private static void FilterIniFile(string SourceName, string TargetName, List <string> IniKeyBlacklist, List <string> InSectionBlacklist)
            string[]      Lines             = File.ReadAllLines(SourceName);
            StringBuilder NewLines          = new StringBuilder("");
            bool          bFilteringSection = false;

            foreach (string OriginalLine in Lines)
                string Line      = OriginalLine.Trim();
                bool   bFiltered = bFilteringSection;

                // look for each filter on each line
                if (!bFiltered)
                    string TrimmedLine = Line.TrimStart(IgnoredIniValuePrefixes);
                    foreach (string Filter in IniKeyBlacklist)
                        if (TrimmedLine.StartsWith(Filter + "="))
                            bFiltered = true;

                if (InSectionBlacklist != null)
                    if (Line.StartsWith("[") && Line.EndsWith("]"))
                        string SectionName = Line.Substring(1, Line.Length - 2);
                        bFilteringSection = bFiltered = InSectionBlacklist.Contains(SectionName);

                        if (bFilteringSection)
                            Log.TraceLog("Filtering config section '{0}'", SectionName);

                // write out if it's not filtered out
                if (!bFiltered)

            // now write out the final .ini file
            if (File.Exists(TargetName))
            File.WriteAllText(TargetName, NewLines.ToString());

            // other code assumes same timestamp for source and dest
            File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(TargetName, File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(SourceName));