public void TestCancelOrder()
            List <Product> testItems = new List <Product>();


            List <Product> emptyProductList = new List <Product>();

            Order      testOrder = new Order(testItems);
            OrderTasks ot        = new OrderTasks();


            Order nullOrder = new Order(emptyProductList);

            nullOrder.Price = 0;
            nullOrder.Id    = -1;

            Assert.Equal(nullOrder.Items, testOrder.Items);
            Assert.Equal(nullOrder.Id, testOrder.Id);
            Assert.Equal(nullOrder.Price, testOrder.Price);
        public void TestCheckStock()
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();
            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);

            CustomerTasks ct        = new CustomerTasks();
            int           postCheck = ct.CheckStock(testCheese);
            int           realStock = testCheese.Stock;

            Assert.Equal(realStock, postCheck);
        public void TestFindOrderPrice()
            List <Product> testItems = new List <Product>();


            Order      testOrder = new Order(testItems);
            OrderTasks ot        = new OrderTasks();

            double expectedPrice = testCheese.Price + testMilk.Price + testIceCream.Price;
            double orderPrice    = ot.OrderPrice(testOrder);

            Assert.Equal(expectedPrice, orderPrice);
        public void TestStockReplenishAfterOrderCanceled()
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();
            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);

            int cheeseStock = testCheese.Stock;
            int maxCheese   = Cheese.MaxStock;

            Assert.Equal(maxCheese, cheeseStock);
        public void TestStockReduction()
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();
            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);

            int cheeseStock   = testCheese.Stock;
            int maxCheese     = Cheese.MaxStock;
            int expectedStock = maxCheese - 3;

            Assert.Equal(expectedStock, cheeseStock);
        public void TestRestock()
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();
            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);

            int           postOrder = testCheese.Stock;
            EmployeeTasks et        = new EmployeeTasks();

            int postRestock = testCheese.Stock;

            Assert.Equal(postOrder + 3, postRestock);
        public void TestUpdateOrderPrice()
            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testMilk);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testIceCream);

            double priceBeforeUpdate = ot.OrderPrice(emptyOrder);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testIceCream);
            double priceAfterUpdate = (ot.OrderPrice(emptyOrder));
            double expectedPrice    = priceBeforeUpdate + testIceCream.Price;

            Assert.Equal(expectedPrice, priceAfterUpdate);
        public void TestAddProducttoItemList()
            List <Product> testItems = new List <Product>();


            Order      testOrder = new Order(testItems);
            OrderTasks ot        = new OrderTasks();

            List <Product> emptyItems = new List <Product>();
            Order          emptyOrder = new Order(emptyItems);

            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testCheese);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testMilk);
            ot.AddProduct(emptyOrder, testIceCream);

            Assert.Equal(emptyOrder.Items, testOrder.Items);
        public Order MakeOrder()
            string         doubleCheck;
            int            numMilk;
            int            numCheese;
            int            numIceCream;
            List <Product> orderItems = new List <Product>();
            OrderTasks     ot         = new OrderTasks();

                numMilk     = askForProduct("milk", "gallons");
                numCheese   = askForProduct("cheese", "wheels");
                numIceCream = askForProduct("ice cream", "cartons");
                Console.WriteLine("Are you sure? \n[0] Yes, Place my order! \n[1] No, I made a mistake. Let me order again");
                Console.WriteLine("[3] No, I don't want to make an order anymore");
                doubleCheck = Console.ReadLine();
            } while (ValidInput(doubleCheck, "1"));

            for (int i = 0; i < numMilk; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new Milk());
            for (int i = 0; i < numCheese; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new Cheese());
            for (int i = 0; i < numIceCream; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new IceCream());
            if (ValidInput(doubleCheck, "0"))
                return(new Order(orderItems));
                return(new Order());
Example #10
        public Order MakeOrder()
            int            numMilk     = askForProduct("milk", "gallons");
            int            numCheese   = askForProduct("cheese", "wheels");
            int            numIceCream = askForProduct("ice cream", "cartons");
            List <Product> orderItems  = new List <Product>();
            OrderTasks     ot          = new OrderTasks();

            for (int i = 0; i < numMilk; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new Milk());
            for (int i = 0; i < numCheese; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new Cheese());
            for (int i = 0; i < numIceCream; i++)
                orderItems.Add(new IceCream());

            return(new Order(orderItems));
        public void Start()
            // first step: get info to create a customer object & check if that
            // customer is in the db

            string   proceed = "";
            Customer c;

                c       = LogIn();
                proceed = "4";
                if (c.Id == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Quitting now.");
                if (c.Id == -2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that account is already claimed. Select an option to proceed");
                    Console.WriteLine("[0] Try Again");
                    Console.WriteLine("[1] Quit");
                    proceed = Console.ReadLine();
            } while (ValidInput(proceed, "0"));

            if (ValidInput(proceed, "1"))
                Console.WriteLine("Quitting now.");

            // Next Step: let customer make order and persist to db

            Console.WriteLine($"Hello {c.Name}! Here are Today's Products: ");
            Console.Write("Milk \nCheese \nIce Cream\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to place an order? \n[0] Yes \n[1] No");
            proceed = Console.ReadLine();
            while (!ValidInput(proceed, "0|1"))
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, please enter 0 to proceed or 1 to quit");
                proceed = Console.ReadLine();

            StoreContext  context    = new StoreContext();
            DbRepo        repo       = new DbRepo(context);
            OrderTasks    ot         = new OrderTasks(repo);
            CustomerTasks ct         = new CustomerTasks(repo);
            EmployeeTasks et         = new EmployeeTasks(repo);
            LocationTasks lt         = new LocationTasks(repo);
            ProductTasks  pt         = new ProductTasks(repo);
            List <Order>  previousOH = new List <Order>();

            if (c.Equals(repo.GetCustomerById(c.Id)))
                previousOH = repo.GetCustomerById(c.Id).OrderHistory;
                previousOH = repo.GetCustomerById(c.Id).OrderHistory;

            previousOH = c.OrderHistory;

            if (ValidInput(proceed, "0"))
                Console.WriteLine("Time to place an order!");
                Order newOrder = MakeOrder();
                newOrder.Id = c.Id;
                Order emptyOrder = new Order();

                if (newOrder.Equals(emptyOrder))

                string confirm;
                double price = newOrder.OrderPrice();
                Console.WriteLine($"That will be ${price}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please Select [0] to pay now or [1] to cancel your order");
                    confirm = Console.ReadLine();
                }while (!ValidInput(confirm, "0|1"));
                if (ValidInput(confirm, "0"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Your order has been processed!");
                if (ValidInput(confirm, "1"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Your order has been cancelled. GoodBye.");
            //next step:
            Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do now?");
            Console.WriteLine("[0] Check Order History \n[1]Check location inventory \n[3]Check product stock");
            Console.WriteLine("[4] Quit");
            string next = Console.ReadLine();

            while (!ValidInput(next, "0|1|2|3"))
                Console.WriteLine("Please select a valid option to continue");
                Console.WriteLine("[0] Check Order History \n[1]Check location inventory");
                Console.WriteLine("[2] Quit");

            if (ValidInput(next, "0"))
                ShowOrderHistory(c, repo, previousOH);
            if (ValidInput(next, "1"))
            if (ValidInput(next, "2"))
                Console.WriteLine("Have a nice day! Goodbye!");