public void AddOrganizationRole(string name) { using (LInstContext entities = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(new string[] { })) { OrganizationRole newRole = new OrganizationRole { Name = name, Description = "" }; entities.OrganizationRoles.Add(newRole); foreach (Organization org in entities.Organizations) { OrganizationRoleMapping newMapping = new OrganizationRoleMapping { OrganizationRole = newRole, Organization = org, IsSelected = false }; entities.OrganizationRoleMappings.Add(newMapping); } entities.SaveChanges(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates and inserts in the DB the mappings between a new OrganizationRole /// and all the existing organization /// </summary> /// <param name="newRole">The role for which will be built the mappings</param> internal void CreateMappingsForNewRole(OrganizationRole newRole) { using (LInstContext entities = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(new string[] { })) { IEnumerable <Organization> _orgList = entities.Organizations.ToList(); foreach (Organization org in _orgList) { OrganizationRoleMapping tempMap = new OrganizationRoleMapping() { IsSelected = false, OrganizationRoleID = newRole.ID }; org.RoleMappings.Add(tempMap); } entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public Organization CreateNewOrganization() { StringInputDialog creationDialog = new StringInputDialog { Title = "Crea nuovo Ente" }; if (creationDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { Organization output = new Organization { Category = "", Name = creationDialog.InputString }; foreach (OrganizationRole orr in _labDbData.RunQuery(new OrganizationRolesQuery())) { OrganizationRoleMapping tempORM = new OrganizationRoleMapping { IsSelected = false, RoleID = orr.ID }; output.RoleMapping.Add(tempORM); } output.Create(); EntityChangedToken token = new EntityChangedToken(output, EntityChangedToken.EntityChangedAction.Created); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <OrganizationChanged>() .Publish(token); return(output); } else { return(null); } }
public Organization CreateNewOrganization() { StringInputDialog creationDialog = new StringInputDialog { Title = "Crea nuovo Ente" }; if (creationDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { Organization output = new Organization { Name = creationDialog.InputString }; foreach (OrganizationRole orr in _lInstData.RunQuery(new OrganizationRolesQuery())) { OrganizationRoleMapping tempORM = new OrganizationRoleMapping { IsSelected = false, OrganizationRoleID = orr.ID }; output.RoleMappings.Add(tempORM); } _lInstData.Execute(new InsertEntityCommand <LInstContext>(output)); EntityChangedToken token = new EntityChangedToken(output, EntityChangedToken.EntityChangedAction.Created); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <EntityChanged>() .Publish(token); return(output); } else { return(null); } }