public void FixSentOnUnknown() { // reset everything id = 1; o = new OrderImpl(); ot = new OrderTracker(); ot.SendDebugEvent += new DebugDelegate(ot_SendDebugEvent); ot.VerboseDebugging = true; ot.FixSentSizeOnUnknown = true; // verify no size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Sent(id), "sent but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id), "completed but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isTracked(id), "wrongly tracked"); // prepare a buy order o = new BuyLimit(sym, 100, 100, id++); // fill it Assert.IsTrue(o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 100, 100)), "order did not fill"); ot.GotFill((Trade)o); // order will be invalid since it was sent previously (or unknown) Assert.False(ot.SentOrder(id - 1).isValid, "valid order was found, none was sent though"); // verify size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(100, ot.Sent(id - 1), "not sent buy"); Assert.AreEqual(100, ot.Filled(id - 1), "incorrect fill size buy"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isCompleted(id - 1), "wrongly not filled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id - 1), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id - 1), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isTracked(id - 1), "not tracked"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Portfolio"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="clock">The clock.</param> /// <param name="actionscheduler">The actionscheduler.</param> /// <param name="brokerconnection">The brokerconnection.</param> /// <param name="brokermodel">The brokermodel.</param> /// <param name="currency">The currency.</param> /// <param name="eventrunner">The eventrunner.</param> /// <param name="exceptionhandler">The exceptionhandler.</param> /// <param name="orderTicketHandler">The order ticket handler.</param> /// <param name="brokeraccount">The brokeraccount.</param> /// <param name="cashmanager">The cashmanager.</param> /// <param name="runmode">The runmode.</param> /// <param name="datafeed">The datafeed.</param> /// <param name="benchmark">The benchmark.</param> /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param> public Portfolio(WorldClock clock, ActionsScheduler actionscheduler, BrokerConnection brokerconnection, BrokerModel brokermodel, Currency currency, EventRunner eventrunner, ExceptionHandler exceptionhandler, OrderTicketHandler orderTicketHandler, BrokerAccount brokeraccount, CashManager cashmanager, RunMode runmode, DataFeed datafeed, Benchmark benchmark, string id = "") { //Set references ActionsScheduler = actionscheduler; BrokerAccount = brokeraccount; BrokerConnection = brokerconnection; BrokerModel = brokermodel; Clock = clock; Currency = currency; EventRunner = eventrunner; ExceptionHandler = exceptionhandler; CashManager = cashmanager; OrderTicketHandler = orderTicketHandler; _porfolioBenchmark = benchmark; //Set initial items Id = id; IsBacktesting = runmode == RunMode.Backtester; OrderFactory = new OrderFactory(this, BrokerModel); OrderTracker = new OrderTracker(this); Subscription = new DataSubscriptionManager(datafeed, CashManager); Results = new Result(0, _porfolioBenchmark); //Portfolio benchmark is not used benchmark.OnCalc(x => 0); }
void OrderTrackerField(OrderTracker tracker) { if (!tracker) { return; } Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); if (tracker == target) { //GUI.enabled = true; Rect rBG = new Rect(r.x - 2, r.y - 2, r.width + 4, r.height + 4); GUI.Label(rBG, "", "SelectionRect"); //GUI.enabled = false; } //Debug.Log(EditorStyles.foldout..background); Rect rLable = new Rect(r.x, r.y, 100, r.height); string label = string.Format(" {0}{1} [{2:+#;-#;+0}]", tracker == target ? "(Self) " : "", tracker.sortingOrder, tracker.addSortingOrder); EditorGUI.LabelField(rLable, new GUIContent(tracker == target ? "<b>" + label + "</b>" : label), "IN Foldout"); Rect rField = new Rect(r.x + rLable.width, r.y, r.width - rLable.width, r.height); EditorGUI.ObjectField( rField, //string.Format("{0} : {1} [{2:+#;-#;+0}]", label, tracker.sortingOrder, tracker.addSortingOrder), tracker, typeof(OrderTracker), true); }
public void PartialFill() { // reset everything id = 1; o = new OrderImpl(); ot = new OrderTracker(); ot.SendDebugEvent += new DebugDelegate(ot_SendDebugEvent); ot.VerboseDebugging = true; // verify no size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Sent(id), "sent but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id), "completed but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isTracked(id), "wrongly tracked"); // send a buy order o = new BuyLimit(sym, 200, 100, id++); ot.GotOrder(o); // fill it Assert.IsTrue(o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 100, 100)), "order did not fill"); ot.GotFill((Trade)o); // verify order is there Assert.IsTrue(ot.SentOrder(id - 1).isValid, "no valid order"); // verify size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(200, ot.Sent(id - 1), "not sent buy"); Assert.AreEqual(100, ot.Filled(id - 1), "incorrect fill size buy"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id - 1), "wrongly completed"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id - 1), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isPending(id - 1), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isTracked(id - 1), "not tracked"); // do sell order // verify no size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Sent(id), "sent but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id), "completed but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isTracked(id), "wrongly tracked"); // send sell order o = new SellLimit(sym, 200, 100, id++); ot.GotOrder(o); // fill it Assert.IsTrue(o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 100, 100)), "order did not fill"); ot.GotFill((Trade)o); // verify order is there Assert.IsTrue(ot.SentOrder(id - 1).isValid, "no valid order"); // verify size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(-100, ot.Filled(id - 1), "incorrect fill size sell"); Assert.AreEqual(-200, ot.Sent(id - 1), "not sent sell"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id - 1), "wrongly completed"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id - 1), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isPending(id - 1), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isTracked(id - 1), "not tracked"); }
public int InsertOrder(OrderTracker OrderTracker) { using (var connection = _databaseConnectionProvider.GetDbConnection()) { var insertQuery = @"INSERT INTO orderstatus(orderid,status) VALUES(@OrderId,@OrderStatus)"; int id = connection.Execute(insertQuery, OrderTracker); if (id <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("An error has occured"); } return(id); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Manager manager = new Manager(); ConditionA conditionA = new ConditionA(manager); ConditionB conditionB = new ConditionB(manager); OrderTracker tracker = new OrderTracker(); tracker.TakeOrder(conditionA); tracker.TakeOrder(conditionB); tracker.RunOrders(); }
public void Sent() { // reset everything id = 1; o = new OrderImpl(); ot = new OrderTracker(); ot.SendDebugEvent += new DebugDelegate(ot_SendDebugEvent); ot.VerboseDebugging = true; // verify no size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Sent(id), "sent but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id), "completed but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isTracked(id), "wrongly tracked"); // send a buy order ot.GotOrder(new BuyLimit(sym, 100, 100, id++)); // verify order is there Assert.IsTrue(ot.SentOrder(id - 1).isValid, "no valid order"); // verify size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(100, ot.Sent(id - 1), "not sent"); Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Filled(id - 1), "incorrect fill size"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id - 1), "completed but not filled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id - 1), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isPending(id - 1), "not pending"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isTracked(id - 1), "not tracked"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.GetOrderId(0) == 1, "no id at idx"); // do sell order // verify no size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Sent(id), "sent but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id), "completed but not sent"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isPending(id), "wrongly pending"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isTracked(id), "wrongly tracked"); // send a sell order ot.GotOrder(new SellLimit(sym, 100, 100, id++)); // verify order is there Assert.IsTrue(ot.SentOrder(id - 1).isValid, "no valid order"); // verify size/pending/cancel Assert.AreEqual(-100, ot.Sent(id - 1), "not sent"); Assert.AreEqual(0, ot.Filled(id - 1), "incorrect fill size"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCompleted(id - 1), "completed but not filled"); Assert.IsFalse(ot.isCanceled(id - 1), "wrongly canceled"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isPending(id - 1), "not pending"); Assert.IsTrue(ot.isTracked(id - 1), "not tracked"); }
public OrdersPanel() { var panel = new QDockPanel(); Content = panel; Loaded += initialize; systemBox = new QComboBox(onSystemSelected); pvBox = new QComboBox(onPvSelected); marketBox = new QComboBox(onMarketSelected); filterBox = new QComboBox("ALL", onFilterSelected, O.list("Not Ferret", "Ferret")); panel.add(comboBoxPanel(), Dock.Top); panel.add(new FerretPanel(), Dock.Bottom); orderGrid = new QDataTableGrid(loadOrderRow, unloadOrderRow); panel.add(orderGrid);"starting order tracker"); orderTracker = new OrderTracker(this); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the pending order information messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="quantfunds"></param> /// <param name="ordertracker"></param> /// <param name="portfolioid"></param> public void SendPendingOrderInfoMessages(IQuantFund[] quantfunds, OrderTracker ordertracker, string portfolioid) { if (!IsRunning || !HasSubscribers) { return; } ordertracker.PendingOrders.ForEach(p => { var quantfund = quantfunds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FundId == p.FundId); if (quantfund != null) { Enqueue(PendingOrderInfoMessage.Generate(p, quantfund.Portfolio.Id, quantfund.Name)); } else { Enqueue(PendingOrderInfoMessage.Generate(p, portfolioid, string.Empty)); } }); }
public OrderAndPositionViewModel() { _eventaggregator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <EventAggregator>(); _logger = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <ILoggerFacade>(); _configmanager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IConfigManager>() as ConfigManager; _ordertracker = new OrderTracker(_configmanager.DailyOrderCapacity); _ordertracker.SendDebugEvent += OnDebug; _positiontracker = new PositionTracker(_configmanager.DailyOrderCapacity); _eventaggregator.GetEvent <InitialPositionEvent>().Subscribe(ClientGotInitialPosition); //_eventaggregator.GetEvent<SendOrderEvent>().Subscribe(ClientGotOrder); _eventaggregator.GetEvent <OrderConfirmationEvent>().Subscribe(ClientGotOrder); _eventaggregator.GetEvent <OrderCancelConfirmationEvent>().Subscribe(ClientGotOrderCancelConfirmation); _eventaggregator.GetEvent <OrderFillEvent>().Subscribe(ClientGotOrderFilled); _eventaggregator.GetEvent <GenerateReportEvent>().Subscribe(GeneratePerformanceReport); _resultstable.Columns.Add("Statistics"); _resultstable.Columns.Add("Result"); }
public IActionResult SaveTracker(OrderTracker order) { try { int orders = _orderTrackerRepository.InsertOrder(order); if (orders <= 0) { return(new NotFoundObjectResult(order)); } return(new OkObjectResult(orders)); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest.ToString(), ex.Message)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new BadRequestObjectResult(ex.Message)); } }
public override void Reset(bool popup = true) { _positiontracker = new PositionTracker(_symbols.Count); _barlisttracker = new BarListTracker(_symbols.ToArray(), new int[] { _higherbarinterval, _lowerbarinterval }); _barlisttracker.GotNewBar += _barlisttracker_GotNewBar; _ordertracker = new OrderTracker(10000); // in the none zone _isOBOSZone = Enumerable.Repeat <OBOSZone>(OBOSZone.None, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); // neither bull or bear _isHigherTimeFrameBullBear = Enumerable.Repeat <BullBearTrend>(BullBearTrend.None, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); // all are active _issymbolactive = Enumerable.Repeat <bool>(true, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); // none are filled _waittobefilled = Enumerable.Repeat <bool>(false, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); _currentorderids = Enumerable.Repeat <long>(0L, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); _entrylevel = Enumerable.Repeat <decimal>(0m, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); _exitlevel = Enumerable.Repeat <decimal>(0m, _symbols.Count).ToArray(); _transactions = 0; _currenttime = 0; }
public void Awake() { OrderTracker = GameObject.Find("OrderTracker").GetComponent <OrderTracker>(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (contentEnableMaskRect2D == null) { contentEnableMaskRect2D = new GUIContent(" Clipped (MaskRect2D)", EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("testpassed"), "The Renderer will be clipped by MaskRect2D."); contentDisableMaskRect2D = new GUIContent(" Clipped (MaskRect2D)", EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("console.warnicon.sml"), "Required '_ClipRect_n' properties in shader.\nRequired RectTransform component."); contentEnableCanvasGroup = new GUIContent(" Modified Alpha (CanvasGroup)", EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("testpassed"), "The Renderer will be modified alpha by CanvasGroup."); contentDisableCanvasGroup = new GUIContent(" Modified Alpha (CanvasGroup)", EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("console.warnicon.sml"), "Required '_Alpha' property in shader."); } OrderTracker current = target as OrderTracker; bool isAutoOrderedByParent = current.parent && current.parent.childOrderInterval != 0; serializedObject.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_IgnoreParentTracker")); GUILayout.Space(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sorting Tracking", EditorStyles.boldLabel); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isAutoOrderedByParent)) { if (current.parent) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_AddSortingOrder"), new GUIContent("Sorting Order")); } else { var spSortingLayer = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SortingLayerID"); SortingLayerField(new GUIContent(spSortingLayer.displayName), spSortingLayer, EditorStyles.popup, EditorStyles.label); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_AddSortingOrder")); } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ChildOrderInterval")); // DrawDefaultInspector(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); //using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(true)) using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox)) { int indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; if (current.parent) { OrderTrackerField(current.parent); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; } OrderTrackerField(current); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; foreach (var child in current.children.OrderBy(x => x.addSortingOrder)) { OrderTrackerField(child); } EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel; } // Draw rendering options. if (current.cachedRenderer) { GUILayout.Space(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rendering Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope("helpbox")) { GUILayout.Label(current.isClippable ? contentEnableMaskRect2D : contentDisableMaskRect2D); GUILayout.Label(current.isTransparent ? contentEnableCanvasGroup : contentDisableCanvasGroup); } } }
private void Awake() { Store = GetComponent <GameDataStore>(); OrderTracker = GameObject.Find("OrderTracker").GetComponent <OrderTracker>(); LevelLoader = GameObject.Find("LevelChanger").GetComponent <LevelChanger>(); }