/// <summary> /// 帐号登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="UserName"></param> /// <param name="Password"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int userlogin(string UserName, string Password, string DeviceCode, string ExtPropertys, out string AuthKey) { if (ConfigHelper.GetConfigBool("DebugMode")) { LogWriter.WriteLog("UserLogin.Login:UserName="******",Password="******""; if (Membership.ValidateUser(UserName, Password)) { UserInfo User = new UserInfo(UserName); #region 判断门店状态是否可以登录 //if (user.ClientID > 0 && user.ClientType == 3) //{ // CM_Client _c = new CM_ClientBLL(user.ClientID).Model; // //会员店已中止合作 // if (_c == null || _c.ActiveFlag == 2) return -11; // //会员店状态不为已启动、准备启动状态 // if (_c["IsRMSClient"] == "2" || _c["IsRMSClient"] == "8") return -12; // //会员店为流通店 // //if (_c["RTClassify"] == "1") return -13; //} #endregion AuthKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); User.DeviceCode = DeviceCode; string cachekey = "EBMIF_OnlineUser-" + AuthKey; DataCache.SetCache(cachekey, User, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0)); cachekey = "EBMIF_DeviceCryptKey-" + DeviceCode; DeviceCryptKey cryptkey = (DeviceCryptKey)DataCache.GetCache(cachekey); if (cryptkey != null) { cryptkey.AuthKey = AuthKey; } HttpRequest Requst = HttpContext.Current.Request; string IpAddr = Requst.UserHostAddress; UserBLL.LoginSuccess(UserName, AuthKey, IpAddr, DeviceCode, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(User), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cryptkey), ExtPropertys); return(1); } else if (UserName.StartsWith("1") && UserName.Length == 11 && Membership.GetUser(UserName) == null) { IList <Org_Staff> staffs = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Mobile='" + UserName + "' AND Dimission=1 AND ApproveFlag=1"); if (staffs.Count == 1) { DataTable dt = new Org_StaffBLL(staffs[0].ID).GetUserList(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(userlogin(dt.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(), Password, DeviceCode, ExtPropertys, out AuthKey)); } } } return(-2); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.ID IN (SELECT SalesMan FROM MCS_PBM.dbo.PBM_Order WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND InsertTime>DATEADD(MONTH,-6,GETDATE()) ) AND Org_Staff.Dimission = 1"); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); }
protected void ddl_Position_Selected(object sender, MCSControls.MCSWebControls.SelectedEventArgs e) { if (e.CurSelectIndex != 0) { int position = e.CurSelectIndex; ddl_Staff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Position=" + position.ToString()); ddl_Staff.DataBind(); } }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_SupplierWareHouse.DataSource = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetByClient((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).Where(p => p.Classify == 1); ddl_SupplierWareHouse.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Dimission=1"); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择", "0")); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); ddl_DeliveryMan.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); ddl_DeliveryMan.DataBind(); ddl_DeliveryMan.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择送货人员...", "0")); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_SupplierWareHouse.DataSource = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetByClient((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); ddl_SupplierWareHouse.DataBind(); ddl_SupplierWareHouse.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); ddl_ClientWareHouse.DataSource = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetByClient((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); ddl_ClientWareHouse.DataBind(); ddl_ClientWareHouse.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.SelectedValue = Session["UserID"].ToString(); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Supplier.DataSource = CM_ClientBLL.GetSupplierByTDP((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).OrderBy(p => p.FullName); ddl_Supplier.DataBind(); ddl_Supplier.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); //ddl_State.DataSource = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryState"); //ddl_State.DataBind(); //ddl_State.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.ID IN (SELECT SalesMan FROM MCS_PBM.dbo.PBM_Delivery WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND InsertTime>DATEADD(MONTH,-6,GETDATE()) ) AND Org_Staff.Dimission = 1"); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Supplier.DataSource = CM_ClientBLL.GetSupplierByTDP((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).OrderBy(p => p.FullName); ddl_Supplier.DataBind(); CM_Client _c = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).Model; if (_c != null && ddl_Supplier.Items.FindByValue(_c.OwnerClient.ToString()) != null) { ddl_Supplier.SelectedValue = _c.OwnerClient.ToString(); } ddl_AgentStaff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Org_Staff.Dimission=1"); ddl_AgentStaff.DataBind(); ddl_AgentStaff.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择", "0")); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Supplier.DataSource = CM_ClientBLL.GetSupplierByTDP((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).OrderBy(p => p.FullName); ddl_Supplier.DataBind(); CM_Client _c = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).Model; if (_c != null && ddl_Supplier.Items.FindByValue(_c.OwnerClient.ToString()) != null) { ddl_Supplier.SelectedValue = _c.OwnerClient.ToString(); } ddl_ClientWareHouse.DataSource = CM_WareHouseBLL.GetByClient((int)Session["OwnerClient"]).Where(p => p.Classify == 1); ddl_ClientWareHouse.DataBind(); ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Org_Staff.Dimission=1"); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); }
protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Org_StaffBLL _staffbll = null; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) { _staffbll = new Org_StaffBLL(); } else { _staffbll = new Org_StaffBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); } int oldPosition = _staffbll.Model.Position; int oldOrganizeCity = _staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity; panel1.GetData(_staffbll.Model); Org_Staff _staffM = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) { #region 根据身份证号判断是否重复 if (_staffbll.Model["IDCode"] != string.Empty && Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("IDCode='" + _staffbll.Model["IDCode"] + "' AND Dimission=1").Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,该身份证号的员工已在系统中入职,请核实后再新增员工!"); return; } #endregion _staffbll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _staffbll.Model.InsertTime = DateTime.Now; _staffbll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; //未审批 _staffbll.Model.Dimission = 1; //在职 ViewState["ID"] = _staffbll.Add(); } else { _staffbll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _staffbll.Update(); } MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "保存成功", "StaffDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); }
private void BindDropDown() { string condition = " Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Dimission=1 AND Position IN (1030,1050)"; cbx_Staff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList(condition); cbx_Staff.DataBind(); DropDownList ddl_RelateStaff = (DropDownList)pl_detail.FindControl("CM_Vehicle_RelateStaff"); if (ddl_RelateStaff != null) { ddl_RelateStaff.DataTextField = "RealName"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataValueField = "ID"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList(condition); ddl_RelateStaff.DataBind(); ddl_RelateStaff.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); } }
void tr_OrganizeCity_Selected(object sender, SelectedEventArgs e) { int city = 0; if (tr_OrganizeCity != null) { int.TryParse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue, out city); } if (city > 0 && ddl_RelateStaff != null) { #region 判断当前可查询的管理区域范围 string orgcitys = ""; if ((int)Session["OwnerType"] != 3 && tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "1") { Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue), true); orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue; if (orgcitys != "") { string ConditionStr = " Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Dimission=1"; ConditionStr += " AND Org_Staff.OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ") AND Org_Staff.OwnerType=" + Session["OwnerType"].ToString(); try { ddl_RelateStaff.DataTextField = "RealName"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataValueField = "ID"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList(ConditionStr); ddl_RelateStaff.DataBind(); ddl_RelateStaff.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); } catch { } } } #endregion } }
private void BindDropDown() { if ((int)Session["OwnerType"] == 3) { if (tr_OrganizeCity != null) { tr_OrganizeCity.Enabled = false; } if (ddl_RelateStaff != null) { ddl_RelateStaff.DataTextField = "RealName"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataValueField = "ID"; ddl_RelateStaff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Dimission=1"); ddl_RelateStaff.DataBind(); ddl_RelateStaff.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择...", "0")); } } else { } }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Position.DataSource = Org_PositionBLL.GetAllPostion(); ddl_Position.DataBind(); if (Request.QueryString["StaffID"] != null) { int staffid = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["StaffID"]); Org_Staff staff = new Org_StaffBLL(staffid).Model; if (staff != null) { ddl_Position.SelectValue = staff.Position.ToString(); ddl_Staff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Position=" + staff.Position.ToString()); ddl_Staff.DataBind(); ddl_Staff.SelectedValue = staff.ID.ToString(); } } else { ddl_Staff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Position=" + ddl_Position.SelectValue); ddl_Staff.DataBind(); } }
protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Org_StaffBLL _staffbll = null; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) { _staffbll = new Org_StaffBLL(); } else { _staffbll = new Org_StaffBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); } int oldPosition = _staffbll.Model.Position; int oldOrganizeCity = _staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity; panel1.GetData(_staffbll.Model); if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0 && (oldPosition != _staffbll.Model.Position || oldOrganizeCity != _staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity) && EWF_Task_JobDecisionBLL.GetModelList("DecisionResult=1 AND RecipientStaff=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()).Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,该人员还有未审批流程不能调整【职务】或【管理片区】信息!"); return; } Addr_OfficialCityBLL citybll = new Addr_OfficialCityBLL(_staffbll.Model.OfficialCity); if (citybll != null && citybll.Model.Level < 2) { MessageBox.Show(this, "驻点所在城市必须选到市级!"); return; } Org_Staff _staffM = new Org_StaffBLL((int)Session["UserID"]).Model; if (_staffM.Position == _staffbll.Model.Position && new Org_PositionBLL(_staffM.Position).Model.IsHeadOffice != "Y") { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,您没有权限新增职位与您相同的员工"); return; } if (_staffbll.Model["OperateProperty"] == "0") { MessageBox.Show(this, "归属办事处类型必填!"); return; } if ((int)ViewState["ID"] == 0) { #region 根据身份证号判断是否重复 if (_staffbll.Model["IDCode"] != string.Empty && Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(Org_Staff.ExtPropertys,'|',1)='" + _staffbll.Model["IDCode"] + "' AND Dimission=1").Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,该身份证号的员工已在系统中入职,请核实后再新增员工!"); return; } #endregion if (Org_StaffNumberLimitBLL.CheckAllowAdd(_staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity, _staffbll.Model.Position) <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起当前城市该职位员工人数满额,要想继续新增请与人事经理联系"); return; } _staffbll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _staffbll.Model.InsertTime = DateTime.Now; _staffbll.Model.ApproveFlag = 1; //未审批 _staffbll.Model.Dimission = 1; //在职 ViewState["ID"] = _staffbll.Add(); } else { if (!Org_StaffNumberLimitBLL.IsSameLimit(oldOrganizeCity, _staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity, oldPosition, _staffbll.Model.Position) && Org_StaffNumberLimitBLL.CheckAllowAdd(_staffbll.Model.OrganizeCity, _staffbll.Model.Position) <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起当前城市该职位员工人数满额,要想继续新增请与人事经理联系"); return; } _staffbll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _staffbll.Update(); } MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "保存成功", "StaffDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_AgentStaff.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND Dimission=1"); ddl_AgentStaff.DataBind(); ddl_AgentStaff.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择", "0")); }
protected void bt_Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime begindate = DateTime.Parse(tbx_begindate.Text); DateTime enddate = DateTime.Parse(tbx_enddate.Text); #region 规则校验 if (select_PlanStaff.SelectValue == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "请正确选择要填报计划的员工!"); return; } if (begindate < DateTime.Today) { MessageBox.Show(this, "开始日期不能小于今天!"); return; } if (enddate < begindate) { MessageBox.Show(this, "截止日期必须大于开始日期!"); return; } if ((enddate - begindate).Days > 31) { MessageBox.Show(this, "日期范围不能超过一个月!"); return; } if (JN_WorkingPlanBLL.GetModelList("Staff = " + select_PlanStaff.SelectValue + " AND ( (BeginDate BETWEEN '" + begindate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + enddate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "') OR ('" + begindate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate) )").Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "日期范围与系统中已填报的计划有日期重叠!"); return; } #endregion InitGridView(begindate, enddate); DataTable dt = GenareateDataTable(begindate, enddate); #region 页面控件使能控制 tr_adddetail.Visible = true; tbx_begindate.Enabled = false; tbx_enddate.Enabled = false; select_PlanStaff.Enabled = false; tr_OrganizeCity.Enabled = false; cbx_GenarateSynergetic.Visible = false; bt_Create.Visible = false; bt_Save.Visible = true; #endregion #region 载入该操作员所有负责客户,加入客户拜访记录计划中 IList <CM_Client> clients = CM_ClientBLL.GetModelList("ClientManager=" + select_PlanStaff.SelectValue + " AND ActiveFlag=1 AND ApproveFlag=1"); foreach (CM_Client client in clients) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["WorkingClassify"] = "1"; dr["WorkingClassifyName"] = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("OA_WorkingClassify")["1"].Name; dr["RelateClient"] = client.ID; dr["RelateClientName"] = client.FullName; dr["RelateStaff"] = 0; dr["RelateStaffName"] = ""; dr["OfficialCity"] = client.OfficalCity; if (client.OfficalCity > 0) { dr["OfficialCityName"] = TreeTableBLL.GetFullPathName("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OfficialCity", client.OfficalCity).Replace("->", " "); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } #endregion #region 加入协同拜访工作项,管理片区非总部员工,将所有下级员工加入 if (cbx_GenarateSynergetic.Checked && int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue) > 1) { #region 所有下级职位(不含本级职位) string positions = ""; int position = new Org_StaffBLL(int.Parse(select_PlanStaff.SelectValue)).Model.Position; DataTable dtAllChilePosition = TreeTableBLL.GetAllChildByNodes("MCS_SYS.dbo.Org_Position", "ID", "SuperID", position.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < dtAllChilePosition.Rows.Count; i++) { positions += dtAllChilePosition.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); if (i != dtAllChilePosition.Rows.Count - 1) { positions += ","; } } #endregion #region 所有本级及下级管理片区 string orgcitys = ""; Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue), true); orgcitys = orgcity.GetAllChildNodeIDs(); if (orgcitys != "") { orgcitys += ","; } orgcitys += tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue; #endregion if (positions != "" && orgcitys != "") { IList <Org_Staff> staffs = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcitys + ") AND Position IN (" + positions + ") AND Dimission=1 AND ApproveFlag=1"); foreach (Org_Staff staff in staffs) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["WorkingClassify"] = "2"; dr["WorkingClassifyName"] = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("OA_WorkingClassify")["2"].Name; dr["RelateClient"] = 0; dr["RelateClientName"] = ""; dr["RelateStaff"] = staff.ID; dr["RelateStaffName"] = staff.RealName; dr["OfficialCity"] = staff.OfficialCity; if (staff.OfficialCity > 0) { dr["OfficialCityName"] = TreeTableBLL.GetFullPathName("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OfficialCity", staff.OfficialCity).Replace("->", " "); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } } #endregion #region 加入除客户拜访以外的工作项 foreach (ListItem item in ddl_WorkingClassify.Items) { if (int.Parse(item.Value) >= 3) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["WorkingClassify"] = int.Parse(item.Value); dr["WorkingClassifyName"] = item.Text; dr["Description"] = ""; dr["RelateClient"] = 0; dr["RelateClientName"] = ""; dr["RelateStaff"] = 0; dr["RelateStaffName"] = ""; dr["OfficialCity"] = (int)ViewState["StaffOfficialCity"]; if (ViewState["StaffOfficialCity"] != null && (int)ViewState["StaffOfficialCity"] != 0) { dr["OfficialCityName"] = new Addr_OfficialCityBLL((int)ViewState["StaffOfficialCity"]).Model.Name; } else { dr["OfficialCity"] = 0; } dr["Cost1"] = 0; dr["Cost2"] = 0; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } #endregion ViewState["WorkingPlanData"] = dt; ViewState["BeginDate"] = begindate; ViewState["EndDate"] = enddate; BindGrid(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取车辆关联的员工 /// </summary> /// <param name="Vehicle">车辆ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList <Org_Staff> GetStaffByVehicle(int Vehicle) { return(Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("ID IN (SELECT Staff FROM MCS_CM.dbo.CM_VehicleInStaff WHERE Vehicle = " + Vehicle.ToString() + ") AND Dimission=1")); }
private void BindDropDown() { ddl_Salesman.DataSource = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Org_Staff.OwnerClient=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); ddl_Salesman.DataBind(); }
public void BindDropDown() { #region 业务人员 DropDownList ddlSalesMan = pl_detail.FindControl("CM_ClientSupplierInfo_Salesman") as DropDownList; if (ddlSalesMan != null) { ddlSalesMan.DataTextField = "RealName"; ddlSalesMan.DataValueField = "ID"; IList <Org_Staff> listStaff = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Dimission=1 AND Position=1030 AND OwnerClient= " + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); if (listStaff == null) { listStaff = new List <Org_Staff>(1); } listStaff.Insert(0, new Org_Staff { RealName = "请选择", ID = 0 }); ddlSalesMan.DataSource = listStaff; ddlSalesMan.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 经销商自分渠道 DropDownList ddlTDPChannel = pl_detail.FindControl("CM_ClientSupplierInfo_TDPChannel") as DropDownList; if (ddlTDPChannel != null) { ddlTDPChannel.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlTDPChannel.DataValueField = "ID"; IList <CM_RTChannel_TDP> listChannel = CM_RTChannel_TDPBLL.GetModelList("OwnerClient= " + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); if (listChannel == null) { listChannel = new List <CM_RTChannel_TDP>(1); } listChannel.Insert(0, new CM_RTChannel_TDP { Name = "请选择", ID = 0 }); ddlTDPChannel.DataSource = listChannel; ddlTDPChannel.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 经销商所属区域 DropDownList ddlTDPSalesArea = pl_detail.FindControl("CM_ClientSupplierInfo_TDPSalesArea") as DropDownList; if (ddlTDPSalesArea != null) { ddlTDPSalesArea.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlTDPSalesArea.DataValueField = "ID"; IList <CM_RTSalesArea_TDP> listSalesArea = CM_RTSalesArea_TDPBLL.GetModelList("OwnerClient= " + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString()); if (listSalesArea == null) { listSalesArea = new List <CM_RTSalesArea_TDP>(1); } listSalesArea.Insert(0, new CM_RTSalesArea_TDP { Name = "请选择", ID = 0 }); ddlTDPSalesArea.DataSource = listSalesArea; ddlTDPSalesArea.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 经销商价表 DropDownList ddlStandardPrice = pl_detail.FindControl("CM_ClientSupplierInfo_StandardPrice") as DropDownList; if (ddlStandardPrice != null) { ddlStandardPrice.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlStandardPrice.DataValueField = "ID"; IList <PDT_StandardPrice> listPrice = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetAllPrice_BySupplier((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); if (listPrice == null) { listPrice = new List <PDT_StandardPrice>(1); } listPrice.Insert(0, new PDT_StandardPrice { Name = "请选择", ID = 0 }); ddlStandardPrice.DataSource = listPrice; ddlStandardPrice.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 经销商自营路线 DropDownList ddlVisitRoute = pl_detail.FindControl("CM_ClientSupplierInfo_VisitRoute") as DropDownList; if (ddlVisitRoute != null) { ddlVisitRoute.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlVisitRoute.DataValueField = "ID"; IList <VST_Route> listRoute = VST_RouteBLL.GetRouteListByTDP((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); listRoute.Insert(0, new VST_Route { Name = "请选择", ID = 0 }); ddlVisitRoute.DataSource = listRoute; ddlVisitRoute.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 行政城市默认为厂商所在省份 MCSTreeControl tr_OfficialCity = (MCSTreeControl)pl_detail.FindControl("CM_Client_OfficialCity"); if (tr_OfficialCity != null) { if ((int)Session["Manufacturer"] > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["Manufacturer"]).Model; if (c != null) { int prov = TreeTableBLL.GetSuperIDByLevel("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OfficialCity", c.OfficialCity, 1); tr_OfficialCity.RootValue = prov.ToString(); } } } #endregion }
/** *返回状态 3:成功 4:失败 5:部分成功 */ #region 1.导入员工资料,废弃不用 /// <summary> /// 导入员工资料 /// </summary> /// <param name="TemplateID"></param> /// <param name="Staff"></param> /// <param name="StaffSheet"></param> /// <param name="State">3:成功 4:失败 5:部分成功</param> /// <returns></returns> //public string DoImportStaff(int TemplateID, int Client, ISheet StaffSheet, out int State) public string DoImportStaff(int TemplateID, int Client, ISheet Sheet, out int State) { string ImportInfo = "【员工资料】Excel表:"; State = 0; IPT_UploadTemplateBLL _template = new IPT_UploadTemplateBLL(TemplateID); List <string> listPDT = new List <string>() { "序号", "姓名", "职务", "手机号码", "关联车号", "身份证号" }; DataTable dt = null; bool flag = VertifySheet(Sheet, listPDT, out dt, ref ImportInfo); if (!flag) { State = 4; return(ImportInfo); } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)//循环导入数据 { try { string _staffName = dr["姓名"].ToString(); IList <Org_Staff> _listStaff = Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList(" Dimission=1 AND OwnerClient=" + _template.Model.ClientID.ToString() + " AND RealName='" + _staffName + "'"); if (_listStaff != null && _listStaff.Count > 0) { ImportInfo += string.Format("导入序列号为{0},名字为{1}的数据行时与现有员工名字重复,跳过此行\r\n", dr["序号"].ToString(), _staffName); continue; } int _staffPosition = 0; string _strStaffPosition = dr["职务"].ToString(); string _staffPhone = dr["手机号码"].ToString(); string _staffIDCode = dr["身份证号"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_strStaffPosition))//无职位默认为业代 { IList <Org_Position> _listPosition = Org_PositionBLL.GetModelList(" Name='" + _strStaffPosition + "'"); if (_listPosition != null && _listPosition.Count > 0) { _staffPosition = _listPosition[0].ID; } } else { _staffPosition = 1030; } Org_StaffBLL _bllStaff = new Org_StaffBLL(); CM_ClientBLL c = new CM_ClientBLL(_template.Model.ClientID); CM_ClientManufactInfo manufactinfo = c.GetManufactInfo(); if (c != null && manufactinfo != null) { _bllStaff.Model.OrganizeCity = manufactinfo.OrganizeCity; _bllStaff.Model.OfficialCity = c.Model.OfficialCity; } _bllStaff.Model.RealName = _staffName; _bllStaff.Model.Position = _staffPosition; _bllStaff.Model.Mobile = _staffPhone; _bllStaff.Model.TeleNum = _staffPhone; _bllStaff.Model.IDCode = _staffIDCode; _bllStaff.Model.InsertStaff = _template.Model.InsertStaff; _bllStaff.Model.OwnerClient = _template.Model.ClientID; _bllStaff.Model.OwnerType = 3; _bllStaff.Model.Dimission = 1; _bllStaff.Model.ApproveFlag = 1; int _ClientID = _bllStaff.Add();//当前员工ID //创建默认员工线路 if (_ClientID > 0) { if (_bllStaff.Model.Position == 1030)//业待创建默认路线 { VST_RouteBLL routebll = new VST_RouteBLL(); routebll.Model.Code = "R" + _ClientID.ToString(); routebll.Model.Name = "线路-" + _bllStaff.Model.RealName; routebll.Model.RelateStaff = _ClientID; routebll.Model.OrganizeCity = _bllStaff.Model.OrganizeCity; routebll.Model.OwnerClient = _template.Model.ClientID; routebll.Model.OwnerType = 3; routebll.Model.ApproveFlag = 1; routebll.Model.EnableFlag = "Y"; routebll.Model.InsertStaff = _template.Model.InsertStaff; routebll.Add(); } if (_bllStaff.Model.Position == 1030 || _bllStaff.Model.Position == 1050)//只有业待和司机能关联车号 { #region 获取车号ID int _staffCar = 0; string _strStaffCar = dr["关联车号"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_strStaffCar)) { IList <CM_Vehicle> _listVehicles = CM_VehicleBLL.GetModelList("Client=" + _template.Model.ClientID + " AND VehicleNo='" + _strStaffPosition + "' "); if (_listVehicles != null && _listVehicles.Count > 0) { _staffCar = _listVehicles[0].ID; } else { CM_VehicleBLL vehicle = new CM_VehicleBLL(); vehicle.Model.Client = _template.Model.ClientID; vehicle.Model.VehicleNo = _strStaffCar; vehicle.Model.State = 1; vehicle.Model.Remark = "新导入未确认"; vehicle.Model.VehicleClassify = 2; _staffCar = vehicle.Add(); } } #endregion if (_staffCar > 0)//关联车号 { IList <CM_VehicleInStaff> _listVehicleInStaff = CM_VehicleInStaffBLL.GetModelList("Vehicle=" + _staffCar.ToString() + " AND Staff=" + _ClientID.ToString()); if (_listVehicleInStaff == null || _listVehicleInStaff.Count == 0) { CM_VehicleInStaffBLL vehicle_staff = new CM_VehicleInStaffBLL(); vehicle_staff.Model.Staff = _ClientID; vehicle_staff.Model.Vehicle = _staffCar; vehicle_staff.Model.InsertStaff = _template.Model.InsertStaff; vehicle_staff.Add(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ImportInfo += "导入序列号为" + dr["序号"].ToString() + "的数据行时出现错误,错误说明:" + ex.Message + "\r\n"; State = 5; continue; } } if (State == 0) { State = 3; } ImportInfo += (State == 3 ? "导入完成!\r\n" : ""); IPT_UploadTemplateMessageBLL _bllUploadTemplateMessage = new IPT_UploadTemplateMessageBLL(); _bllUploadTemplateMessage.Model.TemplateID = TemplateID; _bllUploadTemplateMessage.Model.MessageType = State; _bllUploadTemplateMessage.Model.Content = ImportInfo; _bllUploadTemplateMessage.Add(); return(ImportInfo); }
protected void bt_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Org_StaffBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) { //修改 _bll = new Org_StaffBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); } else { //新增 _bll = new Org_StaffBLL(); } pl_detail.GetData(_bll.Model); #region 判断必填项 if (_bll.Model.Position == 0 || _bll.Model.Position == 1000) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择员工所属的职位!"); return; } #endregion #region 判断在职标志 if (_bll.Model.Dimission == 1) { if (_bll.Model.BeginWorkTime.Year == 1900) { _bll.Model.BeginWorkTime = DateTime.Today; } if (_bll.Model.EndWorkTime.Year != 1900) { _bll.Model.EndWorkTime = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); } } else if (_bll.Model.Dimission == 2) { if (_bll.Model.EndWorkTime.Year == 1900) { _bll.Model.EndWorkTime = DateTime.Today; } } #endregion #region 判断手机号码有效性 if (_bll.Model.Mobile.StartsWith("01")) { _bll.Model.Mobile = _bll.Model.Mobile.Substring(1); } if (Org_StaffBLL.GetStaffList("Dimission=1 AND Mobile='" + _bll.Model.Mobile + "' AND ID <> " + _bll.Model.ID.ToString()).Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "手机号码和系统中其他员工的手机号码重复,请检查是否正确!"); return; } #endregion if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) { //修改 _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; if (_bll.Update() == 0) { #region 创建默认职位为业务员的线路 if (_bll.Model.Position == 1030 && VST_RouteBLL.GetRouteListByStaff(_bll.Model.ID).Count == 0) { CreateRoute(_bll.Model.RealName, _bll.Model.OrganizeCity); } #endregion MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "保存成功!", "StaffDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); } } else { //新增 CM_ClientBLL c = new CM_ClientBLL((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); CM_ClientManufactInfo manufactinfo = c.GetManufactInfo(); if (c != null && manufactinfo != null) { _bll.Model.OrganizeCity = manufactinfo.OrganizeCity; _bll.Model.OfficialCity = c.Model.OfficialCity; } _bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _bll.Model.OwnerClient = (int)Session["OwnerClient"]; _bll.Model.OwnerType = (int)Session["OwnerType"]; if (_bll.Model.Dimission == 0) { _bll.Model.Dimission = 1; } _bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 1; ViewState["ID"] = _bll.Add(); if ((int)ViewState["ID"] > 0) { #region 创建默认职位为业务员的线路 if (_bll.Model.Position == 1030) { CreateRoute(_bll.Model.RealName, _bll.Model.OrganizeCity); } #endregion Response.Redirect("StaffDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); } } }