Example #1
        // Query using only standard operations:
        private IDataList QueryOrdersCount()
            // get OrderDetails table
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            // aggregate OrderDetails table
            dynamic qp = workspace.query("query_ordersCount", new
                Product = od.ProductID,        // group by order
                Orders  = Op.Count(od.OrderID) // how many orders are made for each product

Example #2
        // Query using only standard operations:
        // discount information for all products
        private IDataList QueryProductDiscount()
            // get OrderDetails table
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            // aggregate OrderDetails table
            dynamic qp = workspace.query("query_productDiscount", new
                ds          = Op.Mul(od.UnitPrice, od.Discount), // calculate discount for a product in an order
                Product     = od.ProductID,                      // group by product
                OrderCount  = Op.Count(od.OrderID),              // order count for a product
                DiscountSum = Op.Sum("ds")                       // total  discount for a product in all orders

Example #3
        // discount information for the specified product
        private IDataList QueryProduct()
            int productID = cbProduct.SelectedIndex;
            // get OrderDetails table
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            // aggregate OrderDetails table
            dynamic qp = workspace.query("query_product", new
                _range      = od.ProductID.Eq(productID),        // narrow data to the specified product
                ds          = Op.Mul(od.UnitPrice, od.Discount), // calculate the discount for a product in an order
                Product     = od.ProductID,                      // group by product
                Discount    = od.Discount,                       // and group by discount
                OrdersCount = Op.Count(od.OrderID),              // order count for products with the same discount in all orders
                DiscountSum = Op.Sum("ds")                       // total discount for products with the same discount in all orders

Example #4
        // products within specified unit price range
        private IDataList QueryUnitPriceRange()
            double from = (double)nudUnitPriceFrom.Value;
            double to   = (double)nudUnitPriceTo.Value;

            // get OrderDetails table
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            // aggregate OrderDetails table
            dynamic qr = workspace.query("query_range", new
                _range      = od.UnitPrice.Gte(from).Lte(to),    // narrow data to the specified unit price range
                ds          = Op.Mul(od.UnitPrice, od.Discount), // calculate the discount for a product in an order
                Price       = od.UnitPrice,                      // group by UnitPrice
                OrdersCount = Op.Count(od.OrderID),              // how many times products with the same price were ordered
                MaxDiscount = Op.Max("ds")                       // what is the maximum discount for products with the same price

Example #5
        // order information by month
        private IDataList QueryMonth()
            // get Orders table
            dynamic orders = workspace.table(Utils.Orders.Name);
            // create a query from Orders table with additional OrdersMonth column
            dynamic qm = workspace.query("query_date", new
                _base      = "*",                                             // all columns from the Orders table
                OrderMonth = Op.DtPart(orders.OrderDate, DateTimeParts.Month) // month from Orders.OrderDate column
            // aggregate query_date data
            dynamic qdt = workspace.query("query_month", new
                Month          = qm.OrderMonth,        // group by OrderMonth
                FirstOrderDate = Op.Min(qm.OrderDate), // first order date in that month
                OrderCount     = Op.Count(qm.OrderID)  // order count in that month

Example #6
        // products that were ordered more than specified number of times
        private IDataList QueryGroupRange()
            // get OrderDetails table
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            // aggregate OrderDetails
            dynamic qb = workspace.query("query_group", new
                Product     = od.ProductID,         // group by ProducID
                OrdersCount = Op.Count(od.OrderID), // order count of that product
                SumPrice    = Op.Sum(od.UnitPrice)  // price sum of that product
            // filter products by order count
            long    from = (long)nudGroupFilter.Value;
            dynamic qg   = workspace.query("query_group_range", new
                _base  = "*",                                        // include all columns from the aggregated OrderDetails
                _range = qb.OrdersCount.Gte(from).Lte(long.MaxValue) // filter products by order count

Example #7
        // product information: how many times it was ordered (from Order Details) and how many items are left in stock (from Products table)
        private IDataList QueryJoin()
            // get tables
            dynamic od = workspace.table(Utils.OrderDetails.Name);
            dynamic pr = workspace.table(Utils.Products.Name);
            // join OrderDetails and Products tables
            dynamic jq = workspace.join("query_join", od, new
                od = od.ProductID + od.OrderID,                     // get ProductID and OrderID from the OrderDetails table
                pr = pr.UnitsInStock | od.ProductID == pr.ProductID // get UnitsInStock from the Products table and join OrderDetails and Products table on ProductID field
            // aggregate joined data
            dynamic qjf = workspace.query("query_join_result", new
                Product      = jq.ProductID,              // group by ProductID
                OrdersCount  = Op.Count(jq.OrderID),      // order count of a product
                UnitsOnStock = Op.First(jq.UnitsInStock), // how many units of a product left in stock

Example #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create and initialize a new workspace folder relative to the project root
            Workspace workspace = new Workspace();

            workspace.KeepFiles = KeepFileType.Results;

            // Uncomment the following line to clear the workspace before each run

            // Extract JSON data from a zip file, if not already done
            if (!File.Exists("seattle-pet-licenses.json") || !File.Exists("washington-zip-codes.json"))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("data.zip", ".");

            // Import the main license table
            if (!workspace.TableExists("PetLicenses"))
                List <PetLicense>            collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PetLicense> >(File.ReadAllText("seattle-pet-licenses.json"));
                ObjectConnector <PetLicense> connector  = new ObjectConnector <PetLicense>(workspace, collection);
                Console.WriteLine("{0:d} licenses imported.", collection.Count);

            // Import the secondary location table
            if (!workspace.TableExists("Locations"))
                List <Location>            collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Location> >(File.ReadAllText("washington-zip-codes.json"));
                ObjectConnector <Location> connector  = new ObjectConnector <Location>(workspace, collection);
                Console.WriteLine("{0:d} locations imported.", collection.Count);

            // Retrieve the main table for use in constructing queries
            dynamic licenses = workspace.table("PetLicenses");

            // Number of licenses, by species
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("BySpecies"))
                dynamic query = workspace.query("BySpecies", new {
                    Count = Op.Count(licenses.Species)


            // Number of licenses, by calendar year
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("ByYear"))
                // Create a query with all base table columns and add a Year field, extracted from the DateTime value
                dynamic parent = workspace.query(new {
                    _base = "*",
                    Year  = Op.DtPart(licenses.IssueDate, DateTimeParts.Year)

                // Derive another query from the unnamed query above and perform the aggregation
                dynamic query = workspace.query("ByYear", new {
                    Count = Op.Count(parent.Year)


            // Most popular dog names (sort criteria and row limits are applied later)
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("DogNames"))
                // Use the _range attribute to limit the results to dogs only
                dynamic query = workspace.query("DogNames", new {
                    _range  = licenses.Species.Eq("Dog"),
                    Species = licenses.Species,
                    DogName = licenses.AnimalName,
                    Count   = Op.Count(licenses.AnimalName)


            // List names for all species except dogs and cats
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("OtherAnimals"))
                // Create a query with specified base table columns and use the _filter attribute to limit the results
                // (_filter is used instead of _range because the latter does not support the Ne operator)
                dynamic parent = workspace.query(new {
                    _filter = licenses.Species.Ne("Dog").And().Ne("Cat"),

                // Derive another query from the unnamed query above and use First as the aggregation operator
                // (otherwise the query will not yield any results)
                dynamic query = workspace.query("OtherAnimals", new {
                    AnimalName = Op.First(parent.AnimalName)


            // Retrieve the secondary table for use in a join query
            dynamic locations = workspace.table("Locations");

            // Number of licenses in King County, by city
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("KingCounty"))
                // Create a join from the main table (licenses) to the secondary table (locations)
                // * The addition expression to the left of the vertical bar denotes which secondary fields to include
                // * The equality expression to the right of the vertical bar specifies the join condition
                // * The assignment statement specifies a property of the anonymous type (its name is not significant)
                dynamic join = workspace.join(licenses, new {
                    locale = locations.County + locations.City | licenses.ZipCode == locations.Zip

                // Derive another query from the join query above, specifying both a _range and an aggregation
                dynamic query = workspace.query("KingCounty", new {
                    _range = join.County.Eq("King"),
                    Count = Op.Count(join.LicenseNumber)


            // Output query results in CSV format to the console
            IDataList species = workspace.GetQueryData("BySpecies");

            Console.WriteLine("// Licenses issued, by species");
            DataList.Write(species, Console.Out);

            IDataList years = workspace.GetQueryData("ByYear");

            Console.WriteLine("// Licenses issued, by year");
            DataList.Write(years, Console.Out);

            IDataList names = workspace.GetQueryData("DogNames", 10); // Limit results to 10 rows

            Console.WriteLine("// Most popular dog names");
            DataList.Sort(names, "Count", false); // Sort by Count in descending order
            DataList.Write(names, Console.Out);

            IDataList others = workspace.GetQueryData("OtherAnimals");

            Console.WriteLine("// Excluding dogs and cats");
            DataList.Write(others, Console.Out);

            IDataList cities = workspace.GetQueryData("KingCounty");

            Console.WriteLine("// Licenses issued in King County, by city");
            DataList.Write(cities, Console.Out);