Example #1
        override public void LandOnGround()
            // Land on ground
            var block = world.GetBlock(position);

            if (!WorldUtils.IsCapBlock(block))
                block = world.GetBlock(footPosition(position));

            float d         = 0;
            float fallSpeed = -velocity.y;

            if (fallSpeed > data.fallDamageSpeed)
                d = (fallSpeed - data.fallDamageSpeed) / data.fallDamageSpeed * gameMode.GetTerrainData(position).fallDamage *data.maxHealth;
                if (d > 0)
                    Damage(d, PawnData.DamageType.Falling, true);

            gameMode.CreateAudioEvent(this, fallSpeed * data.fallSpeedLoudness);

Example #2
        //플레이어가 떨어지는 중이 아니라면
        //지상에 있는 상태로 변경
        private IEnumerator PlayOnGroundAnimation()
            IsDroping = true;
            while (transform.position.y > 2f)
                yield return(null);

            IsDroping = false;
            OnLand?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
            yield break;
Example #3
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (!collision.isTrigger && collision.gameObject != gameObject)
         if (!isStand && timerLeaveLand > 0.12f)
             // 着陆
         isStand      = true;
         isJump       = false;
         isForceJump  = false;
         isSecondJump = false;
Example #4
 void InitializeDelegates()
     characterGroundedCheck.onLeaveOverLapCircleDelegate += () =>
         isGrounded = false;
     characterGroundedCheck.onEnterOverlapCircleDelegate += (collider2D) =>
         isGrounded = true;
     characterControl.axesDelegate += (vec2) => { movementAxes = vec2; };
     characterLadderClimb.climbingLadderDelegate += climbing => isClimbing = climbing;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the basic movement, like walking and jumping.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void BasicMovement(float deltaTime)
            // Only run if air jump is enabled.
            if (airJump)
                // If the current air time is above 0, decrease it.
                if (currentAirTime > 0)
                    currentAirTime -= deltaTime;

                // If current air time is less than or equal to 0, the player should no longer jump.
                if (currentAirTime <= 0)
                    shouldJump = false;

            // If the player isn't grounded, handle gravity.
            // Else apply the ground stick so the player sticks to the ground.
            if (!isGrounded)
                // If the player was just grounded, set the jump position.
                // The player probably just jumped or started falling.
                if (previouslyGrounded)
                    // Set the jump position to the current player transform.
                    jumpPosition = PlayerTransform.position;
                    if (!isJumping)

                // When the step offset is above 0 the player can get stuck on the ceiling. Try and prevent that.
                if (CharacterController.stepOffset > 0)
                    // If the player's head is touching the ceiling, move the player down so they don't
                    // get stuck on the ceiling.
                    if ((CharacterController.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Above) != 0)
                        moveDirection.y = -5f;
                        isJumping       = false;
                        isFalling       = true;

                // The player was previously not grounded.
                previouslyGrounded = false;

                // If the player isn't grounded and not jumping, it is probably falling.
                // So set falling to true and reset the Y move direction.
                if (!isFalling && !isJumping)
                    currentAirTime  = airJumpTime;
                    isFalling       = true;
                    moveDirection.y = 0;

                // Apply gravity to the Y axis.
                moveDirection.y -= gravity * deltaTime;
                // If the player is grounded now and wasn't previously, the player just landed.
                if (!previouslyGrounded)
                    // Calculate the fall height.
                    float fallHeight = jumpPosition.y - PlayerTransform.position.y;

                    // Reset the air jumps.
                    currentJumps = -1;

                    // Invoke the OnPlayerLand event.
#if NET_4_6 || (UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER && !NET_LEGACY)
                    if (OnLand != null)

                // The player is on the ground so it is not falling or jumping.
                isFalling = false;
                isJumping = false;
                // The player was previously grounded.
                previouslyGrounded = true;

                // If ground stick is enabled and the player isn't jumping, apply the ground stick effect.
                moveDirection.y = enableGroundStick ? -groundStick : 0;

            // Make sure the player is moving in the right direction.
            // Tell the player it should jump if the jump button is pressed, the player can jump, and if the player can move around.
            if (canJump && canMoveAround && GetButtonDown(input_Jump))
                // Check if the player should jump.
                shouldJump = ShouldJump();

            // If the player should jump, jump!
            if (shouldJump)
        CharacterState previousState, currentState;// 以前状态 当前状态

        void Update()
            float dt         = Time.deltaTime;
            bool  isGrounded = controller.isGrounded;           // 在地面
            bool  landed     = !wasGrounded && isGrounded;      // 登录地面

            // 检测输入
            input.x = Input.GetAxis(XAxis);
            input.y = Input.GetAxis(YAxis);
            bool inputJumpStop   = Input.GetButtonUp(JumpButton);                                       // 跳跃停止
            bool inputJumpStart  = Input.GetButtonDown(JumpButton);                                     // 跳跃开始
            bool doCrouch        = (isGrounded && input.y < -0.5f) || (forceCrouchEndTime > Time.time); // 蹲下
            bool doJumpInterrupt = false;                                                               // 跳跃中断
            bool doJump          = false;                                                               // 跳跃
            bool hardLand        = false;                                                               // 硬着陆

            bool inputAttackStart = Input.GetKey(attackKey);                                            // 攻击开始*
            bool inputAttackStop  = Input.GetKeyUp(attackKey);                                          // 攻击结束*
            bool doAttack         = inputAttackStart;

            //bool doAttack = inputAttackStart || (forceAttackEndTime > Time.time);// 攻击*
            //if (inputAttackStart)
            //    forceAttackEndTime = Time.time + forceAttackDuration;

            //** 判定动作变化 **//
            if (landed)                                                   // 如果落到地面上
                if (-velocity.y > forceCrouchVelocity)                    // 如果垂直速度大于 落下速度值
                    hardLand           = true;                            // 硬着陆
                    doCrouch           = true;                            // 做蹲下动作
                    forceCrouchEndTime = Time.time + forceCrouchDuration; // 落下蹲伏动作结束时间

            if (!doCrouch)         // 如果不是做蹲下动作
                if (isGrounded)    // 在地面上
                    if (!doAttack) //*
                        if (inputJumpStart)
                        {                  // 如果输入跳跃
                            doJump = true; // 做跳跃
                else                                                                   // 不在地面上
                    doJumpInterrupt = inputJumpStop && Time.time < minimumJumpEndTime; // 跳跃中断 = 跳跃停止 && 最小跳跃结束时间

            //** 虚拟物理和控制器使用(计算速度)**//
            // 重力加速度
            Vector3 gravityDeltaVelocity = Physics.gravity * gravityScale * dt; // 重力 * 重力缩放 * 这帧时间

            if (doJump)                                                         // 做跳跃动作
                velocity.y         = jumpSpeed;                                 // 竖直速度为跳跃速度
                minimumJumpEndTime = Time.time + minimumJumpDuration;           // 跳跃结束时间
            else if (doJumpInterrupt)                                           // 如果跳跃被中断
                if (velocity.y > 0)
                    velocity.y *= jumpInterruptFactor;                    // 跳跃中断速率

            velocity.x = 0;            // 水平速度为0

            //if (!doCrouch)
            //{// 如果不是做蹲下动作
            if (input.x != 0)
            {                                                                       // 水平轴有输入
                if (doCrouch)                                                       //*
                {                                                                   // 如果不是做蹲下动作
                else if (!isGrounded)                                               //*
                    velocity.x  = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > 0.6f ? runSpeed : walkSpeed; // 跑 || 走
                    velocity.x *= Mathf.Sign(input.x);                              // 左 || 右
                else if (doAttack)                                                  //*
                    velocity.x  = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > 0.6f ? runSpeed : walkSpeed; // 跑 || 走
                    velocity.x *= Mathf.Sign(input.x);                              // 左 || 右

            if (!isGrounded)
            {     // 如果不在地面上
                if (wasGrounded)
                { // 落到地面时
                    if (velocity.y < 0)
                        velocity.y = 0;// 竖直速度变为0
                {                                     // 在空中
                    velocity += gravityDeltaVelocity; // 竖直速度为重力加速度
            controller.Move(velocity * dt);            // 设置人物速度
            wasGrounded = isGrounded;

            //** 确定并存储角色状态 **//
            if (doAttack)  //*
                currentState = CharacterState.Attack;
            else  //*
                if (isGrounded)
                    if (doCrouch)
                        currentState = CharacterState.Crouch;// 蹲
                        if (input.x == 0)
                            currentState = CharacterState.Idle;// 闲置
                            currentState = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > 0.6f ? CharacterState.Run : CharacterState.Walk;// 跑 || 走
                    currentState = velocity.y > 0 ? CharacterState.Rise : CharacterState.Fall;// 上升 || 下落

            bool stateChanged = previousState != currentState; // 状态是否改变

            previousState = currentState;                      // 状态重置

            // Animation
            // 在此阶段请勿修改字符参数或状态。只是读他们。
            // 检测状态变化,并在变化时进行动画处理。
            if (stateChanged)
                HandleStateChanged();                // 改变动画状态
            if (input.x != 0)
                animationHandle.SetFlip(input.x);                // 设置动画翻转
            // 触发事件(事件调用 播放粒子||声音)
            if (doJump)
                OnJump.Invoke();                // 触发跳跃事件
            if (landed)
                if (hardLand)
Example #7
 public void Land()
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     isGrounded = true;
        void Update()
            float dt         = Time.deltaTime;
            bool  isGrounded = controller.isGrounded;
            bool  landed     = !wasGrounded && isGrounded;

            // Dummy input.
            input.x = Input.GetAxis(XAxis);
            input.y = Input.GetAxis(YAxis);
            bool inputJumpStop   = Input.GetButtonUp(JumpButton);
            bool inputJumpStart  = Input.GetButtonDown(JumpButton);
            bool doCrouch        = (isGrounded && input.y < -0.5f) || (forceCrouchEndTime > Time.time);
            bool doJumpInterrupt = false;
            bool doJump          = false;
            bool hardLand        = false;

            if (landed)
                if (-velocity.y > forceCrouchVelocity)
                    hardLand           = true;
                    doCrouch           = true;
                    forceCrouchEndTime = Time.time + forceCrouchDuration;

            if (!doCrouch)
                if (isGrounded)
                    if (inputJumpStart)
                        doJump = true;
                    doJumpInterrupt = inputJumpStop && Time.time < minimumJumpEndTime;

            // Dummy physics and controller using UnityEngine.CharacterController.
            Vector3 gravityDeltaVelocity = Physics.gravity * gravityScale * dt;

            if (doJump)
                velocity.y         = jumpSpeed;
                minimumJumpEndTime = Time.time + minimumJumpDuration;
            else if (doJumpInterrupt)
                if (velocity.y > 0)
                    velocity.y *= jumpInterruptFactor;

            velocity.x = 0;
            if (!doCrouch)
                if (input.x != 0)
                    velocity.x  = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > 0.6f ? runSpeed : walkSpeed;
                    velocity.x *= Mathf.Sign(input.x);

            //if (!isGrounded)
            //    if (wasGrounded)
            //    {
            //        if (velocity.y < 0)
            //            velocity.y = 0;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        velocity += gravityDeltaVelocity;
            //    }
            controller.Move(velocity * dt);
            wasGrounded = isGrounded;

            // Determine and store character state
            if (isGrounded)
                if (doCrouch)
                    currentState = CharacterState.Crouch;
                    if (input.x == 0)
                        currentState = CharacterState.Idle;
                        currentState = Mathf.Abs(input.x) > 0.6f ? CharacterState.Run : CharacterState.Walk;
                currentState = velocity.y > 0 ? CharacterState.Rise : CharacterState.Fall;

            bool stateChanged = previousState != currentState;

            previousState = currentState;

            // Animation
            // Do not modify character parameters or state in this phase. Just read them.
            // Detect changes in state, and communicate with animation handle if it changes.
            if (stateChanged)

            if (input.x != 0)

            // Fire events.
            if (doJump)
            if (landed)
                if (hardLand)
Example #10
     * private void CheckJump()
     * {
     *  // we're not touching the ground layer, don't bother with jump
     *  if (!isGrounded)
     *  {
     *      return;
     *  }
     *  if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
     *  {
     *      Vector2 jumpVelocityToAdd = new Vector2(0f, jumpSpeed);
     *      rigidbody2D.velocity += jumpVelocityToAdd;
     *      OnJump.Invoke();
     *  }
     * }

    void Land()