public UnaryExpression(string Operator, Expression Right, OperatorPosition OperatorPosition = OperatorPosition.Left)
     : base(Right)
     this.Operator         = Operator;
     this.Right            = Right;
     this.OperatorPosition = OperatorPosition;
 public Operator(string symbol, OperatorPosition position, int precedence, Instruction instruction)
     this.symbol      = symbol;
     this.position    = position;
     this.precedence  = precedence;
     this.instruction = instruction;
 private UnaryOperator(string symbolFront, string symbolBack, string symbolHat, OperatorPosition position, int yScaleFactor = 1)
     SymbolFront  = symbolFront;
     SymbolBack   = symbolBack;
     SymbolHat    = symbolHat;
     Position     = position;
     YScaleFactor = yScaleFactor;
        public static UnaryOperator GetPostfixOperator(string symbol, OperatorPosition position)
            if (position == OperatorPosition.Above || position == OperatorPosition.Surrounding)
                throw new System.Exception(nameof(position));

            var newOperator = new UnaryOperator(null, symbol, null, position);

Example #5
 private static int SortFirstOperators(OperatorPosition x, OperatorPosition y)
     if (x.position == y.position)
     if (x.position > y.position)
        Operator Add(Instruction instruction, string symbol, OperatorPosition position, int precidence)
            var newOperator = new Operator(symbol, position, precidence, instruction);

            if (position != OperatorPosition.Infix)
                newOperator.spaceAfter  = false;
                newOperator.spaceBefore = false;
            this.Add(instruction, newOperator);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the OperatorConfig class.
        /// </summary>
        public OperatorConfig(string id, string caption, OperatorPosition position, string info,
                              string confirmData, string iconClass, MarcoConfigItem content)
            TkDebug.AssertArgumentNullOrEmpty(id, "id", null);
            TkDebug.AssertArgumentNullOrEmpty(caption, "caption", null);

            Id       = id;
            Caption  = new MultiLanguageText(caption);
            Position = position;
            Info     = info;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirmData))
                ConfirmData = new MultiLanguageText(confirmData);
            IconClass = iconClass;
            Content   = content;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the input equation string into a SIL_Equation recursive datastructure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="equation">basic input eqaution, must NOT contain any brackets!</param>
        /// <returns>Converted equation class which can be calculated</returns>
        static ISILObject ProcessEquation(string functionspace, string equationString, List <ISILObject> equations)
            //always returns equation
            if (!SIL_Math.IsEquation(equationString))
                return(Retrieve_SIL_Object(functionspace, equationString, equations));

            char[] separators = { '/', '*', '+', '-', '&', '|', '<', '>', '=' };

            string leftVar           = "",
                   rightVar          = "",
                   equationSubstring = "";
            int leftIndex            = 0,
                rightIndex           = 0;
            SILEquation equation     = new SILEquation();

            equationString = equationString.Trim();
            //multiplication and division needs to be taken care of first!

            List <OperatorPosition> firstPos = new List <OperatorPosition>();

            for (int i = 0; i < separators.Length; i++)
                int pos = equationString.IndexOf(separators[i]);
                if (pos >= 0)
                    OperatorPosition op = new OperatorPosition();
                    op.position = pos;
                    op.c        = separators[i];
                if (i == 1 && firstPos.Count > 0)

            equation.Operation = ConvertToOperator(firstPos[0].c);
            //now find the two terms this operation applies to and build new SIL_Equation class
            //find left variable
            for (int i = firstPos[0].position - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                leftIndex = i;
                if (SIL_Math.IsOperator(equationString[i]))
                    if (i == 1)
                        leftIndex--;         //allow negative numbers
                leftVar += equationString[i];
            leftVar = leftVar.Trim();
            if (leftVar.Length == 0)
                leftVar = "0";
                leftVar = Reverse(leftVar);  //reverse the string b/c I read it from right to left
            equation.Argument1 = Retrieve_SIL_Object(functionspace, leftVar, equations);

            //find right variable
            for (int i = firstPos[0].position + 1; i < equationString.Length; i++)
                if (SIL_Math.IsOperator(equationString[i]))
                rightIndex = i;
                rightVar  += equationString[i];
            rightVar = rightVar.Trim();
            if (rightVar.Length == 0)
                rightVar = "0";

            equation.Argument2 = Retrieve_SIL_Object(functionspace, rightVar, equations);

            equationSubstring = equationString.Substring(leftIndex, rightIndex - leftIndex);

            string leftPart    = leftIndex > 0 ? equationString.Substring(0, leftIndex + 1) : "";
            int    rightLength = equationString.Length - rightIndex;
            string rightPart   = rightLength > 0 ? equationString.Substring(rightIndex, rightLength) : "";

            equationString = leftPart +
                             "{" + equations.Count.ToString() + "}" +

            return(ProcessEquation(functionspace, equationString, equations));
Example #9
 public OperationAttribute(Operator op, OperatorPosition position = OperatorPosition.Infix)
     Op       = op;
     Position = position;
Example #10
 public OpAttribute(string commonName, string operatorRepresentation, OperatorPosition position = OperatorPosition.Infix)
     CommonName             = commonName;
     OperatorRepresentation = operatorRepresentation;
     Position = position;
 private BinaryOperator(string symbol, OperatorPosition position)
     Symbol   = symbol;
     Position = position;
Example #12
 public OperatorConfig(string id, string caption, OperatorPosition position,
                       string info, MarcoConfigItem content) :
     this(id, caption, position, info, null, null, content)