/// <summary>
    /// Simples the faces detect callback.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="result">Result.</param>
    void SimpleFacesDetectCallback(string result)
        Debug.Log("SimpleFacesDetectCallback result" + result);

        string json = result;

        IDictionary detects = (IDictionary)Json.Deserialize(json);

        foreach (DictionaryEntry detect in detects)
            Debug.Log("detects key " + detect.Key);

            string key = (string)detect.Key;

            if (key.Equals("error"))
                Debug.Log((string)detects [detect.Key]);
                IList <object> rects = (IList <object>)detects [detect.Key];

                //flip Rects by convenient method,
                IList <object> flipRects = OpenCVObjectDetector.FlipRects(rects, ((Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture).width, ((Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture).height, 0);

                OpenCVObjectDetector.DrawRects((Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture, Json.Serialize(flipRects), 0, 0, 255, 2);

                ResultRectsToResultGameObjects(flipRects, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f), -40);
    public void OnSyncSimpleFacesDetectButton()
        Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture;


        IDictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> ();

        //set OpenCV cvHaarDetectObjects() params.
        param.Add("filename", "haarcascade_frontalface_alt");
        param.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
        param.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
        param.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
        param.Add("minWidth", 80);
        param.Add("minHeight", 80);

        //flip the image in Detect(), because Color32[] that GetPixels32() of Texture2D return is bottom-left origin.
        param.Add("flipCode", 0);

        Debug.Log("Simple Faces Detect(Sync) param " + Json.Serialize(param));


        OpenCVObjectDetector.Detect(texture, gameObject.name, "SimpleFacesDetectCallback");
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        //Reads the cascade file to be used for object detection.

        resultGameObjects = new List <GameObject> ();
    public void OnAsyncFacePartsDetectButton()
        Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture;


        Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> ();

        param.Add("filename", "haarcascade_frontalface_alt");
        param.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
        param.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
        param.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
        param.Add("minWidth", texture.width / 20);
        param.Add("minHeight", texture.height / 20);
        param.Add("flipCode", 0);

        Debug.Log("Face Parts Detect(Async) param " + Json.Serialize(param));


        OpenCVObjectDetector.DetectAsync(texture, gameObject.name, "DetectFacesCallback");
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the destroy event.
 /// </summary>
 void OnDestroy()
    /// <summary>
    /// Detects the face parts callback.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="result">Result.</param>
    void DetectFacePartsCallback(string result)
        Debug.Log("DetectFacePartsCallback result" + result);

        Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture;

        string json = result;

        IDictionary detects = (IDictionary)Json.Deserialize(json);

        foreach (DictionaryEntry detect in detects)
            Debug.Log("detects key " + detect.Key);

            string key = (string)detect.Key;

            if (key.Equals("error"))
                Debug.Log((string)detects [detect.Key]);
                int r = 0;
                int g = 0;
                int b = 0;

                if (key.Equals("haarcascade_mcs_lefteye"))
                    r = 255;
                    g = 0;
                    b = 0;
                else if (key.Equals("haarcascade_mcs_righteye"))
                    r = 0;
                    g = 255;
                    b = 0;
                else if (key.Equals("haarcascade_mcs_nose"))
                    r = 255;
                    g = 255;
                    b = 0;
                else if (key.Equals("haarcascade_mcs_mouth"))
                    r = 0;
                    g = 255;
                    b = 255;

                IList <object> rects = (IList <object>)detects [detect.Key];

                //flip Rects by convenient method,
                IList <object> flipRects = OpenCVObjectDetector.FlipRects(rects, texture.width, texture.height, 0);

                OpenCVObjectDetector.DrawRects(texture, Json.Serialize(flipRects), r, g, b, 2);

                ResultRectsToResultGameObjects(flipRects, new Color((float)r / 255.0f, (float)g / 255.0f, (float)b / 255.0f, 0.3f), -80);
    /// <summary>
    /// Detects the faces callback.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="result">Result.</param>
    void DetectFacesCallback(string result)
        Debug.Log("DetectFacesCallback result" + result);

        Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.mainTexture;

        string json = result;

        IDictionary detects = (IDictionary)Json.Deserialize(json);

        foreach (DictionaryEntry detect in detects)
            Debug.Log("detects key " + detect.Key);

            string key = (string)detect.Key;

            if (key.Equals("error"))
                Debug.Log((string)detects [detect.Key]);
                IList <object> rects = (IList <object>)detects [detect.Key];

                //flip Rects by convenient method,
                IList <object> flipRects = OpenCVObjectDetector.FlipRects(rects, texture.width, texture.height, 0);

                OpenCVObjectDetector.DrawRects(texture, Json.Serialize(flipRects), 0, 0, 255, 2);

                ResultRectsToResultGameObjects(flipRects, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f), -40);


                int id = 0;
                foreach (IDictionary rect in rects)
                    IDictionary <string, object> leftEyeParam = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                    leftEyeParam.Add("filename", "haarcascade_mcs_lefteye");
                    leftEyeParam.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("minWidth", (long)rect ["width"] / 15);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("minHeight", (long)rect ["height"] / 15);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("flipCode", 0);

                    IList <object>             leftEyeRects = new List <object> ();
                    IDictionary <string, long> leftEyeRect  = new Dictionary <string, long> ();
                    leftEyeRect.Add("x", (long)rect ["x"] + (long)rect ["width"] / 3);
                    leftEyeRect.Add("y", (long)rect ["y"]);
                    leftEyeRect.Add("width", (long)rect ["width"] / 3 * 2);
                    leftEyeRect.Add("height", (long)rect ["height"] / 3 * 2);
                    leftEyeRect.Add("id", id);
                    leftEyeParam.Add("rects", leftEyeRects);


                    IDictionary <string, object> rightEyeParam = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                    rightEyeParam.Add("filename", "haarcascade_mcs_righteye");
                    rightEyeParam.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
                    rightEyeParam.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
                    rightEyeParam.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
                    rightEyeParam.Add("minWidth", (long)rect ["width"] / 15);
                    rightEyeParam.Add("minHeight", (long)rect ["height"] / 15);
                    rightEyeParam.Add("flipCode", 0);

                    IList <object>             rightEyeRects = new List <object> ();
                    IDictionary <string, long> rightEyeRect  = new Dictionary <string, long> ();
                    rightEyeRect.Add("x", (long)rect ["x"]);
                    rightEyeRect.Add("y", (long)rect ["y"]);
                    rightEyeRect.Add("width", (long)rect ["width"] / 3 * 2);
                    rightEyeRect.Add("height", (long)rect ["height"] / 3 * 2);
                    rightEyeRect.Add("id", id);

                    rightEyeParam.Add("rects", rightEyeRects);


                    IDictionary <string, object> noseParam = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                    noseParam.Add("filename", "haarcascade_mcs_nose");
                    noseParam.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
                    noseParam.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
                    noseParam.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
                    noseParam.Add("minWidth", (long)rect ["width"] / 15);
                    noseParam.Add("minHeight", (long)rect ["height"] / 15);
                    noseParam.Add("flipCode", 0);

                    IList <object> noseRects = new List <object> ();

                    IDictionary <string, long> noseRect = new Dictionary <string, long> ();
                    noseRect.Add("x", (long)rect ["x"] + (long)rect ["width"] / 4);
                    noseRect.Add("y", (long)rect ["y"] + (long)rect ["height"] / 2);
                    noseRect.Add("width", (long)rect ["width"] / 2);
                    noseRect.Add("height", (long)rect ["height"] / 3);
                    noseRect.Add("id", id);

                    noseParam.Add("rects", noseRects);


                    IDictionary <string, object> mouthParam = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                    mouthParam.Add("filename", "haarcascade_mcs_mouth");
                    mouthParam.Add("scaleFactor", 1.1);
                    mouthParam.Add("minNeighbors", 2);
                    mouthParam.Add("flags", 0 | OpenCVObjectDetector.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE);
                    mouthParam.Add("minWidth", (long)rect ["width"] / 10);
                    mouthParam.Add("minHeight", (long)rect ["height"] / 10);
                    mouthParam.Add("flipCode", 0);

                    IList <object> mouthRects = new List <object> ();

                    IDictionary <string, long> mouthRect = new Dictionary <string, long> ();
                    mouthRect.Add("x", (long)rect ["x"]);
                    mouthRect.Add("y", (long)rect ["y"] + (long)rect ["height"] / 2);
                    mouthRect.Add("width", (long)rect ["width"]);
                    mouthRect.Add("height", (long)rect ["height"] / 2);
                    mouthRect.Add("id", id);

                    mouthParam.Add("rects", mouthRects);



                OpenCVObjectDetector.DetectAsync(texture, gameObject.name, "DetectFacePartsCallback");