Example #1
        public static void TestLogisticRegression()
            const int seed = 39;

            const int d      = 10;
            const int n      = 100;
            const int epIter = 10;

            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);
            double b = Rand.Normal(0, 1);

//			double b= 0;
            Vector[] X;
            bool[]   Y;
            GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y);

            Console.Write("Y: ");

            VectorGaussian wPost;
            Gaussian       biasPost;

            Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPLogisticOp);
//			Type logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

            string factorOpPath = Config.PathToFactorOperator(
//				"serialFactorOp_fm_kgg_joint_irf500_orf1000_n400_iter5_sf1_st20_ntr5000.mat"
            KEPLogisticOpInstance opIns = KEPLogisticOpInstance.LoadLogisticOpInstance(factorOpPath);


            OpControl.Add(typeof(KEPLogisticOp), opIns);

            InferCoefficients(X, Y, out wPost, out biasPost, epIter, logisticOp);

            Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
            Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
            int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);

            Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
            Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
            Console.WriteLine("Inferred bias: {0}", biasPost);
            Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
            Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");
Example #2
        public static void TestLogisticRegressionNoBias()
            const int seed = 2;

            const int d      = 10;
            const int n      = 300;
            const int epIter = 10;

            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);
            double b = 0;

            // combine the bias term into W
            Vector[] X;
            bool[]   Y;
            GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y);

            Console.Write("Y: ");

            VectorGaussian wPost;

            //			string factorOpPath = Config.PathToFactorOperator(
            //				//				"serialFactorOp_fm_kgg_joint_irf500_orf1000_n400_iter5_sf1_st20_ntr5000.mat"
            //				"serialFactorOp_fm_kgg_joint_irf500_orf1000_proj_n400_iter5_sf1_st20_ntr5000.mat"
            //			                      );
            //			KEPLogisticOpInstance opIns = KEPLogisticOpInstance.LoadLogisticOpInstance(factorOpPath);
            //			opIns.SetPrintTrueMessages(true);
            //			OpControl.Add(typeof(KEPLogisticOp), opIns);
            //			Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPLogisticOp);
            LogisticOpRecords records = new LogisticOpRecords();

            OpControl.Add(typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp), new KEPOnlineISLogisticOpIns(records));
            Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp);

            //			Type logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

            InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);

            Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
            Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
            int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);

            Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
            Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
            //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

            Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
            Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");

            // write the records to a file
            string fname = string.Format("rec_onlinekep_is_logistic_iter{0}_n{1}.mat",
                                         epIter, n);
            string recordPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(fname);
            var    extra      = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // MatlabWriter cannot write int
            extra.Add("d", (double)d);
            extra.Add("n", (double)n);
            extra.Add("epIter", (double)epIter);
            extra.Add("trueW", w);
            extra.Add("X", MatrixUtils.StackColumns(X));
            extra.Add("Y", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(Y));
            records.WriteRecords(recordPath, extra);