internal void OrderByMF <M, F>(Expression <Func <M, F> > propertyFunc, OrderByEnum orderBy) where M : class { var keyDic = DC.XE.FuncMFExpression(propertyFunc); AddOrderByParam(keyDic, orderBy); }
public async Task <PageResult <EventLogModel> > FindByParams( string entityType, int?entityId, string entityName, EventEnum?eventEnum, int?userId, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, string fieldName, string fieldValue, bool onlyProject, OrderByEnum orderBy, int?page, int?pageSize) { var dataResult = await _eventLogRepository.FindByParamsAsync( entityType, entityId, entityName, eventEnum, userId, startDate, endDate, fieldName, fieldValue, onlyProject, orderBy, page, pageSize); var result = MapToModel <EventLogModel>(dataResult); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Get best customers /// </summary> /// <param name="createdFromUtc">Order created date from (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="createdToUtc">Order created date to (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="os">Order status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ps">Order payment status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ss">Order shipment status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="orderBy">1 - order by order total, 2 - order by number of orders</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param> /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param> /// <returns>Report</returns> public virtual IPagedList <BestCustomerReportLine> GetBestCustomersReport(DateTime?createdFromUtc, DateTime?createdToUtc, OrderStatus?os, PaymentStatus?ps, ShippingStatus?ss, OrderByEnum orderBy, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = 214748364) { int?orderStatusId = null; if (os.HasValue) { orderStatusId = (int)os.Value; } int?paymentStatusId = null; if (ps.HasValue) { paymentStatusId = (int)ps.Value; } int?shippingStatusId = null; if (ss.HasValue) { shippingStatusId = (int)ss.Value; } var query1 = from c in _customerRepository.Table join o in _orderRepository.Table on c.Id equals o.CustomerId where (!createdFromUtc.HasValue || createdFromUtc.Value <= o.CreatedOnUtc) && (!createdToUtc.HasValue || createdToUtc.Value >= o.CreatedOnUtc) && (!orderStatusId.HasValue || orderStatusId == o.OrderStatusId) && (!paymentStatusId.HasValue || paymentStatusId == o.PaymentStatusId) && (!shippingStatusId.HasValue || shippingStatusId == o.ShippingStatusId) && !o.Deleted && !c.Deleted select new { c, o }; var query2 = from co in query1 group co by co.c.Id into g select new { CustomerId = g.Key, OrderTotal = g.Sum(x => x.o.OrderTotal), OrderCount = g.Count() }; query2 = orderBy switch { OrderByEnum.OrderByQuantity => query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderTotal), OrderByEnum.OrderByTotalAmount => query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderCount), _ => throw new ArgumentException("Wrong orderBy parameter", nameof(orderBy)), }; var tmp = new PagedList <dynamic>(query2, pageIndex, pageSize); return(new PagedList <BestCustomerReportLine>(tmp.Select(x => new BestCustomerReportLine { CustomerId = x.CustomerId, OrderTotal = x.OrderTotal, OrderCount = x.OrderCount }), tmp.PageIndex, tmp.PageSize, tmp.TotalCount)); }
public static (string, OrderByPacket) FromJson(string Json) { JObject obj = JObject.Parse(Json); string ColumnName = obj["OrderByName"].Value <string>(); obj.Remove("OrderByName"); OrderByEnum param = OrderByEnum.None; if (!obj.ContainsKey("OrderByParam")) { return(obj.ToString(), new OrderByPacket() { ColumnName = ColumnName, Param = OrderByEnum.ASC }); } else { int p = obj["OrderByParam"].Value <int>(); obj.Remove("OrderByParam"); if (p > -1 & p < 3) { param = (OrderByEnum)p; } else { param = OrderByEnum.ASC; } return(obj.ToString(), new OrderByPacket() { ColumnName = ColumnName, Param = param }); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <PageResult <EventLogModel> > > GetAll( string entityType = null, int?entityId = null, string entityName = null, EventEnum?eventEnum = null, int?userId = null, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, string fieldName = null, string fieldValue = null, int?page = null, int?pageSize = null, bool onlyProject = false, OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.Desc) { var result = await _eventLogService.FindByParams( entityType, entityId, entityName, eventEnum, userId, startDate, endDate, fieldName, fieldValue, onlyProject, orderBy, page, pageSize); return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetPdf( string plateNumber = null, string routeName = null, int?carType = null, int?project = null, int?carBrand = null, int?provider = null, int?yearRelease = null, string blockNumber = null, int?blockType = null, bool?active = null, string sortBy = "lastTime", OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.Desc, FileFormatEnum fileFormat = FileFormatEnum.Pdf) { var fileModel = await _objectService.GetVehiclesFileAsync( User, plateNumber, routeName, carType, project, active, carBrand, provider, yearRelease, blockNumber, blockType, sortBy, orderBy, fileFormat); return(CreateFileResponse(fileModel)); }
public Task <PageResult <EventLog> > FindByParamsAsync( string entityType, int?entityId, string entityName, EventEnum?eventEnum, int?userId, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, string fieldName, string fieldValue, bool onlyProject, OrderByEnum orderBy, int?page, int?pageSize) { Expression <Func <EventLog, bool> > filter = x => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityType) || x.EntityType == entityType) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityName) || x.EntityName == entityName) && (!entityId.HasValue || x.EntityId == entityId.Value) && (!eventEnum.HasValue || x.Event == eventEnum.Value) && (!userId.HasValue || x.UserId == userId.Value) && (!startDate.HasValue || x.TimeStamp >= startDate.Value) && (!endDate.HasValue || x.TimeStamp <= endDate.Value) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName) || x.EventLogFields.Any(y => y.FieldName == fieldName)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue) || x.EventLogFields.Any(y => y.OldFieldValue == fieldValue || y.NewFieldValue == fieldValue)) && (!onlyProject || x.User.ProjectId > 0); return(FindPagedAsync( filter, x => x.TimeStamp, orderBy, page, pageSize, _includes)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetAsync(OrderByEnum orderByEnum) { IEnumerable <President> presidents = orderByEnum == OrderByEnum.Ascending ? await context.Presidents.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToListAsync() : await context.Presidents.OrderByDescending(x => x.Name).ToListAsync(); return(Ok(presidents)); }
/// <summary> /// 设置排序,用于select ,pagelist /// </summary> /// <param name="filedName"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataBaseAction SqlOrderBy(string filedName, OrderByEnum order) { _orderValues.Add(new OrderField() { FiledName = filedName, Order = order }); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// order by /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="selectAction"></param> /// <param name="iExpression"></param> /// <param name="eByEnum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static LinqQueryAction <T> OrderBy <T>( this LinqQueryAction <T> selectAction, Expression <Func <T, object> > iExpression, OrderByEnum eByEnum) { ConditionBuilder conditionBuilder = new ConditionBuilder(); conditionBuilder.Build(iExpression.Body); selectAction.CAction.SqlOrderBy(conditionBuilder.Condition, eByEnum); return(selectAction); }
public Task <PageResult <Objects> > FindByParamsAsync( string plateNumber, string routeName, int?carTypeId, int?projectId, ModelFormatsEnum format, bool?active, UserAvailableRoutes userRoutesModel, int?carBrandId, int?providerId, int?yearRelease, string blockNumber, int?blockTypeId, string sortBy, OrderByEnum orderBy, int?page, int?pageSize) { var includes = _includesPure; if (format == ModelFormatsEnum.Light) { includes = _includesLight; } else if (format == ModelFormatsEnum.Full) { includes = _includesFull; } var filter = GetSearchFilter( plateNumber, routeName, carTypeId, projectId, active, userRoutesModel, carBrandId, providerId, yearRelease, blockNumber, blockTypeId, sortBy, orderBy); var sortByFilter = GetSortExpression(sortBy); return(FindPagedAsync( filter, sortByFilter, orderBy, page, pageSize, includes)); }
public void AddOrderBy(Column column, OrderByEnum type) { switch (type) { case OrderByEnum.Asc: Provider.AddOrderBy(column.DbName, column.DbTable.GetTableNameShortcut(), true); break; default: Provider.AddOrderBy(column.DbName, column.DbTable.GetTableNameShortcut(), false); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a OrderByEnum value to a corresponding string value /// </summary> /// <param name="enumValue">The OrderByEnum value to convert</param> /// <returns>The representative string value</returns> public static string ToValue(OrderByEnum enumValue) { switch (enumValue) { //only valid enum elements can be used //this is necessary to avoid errors case OrderByEnum.ASC: case OrderByEnum.DESC: return(stringValues[(int)enumValue]); //an invalid enum value was requested default: return(null); } }
protected Task <List <TEntity> > FindOrderedAsync( Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > filter, Expression <Func <TEntity, object> > orderBySelector, OrderByEnum orderByEnum, params string[] includes) { var orderByAsc = orderByEnum == OrderByEnum.Asc; var query = Prepare(filter, includes); query = orderByAsc ? query.OrderBy(orderBySelector) : query.OrderByDescending(orderBySelector); return(query.ToListAsync()); }
private void AddOrderByParam(DicParam keyDic, OrderByEnum orderBy) { switch (orderBy) { case OrderByEnum.Asc: DC.Option = OptionEnum.Asc; break; case OrderByEnum.Desc: DC.Option = OptionEnum.Desc; break; } DC.DPH.AddParameter(DC.DPH.OrderbyDic(keyDic.TbMType, keyDic.TbCol, keyDic.TbAlias)); }
private Expression <Func <Objects, bool> > GetSearchFilter( string plateNumber, string routeName, int?carTypeId, int?projectId, bool?active, UserAvailableRoutes userRoutesModel, int?carBrandId, int?providerId, int?yearRelease, string blockNumber, int?blockTypeId, string sortBy, OrderByEnum orderBy) { var locked = !active; if (userRoutesModel.ProjectId.HasValue) { projectId = userRoutesModel.ProjectId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plateNumber)) { plateNumber = plateNumber.ToUpper(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeName)) { routeName = routeName.PrepareRouteName(); } Expression <Func <Objects, bool> > filter = x => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plateNumber) || x.Name.Contains(plateNumber)) && (!projectId.HasValue || x.ProjectId == projectId) && (!carBrandId.HasValue || x.CarBrandId == carBrandId) && (!providerId.HasValue || x.ProviderId == providerId) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeName) || x.Route.Name.Equals(routeName)) && (!carTypeId.HasValue || x.CarBrand.CarTypeId == carTypeId) && (!locked.HasValue || x.ObjectOutput == locked.Value) && (!yearRelease.HasValue || x.YearRelease == yearRelease) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(blockNumber) || x.Phone.ToString().Contains(blockNumber) || x.Block.BlockNumber.ToString().Contains(blockNumber)) && (!blockTypeId.HasValue || x.Block.BlockTypeId == blockTypeId) && (userRoutesModel.RouteIds == null || (x.LastRouteId.HasValue && userRoutesModel.RouteIds.Contains(x.LastRouteId.Value))); return(filter); }
public CollectionResponse <Reservation> OrderBy(OrderByEnum order, PageResult input = null) { var entities = this.repository.GetAll(); var result = new List <Reservation>(); switch (order) { case RanKing: result = entities.OrderByDescending(t => t.RanKing).ToList(); break; case DateAscending: result = entities.OrderBy(t => t.CreateDate).ToList(); break; case AlphabeticAscending: result = entities.OrderBy(t => t.Contact.Name).ToList(); break; case AlphabeticDescending: result = entities.OrderByDescending(t => t.Contact.Name).ToList(); break; case DateDescending: result = entities.OrderByDescending(t => t.CreateDate).ToList(); break; } CollectionResponse <Reservation> response; if (input == null) { response = new CollectionResponse <Reservation> { SourceTotal = entities.Count() }; response.Items.AddRange(result); } else { response = GetPageReservation(result, input); } return(response); }
private List <ReservationViewModel> ReservationDetoList(int page, string sort) { const int maxPage = 5; var skipCount = (page - 1) * maxPage; OrderByEnum.TryParse(sort, out OrderByEnum sortBy); var response = this._reservationService.OrderBy(sortBy, new PageResult(skipCount, maxPage)); var reservationDetoList = Mapper.Map <List <Reservation>, List <ReservationViewModel> >(response.Items); this.ViewBag.PageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)response.SourceTotal / maxPage); = page; this.ViewBag.sort = sort; this.ViewBag.listSorts = Helper.EnumHelper.ToLocalizationListSelectListItem <OrderByEnum>(); return(reservationDetoList); }
public async Task <PageResult <ObjectModel> > FindByParamsAsync( ClaimsPrincipal userPrincipal, string plateNumber, string routeName, int?carTypeId, int?projectId, ModelFormatsEnum format, bool?active, int?carBrandId, int?providerId, int?yearRelease, string blockNumber, int?blockTypeId, string sortBy, OrderByEnum orderBy, int?page, int?pageSize) { var userRoutesModel = await _userManager.GetAvailableRoutesModel(userPrincipal); var result = await _objectRepository.FindByParamsAsync( plateNumber, routeName, carTypeId, projectId, format, active, userRoutesModel, carBrandId, providerId, yearRelease, blockNumber, blockTypeId, sortBy, orderBy, page, pageSize); return(MapToModel <ObjectModel>(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Get best sellers report /// </summary> /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier (orders placed in a specific store); 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="createdFromUtc">Order created date from (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="createdToUtc">Order created date to (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="os">Order status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ps">Order payment status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ss">Shipping status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="billingCountryId">Billing country identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="orderBy">1 - order by quantity, 2 - order by total amount</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param> /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param> /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param> /// <returns>Result</returns> public virtual IPagedList <BestsellersReportLine> BestSellersReport( int categoryId = 0, int manufacturerId = 0, int storeId = 0, int vendorId = 0, DateTime?createdFromUtc = null, DateTime?createdToUtc = null, OrderStatus?os = null, PaymentStatus?ps = null, ShippingStatus?ss = null, int billingCountryId = 0, OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.OrderByQuantity, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool showHidden = false) { var bestSellers = SearchOrderItems(categoryId, manufacturerId, storeId, vendorId, createdFromUtc, createdToUtc, os, ps, ss, billingCountryId, pageIndex, pageSize, showHidden); var bsReport = //group by products from orderItem in bestSellers group orderItem by orderItem.ProductId into g select new BestsellersReportLine { ProductId = g.Key, TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax), TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity) }; bsReport = orderBy switch { OrderByEnum.OrderByQuantity => bsReport.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalQuantity), OrderByEnum.OrderByTotalAmount => bsReport.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalAmount), _ => throw new ArgumentException("Wrong orderBy parameter", nameof(orderBy)), }; var result = new PagedList <BestsellersReportLine>(bsReport, pageIndex, pageSize); return(result); }
public Task <List <Objects> > FindAllForFileAsync( string plateNumber, string routeName, int?carTypeId, int?projectId, bool?active, UserAvailableRoutes userRoutesModel, int?carBrandId, int?providerId, int?yearRelease, string blockNumber, int?blockTypeId, string sortBy, OrderByEnum orderBy) { var filter = GetSearchFilter( plateNumber, routeName, carTypeId, projectId, active, userRoutesModel, carBrandId, providerId, yearRelease, blockNumber, blockTypeId, sortBy, orderBy); var sortByFilter = GetSortExpression(sortBy); return(FindOrderedAsync( filter, sortByFilter, orderBy, _includesForPrint)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <PageResult <ObjectModel> > > GetAll( string plateNumber = null, string routeName = null, int?carType = null, int?project = null, int?page = null, int?pageSize = null, int?carBrand = null, int?provider = null, int?yearRelease = null, string blockNumber = null, int?blockType = null, ModelFormatsEnum format = ModelFormatsEnum.Pure, bool?active = null, string sortBy = "lastTime", OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.Desc) { var result = await _objectService.FindByParamsAsync( User, plateNumber, routeName, carType, project, format, active, carBrand, provider, yearRelease, blockNumber, blockType, sortBy, orderBy, page, pageSize); return(result); }
protected async Task <PageResult <TEntity> > FindPagedAsync( Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > filter, Expression <Func <TEntity, object> > orderBySelector, OrderByEnum orderByEnum, int?page, int?pageSize, params string[] includes) { var orderByAsc = orderByEnum == OrderByEnum.Asc; var query = Prepare(filter, includes); query = orderByAsc ? query.OrderBy(orderBySelector) : query.OrderByDescending(orderBySelector); var actualPage = page ?? 1; var actualPageSize = pageSize.HasValue && (pageSize > 0 && pageSize <= 50) ? pageSize.Value : 50; var skipAmount = (actualPage - 1) * actualPageSize; var list = await query .AsNoTracking() .Skip(skipAmount) .Take(actualPageSize) .ToListAsync(); var totalCount = filter != null ? await EntitySet.Where(filter).CountAsync() : await EntitySet.CountAsync(); var result = new PageResult <TEntity>(list, totalCount); return(result); }
public CarPriceOrderBy(OrderByEnum orderBy) { this.OrderByType = orderBy; }
public DateOrderByClause(OrderByEnum orderBy) { this.orderBy = orderBy; }
public static ThenOrderByQ <M> ThenOrderBy <M, F>(this OrderByQ <M> orderByQ, Expression <Func <M, F> > func, OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.Desc) { orderByQ.DC.OP.OrderByHandle(func, orderBy); return(new ThenOrderByQ <M>(orderByQ.DC)); }
/**************************************************************************************************************/ public static OrderByQ <M> OrderBy <M, F>(this WhereQ <M> where, Expression <Func <M, F> > func, OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.Desc) { where.DC.OP.OrderByHandle(func, orderBy); return(new OrderByQ <M>(where.DC)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加字段排序 /// </summary> /// <param name="field">字段表达式</param> /// <param name="orderByEnum">排序规则</param> public void Add(Expression <Func <T, object> > field, OrderByEnum orderByEnum) { orderList.Add(field, orderByEnum); }
/// <summary> /// Get best sellers report /// </summary> /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier (orders placed in a specific store); 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="vendorId">Vendor identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="categoryId">Category identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="manufacturerId">Manufacturer identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="createdFromUtc">Order created date from (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="createdToUtc">Order created date to (UTC); null to load all records</param> /// <param name="os">Order status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ps">Order payment status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="ss">Shipping status; null to load all records</param> /// <param name="billingCountryId">Billing country identifier; 0 to load all records</param> /// <param name="orderBy">1 - order by quantity, 2 - order by total amount</param> /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param> /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param> /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param> /// <returns>Result</returns> public virtual IPagedList <BestsellersReportLine> BestSellersReport( int categoryId = 0, int manufacturerId = 0, int storeId = 0, int vendorId = 0, DateTime?createdFromUtc = null, DateTime?createdToUtc = null, OrderStatus?os = null, PaymentStatus?ps = null, ShippingStatus?ss = null, int billingCountryId = 0, OrderByEnum orderBy = OrderByEnum.OrderByQuantity, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool showHidden = false) { int?orderStatusId = null; if (os.HasValue) { orderStatusId = (int)os.Value; } int?paymentStatusId = null; if (ps.HasValue) { paymentStatusId = (int)ps.Value; } int?shippingStatusId = null; if (ss.HasValue) { shippingStatusId = (int)ss.Value; } var query1 = from orderItem in _orderItemRepository.Table join o in _orderRepository.Table on orderItem.OrderId equals o.Id join p in _productRepository.Table on orderItem.ProductId equals p.Id join oba in _addressRepository.Table on o.BillingAddressId equals oba.Id where (storeId == 0 || storeId == o.StoreId) && (!createdFromUtc.HasValue || createdFromUtc.Value <= o.CreatedOnUtc) && (!createdToUtc.HasValue || createdToUtc.Value >= o.CreatedOnUtc) && (!orderStatusId.HasValue || orderStatusId == o.OrderStatusId) && (!paymentStatusId.HasValue || paymentStatusId == o.PaymentStatusId) && (!shippingStatusId.HasValue || shippingStatusId == o.ShippingStatusId) && //(categoryId == 0 || p.ProductCategories.Count(pc => pc.CategoryId == categoryId) > 0) && //(manufacturerId == 0 || p.ProductManufacturers.Count(pm => pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId) > //0) && !o.Deleted && !p.Deleted && (vendorId == 0 || p.VendorId == vendorId) && (billingCountryId == 0 || oba.CountryId == billingCountryId) && (showHidden || p.Published) select orderItem; if (categoryId > 0) { query1 = from orderItem in query1 join p in _productRepository.Table on orderItem.ProductId equals p.Id join pc in _productCategoryRepository.Table on p.Id equals pc.ProductId into p_pc from pc in p_pc.DefaultIfEmpty() where pc.CategoryId == categoryId select orderItem; } if (manufacturerId > 0) { query1 = from orderItem in query1 join p in _productRepository.Table on orderItem.ProductId equals p.Id join pm in _productManufacturerRepository.Table on p.Id equals pm.ProductId into p_pm from pm in p_pm.DefaultIfEmpty() where pm.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId select orderItem; } var query2 = //group by products from orderItem in query1 group orderItem by orderItem.ProductId into g select new BestsellersReportLine { ProductId = g.Key, TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax), TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity) }; query2 = orderBy switch { OrderByEnum.OrderByQuantity => query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalQuantity), OrderByEnum.OrderByTotalAmount => query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalAmount), _ => throw new ArgumentException("Wrong orderBy parameter", nameof(orderBy)), }; var result = new PagedList <BestsellersReportLine>(query2, pageIndex, pageSize); return(result); }
internal void OrderByF <F>(Expression <Func <F> > func, OrderByEnum orderBy) { var keyDic = DC.XE.FuncTExpression(func); AddOrderByParam(keyDic, orderBy); }