public void Make_Beverage_When_The_Minimum_Amount_Is_Set(string orderType, int sugarCount, decimal amount, bool extraHot, string expected)
            // Arrange
            Command order;

            if (orderType == "T")
                order = new TeaCommand(sugarCount, sugarCount > 0, extraHot);
            else if (orderType == "C")
                order = new CoffeeCommand(sugarCount, sugarCount > 0, extraHot);
            else if (orderType == "H")
                order = new ChocolateCommand(sugarCount, sugarCount > 0, extraHot);
            else if (orderType == "H")
                order = new ChocolateCommand(sugarCount, sugarCount > 0, extraHot);
            else //if (orderType == "O")
                order = new OrangeCommand();

            // Act
            string actual = _coffeeMachine.Instruct(order, amount);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void Notify_User_About_A_Orange_Shortage_And_Send_An_Email()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(x => x.IsEmpty(It.IsAny <string>()))

            string expectedMessage = "M:There's a shortage with 'Orange'. A notification was sent to our customer service.";

            // Act
            BeverageCommand command     = new OrangeCommand();
            string          instruction = _coffeeMachine.Instruct(command, command.Price);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(instruction, expectedMessage);
            _mockedEmailNotifier.Verify(x => x.NotifyMissingDrink("O"), Times.Once);