public static void Invoke(Document doc) { var query = from k in doc.responseData.feed.entries let t = new TitleParser(k.title) select new { k, t }; var ruleset = new StringBuilder(); ruleset.AppendLine(@" set(hyper_res). set(factor). set(print_kept). formula_list(sos). " ); #region VariableEqualsToAny ParamsFunc <string, string, string> VariableEqualsToAny = (variable, values) => { var w = new StringBuilder(); w.Append("("); values.ForEach( (k, i) => { if (i > 0) { w.AppendLine(" | "); } w.AppendLine("$EQ(" + variable + ", " + k.GetHashCode() + @") %" + k); } ); w.Append(")"); return(w.ToString()); }; ParamsFunc <string, int, string> VariableEqualsToAnyInteger = (variable, values) => { var w = new StringBuilder(); w.Append("("); values.ForEach( (k, i) => { if (i > 0) { w.AppendLine(" | "); } w.AppendLine("$EQ(" + variable + ", " + k + @")"); } ); w.Append(")"); return(w.ToString()); }; #endregion #region Question 1 ruleset.AppendLine(@" % Question 1 all x all z all u ( facts(x,category,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAny("u", "Animation") + @" -> ForChildren(x) ). "); ruleset.AppendLine(@" all x all z all u ( facts(x,category,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAny("u", "Animation", "Comedy", "Family", "Fantasy") + @" -> ForFamily(x) ). "); ruleset.AppendLine(@" all x all z all u ( facts(x,category,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAny("u", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Mystery", "Thriller", "Action", "Crime") + @" -> ForAdults(x) ). "); #endregion #region Question 2 ruleset.AppendLine(@" % Question 2 all x all z all u ( facts(x,year,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAnyInteger("u", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Year + 1) + @" -> ForGeeks(x) ). "); ruleset.AppendLine(@" all x all z all u ( facts(x,year,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAnyInteger("u", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Year + 1, DateTime.Now.Year - 1, DateTime.Now.Year - 2) + @" -> ForRecent(x) ). "); #endregion #region Question 3 ruleset.AppendLine(@" % Question 3 all x all z all u ( facts(x,raiting,u) & $GT(u, 65) -> GoodRaiting(x) ). all x all z all u ( facts(x,raiting,u) & $LT(u, 70) -> BadRaiting(x) ). "); #endregion #region Question 4 ruleset.AppendLine(@" % Question 4 all x all z all u ( facts(x,category,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAny("u", "TV shows") + @" -> IsTVShow(x) ). all x all z all u ( facts(x,category,u) & " + VariableEqualsToAny("u", "Movies") + @" -> IsMovie(x) ). "); #endregion #region facts foreach (var entry in query) { entry.k.content.ParseMovieItem( m => { ruleset.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', raiting, " + Convert.ToInt32(m.Raiting * 100) + ")."); } ); var p = new BasicFileNameParser(entry.t.Title); ruleset.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', year, " + entry.t.Year + ")."); //if (p.Season != null) // ruleset.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', season, " + int.Parse(p.Season) + ")."); //if (p.Episode != null) // ruleset.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', episode, " + int.Parse(p.Episode) + ")."); foreach (var category in entry.k.categories) { ruleset.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', category, " + category.GetHashCode() + "). %" + category); } } #endregion var Filters = new List <string>(); Func <string, Action> f = filter => () => Filters.Add(filter); ConsoleQuestions.Ask( new Options { { "There are some kids over here", f("ForChildren(x)") }, { "My family is in the room, keep it decent", f("ForFamily(x)") }, { "There are only some dudes in the room", f("ForAdults(x)") }, { "Neither", () => {} }, }, new Options { { "I am looking for new stuff", f("ForGeeks(x)") }, { "I haven't watched that much tv recently!", f("ForRecent(x)") }, { "I do not like recent movies at all!", f("-ForRecent(x)") }, { "Neither", () => {} }, }, new Options { { "I am looking for having a good time", f("GoodRaiting(x)") }, { "I want to suggest someething really bad to a friend", f("BadRaiting(x)") }, { "I cannot decide between options above", () => {} }, }, new Options { { "I cannot watch tv very long", f("IsTVShow(x)") }, { "30 minutes is not enough for me", f("IsMovie(x)") }, { "I cannot decide between options above", () => {} }, } ); #region IsSelected ruleset.AppendLine(@" % The anwser all x ( " ); Filters.ForEach( (k, i) => { if (i > 0) { ruleset.AppendLine(" & "); } ruleset.AppendLine(k); } ); ruleset.AppendLine(@" -> IsSelected(x) )." ); #endregion var otter = new OtterApplication(ruleset.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Movies for you"); otter.ToConsole(k => k == "IsSelected"); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\", ruleset.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\IDX5711.out", otter.Output); }
// // // C:\util\Otter33-Win32> // more examples: // // // // // // // // //Concretely, you will have: // * Look at your rdfa pages and invent/create sensible small rule files in the // Otter syntax for deriving new data from physically present rdfa data. // o It may happen that the rdfa pages from the first lab do not // contain really suitable/interesting data for this. In that // case, create new pages. // o The rdfa pages should indicate (by having a corresponding link // in the rdfa data) which rule set should be used. You should // have at least two different rdfa pages and two different // rulesets, one for each page. // -> Movies // -> TV Shows // o The rule file should be such that no contradiction arises and // the set of derived facts is still maintainable (not millions // of new facts). // * Write a program which takes your first lab output, finds an indicated // rule file and builds a new Otter syntax file containing both rules // and the data obtained from the rdfa page. // * Then let the same program call Otter with the newly built file and send // the result to a result file. // * Write a program which takes the output file, parses out the derived // facts (fact has just one atom and no variables) and adds these to // the original rdfa-parsed dataset. // * Finally print out the extended dataset: the original facts and newly // derived facts from this dataset. // * Create an addition to the program which answers the posed // query: true/false or finds a concrete necessary value (or values). // Use otter atom like person(X) or forall person(X) or // similar (choose a suitable one yourself) as a query input. //You may write just one program for all these tasks or several different. In the latter case you will also have to write a "master" program (as a shell script or bat file, for example) calling these subprograms. //The final resulting program should take a page url or file name as a single input and produce a list of all found and derived facts as output. static void Main(string[] args) { var limit = 250; Console.WriteLine("loading latest movies..."); Document doc = // offline new FileInfo(@"Data\test.txt"); // online //new Uri(""); Console.WriteLine(doc.responseData.feed.entries.Length + " feed items found!"); Console.WriteLine(); IDX5711.DecisionEngine.Invoke(doc); var query = from k in doc.responseData.feed.entries let t = new TitleParser(k.title) select new { k, t }; var rulesets = new { TV_show = new StringBuilder(), Movie = new StringBuilder(), }; Func <string, StringBuilder> rulesets_AppendLine = null; rulesets_AppendLine += rulesets.Movie.AppendLine; rulesets_AppendLine += rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine; rulesets_AppendLine(@" set(hyper_res). set(factor). set(print_kept). formula_list(sos). " ); #region ruleset: TV show rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine(@" %sensible small rule files all x all z all u ( facts(x,season,u) & $EQ(u, 1) -> pilot(x) ). all x all z all u ( facts(x,episode,u) & $GT(u, 20) -> probablyendofseason(x) ). "); foreach (var entry in query.Where(k => k.t.Type == "TV show").Take(limit)) { var p = new BasicFileNameParser(entry.t.Title); rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', year, " + entry.t.Year + ")."); rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', season, " + int.Parse(p.Season) + ")."); rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', episode, " + int.Parse(p.Episode) + ")."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("# " + entry.t.Title); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("; " + entry.t.Year); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; foreach (var category in entry.k.categories) { rulesets.TV_show.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', category, " + category.GetHashCode() + "). %" + category); Console.Write("; " + category); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion var o_TV_show = new OtterApplication(rulesets.TV_show.ToString()); o_TV_show.ToConsole(); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\", rulesets.TV_show.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\TV_show.out", o_TV_show.Output); Console.WriteLine(); #region ruleset: Movie rulesets.Movie.AppendLine(@" %sensible small rule files all x all z all u ( facts(x,year,u) & $LT(u, 2009) -> oldmedia(x) ). all x all z all u ( oldmedia(x) & facts(x,category,u) & $EQ(u, " + "Comedy".GetHashCode() + @") -> oldcomedy(x) ). " ); foreach (var entry in query.Where(k => k.t.Type == "Movie").Take(limit)) { rulesets.Movie.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', year, " + entry.t.Year + ")."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.Write("# " + entry.t.Title); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("; " + entry.t.Year); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; foreach (var category in entry.k.categories) { rulesets.Movie.AppendLine("facts('" + entry.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-") + "', category, " + category.GetHashCode() + "). %" + category); Console.Write("; " + category); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion Console.WriteLine(); var o_Movie = new OtterApplication(rulesets.Movie.ToString()); o_Movie.ToConsole(); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\", rulesets.Movie.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(@"Data\Movie.out", o_Movie.Output); using (var w = new StreamWriter(new FileInfo(@"Data\extended.xml").OpenWrite())) { w.WriteLine(@"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <rss version='2.0' xmlns:media='' xmlns:atom=''> <channel> <title>zmovies</title> <description>zmovies can haz entertainment</description> <link></link>"); #region TV show foreach (var k in query.Where(k => k.t.Type == "TV show").Take(limit)) { w.WriteLine("<item>"); w.WriteLine("<title>" + k.k.title + "</title>"); w.WriteLine("<link>" + + "</link>"); w.WriteLine("<description><![CDATA["); w.WriteLine(k.k.content); w.WriteLine(" ]]></description>"); foreach (var g in k.k.categories) { w.WriteLine("<category>" + g + "</category>"); } foreach (var f in o_TV_show.KeptFactsDictionary.Where(kk => kk.Value == k.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-"))) { w.WriteLine("<category>" + f.Name + "</category>"); } w.WriteLine("</item>"); } #endregion #region Movie foreach (var k in query.Where(k => k.t.Type == "Movie").Take(limit)) { w.WriteLine("<item>"); w.WriteLine("<title>" + k.k.title + "</title>"); w.WriteLine("<link>" + + "</link>"); w.WriteLine("<description><![CDATA["); w.WriteLine(k.k.content); w.WriteLine(" ]]></description>"); foreach (var g in k.k.categories) { w.WriteLine("<category>" + g + "</category>"); } foreach (var f in o_Movie.KeptFactsDictionary.Where(kk => kk.Value == k.t.Title.Replace("'", @"-"))) { w.WriteLine("<category>" + f.Name + "</category>"); } w.WriteLine("</item>"); } #endregion w.WriteLine(@" </channel> </rss>"); } }