/// <summary>
    /// Add an element to the sequence using r0/v0/t0 initial conditions.
    /// Position and velocity are with respect to the center body (NOT world/physics space!).
    /// Orbit segements must be added in increasing time order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r0"></param>
    /// <param name="v0"></param>
    /// <param name="time"></param>
    /// <param name="relativePos"></param>
    /// <param name="body"></param>
    /// <param name="centerBody"></param>
    /// <param name="callback">(Optional) Method to call when sequence starts</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public OrbitUniversal AppendElementRVT(Vector3d r0,
                                           Vector3d v0,
                                           double time,
                                           bool relativePos,
                                           NBody body,
                                           NBody centerBody,
                                           ElementStarted callback)
        if (BadTime(time))
        KeplerElement ke = new KeplerElement
            timeStart  = time,
            callback   = callback,
            returnToGE = false
        OrbitUniversal orbit = orbitsGO.AddComponent <OrbitUniversal>();

        orbit.centerNbody = centerBody;
        orbit.InitFromRVT(r0, v0, time, centerBody, relativePos);
        orbit.evolveMode = OrbitUniversal.EvolveMode.KEPLERS_EQN;
        ke.orbit         = orbit;
Example #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // on a deferred add (while running) may get an OP update before actually added to GE. This would be bad.
        if (nbody.engineRef == null)

        // TODO: optimize/accuracy: if on rails could use orbitU (or KS) directly
        // Now there is MapToRender MUST use physics and not transform position
        Vector3 centerPos = GravityEngine.Instance().GetPhysicsPosition(aroundNBody);

        // Is the resulting orbit and ellipse or hyperbola?
        bool     mapToScene = true;
        Vector3d pos        = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
        Vector3d vel;

        if (velocityFromScript)
            vel = new Vector3d(velocity);
            vel = ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);

        orbitU.InitFromRVT(pos, vel, ge.GetPhysicalTimeDouble(), aroundNBody, false);

        // Add lines to the inclination=0 plane of the orbit
        Vector3[] points      = orbitU.OrbitPositions(numPoints, centerPos, mapToScene, hyperDisplayRadius);
        int       totalPoints = numPoints + 2 * numPlaneProjections;

        if (numPlaneProjections > 0)
            Vector3[] pointsWithProj = new Vector3[totalPoints];
            int       projEvery      = numPoints / numPlaneProjections;
            int       p      = 0;
            int       orbitP = 0;
            while (p < totalPoints)
                pointsWithProj[p++] = points[orbitP];
                if ((orbitP % projEvery) == 0)
                    // add a line to plane and back
                    pointsWithProj[p++] = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(points[orbitP], planeNormal);
                    pointsWithProj[p++] = points[orbitP];
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Now there is MapToRender MUST use physics and not transform position
        Vector3 centerPos = GravityEngine.Instance().GetPhysicsPosition(aroundNBody);

        // Is the resulting orbit and ellipse or hyperbola?
        bool     mapToScene = true;
        Vector3d pos        = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
        Vector3d vel;

        if (velocityFromScript)
            vel = new Vector3d(velocity);
            vel = ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);

        if (destination != null)
            // since the segment code just uses this for the angle, the scale does not matter
            destPoint = destination.transform.position;

        orbitU.InitFromRVT(pos, vel, ge.GetPhysicalTimeDouble(), aroundNBody, false);
        // TODO: Decide on best segment approach. Common for hyperbola vs ellipse ??
        Vector3[] positions;
        if (orbitU.eccentricity < 1.0)
            positions = orbitU.EllipseSegment(numPoints, centerPos, pos.ToVector3(), destPoint, shortPath);
            float radius = (pos.ToVector3() - centerPos).magnitude;
            positions = orbitU.HyperSegmentSymmetric(numPoints, centerPos, radius, mapToScene);