public void CancelQueue() { UnitData temp = _productionQueue[_productionQueue.Count - 1]; _mineralData.currentResource += temp.Mineral; _mineralData.CallUpdate(); _productionQueue.RemoveAt(_productionQueue.Count - 1);//count -1 is last position if (_productionQueue.Count < 1) { StopCoroutine(_unitProduceRoutine); //if queue get reset to 0, stop production ASAP _unitProduceRoutine = null; } //TODO ui event invoke unit cancelled (simulate through unit produced invoke?) OnUpdateQueue?.Invoke(_productionQueue); }
void ProduceUnit(UnitData unit) { if (_mineralData.currentResource < unit.Mineral)//&&GasData.curr > Unit.gas && SupplyData.curr + < maxSupply { return; } if (_productionQueue.Count >= 5) //invalid return architecture //we only queue up to 5 { return; } _mineralData.Spend(unit.Mineral); _productionQueue.Add(unit); OnUpdateQueue?.Invoke(_productionQueue); if (_unitProduceRoutine == null) //if we are not currently producing, { _unitProduceRoutine = StartCoroutine(UnitProduceRoutine()); //produce } }
IEnumerator UnitProduceRoutine() { //first, asses the front of the queue UnitData unit = _productionQueue[0]; OnStartProduceUnit?.Invoke(unit); //TODO ui timer, simulate UnitProductionRoutine yield return(new WaitForSeconds(unit.Time)); ClickableUnit unitObject = Instantiate(unit._unit.gameObject, _spawnPoint.position, _spawnPoint.rotation).GetComponent <ClickableUnit>(); //instantiate & asign Vector3 rayStart = _rallyPoint.RallyPoint + (Vector3.up * 10); //to re-create the Auto-Move, we're hijacking the PlayerInput algorithm RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(rayStart, Vector3.down, out hit, 10f)) { if (hit.transform.gameObject != gameObject) //if rall is null, or is this, do not send a move command { unitObject.Identify(hit); //else, make the spawned unit move } } _productionQueue.RemoveAt(0); //now it is safe to dequeue //ui event invoke unit produced if (_productionQueue.Count > 0) { _unitProduceRoutine = StartCoroutine(UnitProduceRoutine()); } else { _unitProduceRoutine = null; } OnUpdateQueue?.Invoke(_productionQueue); }