/// <summary>
 /// Scans for an option at the specified point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="slot">The slot to scan at.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">The flags for scanning.</param>
 /// <param name="saveMarkupsToFolder">The location to save the markup of the scanned options. Set to null to ignore.</param>
 /// <param name="markup">The markup to scan for. Set to null to ignore.</param>
 /// <returns><para>Returns a bool determining if the option is found if <paramref name="markup"/> is not null and <paramref name="flags"/> has the <see cref="OptionScanFlags.ReturnFound"/> flag.</para>
 /// <para>Returns the location of the option if <paramref name="markup"/> is not null and <paramref name="flags"/> has the <see cref="OptionScanFlags.ReturnLocation"/> flag.</para></returns>
 public object MenuOptionScan(int slot, OptionScanFlags flags, string saveMarkupsToFolder, DirectBitmap markup)
     return(MenuOptionScan(FindSlotLocation(slot), flags, saveMarkupsToFolder, markup));
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans for an option at the specified point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanLocation">The location to scan at.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">The flags for scanning.</param>
        /// <param name="saveMarkupsToFolder">The location to save the markup of the scanned options. Set to null to ignore.</param>
        /// <param name="markup">The markup to scan for. Set to null to ignore.</param>
        /// <returns><para>Returns a bool determining if the option is found if <paramref name="markup"/> is not null and <paramref name="flags"/> has the <see cref="OptionScanFlags.ReturnFound"/> flag.</para>
        /// <para>Returns the location of the option if <paramref name="markup"/> is not null and <paramref name="flags"/> has the <see cref="OptionScanFlags.ReturnLocation"/> flag.</para></returns>
        public object MenuOptionScan(Point scanLocation, OptionScanFlags flags, string saveMarkupsToFolder, DirectBitmap markup)
            if (saveMarkupsToFolder != null)
                saveMarkupsToFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(saveMarkupsToFolder) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            using (cg.LockHandler.SemiInteractive)
                if (scanLocation == Point.Empty)
                    if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.ReturnFound))
                    else if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.ReturnLocation))

                if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.OpenMenu))

                int xStart       = scanLocation.X + 14, // X position to start scanning.
                    yStart       = 0,                   // Y position to start scanning.
                    optionWidth  = 79,                  // The width of the option.
                    optionHeight = 6,                   // The height of the option.
                    yIncrement   = 1;                   // Pixel distance between options.
                int[] textcolor  = new int[] { 169, 169, 169 };
                int   fade       = 80;

                bool menuPointsDown = MenuPointsDown(scanLocation);

                if (menuPointsDown) // The menu points down.
                    yStart = scanLocation.Y + 12;
                else // The menu points up.
                    yStart     = scanLocation.Y - 18;
                    yIncrement = -yIncrement;

                var options = new List <Tuple <Point, int> >();

                int optionIndex = 0;
                for (int y = yStart; optionHeight < y && y < cg.Capture.Height - optionHeight; y += yIncrement)
                    bool oob = false;
                    while (!(oob = optionHeight > y || y > cg.Capture.Height - optionHeight) && !Capture.CompareColor(xStart, y + (menuPointsDown ? 1 : -optionHeight), textcolor, fade + 20))
                        y += yIncrement;

                    // If the y is out of range of the bitmap, stop scanning the options.
                    if (oob || !Capture.CompareColor(xStart - 8, y, new int[] { 67, 67, 68 }, 30))

                    int percent = 0;
                    if (markup != null)
                        int success = 0;
                        int total   = 0;

                        for (int xi = 0; xi < markup.Width; xi++)
                            for (int yi = 0; yi < markup.Height; yi++)

                                bool bmpPixelIsBlack    = Capture.CompareColor(xStart + xi, y + yi, new int[] { 170, 170, 170 }, 80);
                                bool markupPixelIsBlack = markup.GetPixel(xi, yi) == Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);

                                if (bmpPixelIsBlack == markupPixelIsBlack)
                        percent = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(success) / Convert.ToDouble(total) * 100);

                    // Get bitmap of option
                    if (saveMarkupsToFolder != null)
                        DirectBitmap work = Capture.Clone(xStart, y, optionWidth, optionHeight);

                        for (int xi = 0; xi < work.Width; xi++)
                            for (int yi = 0; yi < work.Height; yi++)
                                if (work.CompareColor(xi, yi, textcolor, fade))
                                    work.SetPixel(xi, yi, Color.Black);
                                    work.SetPixel(xi, yi, Color.White);

                        work.Save($@"{saveMarkupsToFolder}Option Markup-{optionIndex}.png");

                    if (cg.DebugMenu != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{optionIndex} - {percent}%");

                    options.Add(new Tuple <Point, int>(new Point(xStart, y), percent));

                Point optionLocation = Point.Empty;

                if (markup != null && options.Count > 0)
                    optionLocation = options.Where(o => o.Item2 > 75).OrderByDescending(o => o.Item2).FirstOrDefault()?.Item1 ?? Point.Empty;

                if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.Click))

                // Close the menu.
                if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.CloseMenu) || (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.CloseIfNotFound) && optionLocation == Point.Empty))

                if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.ReturnFound))
                    return(optionLocation != Point.Empty);
                else if (flags.HasFlag(OptionScanFlags.ReturnLocation))