/// <summary>
		/// Creates the controls for displaying the field
		/// </summary>
		protected override void CreateValueControl()
			ValueControl.ValueChanged += ValueControl_ValueChanged;

			using (DataBase db = DataBase.CreateDataBase())
				Operations.Select select = new Operations.Select();
				select.DataType = DataType;
				var primaryKey = DataType.PrimaryKey.ToArray();

				foreach (object instance in db.Select(select))
					//add item as a string

					//single column primary key? add as a single object
					if (primaryKey.Length == 1)
					//multiple column primary key? add as an array of objects
						//add primary key
						IComparable[] pkValues = new IComparable[primaryKey.Length];

						for (int i = 0; i < primaryKey.Length; i++)
							pkValues[i] = (IComparable) primaryKey[i].Member.GetValue(instance);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the controls for displaying the field
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateValueControl()
            ValueControl.ValueChanged += ValueControl_ValueChanged;

            using (DataBase db = DataBase.CreateDataBase())
                Operations.Select select = new Operations.Select();
                select.DataType = DataType;
                var primaryKey = DataType.PrimaryKey.ToArray();

                foreach (object instance in db.Select(select))
                    //add item as a string

                    //single column primary key? add as a single object
                    if (primaryKey.Length == 1)
                    //multiple column primary key? add as an array of objects
                        //add primary key
                        IComparable[] pkValues = new IComparable[primaryKey.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < primaryKey.Length; i++)
                            pkValues[i] = (IComparable)primaryKey[i].Member.GetValue(instance);

		/// <summary>
		/// Starts instance for confirmation to remove controls.
		/// </summary>
		/// <summary xml:lang="es">
		/// Inicia la instancia para los controles de confirmacion de aliminar.
		/// </summary>
		public override void Start()

			//add label with instance names, select from database
			ILabel lblInstanceNames = Platform.Current.Create<ILabel>();
			lblInstanceNames.Text = string.Empty;
			Operations.Select select = new Operations.Select();
			select.DataType = Delete.DataType;
			int count = 0;

			using (var db = DataBase.CreateDataBase())

				foreach(object instance in db.Select(select))
					lblInstanceNames.Text += instance.ToString() + "\n";

			lblInstanceNames.Text = count + " records will be deleted:\n\n" + lblInstanceNames.Text;

			//add confirmation checkbox
			lblConfirm = Platform.Current.Create<ILabel>();
			lblConfirm.Text = Resources.Strings.OKHOSTING_ORM_UI_DeleteController_Confirm;

			chkConfirm = Platform.Current.Create<ICheckBox>();

			//add delete button
			IButton delete = Platform.Current.Create<IButton>();
			delete.Text = Resources.Strings.OKHOSTING_ORM_UI_DeleteController_Delete;
			delete.Click += Delete_Click;

			//add Cancel button
			IButton cancel = Platform.Current.Create<IButton>();
			cancel.Text = Resources.Strings.OKHOSTING_ORM_UI_UpdateController_Cancel;
			cancel.Click += Cancel_Click;
			//add label for error messages
			lblMessages = Platform.Current.Create<ILabel>();
			lblMessages.Visible = false;

			//create our own grid
			IGrid grid = Platform.Current.Create<IGrid>();
			grid.ColumnCount = 2;
			grid.RowCount = 4;

			grid.SetContent(0, 0, lblInstanceNames);
			grid.SetColumnSpan(2, lblInstanceNames);

			grid.SetContent(1, 0, lblConfirm);
			grid.SetContent(1, 1, chkConfirm);

			grid.SetContent(2, 0, delete);
			grid.SetContent(2, 1, cancel);

			grid.SetContent(3, 0, lblMessages);
			grid.SetColumnSpan(2, lblMessages);

			Platform.Current.Page.Title = Resources.Strings.OKHOSTING_ORM_UI_DeleteController_Delete + ' ' + Translator.Translate(Delete.DataType.InnerType);
			Platform.Current.Page.Content = grid;
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a field that will contain a value of a specific type
		/// <para xml:lang="es">
		/// Crea un campo que contendra un valor de un tipo especifco
		/// </para>
		/// </summary>
		public static FormField CreateFieldFrom(Type type)
			//validate arguments
			if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

			FormField field;

			//The type is a persistent type
			if (DataType.IsMapped(type))
				var select = new Operations.Select();
				select.DataType = type;

				field = new ObjectListPickerField(select);

				////show total records
				//Operations.SelectAggregate count = new Operations.SelectAggregate();
				//count.DataType = type;
				//count.AggregateMembers.Add(new Operations.SelectAggregateMember(select.DataType.PrimaryKey.First(), Operations.SelectAggregateFunction.Count));

				//int totalRecords = 0;

				//using (var db = DataBase.CreateDataBase())
				//	totalRecords = Data.Convert.ChangeType<int>(db.SelectScalar(count));

				////if it's a short list, create a DropDown
				//if (totalRecords <= 100)
				//	field = new ObjectListPickerField(select);
				////otherwise create an autocomplete
				//	field = new ObjectAutoCompleteField(select);

			else if (type.Equals(typeof(DataType)))
				field = new DataTypeField();

			//just create a simple field for common values
				field = FormField.CreateFieldFrom(type);

			return field;