public ActionResult AddNewOrder(int placeId, int employeeId) { Order order = new Order(); order.Date = DateTime.Now; order.EmployeeId = employeeId; order.PlaceId = placeId; order.Total = 0; var place = placeBll.GetPlaceByIdBLL(placeId); if (place.Descriptions.Equals("")) { if (orderbll.AddOrder(order)) { Trace.WriteLine("add order" + order.OrderId); place.Descriptions = order.OrderId.ToString(); placeBll.SaveChangePlaceDbBLL(); return(this.Json(order.OrderId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } else { return(this.Json(Int32.Parse(place.Descriptions), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(this.Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Create(Order order) { //Kiểm tra hợp lệ dữ liệu if (order.OrderDate == null) { order.OrderDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CustomerID)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CustomerID", "Please select a customer"); } if (order.EmployeeID == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmployeeID", "Please select an Employee"); } if (order.RequiredDate == null) { order.OrderDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipAddress)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipAddress", "Please enter ship address"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipCity)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipCity", "Please enter ship city"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipCountry)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipCountry", "Please enter ship country"); } if (order.ShippedDate == null) { order.ShippedDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (order.ShipperID == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipperID", "Please select Shipper"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Lưu vào DB if (order.OrderID == 0) { //Tạo mới OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); } else { //Sửa OrderBLL.Update(order); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(View(order)); } }
private void btnSiparisOlustur_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Masa durumunu dolu set et++. var sonSiparis = OrderBLL.GetLastAddedOrder(masaID); if (sonSiparis.Item2 != true) { var donen = OrderBLL.AddOrder(masaID, calisanID); if (donen) { MessageBox.Show("Sipariş eklendi."); TableBLL.SetTableBusy(masaID); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sipariş eklenirken hata oluştu."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("İçeride kapanmamış bir sipariş var."); } //int siparisID = donen.Item2.SiparisID; //orderID = siparisID; }
protected void btnPlaceOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); } if (ViewState["selected"] == null) { return; } HashSet <int> seleted = (HashSet <int>)ViewState["selected"]; if (seleted.Count == 0) { return; } int userid = (int)Session["uid"]; AddressModel address = AddressBLL.GetUserDefaultAddress(userid); if ( == 0) { Modal.Show(this, "你还没有收货地址,请前往个人中心添加"); return; } CartModel cart = GetCart(); OrderModel order = new OrderModel(); order.address = address; foreach (BookOrderModel orderBook in { if (seleted.Contains( { orderBook.price =; order.books.Add(orderBook); } } order.comment = ""; order.dateTime = DateTime.Now; order.status = 0; order.CalculateTotalPrice(); = userid; int msg = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); if (msg != -1) { foreach (BookOrderModel book in order.books) { CartBLL.DeleteBook(userid,; } Modal.Show(this, "下单成功,即将前往付款界面", 1000, "/placeorder.aspx?orderid=" + msg); } else { Modal.Show(this, "购买失败", 1000, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery); } }
public ActionResult AddOrder() { Customers customer = Session["Login"] as Customers; int orderID = orderBLL.AddOrder(customer); List <SepetModel> model = Session["Sepet"] as List <SepetModel>; foreach (SepetModel item in model) { Products product = productBLL.GetProduct(item.ProductID); orderdetailBLL.AddOrderDetail(product, item.Quantity, orderID); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
protected void btn_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Oid = "DD" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddMMss"); Orders order = new Orders() { OID = Oid, MID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Mid"]), ODate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), OConsignee = this.consignee_0.Value, OAddress = this.oaddress.Value, OTelephone = this.tel_0.Value, OSumPrice = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtSumPrice.Value), OState = 1, }; bool ck = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order) > 0? true :false; if (ck) { RepeaterItemCollection items = repgoods.Items; foreach (RepeaterItem item in items) { Label bid = (Label)item.FindControl("bBID"); Label tid = (Label)item.FindControl("bTID"); Label price = (Label)item.FindControl("price"); TextBox lbcount = (TextBox)item.FindControl("lbcount"); OrderDetails o = new OrderDetails() { OID = Oid, BID = Convert.ToInt32(bid.Text), BPrice = Convert.ToDouble(price.Text), BCount = Convert.ToInt32(lbcount.Text) }; bool cko = OrderBLL.AddOrderDetails(o) > 0 ? true : false; if (cko) { bool ckd = OrderBLL.DeleteTrade(Convert.ToInt32(tid.Text)) > 0 ? true : false; if (ckd) { OrderBLL.UpdateBcount(Convert.ToInt32(lbcount.Text), Convert.ToInt32(bid.Text)); } } } Response.Redirect("done.aspx?oid=" + Oid); } }
protected void btnBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["uid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("/login.aspx"); } int userid = (int)Session["uid"]; AddressModel address = AddressBLL.GetUserDefaultAddress(userid); if ( == 0) { Modal.Show(this, "你还没有收货地址,请前往个人中心添加"); return; } OrderModel order = new OrderModel(); order.address = address; BookOrderModel bookOrder = new BookOrderModel(); bookOrder.quantity = int.Parse(txtNum.Text); bookOrder.price = BookOnThisPage.price; = BookOnThisPage; order.books = new List <BookOrderModel>() { bookOrder }; order.comment = ""; order.dateTime = DateTime.Now; order.status = 0; order.CalculateTotalPrice(); = userid; int msg = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); if (msg != -1) { Modal.Show(this, "下单成功,即将前往付款界面", 1000, "/placeorder.aspx?orderid=" + msg); } else { Modal.Show(this, "购买失败", 1000, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery); } }
private void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save?", "Save Notification", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { //yes... bool Check = false; OrdID = (orderBLL.AddOrder(orDer, lsOrderDetail)); if (OrdID != -1) { if (tableBLL.ChangeTableStatus(TabID, true, false, false) == true) { Table table = tableBLL.FindTableById(TabID); if (table.Status == 1) { // Bàn này đang được order và khách đến và order CustomerBLL customerBLL = new CustomerBLL(); if (customerBLL.DeleteCustomer(CusID) == true) { Check = true; } } else { Check = true; } } } if (Check == true) { MessageBox.Show("Saved sucessfully"); orDer.OrderID = OrdID; mainform.loadUCTable(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot save. Please try again!"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal productTotalPrice = Sessions.ProductTotalPrice; string key = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Pay"); //默认选择支付宝AliPay if (UserAgentHelper.IsWx(Request.UserAgent)) { key = "WxPay"; } else { key = "AliPay"; } PayPluginsInfo info = PayPlugins.ReadPayPlugins(key); OrderInfo order = new OrderInfo(); order.PayKey = key; order.PayName = info.Name; order.OrderNumber = ShopCommon.CreateOrderNumber(); if (info.IsCod == 1) { order.OrderStatus = 2; } else { order.OrderStatus = 1; } order.OrderNote = string.Empty; order.ProductMoney = productTotalPrice; //order.PayDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.UserID = UserID; //order.UserName = base.UserName; int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); this.AddOrderProduct(orderID); if (order.OrderStatus == (int)OrderStatus.WaitPay && info.IsOnline == (int)BoolType.True) { ResponseHelper.Redirect("/Plugins/Pay/" + key + "/Pay.aspx?OrderID=" + orderID + "&Action=PayOrder"); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OrderDetails objOrder = new OrderDetails(); User objUser = (User)Session["User"]; if (Session["OrderId"] != null) { objOrder.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["OrderId"]); } else { objOrder.OrderID = 0; } objOrder.UserId = objUser.UserId; objOrder.ProductName = txtProductName.Text; objOrder.OrderDate = txtDate.Text; int addresult = obj.AddOrder(objOrder); Response.Redirect("View.aspx"); }
public IActionResult AddOrder(CartToOrderVM vm) { var userIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; Order order1 = new Order(); order1.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); order1.Status = Status.Active; order1.OrderDescription = "Siparişlerim zamanında elime ulaşmıştır. Teşekkürler..."; order1.OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow; order1.UserID = new Guid(userIdentity.Name); order1.OrderPrice = vm.TotalPrice; _orderBLL.AddOrder(order1); for (int i = 0; i < vm.ProductIDs.Count; i++) { Product product = _productBLL .GetProductByID(new Guid(vm.ProductIDs[i])); OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail() { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Status = Status.Active, OrderPrice = vm.Quantities[i] * product.ProductPrice, Quantity = vm.Quantities[i], OrderID = order1.ID, ProductID = product.ID, }; _orderDetailBLL.AddOrderDetail(orderDetail); var cookie = Request.Cookies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value == vm.ProductIDs[i]); if (!cookie.Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, string>))) { Response.Cookies.Delete(cookie.Key); } } return(RedirectToAction("Cart", "Cart")); }
public ActionResult payment() { if (Session["Card"] == null || Session["Card"].ToString() == "") { return(Redirect("/Product/Index")); } if (Session["DangNhap"] == null || Session["DangNhap"].ToString() == "") { return(Redirect("/Customer/Login")); } Customer cus = (Customer)Session["DangNhap"]; Order od = new Order(); List <ProductCart> lst = getCard(); od.OrderID = obll.createNewOderByID(Session["MaTK"].ToString()); od.CustomerID = Session["MaTK"].ToString(); od.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; od.RequiredDate = DateTime.Now; od.ShippedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3); od.ShipAddress = cus.Address; od.Freight = 0; List <Order_Detail> lstD = new List <Order_Detail>(); foreach (var item in lst) { Order_Detail _od = new Order_Detail(); _od.OrderID = od.OrderID; _od.ProductID = item.iProID; _od.Quantity = (short)item.iQuantity; _od.UnitPrice = (decimal)item.dPrice; lstD.Add(_od); } obll.AddOrder(od, lstD); setAlert("Thanh toán thành công", "Success"); Session["Card"] = null; return(Redirect("/Home/Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(Order order, int[] productIDs, int[] quantities) { //Kiểm tra hợp lệ dữ liệu if (order.OrderDate == new DateTime(0001, 01, 01)) { ModelState.AddModelError("OrderDate", "OrderDate is invalid"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CustomerID)) { ModelState.AddModelError("CustomerID", "Please select a customer"); } if (order.EmployeeID == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmployeeID", "Please select an Employee"); } if (order.RequiredDate == new DateTime(0001, 01, 01)) { ModelState.AddModelError("RequiredDate", "RequiredDate is invalid"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipAddress)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipAddress", "Please enter ship address"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipCity)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipCity", "Please enter ship city"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShipCountry)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipCountry", "Please enter ship country"); } if (order.ShippedDate == new DateTime(0001, 01, 01)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShippedDate", "ShippedDate is invalid"); } if (order.ShipperID == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("ShipperID", "Please select Shipper"); } if (productIDs != null) { try { for (int i = 0; i < productIDs.Length; i++) { int temp = Convert.ToInt32(productIDs[i]); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("Quantity", "Quantity(s) must be a number"); } } if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Lưu vào DB if (order.OrderID == 0) { //Tạo mới int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); if (productIDs != null && quantities != null) { int detailLenght = productIDs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < detailLenght; i++) { if (productIDs[i] <= 0 || quantities[i] <= 0) { continue; } else { OrderBLL.AddOrderDetail(new OrderDetail() { OrderID = orderID, ProductID = productIDs[i], Quantity = quantities[i] }); } } } } else { //Sửa OrderBLL.Update(order); OrderBLL.DeleteOrderDetails(order.OrderID); if (productIDs != null && quantities != null) { int detailLenght = productIDs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < detailLenght; i++) { if (productIDs[i] <= 0 || quantities[i] <= 0) { continue; } else { OrderBLL.AddOrderDetail(new OrderDetail() { OrderID = order.OrderID, ProductID = productIDs[i], Quantity = quantities[i] }); } } } } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { order.Details = OrderBLL.ListOfOrderDetail(order.OrderID); if (order.Details == null) { order.Details = new List<OrderDetail>(); } return View(order); } }
/// <summary> /// 提交按钮点击方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取用户信息 userID = Cookies.User.GetUserID(true); int pointLeft = UserBLL.ReadUserMore(userID).PointLeft; string userName = Cookies.User.GetUserName(false); string userEmail = CookiesHelper.ReadCookieValue("UserEmail"); //检测积分 int id = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID"); product = ProductBLL.ReadProduct(id); ExchangeAwardInfo exchangeAward = ExchangeAwardBLL.ReadConfigInfo(); int productPoint = 0; if (exchangeAward.PorudctIDList != string.Empty) { string[] productArray = exchangeAward.PorudctIDList.Split(','); string[] pointArray = exchangeAward.PointList.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < productArray.Length; i++) { if (productArray[i] == id.ToString()) { productPoint = Convert.ToInt32(pointArray[i]); } } } if (productPoint > pointLeft) { ScriptHelper.Alert("您当前的积分不足以兑取该奖品", RequestHelper.RawUrl); } //添加订单 OrderInfo order = new OrderInfo(); order.OrderNumber = ShopCommon.CreateOrderNumber(); order.IsActivity = (int)BoolType.True; order.OrderStatus = (int)OrderStatus.WaitCheck; order.OrderNote = "积分兑换奖品"; order.ProductMoney = 0; order.Balance = 0; order.FavorableMoney = 0; order.OtherMoney = 0; order.CouponMoney = 0; order.Consignee = StringHelper.AddSafe(Consignee.Text); SingleUnlimitClass singleUnlimitClass = new SingleUnlimitClass(); order.RegionID = singleUnlimitClass.ClassID; order.Address = StringHelper.AddSafe(Address.Text); order.ZipCode = StringHelper.AddSafe(ZipCode.Text); order.Tel = StringHelper.AddSafe(Tel.Text); order.Email = userEmail; order.Mobile = StringHelper.AddSafe(Mobile.Text); order.ShippingID = 0; order.ShippingDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.ShippingNumber = string.Empty; order.ShippingMoney = 0; order.PayKey = string.Empty; order.PayName = string.Empty; order.PayDate = RequestHelper.DateNow;; order.IsRefund = (int)BoolType.False; order.FavorableActivityID = 0; order.GiftID = 0; order.InvoiceTitle = string.Empty; order.InvoiceContent = string.Empty; order.UserMessage = string.Empty; order.AddDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.IP = ClientHelper.IP; order.UserID = userID; order.UserName = userName; int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); //添加订单详细 OrderDetailInfo orderDetail = new OrderDetailInfo(); orderDetail.OrderID = orderID; orderDetail.ProductID = product.ID; orderDetail.ProductName = product.Name; orderDetail.ProductWeight = product.Weight; orderDetail.SendPoint = 0; orderDetail.ProductPrice = 0; orderDetail.BuyCount = 1; orderDetail.FatherID = 0; orderDetail.RandNumber = string.Empty; orderDetail.GiftPackID = 0; OrderDetailBLL.AddOrderDetail(orderDetail); //积分操作 UserAccountRecordBLL.AddUserAccountRecord(0, -productPoint, "兑换奖品-" + product.Name, userID, userName); //更改产品库存订单数量 ProductBLL.ChangeProductOrderCountByOrder(orderID, ChangeAction.Plus); //保存记录 string fileName = StringHelper.Encode(ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().SecureKey, ShopConfig.ReadConfigInfo().SecureKey) + ".txt"; fileName = Server.MapPath("Admin/" + fileName); File.AppendAllText(fileName, userName + ",订单号:" + order.OrderNumber + ",商品:" + product.Name + "\r\n", System.Text.Encoding.Default); ScriptHelper.Alert("成功兑换", "/User/OrderDetail.aspx?ID=" + orderID.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 全部生成订单按钮点击方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void CreateOrderButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int groupBuyID = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("GroupBuyID"); groupBuy = GroupBuyBLL.ReadGroupBuy(groupBuyID); ProductInfo product = ProductBLL.ReadProduct(groupBuy.ProductID); List <UserGroupBuyInfo> userGroupBuyList = UserGroupBuyBLL.ReadUserGroupBuyList(groupBuyID); foreach (UserGroupBuyInfo userGroupBuy in userGroupBuyList) { if (userGroupBuy.OrderID == 0) { decimal totalPrice = groupBuy.Price * userGroupBuy.BuyCount; //添加订单 OrderInfo order = new OrderInfo(); order.OrderNumber = ShopCommon.CreateOrderNumber(); order.IsActivity = (int)BoolType.True; order.OrderStatus = (int)OrderStatus.WaitCheck; order.OrderNote = "团购活动:" + groupBuy.Name; order.ProductMoney = totalPrice; order.Balance = totalPrice; order.FavorableMoney = 0; order.OtherMoney = 0; order.CouponMoney = 0; order.Consignee = userGroupBuy.Consignee; order.RegionID = userGroupBuy.RegionID; order.Address = userGroupBuy.Address; order.ZipCode = userGroupBuy.ZipCode; order.Tel = userGroupBuy.Tel; order.Email = userGroupBuy.Email; order.Mobile = userGroupBuy.Mobile; order.ShippingID = 0; order.ShippingDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.ShippingNumber = string.Empty; order.ShippingMoney = 0; order.PayKey = string.Empty; order.PayName = string.Empty; order.PayDate = userGroupBuy.Date;; order.IsRefund = (int)BoolType.False; order.FavorableActivityID = 0; order.GiftID = 0; order.InvoiceTitle = string.Empty; order.InvoiceContent = string.Empty; order.UserMessage = string.Empty; order.AddDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.IP = userGroupBuy.IP; order.UserID = userGroupBuy.UserID; order.UserName = userGroupBuy.UserName; int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); //添加订单详细 OrderDetailInfo orderDetail = new OrderDetailInfo(); orderDetail.OrderID = orderID; orderDetail.ProductID = product.ID; orderDetail.ProductName = product.Name; orderDetail.ProductWeight = product.Weight; orderDetail.SendPoint = 0; orderDetail.ProductPrice = groupBuy.Price; orderDetail.BuyCount = userGroupBuy.BuyCount; orderDetail.FatherID = 0; orderDetail.RandNumber = string.Empty; orderDetail.GiftPackID = 0; OrderDetailBLL.AddOrderDetail(orderDetail); //更新订单 ID UserGroupBuyBLL.UpdateUserGroupBuy(userGroupBuy.ID, orderID); //更改产品库存订单数量 ProductBLL.ChangeProductOrderCountByOrder(orderID, ChangeAction.Plus); } } ScriptHelper.Alert("处理成功", RequestHelper.RawUrl); }
/// <summary> /// 提交数据 /// </summary> protected override void PostBack() { int groupID = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("groupID"); buyCount = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("buyCount"); string url = "/GroupBuyOrder-" + groupID + "-" + buyCount + ".aspx"; groupBuy = GroupBuyBLL.ReadGroupBuy(groupID); if (groupBuy.ID <= 0) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("该团购不存在!", url); } if (UserGroupBuyBLL.ReadUserGroupBuyByUser(groupID, base.UserID).ID > 0) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("您已经参加该团购了!", url); } if (groupBuy.StartDate > DateTime.Now) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("该团购还未开始,不能购买!", url); } if (groupBuy.EndDate < DateTime.Now) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("该团购已经结束,不能购买!", url); } if (buyCount <= 0) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("购买数量有误!", url); } if (buyCount > groupBuy.EachNumber) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("购买数量超过了该团购个人限购数!", url); } int hasBuy = 0; foreach (UserGroupBuyInfo userGroupBuy in UserGroupBuyBLL.ReadUserGroupBuyList(groupID)) { hasBuy += userGroupBuy.BuyCount; } if (buyCount > (groupBuy.MaxCount - hasBuy)) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("购买数量超过了该团购剩余数!", url); } product = ProductBLL.ReadProduct(groupBuy.ProductID); //检查地址 string consignee = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Consignee")); if (consignee == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("收货人姓名不能为空", url); } string tel = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Tel")); string mobile = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Mobile")); if (tel == string.Empty && mobile == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("固定电话,手机必须得填写一个", url); } string zipCode = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("ZipCode")); if (zipCode == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("邮编不能为空", url); } string address = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Address")); if (address == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("地址不能为空", url); } //验证配送方式 int shippingID = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("ShippingID"); if (shippingID == int.MinValue) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("请选择配送方式", url); } //检查金额 decimal productMoney = groupBuy.Price * buyCount; decimal favorableMoney = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("FavorableMoney"); decimal shippingMoney = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("ShippingMoney"); decimal balance = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("Balance"); decimal couponMoney = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("CouponMoney"); if (productMoney - favorableMoney + shippingMoney - balance - couponMoney < 0) { ScriptHelper.AlertFront("金额有错误,请重新检查", url); } //支付方式 string payKey = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Pay"); PayPluginsInfo payPlugins = PayPlugins.ReadPayPlugins(payKey); //添加订单 OrderInfo order = new OrderInfo(); order.OrderNumber = ShopCommon.CreateOrderNumber(); order.IsActivity = (int)BoolType.True; if (productMoney - favorableMoney + shippingMoney - balance - couponMoney == 0 || payPlugins.IsCod == (int)BoolType.True) { order.OrderStatus = (int)OrderStatus.WaitCheck; } else { order.OrderStatus = (int)OrderStatus.WaitPay; } order.OrderNote = "团购活动:" + groupBuy.Name; order.ProductMoney = productMoney; order.Balance = balance; order.FavorableMoney = favorableMoney; order.OtherMoney = 0; order.CouponMoney = couponMoney; order.Consignee = consignee; SingleUnlimitClass singleUnlimitClass = new SingleUnlimitClass(); order.RegionID = singleUnlimitClass.ClassID; order.Address = address; order.ZipCode = zipCode; order.Tel = tel; string userEmail = string.Empty; if (base.UserID == 0) { userEmail = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Email")); } else { userEmail = CookiesHelper.ReadCookieValue("UserEmail"); } order.Email = userEmail; order.Mobile = mobile; order.ShippingID = shippingID; order.ShippingDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.ShippingNumber = string.Empty; order.ShippingMoney = shippingMoney; order.PayKey = payKey; order.PayName = payPlugins.Name; order.PayDate = RequestHelper.DateNow;; order.IsRefund = (int)BoolType.False; order.FavorableActivityID = 0; order.GiftID = 0; order.InvoiceTitle = string.Empty; order.InvoiceContent = string.Empty; order.UserMessage = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("UserMessage")); order.AddDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.IP = ClientHelper.IP; order.UserID = base.UserID; order.UserName = base.UserName; int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); OrderDetailInfo orderDetail = new OrderDetailInfo(); orderDetail.OrderID = orderID; orderDetail.ProductID = product.ID; orderDetail.ProductName = product.Name; orderDetail.ProductWeight = product.Weight; orderDetail.SendPoint = 0; orderDetail.ProductPrice = groupBuy.Price; orderDetail.BuyCount = buyCount; orderDetail.FatherID = 0; orderDetail.RandNumber = string.Empty; orderDetail.GiftPackID = 0; OrderDetailBLL.AddOrderDetail(orderDetail); //更改产品库存订单数量 ProductBLL.ChangeProductOrderCountByOrder(orderID, ChangeAction.Plus); //添加团购单 UserGroupBuyInfo buyInfo = new UserGroupBuyInfo(); buyInfo.GroupBuyID = groupBuy.ID; buyInfo.Date = RequestHelper.DateNow; buyInfo.IP = ClientHelper.IP; buyInfo.BuyCount = buyCount; buyInfo.OrderID = orderID; buyInfo.UserID = base.UserID; buyInfo.UserName = base.UserName; buyInfo.Consignee = consignee; buyInfo.RegionID = singleUnlimitClass.ClassID; buyInfo.Address = address; buyInfo.ZipCode = zipCode; buyInfo.Tel = tel; buyInfo.Email = userEmail; buyInfo.Mobile = mobile; UserGroupBuyBLL.AddUserGroupBuy(buyInfo); ResponseHelper.Redirect("/Finish-I" + orderID.ToString() + ".aspx"); }
protected override void PostBack() { string url = "/CheckOut.aspx"; string str2 = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Consignee")); if (str2 == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.Alert("收货人姓名不能为空", url); } string str3 = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Tel")); string str4 = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Mobile")); if ((str3 == string.Empty) && (str4 == string.Empty)) { ScriptHelper.Alert("固定电话,手机必须得填写一个", url); } string str5 = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("ZipCode")); if (str5 == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.Alert("邮编不能为空", url); } string str6 = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Address")); if (str6 == string.Empty) { ScriptHelper.Alert("地址不能为空", url); } int form = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("ShippingID"); if (form == -2147483648) { ScriptHelper.Alert("请选择配送方式", url); } decimal productTotalPrice = Sessions.ProductTotalPrice; decimal num3 = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("FavorableMoney"); decimal num4 = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("ShippingMoney"); decimal num5 = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("Balance"); decimal num6 = RequestHelper.GetForm <decimal>("CouponMoney"); if (((((productTotalPrice - num3) + num4) - num5) - num6) < 0M) { ScriptHelper.Alert("金额有错误,请重新检查", url); } string key = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Pay"); PayPluginsInfo info = PayPlugins.ReadPayPlugins(key); OrderInfo order = new OrderInfo(); order.OrderNumber = ShopCommon.CreateOrderNumber(); order.IsActivity = 0; if ((((((productTotalPrice - num3) + num4) - num5) - num6) == 0M) || (info.IsCod == 1)) { order.OrderStatus = 2; } else { order.OrderStatus = 1; } order.OrderNote = string.Empty; order.ProductMoney = productTotalPrice; order.Balance = num5; order.FavorableMoney = num3; order.OtherMoney = 0M; order.CouponMoney = num6; order.Consignee = str2; SingleUnlimitClass class2 = new SingleUnlimitClass(); order.RegionID = class2.ClassID; order.Address = str6; order.ZipCode = str5; order.Tel = str3; if (base.UserID == 0) { order.Email = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("Email")); } else { order.Email = CookiesHelper.ReadCookieValue("UserEmail"); } order.Mobile = str4; order.ShippingID = form; order.ShippingDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.ShippingNumber = string.Empty; order.ShippingMoney = num4; order.PayKey = key; order.PayName = info.Name; order.PayDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.IsRefund = 0; order.FavorableActivityID = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("FavorableActivityID"); order.GiftID = RequestHelper.GetForm <int>("GiftID"); order.InvoiceTitle = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("InvoiceTitle")); order.InvoiceContent = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("InvoiceContent")); order.UserMessage = StringHelper.AddSafe(RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("UserMessage")); order.AddDate = RequestHelper.DateNow; order.IP = ClientHelper.IP; order.UserID = base.UserID; order.UserName = base.UserName; int orderID = OrderBLL.AddOrder(order); if (num5 > 0M) { UserAccountRecordBLL.AddUserAccountRecord(-num5, 0, "支付订单:" + order.OrderNumber, base.UserID, base.UserName); } string str8 = RequestHelper.GetForm <string>("UserCoupon"); if ((num6 > 0M) && (str8 != "0|0")) { UserCouponInfo userCoupon = UserCouponBLL.ReadUserCoupon(Convert.ToInt32(str8.Split(new char[] { '|' })[0]), base.UserID); userCoupon.IsUse = 1; userCoupon.OrderID = orderID; UserCouponBLL.UpdateUserCoupon(userCoupon); } this.AddOrderProduct(orderID); ProductBLL.ChangeProductOrderCountByOrder(orderID, ChangeAction.Plus); ResponseHelper.Redirect("/Finish-I" + orderID.ToString() + ".aspx"); }
public int AddOrder([FromForm] tb_Order orders, [FromForm] string lists) { List <tb_Menu> list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <tb_Menu> >(lists).ToList(); return(bll.AddOrder(orders, list)); }