public OperatorInformation(int id, string name, List <string> inputsource, RoutingOption routing, int routingarg, string address, OperatorSpec type, int fieldnumber, string value, FilterCondition condition, string dllLocation, string className, string method, LoggingLevel logging) { = id; = name; this.inputsource = inputsource; this.routing = routing; this.routingarg = routingarg; this.address = address; this.type = type; this.outputs = new List <SourceOPs>(); this.fieldnumber = fieldnumber; this.value = value; this.condition = condition; this.dllLocation = dllLocation; this.className = className; this.method = method; this.logging = logging; }
private static void AddSpec(Cdn.MathFunctionType type, int priority, bool leftAssociation) { s_operatorSpecs[type] = new OperatorSpec(type, priority, leftAssociation); }
public void setOriginOPType(OperatorSpec spec) { this.originOPType = spec; }
//Operator SET UP - from Config File Command public void operatorsSetUp(List <string> x) { string operator_name, routingfunction, value, dllLocation, className, method, inputText; operator_name = routingfunction = value = dllLocation = className = method = inputText = ""; int field_number = 0; int repl_factor = 0; int routingnumber = 0; FilterCondition condition = FilterCondition.EQUALS; RoutingOption routing = RoutingOption.PRIMARY; OperatorSpec type = OperatorSpec.COUNT; List <string> operator_source = new List <string>(); List <string> address_array = new List <string>(); //OPERATOR_ID input ops SOURCE_OP_ID1 | FILEPATH1,. . ., SOURCE_OP_IDn | FILEPATHn if (x.Count > 1) { if (String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[1]), "input")) { operator_name = Convert.ToString(x[0]); string input; int counter = 3; do { input = Convert.ToString(x[counter]); string[] words2 = input.Split(','); operator_source.Add(words2[0]); counter++; } while (Convert.ToString(x[counter]).Contains(",")); //print Console.WriteLine("\n----->operator ID: " + operator_name); LogService.log("ConfigFile: ----->operator ID: " + operator_name, false); foreach (var u in operator_source) { Console.WriteLine("----->operator souce: " + u); LogService.log("ConfigFile: ----->operator souce: " + u, false); } } } for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++) { //rep fact REPL_FACTOR routing primary|hashing|random if ((String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[i]), "rep")) && (String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[i + 1]), "fact"))) { repl_factor = Convert.ToInt32(x[i + 2]); //number of replicas routingnumber = 0; string routinginput = Convert.ToString(x[i + 4]); char[] delimiterChars = { '(', ')' }; string[] words = routinginput.Split(delimiterChars); routingfunction = words[0]; //name of routing function switch (routingfunction) { case "hashing": routing = RoutingOption.HASHING; routingnumber = Convert.ToInt32(words[1]); break; case "primary": routing = RoutingOption.PRIMARY; break; case "random": routing = RoutingOption.RANDOM; break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("----->Repl factor: " + repl_factor + " Route-type: " + routingfunction + " Route-number: " + routingnumber); LogService.log("ConfigFile: ----->Repl factor: " + repl_factor + " Route-type: " + routingfunction + " Route-number: " + routingnumber, false); } //address URL1,. . .,URLn if ((String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[i]), "address"))) { string input; int counter = 0; do { input = Convert.ToString(x[i + counter + 1]); string[] words2 = input.Split(','); address_array.Add(words2[0]); String ip = words2[0].Split(':')[0] + ":" + words2[0].Split(':')[1]; Boolean existsMachine = false; foreach (var m in machines) { if (m.machineURL.Equals(ip)) { existsMachine = true; } } if (!existsMachine) { machines.Add(new MachineWithReplicas(ip, portM, operator_name)); portM++; } foreach (var z in machines) { if (z.machineURL.Equals(ip)) { z.addReplica(new Replica(words2[0], counter, port)); } } //do NOT delete! replicasArray.Add(new ReplicasInOP(ip, operator_name, words2[0], counter, port)); counter++; port++; } while (Convert.ToString(x[i + counter]).Contains(",")); foreach (var u in address_array) { Console.WriteLine("----->address: " + u); LogService.log("ConfigFile: ----->address: " + u, false); } } //operator spec OPERATOR_TYPE OPERATOR_PARAM1,. . ., OPERATOR_PARAMn if ((String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[i]), "operator")) && (String.Equals(Convert.ToString(x[i + 1]), "spec"))) { string inputOperator = Convert.ToString(x[i + 2]); //name of input operator Console.WriteLine("----->operator type: " + inputOperator); LogService.log("ConfigFile: ----->operator type: " + inputOperator, false); string[] words3; switch (inputOperator) { case "UNIQ": inputText = Convert.ToString(x[i + 3]); words3 = inputText.Split(','); field_number = Convert.ToInt32(words3[0]) - 1; type = OperatorSpec.UNIQ; break; case "COUNT": type = OperatorSpec.COUNT; break; case "DUP": type = OperatorSpec.DUP; break; case "FILTER": inputText = Convert.ToString(x[i + 3]); words3 = inputText.Split(','); field_number = Convert.ToInt32(words3[0]) - 1; switch (words3[1]) { case "<": condition = FilterCondition.SMALLER; break; case ">": condition = FilterCondition.GREATER; break; case "=": condition = FilterCondition.EQUALS; break; default: break; } value = words3[2].Trim('"'); type = OperatorSpec.FILTER; break; case "CUSTOM": inputText = Convert.ToString(x[i + 3]); words3 = inputText.Split(','); dllLocation = words3[0]; className = words3[1]; method = words3[2]; type = OperatorSpec.CUSTOM; break; } } } // Add operator to list, one for each replica_fact. for (int i = 0; i < repl_factor; i++) { operatorsArray.Add(new OperatorInformation(operatorCount, operator_name, operator_source, routing, routingnumber, address_array[i], type, field_number, value, condition, dllLocation, className, method, logging)); operatorCount++; } if (!containsInputOP(operator_source)) { startOPs.Add(operator_name); } }