Example #1
    void ResolveCircleVsCircle(OurCollider circle1, OurCollider circle2, ref float pushAmt, ref Vector3 pushDir)
        Vector2 relation = circle2.center - circle1.center;
        float distance = relation.magnitude;
        float desiredDistance = circle1.boundingRadius + circle2.boundingRadius;

        pushAmt = desiredDistance - distance;
        pushDir = -(Vector3)relation.normalized;
Example #2
    void ResolveCircleVsBox(OurCollider circle, OurCollider box, ref float pushAmt, ref Vector3 pushDir)
        Vector3 relation = box.bounds.ClosestPoint(circle.center) - circle.center;

        pushDir = relation.normalized;
        pushAmt = circle.boundingRadius - relation.magnitude;
Example #3
    bool IsCollidingWith(OurCollider other)
        float r1 = boundingRadius, r2 = other.boundingRadius;

        Vector2 relation = other.center - center;
        float distance = relation.magnitude;
        float desiredDistance = r1 + r2;

        // bounding radius intersects && bounding box intersects = collision
        return distance < desiredDistance && bounds.Intersects(other.bounds);
Example #4
    void ResolveBoxVsBox(OurCollider box, OurCollider box2, ref float pushAmt, ref Vector3 pushDir)
        Bounds b1 = box.bounds;
        Bounds b2 = box2.bounds;

        Vector2 relation = b2.center - b1.center;
        Vector2 desired = b1.extents + b2.extents;

        float overlapHorizontal = Mathf.Abs(relation.x) - desired.x;
        float overlapVertical = Mathf.Abs(relation.y) - desired.y;

        if(overlapHorizontal < overlapVertical){
            // vertical collision
            pushAmt = overlapVertical;
            if(relation.y < 0)
                pushDir = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
                pushDir = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
        } else {
            // horizontal collision
            pushAmt = overlapHorizontal;
            if(relation.x < 0)
                pushDir = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                pushDir = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
Example #5
    public bool ResolveCollision(OurCollider other)

            // amount to push objects apart
            float pushAmt = 0;
            Vector3 pushDir = new Vector3();

            // figure out the collision type and check it

            if(boxCollider != null){ // we are a box

                if(other.boxCollider != null){ // both boxes
                    ResolveBoxVsBox(this, other, ref pushAmt, ref pushDir);

                } else { // we are a box, they are a circle
                    ResolveCircleVsBox(other, this, ref pushAmt, ref pushDir);
            } else {

                if(other.boxCollider != null){ // we are a circle, they are a box
                    ResolveCircleVsBox(this, other, ref pushAmt, ref pushDir);
                    pushAmt *= -1; // since we're the second object, we have to reverse the push

                } else { // both circles
                    ResolveCircleVsCircle(this, other, ref pushAmt, ref pushDir);

            // figure out how much to push each object
            // object with less mass will get pushed harder
            float ourAmt = other.mass / (mass + other.mass);
            float otherAmt = 1 - ourAmt;

            // check for immoveable objects
                ourAmt = 0;
                otherAmt = 1;
                if(other.immoveable){ // both immoveable?
                    otherAmt = 0;
            } else if (other.immoveable){
                otherAmt = 0;
                ourAmt = 1;

            // push both objects
            pushAmt += EXTRA_PUSH;
            transform.position += pushDir * pushAmt * ourAmt;
            other.transform.position -= pushDir * pushAmt * otherAmt;

            return true;
        return false; // did not collide