private IEnumerator Start()
        // The name of the bundle is loaded from the static information file
        bundleName = StaticInformation.ThemeName;

        // If the theme name is empty, set theme default to light theme
        if (bundleName.Equals(""))
            bundleName = "lighttheme";
        if (bundleName.Equals(""))
            bundleName = "lighttheme";

        // A requse to load the asset bundle is made
        AssetBundleCreateRequest asyncBundleRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(
            Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, bundleName));

        yield return(asyncBundleRequest);

        // Get the loaded asset bundle
        AssetBundle localAssetBundle = asyncBundleRequest.assetBundle;

        // Throw an error when the loaded asset bundle is empty
        if (localAssetBundle == null)
            Debug.LogError("Failed to load asset bundle of type " + bundleName);
            yield break;

        // initialize asset request variable
        AssetBundleRequest assetRequest;

        // Load required dependencies
        assetRequest = localAssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(DependencyManagerName);
        yield return(assetRequest);

        // Load the dependencies for other to access and prepare the data
        GameObject dependencyManagerObject = assetRequest.asset as GameObject;
        dependencies = dependencyManagerObject.GetComponent <ThemeDependencies>();

        // Loads Pong asset and instantiates that as a child
        assetRequest = localAssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(PongAssetName);
        yield return(assetRequest);

        GameObject PongAsset = assetRequest.asset as GameObject;
        CheckDependecies(PongAsset, ThemeDependencies.DepedencyTags.Pong);
        Instantiate(PongAsset, Pong.transform);

        // Loads Paddle asset and instantiates that as a child
        assetRequest = localAssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(PaddleAssetName);
        yield return(assetRequest);

        GameObject PaddleAsset = assetRequest.asset as GameObject;
        CheckDependecies(PongAsset, ThemeDependencies.DepedencyTags.Paddle);
        Instantiate(PaddleAsset, Paddle.transform);

        // Loads background asset and instantiates that as a child
        assetRequest = localAssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(BackgroundAssetName);
        yield return(assetRequest);

        GameObject BackgroundAsset = assetRequest.asset as GameObject;
        CheckDependecies(BackgroundAsset, ThemeDependencies.DepedencyTags.Background);
        Instantiate(BackgroundAsset, Background.transform);

        // Load orb asset and request orbmanager to add the asset as a child of orb
        assetRequest = localAssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(OrbAssetName);
        yield return(assetRequest);

        GameObject OrbAsset = assetRequest.asset as GameObject;
        CheckDependecies(OrbAsset, ThemeDependencies.DepedencyTags.Orb);

        // Unload asset bundle (keeping the loaded assets)

        // Todo: replace these with theme has loaded event