private void _onlineContentBrowser_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { _onlineContentBrowser = null; }
public void OnExecuteShortcut(OPMShortcutEventArgs args) { if (args.Handled) { return; } Logger.LogInfo("OnExecuteShortcut enter: " + args); if (_renderingFrame == null || !_renderingFrame.Visible) { pnlScreens.Focus(); } switch (args.cmd) { case OPMShortcut.CmdPlayPause: if (MediaRenderer.DefaultInstance.FilterState == FilterState.Paused || MediaRenderer.DefaultInstance.FilterState == FilterState.Running) { Pause(); args.Handled = true; } else { Play(); args.Handled = true; } break; case OPMShortcut.CmdStop: Stop(true); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdPrev: MovePrevious(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdNext: MoveNext(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdLoad: LoadFiles(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdFwd: MoveToPosition(pnlRendering.ElapsedSeconds + 5); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdRew: MoveToPosition(pnlRendering.ElapsedSeconds - 5); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdVolUp: pnlRendering.ProjectedVolume += 500; SetVolume(pnlRendering.ProjectedVolume); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdVolDn: pnlRendering.ProjectedVolume -= 500; SetVolume(pnlRendering.ProjectedVolume); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdFullScreen: ToggleFullScreen(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdOpenDisk: LoadDisc(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgAudio: FfdShowConfig.DoConfigureAudio(this.Handle); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgVideo: FfdShowConfig.DoConfigureVideo(this.Handle); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgSubtitles: ProTONESettingsForm.Show("TXT_S_SUBTITLESETTINGS", "TXT_S_SUBTITLESETTINGS"); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgTimer: ProTONESettingsForm.Show("TXT_S_MISC_SETTINGS", "TXT_S_SCHEDULERSETTINGS"); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgRemote: ProTONESettingsForm.Show("TXT_S_CONTROL", "TXT_REMOTECONTROLCFG"); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdOpenSettings: DialogResult dlgResult = ProTONESettingsForm.Show(); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdCfgKeyboard: ProTONESettingsForm.Show("TXT_S_CONTROL", "TXT_S_KEYMAP"); args.Handled = true; break; case OPMShortcut.CmdOpenURL: { args.Handled = true; //StreamingServerChooserDlg dlg2 = new StreamingServerChooserDlg(); //dlg2.Show(); if (_onlineContentBrowser == null) { _onlineContentBrowser = new OnlineContentBrowser(); _onlineContentBrowser.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(_onlineContentBrowser_FormClosing); _onlineContentBrowser.FormClosed += _onlineContentBrowser_FormClosed; _onlineContentBrowser.Shown += new EventHandler(_onlineContentBrowser_Shown); } _onlineContentBrowser.Show(); /* * if (dlg2.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) * { * string textUrl = dlg2.Uri; * string radioStationUrl = dlg2.RadioStation != null ? dlg2.RadioStation.Url : string.Empty; * * if (string.Compare(textUrl, radioStationUrl, true) != 0) * { * // Load the specified url (manually entered by the user) * string[] urls = new string[] { textUrl }; * LoadFiles(urls); * } * else if (dlg2.RadioStation != null) * { * LoadRadioStation(dlg2.RadioStation); * } * }*/ } break; case OPMShortcut.CmdSearchSubtitles: { args.Handled = true; PlaylistItem plItem = pnlScreens.PlaylistScreen.GetPlaylistItemForEditing(); if (plItem != null && plItem.MediaFileInfo is VideoFileInfo) { SubtitleDownloadProcessor.TryFindSubtitle(plItem.Path, (int)plItem.Duration.TotalSeconds, true); } } break; default: pnlScreens.OnExecuteShortcut(args); break; } Logger.LogInfo("OnExecuteShortcut leave"); }