protected void ConstructRawMesh(string id, BinaryReader br, int size, Vector3 bbMin, Vector3 bbMax)
            // TODO: solve the issue that OpenCTM does NOT support multi-threading
            lock (PCQueue.Current.LockerForUser)
                if (_rawMeshCache.ContainsKey(id) == false)
                    OpenCTM.CtmFileReader reader = new OpenCTM.CtmFileReader(br.BaseStream);
                    OpenCTM.Mesh          mesh   = reader.decode();

                    RawMesh rawMesh = new RawMesh();


                        List <Vector3> Vertices = new List <Vector3>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < mesh.getVertexCount(); j++)
                            Vertices.Add(new Vector3(mesh.vertices[(j * 3)], mesh.vertices[(j * 3) + 2], mesh.vertices[(j * 3) + 1]));
                        rawMesh.Vertices = Vertices.ToArray();

                        List <int> Triangles = new List <int>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < mesh.indices.Length / 3; j++)
                            Triangles.Add(mesh.indices[(j * 3)]);
                            Triangles.Add(mesh.indices[(j * 3) + 2]);
                            Triangles.Add(mesh.indices[(j * 3) + 1]);
                        rawMesh.Triangles = Triangles.ToArray();

                    if (mesh.getUVCount() > 0)
                        List <Vector2> UVList = new List <Vector2>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < mesh.texcoordinates[0].values.Length / 2; j++)
                            UVList.Add(new Vector2(mesh.texcoordinates[0].values[(j * 2)], 1 - mesh.texcoordinates[0].values[(j * 2) + 1]));
                        rawMesh.UVList = UVList.ToArray();

                    if (mesh.hasNormals())
                        List <Vector3> Normals = new List <Vector3>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < mesh.getVertexCount(); j++)
                            Normals.Add(new Vector3(mesh.normals[(j * 3)], mesh.normals[(j * 3) + 2], mesh.normals[(j * 3) + 1]));
                        rawMesh.Normals = Normals.ToArray();
                    rawMesh.BBMin = bbMin;
                    rawMesh.BBMax = bbMax;

                    _rawMeshCache.Add(id, rawMesh);
Example #2
        public override GameObject BuildScene(string name, bool saveToDisk = false)
            try {
                foreach (Eppy.Tuple <int, OpenCTM.Mesh> openctm in _openctm)
                    OpenCTM.Mesh ctmMesh = openctm.Item2;
                    if (ctmMesh == null || ctmMesh.getVertexCount() == 0 || ctmMesh.getTriangleCount() == 0)
                        state = SceneLoadingStatus.eCancelled;

                    Eppy.Tuple <int, int, GameObject, JSONNode> item = fragments.Single(x => x.Item1 == openctm.Item1);
                    GameObject meshObject = item.Item3;

                    Mesh       mesh     = new Mesh();
                    Vector3 [] vertices = MeshRequest2.getAsVector3(ctmMesh.vertices);
                    mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                    mesh.triangles = ctmMesh.indices;
                    if (ctmMesh.hasNormals())
                        mesh.normals = MeshRequest2.getAsVector3(ctmMesh.normals);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ctmMesh.getUVCount(); i++)
                        mesh.SetUVs(i, MeshRequest2.getAsVector2List(ctmMesh.texcoordinates [i].values));


                    MeshFilter filter = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
                    filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                    MeshRenderer renderer = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                    renderer.sharedMaterial = ForgeLoaderEngine.GetDefaultMaterial();
                    if (createCollider)
                        MeshCollider collider = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                        collider.sharedMesh = mesh;
                    if (saveToDisk)
                        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, ForgeConstants._resourcesPath + this.loader.PROJECTID + "/" + GetName(item.Item1) + ".asset");
                        //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets () ;
                        //AssetDatabase.Refresh () ;
                        //mesh =AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Mesh> (ForgeConstants._resourcesPath + this.loader.PROJECTID + "/" + name + ".asset") ;

                    // Add our material to the queue
                    //if ( loader.GetMgr ()._materials.Add (item.Item2) ) {
                    //	MaterialRequest req = new MaterialRequest (loader, null, bearer, item.Item2, item.Item4);
                    //	req.gameObject = meshObject;
                    //	if ( fireRequestCallback != null )
                    //		fireRequestCallback (this, req);
                base.BuildScene(name, saveToDisk);
                state = SceneLoadingStatus.eWaitingMaterial;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Debug.Log(ForgeLoader.GetCurrentMethod() + " " + ex.Message);
                state = SceneLoadingStatus.eError;
Example #3
        protected IEnumerator ConstructMesh(string id, BinaryReader br, int size, Vector3 bbMin, Vector3 bbMax)
            // NOTE: OpenCTM does NOT support multi-threading
            if (_MeshCache.ContainsKey(id) == false)
                OpenCTM.CtmFileReader reader = new OpenCTM.CtmFileReader(br.BaseStream);
                yield return(null);

                OpenCTM.Mesh mesh = reader.decode();
                yield return(null);

                UnityEngine.Mesh um = new UnityEngine.Mesh();
                    Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[mesh.getVertexCount()];
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.getVertexCount(); j++)
                        Vertices[j].x = mesh.vertices[(j * 3)];
                        Vertices[j].y = mesh.vertices[(j * 3) + 2];
                        Vertices[j].z = mesh.vertices[(j * 3) + 1];
                    um.vertices = Vertices;
                yield return(null);

                    int[] Triangles = new int[mesh.indices.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.indices.Length / 3; j++)
                        Triangles[(j * 3)]     = mesh.indices[(j * 3)];
                        Triangles[(j * 3) + 1] = mesh.indices[(j * 3) + 2];
                        Triangles[(j * 3) + 2] = mesh.indices[(j * 3) + 1];
                    um.triangles = Triangles;
                yield return(null);

                if (mesh.getUVCount() > 0)
                    Vector2[] UVList = new Vector2[mesh.texcoordinates[0].values.Length / 2];
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.texcoordinates[0].values.Length / 2; j++)
                        UVList[j].x = mesh.texcoordinates[0].values[(j * 2)];
                        UVList[j].y = mesh.texcoordinates[0].values[(j * 2) + 1];
                    um.uv = UVList;
                yield return(null);

                if (mesh.hasNormals())
                    Vector3[] Normals = new Vector3[mesh.getVertexCount()];
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.getVertexCount(); j++)
                        Normals[j].x = mesh.normals[(j * 3)];
                        Normals[j].y = mesh.normals[(j * 3) + 2];
                        Normals[j].z = mesh.normals[(j * 3) + 1];
                    um.normals = Normals;
                yield return(null);

                um.bounds.SetMinMax(bbMin, bbMax);

                _MeshCache.Add(id, um);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// split openCTM Mesh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctmMesh"></param>
        /// <param name="splitMeshes"></param>
        public void SplitMesh(Mesh ctmMesh, ref List <Mesh> splitMeshes)
            bool isContainUVs;

            int ctmMeshVerticesNum = ctmMesh.vertices.Length;

            int maxNumVerticesFloatArray = maxNumVerticesPerMesh * 3;

            int splitCTMMeshNum = Mathf.CeilToInt(ctmMeshVerticesNum / (maxNumVerticesFloatArray * 1.0f));

            int[]   oldIndicesArray  = ctmMesh.indices;
            float[] oldVerticesArray = ctmMesh.vertices;
            float[] oldUVArray;

            if (ctmMesh.texcoordinates == null || ctmMesh.texcoordinates.Length == 0)
                isContainUVs = false;
                oldUVArray   = new float[0];
                isContainUVs = true;
                oldUVArray   = ctmMesh.texcoordinates[0].values;

            int lastMeshEndIndicesCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < splitCTMMeshNum; i++)
                OpenCTM.Mesh splitCTMMesh;

                if (i != splitCTMMeshNum - 1)
                    int newIndicesCount = Array.IndexOf(oldIndicesArray, maxNumVerticesPerMesh * (i + 1));

                    newIndicesCount -= newIndicesCount % 3;

                    int newIndicesArrayLength = newIndicesCount - lastMeshEndIndicesCount;

                    int[] newIndicesArray       = new int[newIndicesArrayLength];
                    int[] splitMeshIndicesArray = new int[newIndicesArrayLength];

                    Array.Copy(oldIndicesArray, lastMeshEndIndicesCount, newIndicesArray, 0, newIndicesArrayLength);
                    Array.Copy(oldIndicesArray, lastMeshEndIndicesCount, splitMeshIndicesArray, 0, newIndicesArrayLength);


                    int startVerticeCount = newIndicesArray[0];
                    int endVerticeCount        = newIndicesArray[newIndicesArray.Length - 1];
                    int newVerticesArrayLength = (endVerticeCount - startVerticeCount + 1) * 3;

                    float[] splitMeshVerticesArray = new float[newVerticesArrayLength];
                    Array.Copy(oldVerticesArray, startVerticeCount * 3, splitMeshVerticesArray, 0, newVerticesArrayLength);

                    AttributeData[] texcoordinates;
                    if (isContainUVs)
                        int     newUVArrayLength = (endVerticeCount - startVerticeCount + 1) * 2;
                        float[] splitMeshUVArray = new float[newUVArrayLength];
                        Array.Copy(oldUVArray, startVerticeCount * 2, splitMeshUVArray, 0, newUVArrayLength);

                        texcoordinates = new AttributeData[1];
                        AttributeData oldTexcoordinate = ctmMesh.texcoordinates[0];
                        texcoordinates[0] = new AttributeData(, oldTexcoordinate.materialName, oldTexcoordinate.precision, splitMeshUVArray);
                        texcoordinates = new AttributeData[0];

                    for (int k = 0; k < splitMeshIndicesArray.Length; k++)
                        splitMeshIndicesArray[k] -= startVerticeCount;

                    splitCTMMesh = new OpenCTM.Mesh(splitMeshVerticesArray, null, splitMeshIndicesArray, texcoordinates, null);
                    lastMeshEndIndicesCount += newIndicesArrayLength;
                    int newIndicesArrayLength = oldIndicesArray.Length - lastMeshEndIndicesCount;

                    int[] newIndicesArray       = new int[newIndicesArrayLength];
                    int[] splitMeshIndicesArray = new int[newIndicesArrayLength];

                    Array.Copy(oldIndicesArray, lastMeshEndIndicesCount, newIndicesArray, 0, newIndicesArrayLength);
                    Array.Copy(oldIndicesArray, lastMeshEndIndicesCount, splitMeshIndicesArray, 0, newIndicesArrayLength);


                    int startVerticeCount = newIndicesArray[0];
                    int endVerticeCount = newIndicesArray[newIndicesArray.Length - 1];

                    int     newVerticesArrayLength = (endVerticeCount - startVerticeCount + 1) * 3;
                    float[] splitMeshVerticesArray = new float[newVerticesArrayLength];
                    Array.Copy(oldVerticesArray, startVerticeCount * 3, splitMeshVerticesArray, 0, newVerticesArrayLength);

                    AttributeData[] texcoordinates;
                    if (isContainUVs)
                        int     newUVArrayLength = (endVerticeCount - startVerticeCount + 1) * 2;
                        float[] splitMeshUVArray = new float[newUVArrayLength];
                        Array.Copy(oldUVArray, startVerticeCount * 2, splitMeshUVArray, 0, newUVArrayLength);

                        texcoordinates = new AttributeData[1];
                        AttributeData oldTexcoordinate = ctmMesh.texcoordinates[0];
                        texcoordinates[0] = new AttributeData(, oldTexcoordinate.materialName, oldTexcoordinate.precision, splitMeshUVArray);
                        texcoordinates = new AttributeData[0];

                    for (int k = 0; k < splitMeshIndicesArray.Length; k++)
                        splitMeshIndicesArray[k] -= startVerticeCount;

                    splitCTMMesh = new OpenCTM.Mesh(splitMeshVerticesArray, null, splitMeshIndicesArray, texcoordinates, null);