CONFIG_NAME); } Console.WriteLine(@" fichier de config : " + filePath); ts_Lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); } catch (Exception ex) { Outil.Ecrire_Erreur(ex); throw; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ts_Lines[0])) { Console.WriteLine(@" Pas de parametre dans le fichier : "); Console.WriteLine(filePath); return; } else if (ts_Lines[0].StartsWith(@"http://")) { this.m_connection = new ClientGoHWeb(this.LaListeDesCommandes, ts_Lines[0]); } else { this.m_connection = new ClientGoHSsh(this.LaListeDesCommandes, filePath); } RefreshMenu(); //Return the typeface collection for the fonts in the selected URI location. using (IEnumerator <Typeface> t = Fonts.GetTypefaces("file:///C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\#Georgia").GetEnumerator()) { t.MoveNext(); this.m_typeface = t.Current; } this.m_center = new Point(X_DECALAGE_BACK, Y_DECALAGE_BACK); this.m_pen = new Pen(Brushes.White, 1); this.m_radiusX = X_TAILLE; this.m_radiusY = Y_TAILLE; }