Example #1
        void GenerateOpCodeOperandKindTables(OpCodeHandlers handlers)
            var filename = CSharpConstants.GetFilename(genTypes, CSharpConstants.EncoderNamespace, "OpCodeOperandKinds.g.cs");

            using (var writer = new FileWriter(TargetLanguage.CSharp, FileUtils.OpenWrite(filename))) {
                writer.WriteLineNoIndent($"#if {CSharpConstants.OpCodeInfoDefine}");

                writer.WriteLine($"namespace {CSharpConstants.EncoderNamespace} {{");
                using (writer.Indent()) {
                    writer.WriteLine("static class OpCodeOperandKinds {");
                    using (writer.Indent()) {
                        Generate(writer, "LegacyOpKinds", null, handlers.Legacy);
                        Generate(writer, "VexOpKinds", CSharpConstants.VexDefine, handlers.Vex);
                        Generate(writer, "XopOpKinds", CSharpConstants.XopDefine, handlers.Xop);
                        Generate(writer, "EvexOpKinds", CSharpConstants.EvexDefine, handlers.Evex);
                        Generate(writer, "MvexOpKinds", CSharpConstants.MvexDefine, handlers.Mvex);

            void Generate(FileWriter writer, string name, string?define, (EnumValue opCodeOperandKind, OpHandlerKind opHandlerKind, object[] args)[] table)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Disassembles the current method and returns a list of
        /// disassembled instructions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The list of disassembled instructions.</returns>
        public DisassembledMethod Disassemble()
            while (ilOffset < il.Length)
                instructionOffset = ilOffset;
                var opCode = ReadOpCode();
                if (debugInformationEnumerator.MoveTo(instructionOffset))
                    CurrentSequencePoint = debugInformationEnumerator.Current;
                if (PrefixHandlers.TryGetValue(opCode, out PrefixHandler prefixHandler))
                else if (OpCodeHandlers.TryGetValue(opCode, out OpCodeHandler opCodeHandler))
                    // Handle operation

                    // Reset flags
                    flags         = ILInstructionFlags.None;
                    flagsArgument = null;
                    if (NotSupportedILInstruction == null)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                            ErrorMessages.NotSupportedILInstruction, MethodBase.Name, opCode));
                        NotSupportedILInstruction(this, opCode);

            return(new DisassembledMethod(MethodBase, instructions, MethodBody.MaxStackSize));
Example #3
        private void InitializeOpCodeHandlers()
            adcOperation = new ADCOperation();
            andOperation = new ANDOperation();
            aslOperation = new ASLOperation();
            bccOperation = new BCCOperation();
            bcsOperation = new BCSOperation();
            beqOperation = new BEQOperation();
            bitOperation = new BITOperation();
            bmiOperation = new BMIOperation();
            bneOperation = new BNEOperation();
            bplOperation = new BPLOperation();
            bvcOperation = new BVCOperation();
            bvsOperation = new BVSOperation();
            clcOperation = new CLCOperation();
            cldOperation = new CLDOperation();
            cliOperation = new CLIOperation();
            clvOperation = new CLVOperation();
            cmpOperation = new CMPOperation();
            cpxOperation = new CPXOperation();
            cpyOperation = new CPYOperation();
            decOperation = new DECOperation();
            dexOperation = new DEXOperation();
            deyOperation = new DEYOperation();
            eorOperation = new EOROperation();
            incOperation = new INCOperation();
            inxOperation = new INXOperation();
            inyOperation = new INYOperation();
            jmpOperation = new JMPOperation();
            jsrOperation = new JSROperation();
            laxOperation = new LAXOperation();
            ldaOperation = new LDAOperation();
            ldxOperation = new LDXOperation();
            ldyOperation = new LDYOperation();
            lsrOperation = new LSROperation();
            nopOperation = new NOPOperation();
            oraOperation = new ORAOperation();
            phaOperation = new PHAOperation();
            phpOperation = new PHPOperation();
            plaOperation = new PLAOperation();
            plpOperation = new PLPOperation();
            rolOperation = new ROLOperation();
            rorOperation = new ROROperation();
            rtiOperation = new RTIOperation();
            rtsOperation = new RTSOperation();
            sbcOperation = new SBCOperation();
            secOperation = new SECOperation();
            sedOperation = new SEDOperation();
            seiOperation = new SEIOperation();
            staOperation = new STAOperation();
            stxOperation = new STXOperation();
            styOperation = new STYOperation();
            taxOperation = new TAXOperation();
            tayOperation = new TAYOperation();
            tsxOperation = new TSXOperation();
            txaOperation = new TXAOperation();
            txsOperation = new TXSOperation();
            tyaOperation = new TYAOperation();

            noneAddressingMode        = new NoneAddressingMode();
            absoluteAddressingMode    = new AbsoluteAddressingMode();
            absoluteXAddressingMode   = new AbsoluteXAddressingMode();
            absoluteYAddressingMode   = new AbsoluteYAddressingMode();
            accumulatorAddressingMode = new AccumulatorAddressingMode();
            immediateAddressingMode   = new ImmediateAddressingMode();
            impliedAddressingMode     = new ImpliedAddressingMode();
            indirectAddressingMode    = new IndirectAddressingMode();
            indirectXAddressingMode   = new IndirectXAddressingMode();
            indirectYAddressingMode   = new IndirectYAddressingMode();
            relativeAddressingMode    = new RelativeAddressingMode();
            zeroPageAddressingMode    = new ZeroPageAddressingMode();
            zeroPageXAddressingMode   = new ZeroPageXAddressingMode();
            zeroPageYAddressingMode   = new ZeroPageYAddressingMode();

            OpCodeDefinitions.OpCodeList.ForEach(x =>
                OpCodeHandlers.Add(x.OpCode, new OpCodeHandler
                    OpCodeDefinition = x,
                    Operation        = x.Nemonic switch
                        OpCode.ADC => adcOperation,
                        OpCode.AND => andOperation,
                        OpCode.ASL => aslOperation,
                        OpCode.BCC => bccOperation,
                        OpCode.BCS => bcsOperation,
                        OpCode.BEQ => beqOperation,
                        OpCode.BIT => bitOperation,
                        OpCode.BMI => bmiOperation,
                        OpCode.BNE => bneOperation,
                        OpCode.BPL => bplOperation,
                        //OpCode.BRK => throw new NotImplementedException(),
                        OpCode.BVC => bvcOperation,
                        OpCode.BVS => bvsOperation,
                        OpCode.CLC => clcOperation,
                        OpCode.CLD => cldOperation,
                        OpCode.CLI => cliOperation,
                        OpCode.CLV => clvOperation,
                        OpCode.CMP => cmpOperation,
                        OpCode.CPX => cpxOperation,
                        OpCode.CPY => cpyOperation,
                        OpCode.DEC => decOperation,
                        OpCode.DEX => dexOperation,
                        OpCode.DEY => deyOperation,
                        OpCode.EOR => eorOperation,
                        OpCode.INC => incOperation,
                        OpCode.INX => inxOperation,
                        OpCode.INY => inyOperation,
                        OpCode.JMP => jmpOperation,
                        OpCode.JSR => jsrOperation,
                        OpCode.LDA => ldaOperation,
                        OpCode.LDX => ldxOperation,
                        OpCode.LDY => ldyOperation,
                        OpCode.LSR => lsrOperation,
                        OpCode.NOP => nopOperation,
                        OpCode.ORA => oraOperation,
                        OpCode.PHA => phaOperation,
                        OpCode.PHP => phpOperation,
                        OpCode.PLA => plaOperation,
                        OpCode.PLP => plpOperation,
                        OpCode.ROL => rolOperation,
                        OpCode.ROR => rorOperation,
                        OpCode.RTI => rtiOperation,
                        OpCode.RTS => rtsOperation,
                        OpCode.SBC => sbcOperation,
                        OpCode.SEC => secOperation,
                        OpCode.SED => sedOperation,
                        OpCode.SEI => seiOperation,
                        OpCode.STA => staOperation,
                        OpCode.STX => stxOperation,
                        OpCode.STY => styOperation,
                        OpCode.TAX => taxOperation,
                        OpCode.TAY => tayOperation,
                        OpCode.TSX => tsxOperation,
                        OpCode.TXA => txaOperation,
                        OpCode.TXS => txsOperation,
                        OpCode.TYA => tyaOperation,

                        OpCode.LAX => laxOperation,

                        _ => nopOperation,
                    AddressingMode = x.AddressingMode switch
                        AddressingMode.NON => noneAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ZP0 => zeroPageAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ZPX => zeroPageXAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ZPY => zeroPageYAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ABS => absoluteAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ABX => absoluteXAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ABY => absoluteYAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.IND => indirectAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.IDX => indirectXAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.IDY => indirectYAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.IMP => impliedAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.ACC => accumulatorAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.IMM => immediateAddressingMode,
                        AddressingMode.REL => relativeAddressingMode,
                        _ => throw new NotImplementedException(),
Example #4
 protected abstract void Generate(OpCodeHandlers handlers);
Example #5
 protected override void Generate(OpCodeHandlers handlers)