Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Creates MainConsole.Instance to take commands and provide the place to write data
        /// </summary>
        public BotManager()
            LoginDelay = DefaultLoginDelay;

            Rng            = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
            AssetsReceived = new Dictionary <UUID, bool>();
            RegionsKnown   = new Dictionary <ulong, GridRegion>();

            m_console            = CreateConsole();
            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;

            // Make log4net see the console
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[]     appenders       = repository.GetAppenders();
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender         = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                    consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "shutdown",
                                          "Shutdown bots and exit", HandleShutdown);

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "quit",
                                          "Shutdown bots and exit",

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "show regions",
                                          "show regions",
                                          "Show regions known to bots",

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "show bots",
                                          "show bots",
                                          "Shows the status of all bots",

//            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "add bots",
//                    "add bots <number>",
//                    "Add more bots", HandleAddBots);

            m_lBot = new List <Bot>();
Example #2
        public void RegisterCommonAppenders(IConfig startupConfig)
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                else if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    m_logFileAppender = (FileAppender)appender;

            if (null == m_consoleAppender)
                Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!");
                // FIXME: This should be done through an interface rather than casting.
                m_consoleAppender.Console = (ConsoleBase)m_console;

                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

                Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

            if (m_logFileAppender != null && startupConfig != null)
                string cfgFileName = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", null);
                if (cfgFileName != null)
                    m_logFileAppender.File = cfgFileName;

                m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Logging started to file {0}", m_logFileAppender.File);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Creates MainConsole.Instance to take commands and provide the place to write data
        /// </summary>
        public BotManager()
            m_console            = CreateConsole();
            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;

            // Make log4net see the console
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[]     appenders       = repository.GetAppenders();
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender         = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                    consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "shutdown",
                                          "Gracefully shut down bots", HandleShutdown);

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "quit",
                                          "Force quit (DANGEROUS, try shutdown first)",

            m_console.Commands.AddCommand("bot", false, "add bots",
                                          "add bots <number>",
                                          "Add more bots", HandleAddBots);

            m_lBot = new List <PhysicsBot>();
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Creates MainConsole.Instance to take commands and provide the place to write data
        /// </summary>
        public BotManager()
            // We set this to avoid issues with bots running out of HTTP connections if many are run from a single machine
            // to multiple regions.
            Settings.MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS = int.MaxValue;

//            System.Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(600, 240);
//            int workerThreads, iocpThreads;
//            System.Threading.ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads);
//            Console.WriteLine("ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads {0} {1}", workerThreads, iocpThreads);

            InitBotSendAgentUpdates      = true;
            InitBotRequestObjectTextures = true;

            LoginDelay = DefaultLoginDelay;

            Rng            = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
            AssetsReceived = new Dictionary <UUID, bool>();
            RegionsKnown   = new Dictionary <ulong, GridRegion>();

            m_console            = CreateConsole();
            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;

            // Make log4net see the console
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[]     appenders       = repository.GetAppenders();
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender         = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                    consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

                "Bots", false, "shutdown", "shutdown", "Shutdown bots and exit", HandleShutdown);

                "Bots", false, "quit", "quit", "Shutdown bots and exit", HandleShutdown);

                "Bots", false, "connect", "connect [<n>]", "Connect bots",
                "If an <n> is given, then the first <n> disconnected bots by postfix number are connected.\n"
                + "If no <n> is given, then all currently disconnected bots are connected.",

                "Bots", false, "disconnect", "disconnect [<n>]", "Disconnect bots",
                "Disconnecting bots will interupt any bot connection process, including connection on startup.\n"
                + "If an <n> is given, then the last <n> connected bots by postfix number are disconnected.\n"
                + "If no <n> is given, then all currently connected bots are disconnected.",

                "Bots", false, "add behaviour", "add behaviour <abbreviated-name> [<bot-number>]",
                "Add a behaviour to a bot",
                "If no bot number is specified then behaviour is added to all bots.\n"
                + "Can be performed on connected or disconnected bots.",

                "Bots", false, "remove behaviour", "remove behaviour <abbreviated-name> [<bot-number>]",
                "Remove a behaviour from a bot",
                "If no bot number is specified then behaviour is added to all bots.\n"
                + "Can be performed on connected or disconnected bots.",

                "Bots", false, "sit", "sit", "Sit all bots on the ground.",

                "Bots", false, "stand", "stand", "Stand all bots.",

                "Bots", false, "set bots", "set bots <key> <value>", "Set a setting for all bots.", HandleSetBots);

                "Bots", false, "show regions", "show regions", "Show regions known to bots", HandleShowRegions);

                "Bots", false, "show bots", "show bots", "Shows the status of all bots.", HandleShowBotsStatus);

                "Bots", false, "show bot", "show bot <bot-number>",
                "Shows the detailed status and settings of a particular bot.", HandleShowBotStatus);

                "debug lludp packet",
                "debug lludp packet <level> <avatar-first-name> <avatar-last-name>",
                "Turn on received packet logging.",
                "If level >  0 then all received packets that are not duplicates are logged.\n"
                + "If level <= 0 then no received packets are logged.",

                "Bots", false, "show status", "show status", "Shows pCampbot status.", HandleShowStatus);

            m_bots = new List <Bot>();

            Watchdog.Enabled = true;

            m_serverStatsCollector = new ServerStatsCollector();
            m_serverStatsCollector.Enabled = true;

            BotConnectingState = BotManagerBotConnectingState.Ready;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Must be overriden by child classes for their own server specific startup behaviour.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StartupSpecific()
            if (m_console != null)
                ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
                IAppender[]       appenders  = repository.GetAppenders();

                foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                    if (appender.Name == "Console")
                        m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

                if (null == m_consoleAppender)
                    Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!");
                    m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

                    // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                    if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                        m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

                    Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "quit",
                                              "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "shutdown",
                                              "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "set log level",
                                              "set log level <level>",
                                              "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show info",
                                              "show info",
                                              "Show general information about the server", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show stats",
                                              "show stats",
                                              "Show statistics", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show threads",
                                              "show threads",
                                              "Show thread status", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show uptime",
                                              "show uptime",
                                              "Show server uptime", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show version",
                                              "show version",
                                              "Show server version", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "threads abort",
                                              "threads abort <thread-id>",
                                              "Abort a managed thread.  Use \"show threads\" to find possible threads.", HandleThreadsAbort);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "threads show",
                                              "threads show",
                                              "Show thread status.  Synonym for \"show threads\"",
                                              (string module, string[] args) => Notice(GetThreadsReport()));
Example #6
        private void SetUpConsole()
            List<ICommandConsole> Plugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules<ICommandConsole>();
            foreach (ICommandConsole plugin in Plugins)
                plugin.Initialize("Region", ConfigSource, this);

            m_console = m_applicationRegistry.Get<ICommandConsole>();
            if (m_console == null)
                m_console = new LocalConsole();
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();
            OpenSimAppender m_consoleAppender = null;
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    m_logFileAppender = appender;

            if (null != m_consoleAppender)
                m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;
                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                m_console.Output(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));
            if (m_console == null)
                m_console = new LocalConsole();
            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;
Example #7
        // Handle all the automagical stuff
        public ServicesServerBase(string prompt, string[] args)
            // Save raw arguments
            m_Arguments = args;

            // Read command line
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logfile", "l");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile", "i");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "prompt", "p");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig", "g");

            // Automagically create the ini file name
            string fileName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            string iniFile   = fileName + ".ini";
            string logConfig = null;

            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];

            if (startupConfig != null)
                // Check if a file name was given on the command line
                iniFile = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", iniFile);
                // Check if a prompt was given on the command line
                prompt = startupConfig.GetString("prompt", prompt);
                // Check for a Log4Net config file on the command line
                logConfig = startupConfig.GetString("logconfig", logConfig);

            // Find out of the file name is a URI and remote load it
            // if it's possible. Load it as a local file otherwise.
            Uri configUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(iniFile, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) &&
                    configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniFile);
                    m_Config = new XmlConfigSource(r);
                    m_Config = new IniConfigSource(iniFile);
            catch (Exception)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error reading from config source {0}",

            // Merge the configuration from the command line into the
            // loaded file

            // Refresh the startupConfig post merge
            if (m_Config.Configs["Startup"] != null)
                startupConfig = m_Config.Configs["Startup"];

            prompt = startupConfig.GetString("Prompt", prompt);

            // Allow derived classes to load config before the console is
            // opened.

            // Create main console
            string consoleType = "local";

            if (startupConfig != null)
                consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", consoleType);

            if (consoleType == "basic")
                MainConsole.Instance = new CommandConsole(prompt);
            else if (consoleType == "rest")
                MainConsole.Instance = new RemoteConsole(prompt);
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole(prompt);

            // Configure the appenders for log4net
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;
            FileAppender    fileAppender    = null;

            if (logConfig != null)
                FileInfo cfg = new FileInfo(logConfig);

            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    fileAppender = (FileAppender)appender;

            if (consoleAppender == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("No console appender found. Server can't start");
                consoleAppender.Console = MainConsole.Instance;

                if (null == consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

            // Set log file
            if (fileAppender != null)
                if (startupConfig != null)
                    string cfgFileName = startupConfig.GetString("logfile", null);
                    if (cfgFileName != null)
                        fileAppender.File = cfgFileName;

            if (startupConfig.GetString("PIDFile", String.Empty) != String.Empty)

            // Register the quit command
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "quit",
                                                     "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "shutdown",
                                                     "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            // Register a command to read other commands from a file
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "command-script",
                                                     "command-script <script>",
                                                     "Run a command script from file", HandleScript);

            // Allow derived classes to perform initialization that
            // needs to be done after the console has opened
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor Creates MainConsole.Instance to take commands and provide the place to write data
        /// </summary>
        public BotManager()
            InitBotSendAgentUpdates      = true;
            InitBotRequestObjectTextures = true;

            LoginDelay = DefaultLoginDelay;

            Rng            = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
            AssetsReceived = new Dictionary <UUID, bool>();
            RegionsKnown   = new Dictionary <ulong, GridRegion>();

            m_console            = CreateConsole();
            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;

            // Make log4net see the console
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[]     appenders       = repository.GetAppenders();
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender         = (OpenSimAppender)appender;
                    consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

                "bot", false, "shutdown", "shutdown", "Shutdown bots and exit", HandleShutdown);

                "bot", false, "quit", "quit", "Shutdown bots and exit", HandleShutdown);

                "bot", false, "connect", "connect [<n>]", "Connect bots",
                "If an <n> is given, then the first <n> disconnected bots by postfix number are connected.\n"
                + "If no <n> is given, then all currently disconnected bots are connected.",

                "bot", false, "disconnect", "disconnect [<n>]", "Disconnect bots",
                "Disconnecting bots will interupt any bot connection process, including connection on startup.\n"
                + "If an <n> is given, then the last <n> connected bots by postfix number are disconnected.\n"
                + "If no <n> is given, then all currently connected bots are disconnected.",

                "bot", false, "add behaviour", "add behaviour <abbreviated-name> [<bot-number>]",
                "Add a behaviour to a bot",
                "If no bot number is specified then behaviour is added to all bots.\n"
                + "Can be performed on connected or disconnected bots.",

                "bot", false, "remove behaviour", "remove behaviour <abbreviated-name> [<bot-number>]",
                "Remove a behaviour from a bot",
                "If no bot number is specified then behaviour is added to all bots.\n"
                + "Can be performed on connected or disconnected bots.",

                "bot", false, "sit", "sit", "Sit all bots on the ground.",

                "bot", false, "stand", "stand", "Stand all bots.",

                "bot", false, "set bots", "set bots <key> <value>", "Set a setting for all bots.", HandleSetBots);

                "bot", false, "show regions", "show regions", "Show regions known to bots", HandleShowRegions);

                "bot", false, "show bots", "show bots", "Shows the status of all bots", HandleShowBotsStatus);

                "bot", false, "show bot", "show bot <bot-number>",
                "Shows the detailed status and settings of a particular bot.", HandleShowBotStatus);

            m_bots = new List <Bot>();
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Must be overriden by child classes for their own server specific startup behaviour.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StartupSpecific()
            if (m_console != null)
                ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
                IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

                foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                    if (appender.Name == "Console")
                        m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

                if (null == m_consoleAppender)
                    Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!");
                    m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;
                    // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                    if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                        m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                    Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));
                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "quit",
                        "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "shutdown",
                        "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "set log level",
                        "set log level <level>",
                        "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show info",
                        "show info",
                        "Show general information about the server", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show stats",
                        "show stats",
                        "Show statistics", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show threads",
                        "show threads",
                        "Show thread status", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show uptime",
                        "show uptime",
                        "Show server uptime", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show version",
                        "show version",
                        "Show server version", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "threads abort",
                        "threads abort <thread-id>",
                        "Abort a managed thread.  Use \"show threads\" to find possible threads.", HandleThreadsAbort);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "threads show",
                        "threads show",
                        "Show thread status.  Synonym for \"show threads\"",
                        (string module, string[] args) => Notice(GetThreadsReport()));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the console plugin and initialize the logger for it
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetUpConsole()
            List <ICommandConsole> Plugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules <ICommandConsole>();

            foreach (ICommandConsole plugin in Plugins)
                plugin.Initialize("Region", ConfigSource, this);

            m_console = m_applicationRegistry.RequestModuleInterface <ICommandConsole>();
            if (m_console == null)
                m_console = new LocalConsole();
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    m_logFileAppender = appender;

            if (null != m_consoleAppender)
                m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;
                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                repository.Threshold = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
                foreach (ILogger log in repository.GetCurrentLoggers())
                    log.Level = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
                m_log.Fatal(String.Format("[Console]: Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

            IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Configs["Startup"];

            if (m_logFileAppender != null)
                if (m_logFileAppender is log4net.Appender.FileAppender)
                    log4net.Appender.FileAppender appender = (log4net.Appender.FileAppender)m_logFileAppender;
                    string fileName = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", String.Empty);
                    if (fileName != String.Empty)
                        appender.File = fileName;

            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the console plugin and initialize the logger for it
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetUpConsole()
            List<ICommandConsole> Plugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules<ICommandConsole>();
            foreach (ICommandConsole plugin in Plugins)
                plugin.Initialize("Region", ConfigSource, this);

            m_console = m_applicationRegistry.RequestModuleInterface<ICommandConsole>();
            if (m_console == null)
                m_console = new LocalConsole();
            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    m_logFileAppender = appender;

            if (null != m_consoleAppender)
                m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;
                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                m_log.Fatal (String.Format ("[Console]: Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

            IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Configs["Startup"];
            if (m_logFileAppender != null)
                if (m_logFileAppender is log4net.Appender.FileAppender)
                    log4net.Appender.FileAppender appender = (log4net.Appender.FileAppender)m_logFileAppender;
                    string fileName = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", String.Empty);
                    if (fileName != String.Empty)
                        appender.File = fileName;

            MainConsole.Instance = m_console;
Example #12
        // Handle all the automagical stuff
        public ServicesServerBase(string prompt, string[] args) : base()
            // Save raw arguments
            m_Arguments = args;

            // Read command line
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logfile", "l");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile", "i");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "prompt", "p");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logconfig", "g");

            // Automagically create the ini file name
            string fileName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            string iniFile   = fileName + ".ini";
            string logConfig = null;

            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];

            if (startupConfig != null)
                // Check if a file name was given on the command line
                iniFile = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", iniFile);
                // Check if a prompt was given on the command line
                prompt = startupConfig.GetString("prompt", prompt);
                // Check for a Log4Net config file on the command line
                logConfig = startupConfig.GetString("logconfig", logConfig);

            // Find out of the file name is a URI and remote load it
            // if it's possible. Load it as a local file otherwise.
            Uri configUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(iniFile, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) &&
                    configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniFile);
                    Config = new XmlConfigSource(r);
                    Config = new IniConfigSource(iniFile);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error reading from config source.  {0}", e.Message);

            // Merge the configuration from the command line into the
            // loaded file

            // Refresh the startupConfig post merge
            if (Config.Configs["Startup"] != null)
                startupConfig = Config.Configs["Startup"];

            ConfigDirectory = startupConfig.GetString("ConfigDirectory", ".");

            prompt = startupConfig.GetString("Prompt", prompt);

            // Allow derived classes to load config before the console is
            // opened.

            // Create main console
            string consoleType = "local";

            if (startupConfig != null)
                consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", consoleType);

            if (consoleType == "basic")
                MainConsole.Instance = new CommandConsole(prompt);
            else if (consoleType == "rest")
                MainConsole.Instance = new RemoteConsole(prompt);
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole(prompt);

            m_console = MainConsole.Instance;

            // Configure the appenders for log4net
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;
            FileAppender    fileAppender    = null;

            if (logConfig != null)
                FileInfo cfg = new FileInfo(logConfig);


            if (startupConfig.GetString("PIDFile", String.Empty) != String.Empty)


            // Register the quit command
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "quit",
                                                     "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "shutdown",
                                                     "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            // Allow derived classes to perform initialization that
            // needs to be done after the console has opened
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs startup specific to the region server, including initialization of the scene 
        /// such as loading configuration from disk.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StartupSpecific()
            #region Console Setup

            if (m_console != null)
                ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
                IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

                foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                    if (appender.Name == "Console")
                        m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

                if (null == m_consoleAppender)
                    Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!");
                    m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

                    // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                    if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                        m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

                    Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "quit",
                        "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "shutdown",
                        "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "set log level",
                        "set log level <level>",
                        "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show info",
                        "show info",
                        "Show general information", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show stats",
                        "show stats",
                        "Show statistics", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show threads",
                        "show threads",
                        "Show thread status", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show uptime",
                        "show uptime",
                        "Show server uptime", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show version",
                        "show version",
                        "Show server version", HandleShow);

            #endregion Console Setup

            IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Source.Configs["Startup"];
            if (startupConfig != null)
                string pidFile = startupConfig.GetString("PIDFile", String.Empty);
                if (pidFile != String.Empty)
                userStatsURI = startupConfig.GetString("Stats_URI", String.Empty);

            // Load the simulation data service
            IConfig simDataConfig = m_config.Source.Configs["SimulationDataStore"];
            if (simDataConfig == null)
                throw new Exception("Configuration file is missing the [SimulationDataStore] section");
            string module = simDataConfig.GetString("LocalServiceModule", String.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(module))
                throw new Exception("Configuration file is missing the LocalServiceModule parameter in the [SimulationDataStore] section");
            m_simulationDataService = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin<ISimulationDataService>(module, new object[] { m_config.Source });

            // Load the estate data service
            IConfig estateDataConfig = m_config.Source.Configs["EstateDataStore"];
            if (estateDataConfig == null)
                throw new Exception("Configuration file is missing the [EstateDataStore] section");
            module = estateDataConfig.GetString("LocalServiceModule", String.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(module))
                throw new Exception("Configuration file is missing the LocalServiceModule parameter in the [EstateDataStore] section");
            m_estateDataService = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin<IEstateDataService>(module, new object[] { m_config.Source });

            m_stats = StatsManager.StartCollectingSimExtraStats();

            // Create a ModuleLoader instance
            m_moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader(m_config.Source);

            foreach (IApplicationPlugin plugin in m_appPlugins)
            foreach (IApplicationPlugin plugin in m_appPlugins)

Example #14
        private void SetUpConsole(IConfigSource config, IRegistryCore registry)
            List <ICommandConsole> Plugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules <ICommandConsole>();

            foreach (ICommandConsole plugin in Plugins)
                plugin.Initialize(config, registry.RequestModuleInterface <ISimulationBase>());

            List <INotificationService> NotificationPlugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules <INotificationService>();

            foreach (INotificationService plugin in NotificationPlugins)
                plugin.Init(config, registry);

            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

            if (null != m_consoleAppender)
                m_consoleAppender.Console = MainConsole.Instance;
                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                repository.Threshold = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
                foreach (ILogger log in repository.GetCurrentLoggers())
                    log.Level = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
            IAppender logFileAppender = null;

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    logFileAppender = appender;

            if (logFileAppender != null)
                if (logFileAppender is FileAppender)
                    FileAppender appender      = (FileAppender)logFileAppender;
                    IConfig      startupConfig = config.Configs["Startup"];
                    string       fileName      = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", String.Empty);
                    if (fileName != String.Empty)
                        appender.File = fileName;
            if (MainConsole.Instance == null)
                m_log.Info("[Console]: No Console located");

            MainConsole.Instance.MaxLogLevel = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
            if (m_consoleAppender != null)
                MainConsole.Instance.Fatal(String.Format("[Console]: Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("set log level", "set log level [level]", "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("get log level", "get log level", "Returns the current console logging level", HandleGetLogLevel);
Example #15
        private void SetUpConsole(IConfigSource config, IRegistryCore registry)
            List<ICommandConsole> Plugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules<ICommandConsole>();
            foreach (ICommandConsole plugin in Plugins)
                plugin.Initialize(config, registry.RequestModuleInterface<ISimulationBase>());

            List<INotificationService> NotificationPlugins = AuroraModuleLoader.PickupModules<INotificationService>();
            foreach (INotificationService plugin in NotificationPlugins)
                plugin.Init(config, registry);

            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

            if (null != m_consoleAppender)
                m_consoleAppender.Console = MainConsole.Instance;
                // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;
                repository.Threshold = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
                foreach (ILogger log in repository.GetCurrentLoggers())
                    log.Level = m_consoleAppender.Threshold;
            IAppender logFileAppender = null;
            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    logFileAppender = appender;

            if (logFileAppender != null)
                if (logFileAppender is FileAppender)
                    FileAppender appender = (FileAppender)logFileAppender;
                    IConfig startupConfig = config.Configs["Startup"];
                    string fileName = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", String.Empty);
                    if (fileName != String.Empty)
                        appender.File = fileName;
            if (MainConsole.Instance == null)
                m_log.Info("[Console]: No Console located");

            if (m_consoleAppender != null)
                MainConsole.Instance.Fatal(String.Format("[Console]: Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("set log level", "set log level [level]", "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Must be overriden by child classes for their own server specific startup behaviour.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StartupSpecific()
            if (m_console != null)
                ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();
                IAppender[]       appenders  = repository.GetAppenders();

                foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                    if (appender.Name == "Console")
                        m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

                if (null == m_consoleAppender)
                    Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!");
                    m_consoleAppender.Console = m_console;

                    // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything.
                    if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold)
                        m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

                    Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold));

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "quit",
                                              "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "shutdown",
                                              "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "forcegc",
                                              "Forces an immediate full garbage collection (testing/dev only)", HandleForceGC);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "set log level",
                                              "set log level <level>",
                                              "Set the console logging level", HandleLogLevel);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show info",
                                              "show info",
                                              "Show general information", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show stats",
                                              "show stats",
                                              "Show statistics", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show threads",
                                              "show threads",
                                              "Show thread status", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show uptime",
                                              "show uptime",
                                              "Show server uptime", HandleShow);

                m_console.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "show version",
                                              "show version",
                                              "Show server version", HandleShow);
Example #17
        // Handle all the automagical stuff
        public ServicesServerBase(string prompt, string[] args)
            // Save raw arguments
            m_Arguments = args;

            // Read command line
            ArgvConfigSource argvConfig = new ArgvConfigSource(args);

            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "console", "c");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "logfile", "l");
            argvConfig.AddSwitch("Startup", "inifile", "i");

            // Automagically create the ini file name
            string       fullName     = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().FullName;
            AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(fullName);

            string iniFile = assemblyName.Name + ".ini";

            // Check if a file name was given on the command line
            IConfig startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];

            if (startupConfig != null)
                iniFile = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", iniFile);

            // Find out of the file name is a URI and remote load it
            // if it's possible. Load it as a local file otherwise.
            Uri configUri;

                if (Uri.TryCreate(iniFile, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) && configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
                    XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniFile);
                    m_Config = new XmlConfigSource(r);
                    m_Config = new IniConfigSource(iniFile);
            catch (Exception)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error reading from config source {0}", iniFile);

            // Merge the configuration from the command line into the
            // loaded file

            // Refresh the startupConfig post merge
            startupConfig = argvConfig.Configs["Startup"];

            // Allow derived classes to load config before the console is
            // opened.

            // Create main console
            string consoleType = "local";

            if (startupConfig != null)
                consoleType = startupConfig.GetString("console", consoleType);

            if (consoleType == "basic")
                MainConsole.Instance = new CommandConsole(prompt);
                MainConsole.Instance = new LocalConsole(prompt);

            // Configure the appenders for log4net
            OpenSimAppender consoleAppender = null;
            FileAppender    fileAppender    = null;


            ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository();

            IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders();

            foreach (IAppender appender in appenders)
                if (appender.Name == "Console")
                    consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender;

                if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender")
                    fileAppender = (FileAppender)appender;

            if (consoleAppender == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("No console appender found. Server can't start");
                consoleAppender.Console = MainConsole.Instance;

                if (null == consoleAppender.Threshold)
                    consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All;

            // Set log file
            if (fileAppender != null)
                if (startupConfig != null)
                    fileAppender.File = startupConfig.GetString("logfile", assemblyName.Name + ".log");

            // Register the quit command
            MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("base", false, "quit",
                                                     "Quit the application", HandleQuit);

            // Allow derived classes to perform initialization that
            // needs to be done after the console has opened