public async Task OSTT4()
            string testName = "OSTT4";

            HttpClient client = _factory.CreateClient();

            OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel model = new OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel();

            model.DatasetID = _factory.SheetNames.Single(x => x.Value == "One Sample t-test").Key;
            model.Responses = new string[] { "Resp 9" };
            model.ResponseTransformation = "Log10";
            model.TargetValue            = 0.1m;

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("Analyses/OneSampleTTestAnalysis", new FormUrlEncodedContent(model.ToKeyValue()));

            IEnumerable <string> warnings = await Helpers.ExtractWarnings(response);

            Assert.Contains("You have Log10 transformed the Resp 9 variable. Unfortunately some of the Resp 9 values are zero and/or negative. These values have been ignored in the analysis as it is not possible to transform them.", warnings);
            Helpers.SaveOutput("OneSampleTTestAnalysis", testName, warnings);
        public async Task OSTT17()
            string testName = "OSTT17";

            HttpClient client = _factory.CreateClient();

            OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel model = new OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel();

            model.DatasetID = _factory.SheetNames.Single(x => x.Value == "One Sample t-test").Key;
            model.Responses = new string[] { "Resp 1", "Resp2", "Resp 3", "Resp4" };
            model.ResponseTransformation = "None";
            model.Significance           = "0.05";
            model.TargetValue            = 1m;

            StatsOutput statsOutput = await Helpers.SubmitAnalysis(client, "OneSampleTTestAnalysis", new FormUrlEncodedContent(model.ToKeyValue()));

            Helpers.SaveTestOutput("OneSampleTTestAnalysis", model, testName, statsOutput);

            string expectedHtml = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("ExpectedResults", "OneSampleTTestAnalysis", testName + ".html"));

            Assert.Equal(Helpers.FixForUnixOSs(expectedHtml), Helpers.FixForUnixOSs(statsOutput.HtmlResults));
        public async Task OSTT2()
            string testName = "OSTT2";

            HttpClient client = _factory.CreateClient();

            OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel model = new OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel();

            model.DatasetID   = _factory.SheetNames.Single(x => x.Value == "One Sample t-test").Key;
            model.Responses   = new string[] { "Resp 6" };
            model.TargetValue = 0.1m;

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("Analyses/OneSampleTTestAnalysis", new FormUrlEncodedContent(model.ToKeyValue()));

            IEnumerable <string> errors = await Helpers.ExtractErrors(response);

            Assert.Contains("The Response (Resp 6) contains non-numeric data that cannot be processed. Please check the data and make sure it was entered correctly.", errors);
            Helpers.SaveOutput("OneSampleTTestAnalysis", testName, errors);
        public async Task OSTT1()
            string testName = "OSTT1";

            HttpClient client = _factory.CreateClient();

            OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel model = new OneSampleTTestAnalysisModel();

            model.DatasetID   = _factory.SheetNames.Single(x => x.Value == "One Sample t-test").Key;
            model.Responses   = new string[] { "Resp 5" };
            model.TargetValue = 0.1m;

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("Analyses/OneSampleTTestAnalysis", new FormUrlEncodedContent(model.ToKeyValue()));

            IEnumerable <string> errors = await Helpers.ExtractErrors(response);

            Assert.Contains("There is no replication in the response variable (Resp 5). Please select another factor.", errors);
            Helpers.SaveOutput("OneSampleTTestAnalysis", testName, errors);