internal static void ApplyFontStyle(string style, OpenXmlElement styleElement)
     if (string.Compare(italic, style, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
         styleElement.Append(new Italic());
Example #2
        private void SetMarginBottom(OpenXmlElement parent)
            Paragraph para = parent.AppendChild(new Paragraph());
            para.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties();

            DocxMargin.SetBottomMargin(defaultDLMargin, para.ParagraphProperties);
Example #3
        public override void AppendTo(OpenXmlElement openXmlNode, MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart)
            _mainDocumentPart = mainDocumentPart;

            var imagePart = CreateImagePart();
            openXmlNode.Append(CreateImageElement(mainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart), Path.GetFileName(_content)));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets XmlPath information of the specified OpenXmlElement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The OpenXmlElement.</param>
        /// <returns>XmlPath to this element from root element.</returns>
        internal static XmlPath GetXPath(OpenXmlElement element)
            if (element == null)
                return null;
                // throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            XmlPath xmlPath = new XmlPath();
            xmlPath.PartUri = element.GetPartUri();

            Dictionary<string, string> namespaces = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            StringBuilder xpath = new StringBuilder("");

            BuildXPath(element, xpath, namespaces);

            xmlPath.XPath = xpath.ToString();

            StringBuilder nsString;

            foreach (var ns in namespaces)
                nsString = new StringBuilder("");

            return xmlPath;
Example #5
        public override void InsertAfter(OpenXmlElement openXmlNode, MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart)
            _mainDocumentPart = mainDocumentPart;

            var imagePart = CreateImagePart();
            openXmlNode.InsertAfterSelf(CreateImageElement(mainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart), Path.GetFileName(_content)));
Example #6
 private Paragraph CreateParagraph(DocxNode node, OpenXmlElement parent)
     Paragraph para = parent.AppendChild(new Paragraph());
     OnParagraphCreated(node, para);
     OnOLParagraphCreated(this, new ParagraphEventArgs(para));
     return para;
Example #7
 public override void AppendTo(OpenXmlElement openXmlNode, MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart)
     var paragraphs = ConvertContentToParagraphs(mainDocumentPart);
     foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
 internal static void ApplyFontWeight(string style, OpenXmlElement styleElement)
     if (string.Compare(bold, style, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
         string.Compare(bolder, style, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
         styleElement.Append(new Bold());
Example #9
        public override void AppendTo(OpenXmlElement openXmlNode, MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart)
            var text = _newParagraph 
                ? (OpenXmlElement)new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(_content)))
                : (OpenXmlElement)new Run(new Text(_content));

		internal static void ApplyTextAlign(string style, OpenXmlElement styleElement)
			JustificationValues alignment;
			if (GetJustificationValue(style, out alignment))
				styleElement.Append(new Justification() { Val = alignment });
Example #11
 public override void InsertAfter(OpenXmlElement openXmlNode, MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart)
     var paragraphs = ConvertContentToParagraphs(mainDocumentPart);
     var insertPoint = openXmlNode;
     foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
         insertPoint = paragraph;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the OpenXmlDomReader class using the supplied OpenXmlElement and Boolean values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openXmlElement">The OpenXmlElement to read.</param>
        /// <param name="readMiscNodes">Specify false to indicate to the reader to skip all miscellaneous nodes. The default value is false.</param>
        public OpenXmlDomReader(OpenXmlElement openXmlElement, bool readMiscNodes)
            : this(readMiscNodes)
            if (openXmlElement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("openXmlElement");

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the OpenXmlDomReader class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openXmlElement">The OpenXmlElement to read.</param>
        public OpenXmlDomReader(OpenXmlElement openXmlElement)
            : this()
            if (openXmlElement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("openXmlElement");

 internal static void ApplyTextDecoration(string style, OpenXmlElement styleElement)
     if (string.Compare(style, underLine, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
         styleElement.Append(new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single });
     else if (string.Compare(style, lineThrough, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
         styleElement.Append(new Strike());
 public static IEnumerable<MergeField> GetMergeRuns(OpenXmlElement element)
     // Gets each element under the element with text representing a merge field.
     foreach (var run in element.Descendants<Run>())
         if (run.InnerText.StartsWith(MergeField.StartMergeField.ToString())
             && run.InnerText.EndsWith(MergeField.EndMergeField.ToString()))
             yield return ConvertRunToMergeField(run);
Example #16
 private List<OpenXmlElement> InitializeRoot(OpenXmlElement root, bool removeOldOnes = true)
     var initialElements = root.ChildElements;
     if (removeOldOnes)
         if (initialElements == null || initialElements.Count <= 0) return new List<OpenXmlElement>();
         List<OpenXmlElement> elements =
             initialElements.Select(initialElement => (OpenXmlElement) initialElement.Clone()).ToList();
         return elements;
     return initialElements.ToList();
        public void AddCallBackMethod(OpenXmlElement element, CallBackMethod method)
            if (!_callBackMethods.Keys.Contains(element.ElementTypeId))
                _callBackMethods.Add(element.ElementTypeId, new List<CallBackMethod>());

            // _callBackMethods[element.ElementTypeId] is a List. Let's check if the method obj is already added to the list.
            if (!_callBackMethods[element.ElementTypeId].Contains(method))
 public ValidationInfo(OpenXmlPowerToolsDocument doc, ValidationErrorInfo err)
     Document = doc;
     FileName = doc.FileName;
     Description = err.Description;
     ErrorType = err.ErrorType;
     Id = err.Id;
     Node = err.Node;
     Part = err.Part;
     XPath = err.Path.XPath;
     RelatedNode = err.RelatedNode;
     RelatedPart = err.RelatedPart;
Example #19
 public static XQueryNodeIterator QueryNodes(this OpenXmlPart part, OpenXmlElement contextNode, 
     string xquery, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)
     NameTable nameTable = new NameTable();
     OpenXmlDocument doc = new OpenXmlDocument(part, nameTable);
     OpenXmlNavigator node = new OpenXmlNavigator(new ElementAdapter(contextNode, new RootAdapter(doc.Part.RootElement, doc)));
     OpenXmlQueryCommand command = new OpenXmlQueryCommand(nameTable);
     if (nsmgr != null)
     command.ContextItem = node;
     command.CommandText = xquery;
     return command.Execute().Preload(); // Load all nodes for preventing to close container before finish query
Example #20
        internal override void Process(DocxNode node, ref Paragraph paragraph)
            body = context.Document.AppendChild(new Body());

            //If the node is body tag, find the first children to process
            if (CanConvert(node))
                if (!node.HasChildren)
                    //Nothing to process. Just return from here.

                node = node.Children.ElementAt(0);

            ProcessBody(node, ref paragraph);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the DOM tree under the specified OpenXmlElement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaValidator">The schemaValidator.</param>
        /// <param name="openxmlElement">The root of the sub tree.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the validation result in ValidationResult.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only schema validating.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static ValidationResult Validate(this SchemaValidator schemaValidator, OpenXmlElement openxmlElement)
            Debug.Assert(openxmlElement != null);

            var validationResult = new ValidationResult();

            Debug.Assert(!(openxmlElement is OpenXmlUnknownElement || openxmlElement is OpenXmlMiscNode));

            // Can not just validate AlternateContent / Choice / Fallback
            // Debug.Assert(!(openxmlElement is AlternateContent))
            Debug.Assert(!(openxmlElement is AlternateContentChoice || openxmlElement is AlternateContentFallback));

            var validationContext = new ValidationContext();
            validationContext.ValidationErrorEventHandler += validationResult.OnValidationError;

            validationContext.Element = openxmlElement;


            return validationResult;
Example #22
        private string GetPlainText(OpenXmlElement element)
            StringBuilder PlainTextInWord = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (OpenXmlElement section in element.Elements())
                switch (section.LocalName)
                    // Text 
                    case "t":

                    case "cr":                          // Carriage return 
                    case "br":                          // Page break 

                    // Tab 
                    case "tab":

                    // Paragraph 
                    case "p":


            return PlainTextInWord.ToString();
Example #23
 public string GetText(OpenXmlElement run)
     return(run is S.Run r ? r.ChildElements.OfType <S.Text>().SingleOrDefault()?.Text ?? "" :
            run is S.Text s ? s.Text ?? "" :
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the specified element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openXmlElement">The target OpenXmlElement.</param>
        /// <returns>A set of validation erros.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the "openXmlElement" parameter is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown when the "openXmlElement" is type of OpenXmlUnknownElement, OpenXmlMiscNode, AlternateContent, AlternateContentChoice or AlternateContentFallback.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the "openXmlElement" is not defined in the specified FileFormat.</exception>
        public IEnumerable <ValidationErrorInfo> Validate(OpenXmlElement openXmlElement)
            if (openXmlElement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("openXmlElement");

            if (openXmlElement is OpenXmlUnknownElement)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("openXmlElement", ExceptionMessages.CannotValidateUnknownElement);

            if (openXmlElement is OpenXmlMiscNode)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("openXmlElement", ExceptionMessages.CannotValidateMiscNode);

            if (openXmlElement is AlternateContent ||
                openXmlElement is AlternateContentChoice ||
                openXmlElement is AlternateContentFallback)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("openXmlElement", ExceptionMessages.CannotValidateAcbElement);

            if (!openXmlElement.IsInVersion(this.FileFormat))
                switch (this.FileFormat)
                case FileFormatVersions.Office2007:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ExceptionMessages.ElementIsNotInOffice2007);

                case FileFormatVersions.Office2010:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ExceptionMessages.ElementIsNotInOffice2010);

                case FileFormatVersions.Office2013:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ExceptionMessages.ElementIsNotInOffice2013);

                case FileFormatVersions.Office2016:
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ExceptionMessages.ElementIsNotInOffice2016);

            // TODO: if the FileFormat is Office2007, and the element is only in Office2010 and O15.
            // then this method should throw exceptions.

            var validationResult = new ValidationResult();

            validationResult.Valid                          = true;
            validationResult.MaxNumberOfErrors              = this._settings.MaxNumberOfErrors;
            validationResult.MaxNumberOfErrorsEventHandler += this.SchemaValidator.OnCancel;
            var validationContext = new ValidationContext();

            // this.ValidationContext.Settings = new ValidationSettings(this.FileFormat, this.SchemaOnly);
            validationContext.FileFormat = this.FileFormat;
            validationContext.ValidationErrorEventHandler += validationResult.OnValidationError;
            validationContext.Element = openXmlElement;
            // Do NOT use "yield return" in this method, as "yield return" are deferred executed.
            // Otherwise, the null check is not performed when the method is called, but rather, when the returned enumerator is moved for the first time.
            // That means that the exception isn't thrown until possibly far, far away from the actual site of the error, which is potentially confusing.


            validationContext.Element = openXmlElement;

        /// <summary>
        /// Traversing down the specified element using HasChildren, FirstChild, LastChild, ChildElements(), Descendants(), Elements()
        /// GetFirstChildOfType, and GetEnumerator methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="U">The specified child type need to be traversed</typeparam>
        /// <param name="part">the OpenXmlPart in which the element exists</param>
        /// <param name="root">the OpenXmlElement need to be traversed</param>
        private void TestTraverseDown <U>(OpenXmlPart part, OpenXmlElement root) where U : OpenXmlElement
            string   UTagName = (Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(U)) as OpenXmlElement).LocalName;
            XElement Xroot    = ConvertToXElement(part, root);

            Log.Comment(" ****** test HasChildren ******");
            Log.Comment("check if the hasChildren is correct");
            Log.VerifyTrue(Xroot.HasElements == root.HasChildren, "hasChildren is not correct");

            if (root.HasChildren)
                OpenXmlElement firstChild  = root.FirstChild;
                XElement       XfirstChild = Xroot.Elements().ElementAt(0);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test FirstChild ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the first child retrieved is correct");
                VerifyEqual(XfirstChild, ConvertToXElement(part, firstChild), null);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test LastChild ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the last child retrieved is correct");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements().Last(), ConvertToXElement(part, root.LastChild), null);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test ChildElements ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the children is returned correct");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements(), root.ChildElements, part);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test Descendants ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the descendants if the first child returned are correct");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Descendants(), root.Descendants(), part);

                Log.Comment(" ******test Elements<T> ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the Element<OpenXmlElement> returned are correct");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements(), root.Elements <OpenXmlElement>(), part);

                Log.Comment("check if the Element<{0}> returned are correct", typeof(U).Name);
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName), root.Elements <U>(), part);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test Descendants<T> ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the Descendants<OpenXmlElement> of the first child are returned correctly");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Descendants(), root.Descendants <OpenXmlElement>(), part);

                Log.Comment("check if the Descendants<{0}> returned are correct", typeof(U).Name);
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName), root.Descendants <U>(), part);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test GetFirstChildOfType<T> ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the GetFirstChild<OpenXmlElement> returns the first child element");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements().First(), ConvertToXElement(part, root.GetFirstChild <OpenXmlElement>()), null);

                Log.Comment("check if the GetFirstChild<{0}> returns the correct result", typeof(U).Name);
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName).First(), ConvertToXElement(part, root.GetFirstChild <U>()), null);

                Log.Comment(" ****** test GetEnumerator() ******");
                Log.Comment("check if the GetEnumerator returns the correct result");
                VerifyEqual(Xroot.Elements(), root, part);

                Log.Comment("***** test IsBefore() ******");
                foreach (var element in root.Descendants())
                    if (root.FirstChild == element)
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.FirstChild.IsBefore(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.FirstChild.IsAfter(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");
                        Log.VerifyTrue(root.FirstChild.IsBefore(element), "Expect: True <> Actual: False");
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.FirstChild.IsAfter(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");

                Log.Comment("****** test IsAfter() ******");
                foreach (var element in root.Elements())
                    if (element == root.LastChild)
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.LastChild.IsAfter(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.LastChild.IsBefore(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");
                        Log.VerifyTrue(root.LastChild.IsAfter(element), "Expect: True <> Actual: False");
                        Log.VerifyFalse(root.LastChild.IsBefore(element), "Expect: False <> Actual: True");
                Log.Warning("No Children exists");
Example #26
        internal static OpenXmlElement GetFirstChildMc(this OpenXmlElement parent, MCContext mcContext, FileFormatVersions format)
            var child = parent.GetFirstNonMiscElementChild();

            return(parent.GetChildMc(child, mcContext, format));
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the element's first child of a given type, either replacing an existing
        /// one or appending the first one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">A subclass of OpenXmlElement</typeparam>
        /// <param name="element">The element</param>
        /// <param name="newChild">The new child</param>
        /// <returns>The new child</returns>
        public static T SetFirstChild <T>(this OpenXmlElement element, T newChild) where T : OpenXmlElement
            var oldChild = element.GetFirstChild <T>();

            return(oldChild != null?element.ReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild) : element.AppendChild(newChild));
Example #28
        private void UpdateElements(OpenXmlElement root, List<OpenXmlElement> elements, IEnumerable<ProjectFile> projectFiles, Customer customer, User user)
            foreach (var projectFile in projectFiles)
                UpdateSingleFile(root, elements, new List<TokensProvider>() {customer, user, projectFile});

                #region empty lines
                var emptyLineParagraph = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "0077013B", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00684C81", ParagraphId = "5E06053C", TextId = "77777777" };
                var emptyLineRun = new Run();
                var emptyLineText = new Text() { Text = String.Empty };
Example #29
 public OpenXmlBarChartSeries(OpenXmlElement series) :
Example #30
 public OpenXmlCompositeElement CastRun(OpenXmlElement element)
Example #31
 public OpenXmlCompositeElement WrapInRun(OpenXmlElement text)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #32
 public bool IsRunProperties(OpenXmlElement element)
     return(element is W.RunProperties);
Example #33
 public bool IsParagraph(OpenXmlElement element)
     return(element is W.Paragraph);
Example #34
 public bool IsText(OpenXmlElement a)
     return(a is W.Text);
Example #35
 public bool IsRun(OpenXmlElement a)
     return(a is W.Run);
        public static bool IsImportant(OpenXmlElement c)
            if (c is Paragraph)
                return true;

            if (c is Run)
                var text = c.ChildElements.Where(a => !(a is RunProperties)).Only() as Text;

                if (text != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text.Text))
                    return false;

                return true; 

            if (c is BaseNode)
                return true;

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve built-in OpenXmlAttributes of the type of pass-in OpenXmlElement
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">OpenXmlElement or derived classes that has properties with SchemaAttrAttribute</param>
 /// <returns>IEnumerable<OpenXmlAttribute> for fixed attributes of type of pass-in OpenXmlElement</returns>
 public static IEnumerable <OpenXmlAttribute> GetFixedAttributes(this OpenXmlElement e) => e?.Attributes;
Example #38
 public NavigatorAdapter(OpenXmlElement elem)
     _elem = elem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Traversing siblings of the specified element using PreviousSibling, PreviousSibling &lt T &gt
        /// NextSibling, NextSibling&ltT&gt, ElementsBefore, ElementsAfter, IsBefore, IsAfter"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="U">Type of the sibling used by generic traversing method</typeparam>
        /// <param name="part">the OpenXmlPart in which the element exists</param>
        /// <param name="Element">the OpenXmlElement need to be traversed</param>
        private void TestTraverseSibling <U>(OpenXmlPart part, OpenXmlElement Element) where U : OpenXmlElement
            string UTagName = (Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(U)) as OpenXmlElement).LocalName;

            OpenXmlElement walker  = Element;
            XElement       Xele    = ConvertToXElement(part, Element);
            XElement       Xwalker = Xele;

            Log.Comment("****** test ElementsAfter ******");
            VerifyEqual(Xwalker.ElementsAfterSelf(), walker.ElementsAfter(), part);

            Log.Comment("****** test NextSibling ******");
            Log.Comment("check if the nextSibling returns correctly");

            while (Xwalker.NextNode != null && walker.NextSibling() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsAfterSelf().First();
                walker  = walker.NextSibling();

                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);

            if (Xwalker.NextNode == null && walker.NextSibling() == null)
                Log.Comment("check if the current element is the last sibling of the original element");
                VerifyEqual(Xele.Parent.Elements().Last(), walker, part);

                Log.Pass("All next siblings have been retrieved correctly");
                Log.Fail("nextSibling doesn't return correctly");

            Log.Comment("****** test ElementsBefore ******");
            VerifyEqual(Xwalker.ElementsBeforeSelf(), walker.ElementsBefore(), part);

            Log.Comment("****** test PreviousSibling ******");
            while (Xwalker.PreviousNode != null && walker.PreviousSibling() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsBeforeSelf().Last();
                walker  = walker.PreviousSibling();
                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);

            if (Xwalker.PreviousNode == null && walker.PreviousSibling() == null)
                Log.Comment("check if the current element is the first sibling of the original element");
                VerifyEqual(Xele.Parent.Elements().First(), walker, part);

                Log.Pass("All Previous siblings have been retrieved correctly");
                Log.Fail("PreviousSibling doesn't return correctly");

            Log.Comment("****** test NextSibling<OpenXmlElement> ******");

            while (Xwalker.NextNode != null && walker.NextSibling() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsAfterSelf().First();
                walker  = walker.NextSibling <OpenXmlElement>();

                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);

            if (Xwalker.NextNode == null && walker.NextSibling() == null)
                Log.Comment("check if the current element is the last sibling of the original element");
                VerifyEqual(Xele.Parent.Elements().Last(), walker, part);

                Log.Pass("All next siblings have been retrieved correctly");
                Log.Fail("nextSibling doesn't return correctly");

            Log.Comment("****** test PreviousSibling<OpenXmlElement>() ******");
            while (Xwalker.PreviousNode != null && walker.PreviousSibling <OpenXmlElement>() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsBeforeSelf().Last();
                walker  = walker.PreviousSibling <OpenXmlElement>();
                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);

            if (Xwalker.PreviousNode == null && walker.PreviousSibling <OpenXmlElement>() == null)
                Log.Comment("check if the current element is the first sibling of the original element");
                VerifyEqual(Xele.Parent.Elements().First(), walker, part);

                Log.Pass("All Previous siblings have been retrieved correctly");
                Log.Fail("PreviousSibling doesn't return correctly");

            Log.Comment("****** test NextSibling<{0}> ******", typeof(U).Name);
            while (Xwalker.ElementsAfterSelf().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName).Any() && walker.NextSibling <U>() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsAfterSelf().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName).First();
                walker  = walker.NextSibling <U>();

                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);

            Log.Comment("****** test PreviousSibling<{0}>() ******", typeof(U).Name);
            while (Xwalker.ElementsBeforeSelf().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName).Any() && walker.PreviousSibling <U>() != null)
                Xwalker = Xwalker.ElementsBeforeSelf().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == UTagName).Last();
                walker  = walker.PreviousSibling <U>();
                VerifyEqual(Xwalker, walker, part);
        internal static OpenXmlElement GetNextChildMc(this OpenXmlElement parent, OpenXmlElement child, MCContext mcContext, FileFormatVersions format)
            var next = child.GetNextNonMiscElementSibling();
            var mcTier = child.Parent;

            if (next == null && mcTier != parent)
                // the child must be under element in ProcessContent or ACB
                if (mcTier is AlternateContentChoice || mcTier is AlternateContentFallback)
                    mcTier = mcTier.Parent;
                Debug.Assert(mcTier != null);

                // there is no more next sibling in this level, then try to find the next siblig of the up level.
                return parent.GetNextChildMc(mcTier, mcContext, format);

            return parent.GetChildMc(next, mcContext, format);
        public static OpenXmlElement Render(this Paragraph paragraph, OpenXmlElement parent, ContextModel context, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            context.ReplaceItem(paragraph, formatProvider);

            var openXmlPar = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Paragraph();

            openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.ParagraphProperties()
                Shading = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Shading()
                    Fill = paragraph.Shading
                Justification = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Justification()
                    Val = paragraph.Justification.ToOOxml()
                SpacingBetweenLines = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.SpacingBetweenLines()
            if (paragraph.SpacingBefore.HasValue)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.SpacingBetweenLines.Before = paragraph.SpacingBefore.ToString();
            if (paragraph.SpacingAfter.HasValue)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.SpacingBetweenLines.After = paragraph.SpacingAfter.ToString();
            if (paragraph.SpacingBetweenLines.HasValue)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.SpacingBetweenLines.Line = paragraph.SpacingBetweenLines.ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paragraph.ParagraphStyleId))
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.ParagraphStyleId = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.ParagraphStyleId()
                    Val = paragraph.ParagraphStyleId
            if (paragraph.Borders != null)
            if (paragraph.Keeplines)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.KeepLines = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.KeepLines();
            if (paragraph.KeepNext)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.KeepNext = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.KeepNext();
            if (paragraph.PageBreakBefore)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.PageBreakBefore = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.PageBreakBefore();

            // Indents :
            if (paragraph.Indentation != null)
                openXmlPar.ParagraphProperties.Indentation = paragraph.Indentation.ToOpenXmlElement();

Example #42
 public OpenXmlCompositeElement WrapInRun(OpenXmlElement text)
     return(new S.Run(text));
Example #43
        public void ReplaceString(OpenXmlElement element, string val)
            var text = element.Descendants <Word.Text>().FirstOrDefault();
            var run  = text == null?element.Descendants <Word.Run>().FirstOrDefault() : FindParent <Word.Run>(text);

            var runp = (OpenXmlElement)null;

            if (run == null)
                runp = element;
                run  = new Word.Run();
                runp = run.Parent;
            var paragraph = FindParent <Word.Paragraph>(runp);

            run.RsidRunProperties = null;
            run.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Text>();
            run.RemoveAllChildren <Word.RunProperties>();
            runp.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Run>();
            runp.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Break>();

            if (paragraph.ParagraphProperties?.ParagraphMarkRunProperties != null)
                run.RunProperties = new Word.RunProperties();
                foreach (var item in paragraph.ParagraphProperties.ParagraphMarkRunProperties)
            if (text == null)
                text = new Word.Text();
            else if (text.Parent != null)
            string[] pagesplit = val.TrimEnd("\r\n".ToCharArray()).Split("\f".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            for (int p = 0; p < pagesplit.Length; p++)
                var lineSpit = pagesplit[p].Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (lineSpit.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < lineSpit.Length; i++)
                        if (p == 0 && i == 0)
                            text.Text  = lineSpit[0];
                            text.Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve;
                        Word.Run r = run.Clone() as Word.Run;
                        r.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Text>();
                        r.Append(new Word.Text(lineSpit[i])
                            Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve

                        Word.Paragraph pr = (Word.Paragraph)paragraph.Clone();
                        pr.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Run>();
                        pr.RemoveAllChildren <Word.Break>();
                        pr.RemoveAllChildren <Word.SdtBlock>();
                        pr.RemoveAllChildren <Word.SdtRun>();


                        paragraph.Parent.InsertAfter <Word.Paragraph>(pr, paragraph);
                        paragraph = pr;
                if (p < pagesplit.Length - 1)
                    var bp = new Word.Break()
                        Type = Word.BreakValues.Page
Example #44
 protected static XmlQualifiedName GetAttributeQualifiedName(OpenXmlElement element, byte attributeID)
     return(new XmlQualifiedName(element.AttributeTagNames[attributeID], NamespaceIdMap.GetNamespaceUri(element.AttributeNamespaceIds[attributeID])));
Example #45
 public bool IsParagraph(OpenXmlElement element)
Example #46
        public ActionResult PrictDoc(string doctext)
            List <TemplateSectionVo> Grid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TemplateSectionVo> >(doctext);
            //htmlString = "<h1 style='text-align: center;'><strong>Report</strong></h1>" + "<br>";
            string sourceFile = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("/", "Themes/Template/PSURTemplate.dotx"));
            var    filename   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile);

            destinationFile = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("/", "Themes/DownloadDocs/" + "PBRER" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm_ss") + ".docx"));
                // Create a copy of the template file and open the copy
                System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destinationFile, true);
                WordprocessingDocument wordDoc =
                    WordprocessingDocument.Open(destinationFile, true);
                //marker for main document part
                var mainDocPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;

                //Iterate through the paragraphs to find the bookmarks inside
                //load bookmarks
                var bookmarks = mainDocPart.Document.Body.Descendants <BookmarkStart>();

                for (int i = 0; i < Grid.Count; i++)
                    //find our bookmark
                    string bookmarkname1 = Regex.Match(Grid[i].Section, @"(\d+.\d+.\d+.|\d+.\d+.|\d+.)").Value;
                    string bookmarkname  = bookmarkname1.Replace(".", "_");
                    //get to first element
                    if (bookmarkname1 == null || bookmarkname1 == "")
                        bookmarkname = Regex.Replace(Grid[i].Section, @"[\d+|.|\s]", "");
                    var bookmark = from bookmarkIndex in bookmarks where bookmarkIndex.Name == "BK_" + bookmarkname select bookmarkIndex;
                    if (bookmark.Count() > 0)
                        htmlString = "";
                        if (Grid[i].Template_Content != null)
                            htmlString = "<html>" + Grid[i].Template_Content.Replace("<table>", "<table border='1' style=' border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;width:100%;'>");
                        string UrlLink = new Uri(Request.Url, Url.Content("~")).AbsoluteUri + "ImageBrowser/Image";
                        string source  = "/ImageBrowser/Image";
                        string CON     = htmlString;
                        htmlString = CON.Replace(source, UrlLink);
                        OpenXmlElement elem = bookmark.First().Parent;
                        String         cid  = "chunkid_" + i;
                        MemoryStream   ms   = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlString));
                        AlternativeFormatImportPart formatImportPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.AddAlternativeFormatImportPart(AlternativeFormatImportPartType.Html, cid);
                        AltChunk altChunk = new AltChunk();
                        altChunk.Id = cid;
                        elem.InsertAfterSelf <AltChunk>(altChunk);
                DocumentSettingsPart settingsPart = mainDocPart.Document.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType <DocumentSettingsPart>().First();
                // Create object to update fields on open
                UpdateFieldsOnOpen updateFields = new UpdateFieldsOnOpen();
                updateFields.Val = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OnOffValue(true);
                // Insert object into settings part.
                settingsPart.Settings.PrependChild <UpdateFieldsOnOpen>(updateFields);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //string ErrorData = "Please Close the Word and try again";
Example #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the SDT content keeping permission elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="openXmlCompositeElement">The open XML composite element.</param>
        /// <param name="newChild">The new child.</param>
        private void SetSdtContentKeepingPermissionElements(OpenXmlCompositeElement openXmlCompositeElement, OpenXmlElement newChild)
            PermStart start = openXmlCompositeElement.Descendants <PermStart>().FirstOrDefault();
            PermEnd   end   = openXmlCompositeElement.Descendants <PermEnd>().FirstOrDefault();


            if (start != null)


            if (end != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Возвращает предкорневой элемент документа
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private OpenXmlElement GetParentToPasteSchedule(OpenXmlElement element)
     return((element.Parent is Body) ? element : GetParentToPasteSchedule(element.Parent));
Example #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the DOM tree under the specified OpenXmlElement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaValidator">The schemaValidator.</param>
        /// <param name="openXmlElement">The root of the sub tree.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the validation result in ValidationResult.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only schema validating.
        /// </remarks>
        public static List <ValidationErrorInfo> Validate(this SchemaValidator schemaValidator, OpenXmlElement openXmlElement)
            Debug.Assert(openXmlElement != null);

            Debug.Assert(!(openXmlElement is OpenXmlUnknownElement || openXmlElement is OpenXmlMiscNode));

            // Can not just validate AlternateContent / Choice / Fallback
            Debug.Assert(!(openXmlElement is AlternateContentChoice || openXmlElement is AlternateContentFallback));

            var validationContext = new ValidationContext();

            validationContext.Stack.Push(element: openXmlElement);


Example #50
        private void InsertImage(WordprocessingDocument wpd, OpenXmlElement parent, string filepath)
            string relationId = AddGraph(wpd, filepath);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationId))
                Size size = new Size(800, 600);

                Int64Value width  = size.Width * 9525;
                Int64Value height = size.Height * 9525;

                var draw = new Drawing(
                    new DW.Inline(
                        new DW.Extent()
                    Cx = width, Cy = height
                        new DW.EffectExtent()
                    LeftEdge   = 0L,
                    TopEdge    = 0L,
                    RightEdge  = 0L,
                    BottomEdge = 0L
                        new DW.DocProperties()
                    Id   = (UInt32Value)1U,
                    Name = "Its me"
                        new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(new A.GraphicFrameLocks()
                    NoChangeAspect = true
                        new A.Graphic(
                            new A.GraphicData(
                                new PIC.Picture(
                                    new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
                                        new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
                    Id   = (UInt32Value)0U,
                    Name = relationId
                                        new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
                                    new PIC.BlipFill(
                                        new A.Blip(
                                            new A.BlipExtensionList(
                                                new A.BlipExtension()
                    Uri = "{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}"
                    Embed            = relationId,
                    CompressionState =
                                        new A.Stretch(
                                            new A.FillRectangle())),
                                    new PIC.ShapeProperties(
                                        new A.Transform2D(
                                            new A.Offset()
                    X = 0L, Y = 0L
                                            new A.Extents()
                    Cx = width, Cy = height
                                        new A.PresetGeometry(new A.AdjustValueList())
                    Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle
                    Uri = ""
                    DistanceFromTop    = (UInt32Value)0U,
                    DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)0U,
                    DistanceFromLeft   = (UInt32Value)0U,
                    DistanceFromRight  = (UInt32Value)0U,
                    EditId             = "50D07946"

Example #51
        private void UpdateElementsForRoot(Customer customer, User user, OpenXmlElement root)
            List <OpenXmlElement> elements = InitializeRoot(root, false);

            UpdateElements(root, elements, customer, user);
Example #52
 public string GetText(OpenXmlElement run)
     return(run.ChildElements.OfType <W.Text>().SingleOrDefault()?.Text ?? "");
        private void AssertNotImportant(List<OpenXmlElement> chain, OpenXmlElement openXmlElement, MatchNode errorHintParent, MatchNode errorHint1, MatchNode errorHint2)
            var index = chain.IndexOf(openXmlElement);

            for (int i = index; i < chain.Count; i++)
                var current = chain[i];
                var next = i == chain.Count - 1 ? null : chain[i + 1];

                var important = current.ChildElements.Where(c => c != next && IsImportant(c));

                if (important.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Node {0} is not at the same level than {1}{2}. Important nodes could be removed close to {0}:\r\n{3}".FormatWith(
                        errorHintParent != errorHint1 && errorHintParent != errorHint2 ? " in " + errorHintParent.Match : "",
Example #54
        private void UpdateElementsForRoot(IEnumerable <ProjectFile> projectFiles, Customer customer, User user, OpenXmlElement root)
            List <OpenXmlElement> elements = InitializeRoot(root);

            UpdateElements(root, elements, projectFiles, customer, user);
 public static void ReplaceBy(this OpenXmlElement element, OpenXmlElement replacement)
     element.Parent.ReplaceChild(replacement, element);
 /// <summary>
 /// 複製してTに変換します。
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">変換する型</typeparam>
 /// <param name="value">複数元</param>
 /// <returns>複製したオブジェクト</returns>
 public static T CloneElement <T>(this OpenXmlElement value) where T : OpenXmlElement
     return(value.CloneNode(true) as T);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate attributes on AlternateContent, Choice and Fallback element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext"></param>
        /// <param name="acElement">The element to be validated.</param>
        private static void ValidateMcAttributesOnAcb(ValidationContext validationContext, OpenXmlElement acElement)
            ValidationErrorInfo errorInfo;

            // AlternateContent elements might include the attributes Ignorable, MustUnderstand, ProcessContent, PreserveElements, and PreserveAttributes
            // These attributes’ qualified names shall be prefixed when associated with an AlternateContent / Choice / Fallback element.
            // A markup consumer shall generate an error if it encounters an unprefixed attribute name associated with an AlternateContent element.
            if (acElement.ExtendedAttributes != null)
                foreach (var exAttribute in acElement.ExtendedAttributes)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exAttribute.Prefix))
                        // error on any unprefixed attributes
                        errorInfo = validationContext.ComposeMcValidationError(acElement, ValidationResources.MC_ErrorOnUnprefixedAttributeName, exAttribute.XmlQualifiedName.ToString());

                    // Markup consumers shall generate an error if they encounter the xml:lang or xml:space attributes on an AlternateContent element.
                    // Markup consumers shall generate an error if they encounter the xml:lang or xml:space attributes on a Choice element, regardless of whether the element is preceded by a selected Choice element.
                    // Markup consumers shall generate an error if they encounter the xml:lang or xml:space attributes on a Fallback element, regardless of whether the element is preceded by a selected Choice element.
                    if (IsXmlSpaceOrXmlLangAttribue(exAttribute))
                        // report error.
                        errorInfo = validationContext.ComposeMcValidationError(acElement, "MC_InvalidXmlAttribute", acElement.LocalName);

            // validate MC attribues (Ignorable, PreserveElements, etc.) of this element.

            AlternateContentChoice choice = acElement as AlternateContentChoice;
            if (choice != null)
                // All Choice elements shall have a Requires attribute whose value contains a whitespace-delimited list of namespace prefixes
                if (choice.Requires == null)
                    // report error
                    errorInfo = validationContext.ComposeMcValidationError(acElement, "MC_MissedRequiresAttribute");
                    var prefixes = new ListValue<StringValue>();
                    prefixes.InnerText = choice.Requires;
                    foreach (var prefix in prefixes.Items)
                        var ignorableNamespace = choice.LookupNamespace(prefix);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignorableNamespace))
                            // report error, the prefix is not defined.
                            errorInfo = validationContext.ComposeMcValidationError(choice, "MC_InvalidRequiresAttribute", choice.Requires);

Example #58
 public TextPart(int startIndex, int length, OpenXmlElement element)
     _startIndex = startIndex;
     _length     = length;
     _element    = element;
        private static OpenXmlElement GetChildMc(this OpenXmlElement parent, OpenXmlElement child, MCContext mcContext, FileFormatVersions format)
            // Use stack to cache the next siblings in different levels.
            Stack<OpenXmlElement> nextSiblings = new Stack<OpenXmlElement>();

            while (child != null)
                var acb = child as AlternateContent;
                if (acb == null && child.IsInVersion(format))
                    return child;
                    mcContext.PushMCAttributes2(child.MCAttributes, child.LookupNamespace);
                    if (acb != null)
                        var select = mcContext.GetContentFromACBlock(acb, format);
                        if (select != null)
                            child = select.GetFirstNonMiscElementChild();
                            // The ACB has no children elements. 
                            // case like: <acb/> <acb><choice/><fallback/></acb>
                            child = null;
                        // Ignorable element, skip it
                        if (mcContext.IsIgnorableNs(child.NamespaceUri))
                            // Any element marked with ProcessContent should be an Ignorable Element
                            if (mcContext.IsProcessContent(child))
                                child = child.GetFirstNonMiscElementChild();
                                child = child.GetNextNonMiscElementSibling();
                            return child;

                while (child == null && nextSiblings.Count > 0)
                    child = nextSiblings.Pop();

            // child is null.
            return child;
Example #60
 public Token(OpenXmlElement specialContent, TokenType type)
     Type           = type;
     SpecialContent = specialContent;