Example #1
        static void Main()
            var records = LoadData();

            int    crossValidationSetsCount = 277 / 5;
            int    totalCount      = records.Count();
            int    testingSetCount = totalCount / crossValidationSetsCount;
            double totalAccuracy   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < crossValidationSetsCount; i++)
                var      testSet     = records.Skip(i * testingSetCount).Take(testingSetCount);
                var      trainingSet = records.Take(i * testingSetCount).Concat(records.Skip((i + 1) * testingSetCount).Take((crossValidationSetsCount - i) * testingSetCount));
                TreeNode root        = CreateNode(trainingSet, Attributes, GetdominatingClass(trainingSet));//the dominatingOutcome should not be used in the first children

                double succesfullPredictions = 0;
                foreach (var testRecord in testSet)
                    OutcomeClass predictedOutcome = PredictOutcome(root, testRecord);
                    if (predictedOutcome == testRecord.OutcomeClass)
                Console.WriteLine($"For test set {i} success is {succesfullPredictions / testingSetCount * 100}%");
                totalAccuracy += succesfullPredictions / testingSetCount;

            Console.WriteLine($"The total accuracy is {totalAccuracy / crossValidationSetsCount * 100}%");
Example #2
        private static TreeNode CreateNode(IEnumerable <Record> records, IEnumerable <string> attributes, OutcomeClass dominatingParentOutcome)
            var treeNode = new TreeNode();

            treeNode.DominatingParrentOutcome = dominatingParentOutcome;

            double minEntropy      = 1000;
            string chosenAttribute = "";

            if (records.Count() == 0)//there are no examples in the subset, which happens when no example in the parent set was found to match a specific value of the selected attribute.Then a leaf node is created and labelled with the most common class of the examples in the parent node's set.
                treeNode.IsLeaf  = true;
                treeNode.Outcome = dominatingParentOutcome;

            if (attributes.Count() == 0)//there are no more attributes to be selected, but the examples still do not belong to the same class. In this case, the node is made a leaf node and labelled with the most common class of the examples in the subset.
                var dominatingOutcome = GetdominatingClass(records);
                treeNode.IsLeaf  = true;
                treeNode.Outcome = dominatingOutcome;

            foreach (var attribute in attributes)
                double entropy = getEntropy(records, attribute);
                if (entropy < minEntropy)
                    minEntropy      = entropy;
                    chosenAttribute = attribute;

            treeNode.NextAttributeName = chosenAttribute;

            var property = typeof(Record).GetProperties().First(prop => prop.Name == chosenAttribute);

            var grouped = records.GroupBy(
                record => property.GetValue(record)

            foreach (var group in grouped)
                var childNode = new TreeNode();
                if (getEntropy(group, chosenAttribute) == 0)
                    childNode.IsLeaf         = true;
                    childNode.Outcome        = group.First().OutcomeClass;
                    childNode.AttributeValue = group.Key as string;
                    childNode = CreateNode(group, attributes.Where(attr => attr != chosenAttribute), GetdominatingClass(records));
                    childNode.AttributeValue = group.Key as string; //property.GetValue(group.First()) as string;

