private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        OurNPC npc = other.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <OurNPC>();

        //print("Collided with " +;
        if (npc != null && npc != lastInteractedNPC)
            if (!hasAddedListener)
                // find the dialogue component and register that we want to know when dialogue ends and allow the player to move
                FindObjectOfType <Yarn.Unity.DialogueUI>().onDialogueEnd.AddListener(() => { DialogueEnded(); });
                hasAddedListener = true;
            if (npc.CanPlay())
                // then try talking with it!
                Yarn.Unity.DialogueRunner runner = FindObjectOfType <Yarn.Unity.DialogueRunner>();
                if (!runner.isDialogueRunning)
                    // don't start the dialogue if it's already talking, we'll have to account for that in our script by checking if we've said things already
                playerMovement.isAllowedToMove = !runner.isDialogueRunning || canMoveWhileTalking; // only stop the player from moving if dialogue actually starts
                lastInteractedNPC = npc;
    private IEnumerator ResetLastInteractedNPCAfterTime(OurNPC lastNPC, float t)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(t));

        if (lastNPC == lastInteractedNPC)
            // only reset it if we haven't talked to another node since
            lastInteractedNPC = null; // reset the node so we can talk to it again
    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        OurNPC npc = other.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <OurNPC>();

        //print("Left collision with " +;
        if (lastInteractedNPC != null && lastInteractedNPC.resetImmediately && npc == lastInteractedNPC)
            StartCoroutine(ResetLastInteractedNPCAfterTime(npc, resetNPCTime));