public ImageSource TryGetImage(IconId iconId, IconTheme theme, IThemedIconManagerPerThemeCache cache, OnError onerror) { var emojiIconId = iconId as EmojiIconId; var image = emojiIconId?.Emoji.Bitmap(); return image; }
public TweetLoader() { loaded = 0; Source = new SafeObservable<ITweetable>(); requestsInProgress = 0; if (_rateResetTime == null) _rateResetTime = DateTime.MinValue; Error += new OnError(CheckForRateLimit); LoadDefaultSettings(); }
public static void AddElementToStore(MapStorageType storageType, string stylePath, Element element, Range<int> levelOfDetails, OnError onError) { double[] coordinates = new double[element.Geometry.Length*2]; for (int i = 0; i < element.Geometry.Length; ++i) { coordinates[i*2] = element.Geometry[i].Latitude; coordinates[i*2 + 1] = element.Geometry[i].Longitude; } string[] tags = new string[element.Tags.Count * 2]; var tagKeys = element.Tags.Keys.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tagKeys.Length; ++i) { tags[i*2] = tagKeys[i]; tags[i*2 + 1] = element.Tags[tagKeys[i]]; } addToStoreElement(GetStoreKey(storageType), stylePath, element.Id, coordinates, coordinates.Length, tags, tags.Length, levelOfDetails.Minimum, levelOfDetails.Maximum, onError); }
public abstract void LoadPreferredTerms(OnLoaded onLoaded, OnError onError, string terminologyId, string language, string[] conceptIds);
/// <summary> /// Starts the API. /// </summary> public void Start() { Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); Logger.LogInfo("Starting EliteAPI."); Logger.LogDebug("EliteAPI by CMDR Somfic ( ("); Logger.LogDebug("EliteAPI v" + Version + "."); //Check for updates. CheckForUpdate(); Logger.LogInfo($"Journal directory set to '{JournalDirectory}'."); //Mark the API as running. IsRunning = true; //We'll process the journal one time first, to catch up. //Select the last edited Journal file. FileInfo journalFile = null; //Find the last edited Journal file. try { Logger.LogDebug($"Searching for 'Journal.*.log' files."); journalFile = JournalDirectory.GetFiles("Journal.*").OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).First(); Logger.LogDebug($"Found '{journalFile}'."); } catch (Exception ex) { IsRunning = false; OnError?.Invoke(this, new Tuple <string, Exception>($"Could not find Journal files in '{JournalDirectory}'", ex)); return; } //Check for the support JSON files. bool foundStatus = false; try { //Status.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\Status.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'Status.json'."); foundStatus = true; } else { Logger.LogWarning($"Could not find 'Status.json' file."); foundStatus = false; } //Cargo.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\Cargo.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'Cargo.json'."); } else { Logger.LogWarning($"Could not find 'Cargo.json' file."); } //Shipyard.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\Shipyard.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'Shipyard.json'."); } else { Logger.LogDebug($"Could not find 'Shipyard.json' file."); } //Outfitting.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\Outfitting.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'Outfitting.json'."); } else { Logger.LogDebug($"Could not find 'Outfitting.json' file."); } //Market.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\Market.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'Market.json'."); } else { Logger.LogDebug($"Could not find 'Market.json' file."); } //ModulesInfo.json. if (File.Exists(JournalDirectory.FullName + "\\ModulesInfo.json")) { Logger.LogDebug("Found 'ModulesInfo.json'."); } else { Logger.LogDebug($"Could not find 'ModulesInfo.json' file."); } } catch { } if (foundStatus) { Logger.LogInfo("Found Journal and Status files."); } //Check if Elite: Dangerous is running. if (!Status.IsRunning) { Logger.LogWarning("Elite: Dangerous is not in-game."); } //Process the journal file. if (!SkipCatchUp) { Logger.LogDebug("Catching up with past events from this session."); } JournalParser.ProcessJournal(journalFile, SkipCatchUp); if (!SkipCatchUp) { Logger.LogDebug("Catchup on past events completed."); } //Go async. Task.Run(() => { //Run for as long as we're running. while (IsRunning) { //Select the last edited Journal file. FileInfo newJournalFile = JournalDirectory.GetFiles("Journal.*").OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).First(); if (journalFile.FullName != newJournalFile.FullName) { Logger.LogDebug($"Switched to '{newJournalFile}'."); JournalParser.processedLogs.Clear(); } journalFile = newJournalFile; //Process the journal file. JournalParser.ProcessJournal(journalFile, false); //Wait half a second to avoid overusing the CPU. Thread.Sleep(500); } }); s.Stop(); Logger.LogDebug($"Finished in {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); IsReady = true; OnReady?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public abstract void LoadConcepts(OnLoaded onLoaded, OnError onError, string terminologyId, string language);
protected internal void RaiseError(object sender, PluginErrorEventArgs e) => OnError?.Invoke(sender, e);
///<summary> /// Creates the folder ///</summary> ///<param name="onError">Allows you to set the error behavior</param> ///<returns></returns> public Directory Create(OnError onError) { FailableActionExecutor.DoAction(onError, _fileSystemWrapper.CreateDirectory, _path); return this; }
/// <summary> Loads quadkey. </summary> /// <param name="stylePath"> Stylesheet path. </param> /// <param name="quadKey"> QuadKey</param> /// <param name="onMeshBuilt"></param> /// <param name="onElementLoaded"></param> /// <param name="onError"></param> public static void LoadQuadKey(string stylePath, QuadKey quadKey, OnMeshBuilt onMeshBuilt, OnElementLoaded onElementLoaded, OnError onError) { loadQuadKey(stylePath, quadKey.TileX, quadKey.TileY, quadKey.LevelOfDetail, onMeshBuilt, onElementLoaded, onError); }
private static extern void configure(string stringPath, string elePath, OnError errorHandler);
private void OnConsumerShutdown(object sender, ShutdownEventArgs e) { OnError?.Invoke(sender, e.Cause?.ToString()); }
private void _client_OnReceive(byte[] data) { Actived = DateTimeHelper.Now; if (data != null) { this._messageContext.Unpacker.Unpack(data, (s) => { if (s.Content != null) { try { var cm = SerializeHelper.PBDeserialize <ChatMessage>(s.Content); switch (cm.Type) { case ChatMessageType.LoginAnswer: this.Logined = true; break; case ChatMessageType.SubscribeAnswer: if (cm.Content == "1") { _subscribed = true; } else { _subscribed = false; } break; case ChatMessageType.UnSubscribeAnswer: if (cm.Content == "1") { _unsubscribed = true; } else { _unsubscribed = false; } break; case ChatMessageType.ChannelMessage: TaskHelper.Run(() => OnChannelMessage?.Invoke(cm.GetIMessage <ChannelMessage>())); break; case ChatMessageType.PrivateMessage: TaskHelper.Run(() => OnPrivateMessage?.Invoke(cm.GetIMessage <PrivateMessage>())); break; case ChatMessageType.GroupMessage: TaskHelper.Run(() => OnGroupMessage?.Invoke(cm.GetIMessage <GroupMessage>())); break; case ChatMessageType.PrivateMessageAnswer: break; case ChatMessageType.CreateGroupAnswer: case ChatMessageType.RemoveGroupAnswer: case ChatMessageType.AddMemberAnswer: case ChatMessageType.RemoveMemberAnswer: break; case ChatMessageType.GroupMessageAnswer: break; default: ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("cm.Type", cm.Type); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { OnError?.Invoke(_messageContext.UserToken.ID, ex); } } }, null, null); } }
private async Task Reader() { string message = ""; while (IsConnected) { try { var buffer = new byte[1024]; var res = await WSConnection.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(buffer), default); if (res.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close) { Close(); break; } if (res.Count == 0) { Close(); break; } switch (res.MessageType) { case WebSocketMessageType.Close: Close(); return; case WebSocketMessageType.Text when !res.EndOfMessage: message += (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer).TrimEnd('\0')); continue; case WebSocketMessageType.Text: message += (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer).TrimEnd('\0')); OnMessage?.Invoke(this, new OnMessageEventArgs() { Message = message }); break; case WebSocketMessageType.Binary: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } message = ""; } catch (IOException) { Close(); } catch (WebSocketException) { Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new OnErrorEventArgs() { Exception = ex }); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// SSE Pushサーバからエラー受信時の処理を登録 /// </summary> /// <param name="Callback">エラー受信時の処理</param> public void RegisterOnError(OnError Callback) { _onErrorCallback = Callback; }
public void Error(Exception e) { Set(Task.FromException(e)); LastException = e; OnError?.Invoke(e); }
public static extern void HP_Set_FN_Server_OnError(IntPtr pListener, OnError fn);
/// <summary> /// Adds map data to in-memory storage to specific quadkey. /// Supported formats: shapefile, osm xml, osm pbf. /// </summary> /// <param name="storageType"> Map data storage. </param> /// <param name="stylePath"> Stylesheet path. </param> /// <param name="path"> Path to file. </param> /// <param name="quadKey"> QuadKey. </param> /// <param name="onError"> OnError callback. </param> public static void AddToStore(MapStorageType storageType, string stylePath, string path, QuadKey quadKey, OnError onError) { addToStoreInQuadKey(GetStoreKey(storageType), stylePath, path, quadKey.TileX, quadKey.TileY, quadKey.LevelOfDetail, onError); }
///<summary> /// Deletes the file ///<remarks>If the file does not exist no error will be thrown (even if OnError is set to fail)</remarks> /// <param name="onError">Sets wether to fail or continue if an error occurs</param> ///</summary> public void Delete(OnError onError) { FailableActionExecutor.DoAction(onError, _fileSystemWrapper.DeleteFile, Path); }
private void Socket_OnError(Exception ex) { Log($"OnError invoked, {ex.Message}"); OnError?.Invoke(ex); }
private static extern void addToStoreInQuadKey(string key, string stylePath, string path, int tileX, int tileY, int lod, OnError errorHandler);
public static void Connect(string host = "localhost", int port = 3075) { _lastHost = host; _lastPort = port; // Set extensions to default resolver. var resolver = CompositeResolver.Create( MathResolver.Instance, NativeGuidResolver.Instance, StandardResolver.Instance ); var options = MessagePackSerializerOptions.Standard.WithResolver(resolver); MessagePackSerializer.DefaultOptions = options; EventBasedNetListener listener = new EventBasedNetListener(); _client = new NetManager(listener) { // UnsyncedEvents = true, NatPunchEnabled = true }; _client.Start(3074); _peer = _client.Connect(host, port, "aetheria-cc65a44d"); Observable.EveryUpdate().Subscribe(_ => _client.PollEvents()); listener.NetworkErrorEvent += (point, code) => Logger($"{point.Address}: Error {code}"); listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += (peer, reader, method) => { var bytes = reader.GetRemainingBytes(); Logger($"Received message: {MessagePackSerializer.ConvertToJson(new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(bytes))}"); var message = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize <Message>(bytes); var type = message.GetType(); if (!Verified) { switch (message) { case LoginSuccessMessage loginSuccess: _token = loginSuccess.Session; break; case NetErrorMessage error: OnError?.Invoke(error.Error); break; } } if (_messageCallbacks.ContainsKey(type)) { typeof(ActionCollection <>).MakeGenericType(new[] { type }).GetMethod("Invoke") .Invoke(_messageCallbacks[type], new object[] { message }); } else { Logger( $"Received {type.Name} message but no one is listening for it so I'll just leave it here " + $"¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n{MessagePackSerializer.ConvertToJson(new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(bytes))}"); } }; listener.PeerConnectedEvent += peer => { Logger($"Peer {peer.EndPoint.Address}:{peer.EndPoint.Port} connected."); _peer = peer; if (Verified) { peer.Send(new VerifyMessage { Session = _token }); } }; listener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += (peer, info) => { Logger($"Peer {peer.EndPoint.Address}:{peer.EndPoint.Port} disconnected: {info.Reason}."); _peer = null; Connect(_lastHost, _lastPort); }; listener.NetworkLatencyUpdateEvent += (peer, latency) => Ping = latency; //Logger($"Ping received: {latency} ms"); }
private static extern void addToStoreInRange(string key, string stylePath, string path, int startLod, int endLod, OnError errorHandler);
private void WSClient_OnError(string id, Exception ex) { OnError?.Invoke(id, ex); }
/// <summary> /// Show the error message /// </summary> /// <param name="error">Error type</param> public void ShowErrorMessage(ErrorType error) { OnError?.Invoke(_errorMessages[error]); }
protected async void ParseMessage(byte[] bytes) { byte code = bytes[0]; Debug.Log("BYTE =>" + code); if (code == Protocol.JOIN_ROOM) { var offset = 1; SerializerId = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, offset + 1, bytes[offset]); offset += SerializerId.Length + 1; if (SerializerId == "schema") { serializer = new SchemaSerializer <T>(); } else if (SerializerId == "fossil-delta") { serializer = (ISerializer <T>) new FossilDeltaSerializer(); } if (bytes.Length > offset) { serializer.Handshake(bytes, offset); } OnJoin?.Invoke(); // Acknowledge JOIN_ROOM await Connection.Send(new byte[] { Protocol.JOIN_ROOM }); } else if (code == Protocol.ERROR) { Schema.Iterator it = new Schema.Iterator { Offset = 1 }; var errorCode = Decode.DecodeNumber(bytes, it); var errorMessage = Decode.DecodeString(bytes, it); OnError?.Invoke((int)errorCode, errorMessage); } else if (code == Protocol.ROOM_DATA_SCHEMA) { Type messageType = Schema.Context.GetInstance().Get(bytes[1]); var message = (Schema.Schema)Activator.CreateInstance(messageType); message.Decode(bytes, new Schema.Iterator { Offset = 2 }); IMessageHandler handler = null; OnMessageHandlers.TryGetValue("s" + message.GetType(), out handler); if (handler != null) { handler.Invoke(message); } else { Debug.LogError("room.OnMessage not registered for Schema message: " + message.GetType()); } } else if (code == Protocol.LEAVE_ROOM) { await Leave(); } else if (code == Protocol.ROOM_STATE) { Debug.Log("ROOM_STATE"); SetState(bytes, 1); } else if (code == Protocol.ROOM_STATE_PATCH) { Debug.Log("ROOM_STATE_PATCH"); Patch(bytes, 1); } else if (code == Protocol.ROOM_DATA) { IMessageHandler handler = null; object type; Schema.Iterator it = new Schema.Iterator { Offset = 1 }; if (Decode.NumberCheck(bytes, it)) { type = Decode.DecodeNumber(bytes, it); OnMessageHandlers.TryGetValue("i" + type, out handler); } else { type = Decode.DecodeString(bytes, it); OnMessageHandlers.TryGetValue(type.ToString(), out handler); } if (handler != null) { // // MsgPack deserialization can be optimized: // // var message = (bytes.Length > it.Offset) ? MsgPack.Deserialize(handler.Type, new MemoryStream(bytes, it.Offset, bytes.Length - it.Offset, false)) : null; handler.Invoke(message); } else { Debug.LogError("room.OnMessage not registered for: " + type); } } }
private static extern void addToStoreElement(string key, string stylePath, long id, double[] vertices, int vertexLength, string[] tags, int tagLength, int startLod, int endLod, OnError errorHandler);
/// <summary> /// Installs a windows service. Ensures user has Logon as a service right by calling <see cref="Security.SetLogonAsAService"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="svcName">Name of the service.</param> /// <param name="svcDispName">Display name of the service</param> /// <param name="svcPath">The service file path.</param> /// <param name="description">The service description.</param> /// <param name="username">The username to run the service.</param> /// <param name="password">The password of the user running the service.</param> /// <param name="svcType">Type of the service.</param> /// <param name="errHandle">The error handle type.</param> /// <param name="svcStartMode">The service start mode.</param> /// <param name="interactWithDesktop">if set to true service can interact with desktop.</param> /// <param name="loadOrderGroup">The load order group.</param> /// <param name="loadOrderGroupDependencies">The load order group dependencies.</param> /// <param name="svcDependencies">Any service dependencies.</param> /// <returns><see cref="WMI.ReturnValue"/></returns> public ReturnValue InstallService(string svcName, string svcDispName, string svcPath, string description, string username = null, string password = null, ServiceType svcType = ServiceType.OwnProcess, OnError errHandle = OnError.UserIsNotified, StartMode svcStartMode = StartMode.Auto, bool interactWithDesktop = false, string loadOrderGroup = null, string[] loadOrderGroupDependencies = null, string[] svcDependencies = null) { var service = new ServiceInfo { Name = svcName, DisplayName = svcDispName, Description = description, PathName = svcPath, ServiceType = svcType, ErrorHandle = errHandle, StartMode = svcStartMode, InteractWithDesktop = interactWithDesktop, LoadOrderGroup = loadOrderGroup, LoadOrderGroupDependencies = loadOrderGroupDependencies, Dependencies = svcDependencies, Username = ComputerManager.EnsureDomain(username), Password = password }; return InstallService(service); }
private static extern void loadQuadKey(string stylePath, int tileX, int tileY, int levelOfDetails, OnMeshBuilt meshBuiltHandler, OnElementLoaded elementLoadedHandler, OnError errorHandler);
/// <summary> /// Deletes the folder. /// </summary> ///<param name="onError">Sets the behavior of how to handle an error</param> ///<returns></returns> public Directory Delete(OnError onError) { FailableActionExecutor.DoAction(onError, _fileSystemWrapper.DeleteDirectory, _path, true); return this; }
/// <summary> Configure utymap. Should be called before any core API usage. </summary> /// <param name="stringPath"> Path to string table. </param> /// <param name="mapDataPath">Path for map data. </param> /// <param name="elePath"> Path to elevation data. </param> /// <param name="onError"> OnError callback. </param> public static void Configure(string stringPath, string mapDataPath, string elePath, OnError onError) { lock (__lockObj) { // NOTE this directories should be created in advance (and some others..) if (!Directory.Exists(stringPath) || !Directory.Exists(mapDataPath)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(String.Format("Cannot find {0} or {1}", stringPath, mapDataPath)); } if (_isConfigured) { return; } configure(stringPath, elePath, onError); // NOTE actually, it is possible to have multiple in-memory and persistent // storages at the same time. registerInMemoryStore(InMemoryStoreKey); registerPersistentStore(PersistentStoreKey, mapDataPath); _isConfigured = true; } }
public abstract void LoadTerminologyLanguages(Terminology terminology, OnError onError);
/// <summary> /// Adds map data to in-memory storage to specific level of detail range. /// Supported formats: shapefile, osm xml, osm pbf. /// </summary> /// <param name="storageType"> Map data storage. </param> /// <param name="stylePath"> Stylesheet path. </param> /// <param name="path"> Path to file. </param> /// <param name="levelOfDetails"> Specifies level of details for which data should be imported. </param> /// <param name="onError"> OnError callback. </param> public static void AddToStore(MapStorageType storageType, string stylePath, string path, Range <int> levelOfDetails, OnError onError) { addToStoreInRange(GetStoreKey(storageType), stylePath, path, levelOfDetails.Minimum, levelOfDetails.Maximum, onError); }
public abstract void LoadChildConceptsFromSubset(OnLoaded onLoaded, OnError onError, string terminologyId, string queryId, string language, string parentConcept);
public static extern void HP_Set_FN_Client_OnError(IntPtr pListener, OnError fn);
public static void AddElementToStore(MapStorageType storageType, string stylePath, Element element, Range <int> levelOfDetails, OnError onError) { double[] coordinates = new double[element.Geometry.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < element.Geometry.Length; ++i) { coordinates[i * 2] = element.Geometry[i].Latitude; coordinates[i * 2 + 1] = element.Geometry[i].Longitude; } string[] tags = new string[element.Tags.Count * 2]; var tagKeys = element.Tags.Keys.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tagKeys.Length; ++i) { tags[i * 2] = tagKeys[i]; tags[i * 2 + 1] = element.Tags[tagKeys[i]]; } addToStoreElement(GetStoreKey(storageType), stylePath, element.Id, coordinates, coordinates.Length, tags, tags.Length, levelOfDetails.Minimum, levelOfDetails.Maximum, onError); }
protected void FireOnError(object sender, Exception ex) { OnError?.Invoke(sender, ex); }
public override int Capture(FrameInfo frame) { var res = new Result(-1); try { //Try to get the duplicated output frame within given time. res = DuplicatedOutput.TryAcquireNextFrame(0, out var info, out var resource); if (FrameCount == 0 && (res.Failure || resource == null)) { //Somehow, it was not possible to retrieve the resource, frame or metadata. resource?.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } #region Process changes //Something on screen was moved or changed. if (info.TotalMetadataBufferSize > 0) { //Copy resource into memory that can be accessed by the CPU. using (var screenTexture = resource.QueryInterface <Texture2D>()) { #region Moved rectangles var movedRectangles = new OutputDuplicateMoveRectangle[info.TotalMetadataBufferSize]; DuplicatedOutput.GetFrameMoveRects(movedRectangles.Length, movedRectangles, out var movedRegionsLength); for (var movedIndex = 0; movedIndex < movedRegionsLength / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OutputDuplicateMoveRectangle)); movedIndex++) { //Crop the destination rectangle to the screen area rectangle. var left = Math.Max(movedRectangles[movedIndex].DestinationRect.Left, Left - OffsetLeft); var right = Math.Min(movedRectangles[movedIndex].DestinationRect.Right, Left + Width - OffsetLeft); var top = Math.Max(movedRectangles[movedIndex].DestinationRect.Top, Top - OffsetTop); var bottom = Math.Min(movedRectangles[movedIndex].DestinationRect.Bottom, Top + Height - OffsetTop); //Copies from the screen texture only the area which the user wants to capture. if (right > left && bottom > top) { //Limit the source rectangle to the available size within the destination rectangle. var sourceWidth = movedRectangles[movedIndex].SourcePoint.X + (right - left); var sourceHeight = movedRectangles[movedIndex].SourcePoint.Y + (bottom - top); Device.ImmediateContext.CopySubresourceRegion(screenTexture, 0, new ResourceRegion(movedRectangles[movedIndex].SourcePoint.X, movedRectangles[movedIndex].SourcePoint.Y, 0, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, 1), StagingTexture, 0, left - (Left - OffsetLeft), top - (Top - OffsetTop)); } } #endregion #region Dirty rectangles var dirtyRectangles = new RawRectangle[info.TotalMetadataBufferSize]; DuplicatedOutput.GetFrameDirtyRects(dirtyRectangles.Length, dirtyRectangles, out var dirtyRegionsLength); for (var dirtyIndex = 0; dirtyIndex < dirtyRegionsLength / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RawRectangle)); dirtyIndex++) { //Crop screen positions and size to frame sizes. var left = Math.Max(dirtyRectangles[dirtyIndex].Left, Left - OffsetLeft); var right = Math.Min(dirtyRectangles[dirtyIndex].Right, Left + Width - OffsetLeft); var top = Math.Max(dirtyRectangles[dirtyIndex].Top, Top - OffsetTop); var bottom = Math.Min(dirtyRectangles[dirtyIndex].Bottom, Top + Height - OffsetTop); //Copies from the screen texture only the area which the user wants to capture. if (right > left && bottom > top) { Device.ImmediateContext.CopySubresourceRegion(screenTexture, 0, new ResourceRegion(left, top, 0, right, bottom, 1), StagingTexture, 0, left - (Left - OffsetLeft), top - (Top - OffsetTop)); } } #endregion } } #endregion #region Gets the image data //Gets the staging texture as a stream. var data = Device.ImmediateContext.MapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0, MapMode.Read, MapFlags.None, out var stream); if (data.IsEmpty) { Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); stream?.Dispose(); resource?.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } //Set frame details. FrameCount++; frame.Path = $"{Project.FullPath}{FrameCount}.png"; frame.Delay = FrameRate.GetMilliseconds(); frame.DataLength = stream.Length; frame.Data = new byte[stream.Length]; //BGRA32 is 4 bytes. for (var height = 0; height < Height; height++) { stream.Position = height * data.RowPitch; Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(stream.DataPointer.ToInt64() + height * data.RowPitch), frame.Data, height * Width * 4, Width * 4); } BlockingCollection.Add(frame); #endregion Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); resource?.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.WaitTimeout.Result.Code) { return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceRemoved.Result.Code || se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceReset.Result.Code) { //When the device gets lost or reset, the resources should be instantiated again. DisposeInternal(); Initialize(); return(FrameCount); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.Log(ex, "It was not possible to finish capturing the frame with DirectX."); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => OnError.Invoke(ex)); return(FrameCount); } finally { try { //Only release the frame if there was a sucess in capturing it. if (res.Success) { DuplicatedOutput.ReleaseFrame(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogWriter.Log(e, "It was not possible to release the frame."); } } }
public static ReturnValue InstallService(string svcName, string svcDispName, string svcPath, ServiceType svcType, OnError errHandle, StartMode svcStartMode, bool interactWithDesktop, string svcStartName, string svcPassword, string loadOrderGroup, string[] loadOrderGroupDependencies, string[] svcDependencies) { var mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_Service"); ManagementBaseObject inParams = mc.GetMethodParameters("create"); inParams["Name"] = svcName; inParams["DisplayName"] = svcDispName; inParams["PathName"] = svcPath; inParams["ServiceType"] = svcType; inParams["ErrorControl"] = errHandle; inParams["StartMode"] = svcStartMode.ToString(); inParams["DesktopInteract"] = interactWithDesktop; inParams["StartName"] = svcStartName; inParams["StartPassword"] = svcPassword; inParams["LoadOrderGroup"] = loadOrderGroup; inParams["LoadOrderGroupDependencies"] = loadOrderGroupDependencies; inParams["ServiceDependencies"] = svcDependencies; try { ManagementBaseObject outParams = mc.InvokeMethod("create", inParams, null); return (ReturnValue) Enum.Parse(typeof (ReturnValue), outParams["ReturnValue"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int Capture2(FrameInfo frame) { var res = new Result(-1); try { //Try to get the duplicated output frame within given time. res = DuplicatedOutput.TryAcquireNextFrame(0, out var info, out var resource); //Somehow, it was not possible to retrieve the resource or any frame. if (res.Failure || resource == null || info.AccumulatedFrames == 0) { resource?.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } //Copy resource into memory that can be accessed by the CPU. using (var screenTexture = resource.QueryInterface <Texture2D>()) { //Copies from the screen texture only the area which the user wants to capture. Device.ImmediateContext.CopySubresourceRegion(screenTexture, 0, new ResourceRegion(TrueLeft, TrueTop, 0, TrueRight, TrueBottom, 1), StagingTexture, 0); } //Get the desktop capture texture. var data = Device.ImmediateContext.MapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0, MapMode.Read, MapFlags.None, out var stream); if (data.IsEmpty) { Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); stream?.Dispose(); resource.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } #region Get image data //Set frame details. FrameCount++; frame.Path = $"{Project.FullPath}{FrameCount}.png"; frame.Delay = FrameRate.GetMilliseconds(); frame.DataLength = stream.Length; frame.Data = new byte[stream.Length]; //BGRA32 is 4 bytes. for (var height = 0; height < Height; height++) { stream.Position = height * data.RowPitch; Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(stream.DataPointer.ToInt64() + height * data.RowPitch), frame.Data, height * Width * 4, Width * 4); } BlockingCollection.Add(frame); #endregion Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); resource.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.WaitTimeout.Result.Code) { return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceRemoved.Result.Code || se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceReset.Result.Code) { //When the device gets lost or reset, the resources should be instantiated again. DisposeInternal(); Initialize(); return(FrameCount); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.Log(ex, "It was not possible to finish capturing the frame with DirectX."); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => OnError.Invoke(ex)); return(FrameCount); } finally { try { //Only release the frame if there was a sucess in capturing it. if (res.Success) { DuplicatedOutput.ReleaseFrame(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogWriter.Log(e, "It was not possible to release the frame."); } } }
public int CaptureWithCursor2(FrameInfo frame) { var res = new Result(-1); try { //Try to get the duplicated output frame within given time. res = DuplicatedOutput.TryAcquireNextFrame(0, out var info, out var resource); //Checks how to proceed with the capture. It could have failed, or the screen, cursor or both could have been captured. if (res.Failure || resource == null || (info.AccumulatedFrames == 0 && info.LastMouseUpdateTime <= LastProcessTime)) { //Somehow, it was not possible to retrieve the resource, frame or metadata. resource?.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } else if (info.AccumulatedFrames == 0 && info.LastMouseUpdateTime > LastProcessTime) { //Gets the cursor shape if the screen hasn't changed in between, so the cursor will be available for the next frame. GetCursor(null, info, frame); resource.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); //TODO: if only the mouse changed, but there's no frame accumulated, but there's data in the texture from the previous frame, I need to merge with the cursor and add to the list. } //Saves the most recent capture time. LastProcessTime = Math.Max(info.LastPresentTime, info.LastMouseUpdateTime); //Copy resource into memory that can be accessed by the CPU. using (var screenTexture = resource.QueryInterface <Texture2D>()) { //Copies from the screen texture only the area which the user wants to capture. Device.ImmediateContext.CopySubresourceRegion(screenTexture, 0, new ResourceRegion(TrueLeft, TrueTop, 0, TrueRight, TrueBottom, 1), BackingTexture, 0); //Copy the captured desktop texture into a staging texture, in order to show the mouse cursor and not make the captured texture dirty with it. Device.ImmediateContext.CopyResource(BackingTexture, StagingTexture); //Gets the cursor image and merges with the staging texture. GetCursor(StagingTexture, info, frame); } //Get the desktop capture texture. var data = Device.ImmediateContext.MapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0, MapMode.Read, MapFlags.None, out var stream); if (data.IsEmpty) { Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); stream?.Dispose(); resource.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } #region Get image data //Set frame details. FrameCount++; frame.Path = $"{Project.FullPath}{FrameCount}.png"; frame.Delay = FrameRate.GetMilliseconds(); frame.DataLength = stream.Length; frame.Data = new byte[stream.Length]; //BGRA32 is 4 bytes. for (var height = 0; height < Height; height++) { stream.Position = height * data.RowPitch; Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(stream.DataPointer.ToInt64() + height * data.RowPitch), frame.Data, height * Width * 4, Width * 4); } BlockingCollection.Add(frame); #endregion Device.ImmediateContext.UnmapSubresource(StagingTexture, 0); stream.Dispose(); resource.Dispose(); return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.WaitTimeout.Result.Code) { return(FrameCount); } catch (SharpDXException se) when(se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceRemoved.Result.Code || se.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.DeviceReset.Result.Code) { //When the device gets lost or reset, the resources should be instantiated again. DisposeInternal(); Initialize(); return(FrameCount); } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.Log(ex, "It was not possible to finish capturing the frame with DirectX."); MajorCrashHappened = true; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => OnError.Invoke(ex)); return(FrameCount); } finally { try { //Only release the frame if there was a sucess in capturing it. if (res.Success) { DuplicatedOutput.ReleaseFrame(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogWriter.Log(e, "It was not possible to release the frame."); } } }
public void Error(OnErrorEventArgs eventArgs) { OnError?.Invoke(this, eventArgs); }
public async Task OpenAsync() { await ExecuteRetryPolicy(); subscriptions.Clear(); if (channel != null) { try { channel.Dispose(); channel = null; client = null; logger?.LogDebug("Disposed internal channel."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault disposing internal channel."); } } try { channel = new WebSocketClientChannel(endpointUrl, securityToken, "mqtt", new WebSocketConfig(), CancellationToken.None); client = new PiraeusMqttClient(new MqttConfig(180), channel); client.OnChannelError += Client_OnChannelError; client.OnChannelStateChange += Client_OnChannelStateChange; string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ConnectAckCode code = await client.ConnectAsync(sessionId, "JWT", securityToken, 180); if (code != ConnectAckCode.ConnectionAccepted) { logger?.LogWarning($"Module client connect return code = '{code}'."); OnError?.Invoke(this, new ChannelErrorEventArgs(channel.Id, new Exception($"Module channel failed to open with code = {code}"))); } else { logger?.LogInformation("Module client connected."); foreach (var slave in config.Slaves) { string inputPiSystem = UriGenerator.GetRtuPiSystem(config.Hostname, config.VirtualRtuId, config.DeviceId, slave.UnitId, true); await client.SubscribeAsync(inputPiSystem, QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce, ModuleReceived); logger?.LogDebug($"Module client subscribed to '{inputPiSystem}'"); } try { diag = new DiagnosticsChannel(config, client, logger); diag.StartAsync().GetAwaiter(); } catch (Exception ex) { diag = null; logger?.LogError(ex, "Diagnostics channel faulted."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex, "Fault opening module channel."); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds map data to in-memory storage to specific level of detail range. /// Supported formats: shapefile, osm xml, osm pbf. /// </summary> /// <param name="storageType"> Map data storage. </param> /// <param name="stylePath"> Stylesheet path. </param> /// <param name="path"> Path to file. </param> /// <param name="levelOfDetails"> Specifies level of details for which data should be imported. </param> /// <param name="onError"> OnError callback. </param> public static void AddToStore(MapStorageType storageType, string stylePath, string path, Range<int> levelOfDetails, OnError onError) { addToStoreInRange(GetStoreKey(storageType), stylePath, path, levelOfDetails.Minimum, levelOfDetails.Maximum, onError); }
private void Client_OnChannelError(object sender, ChannelErrorEventArgs args) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new ChannelErrorEventArgs(channel.Id, args.Error)); }
/// <summary> Configure utymap. Should be called first. </summary> /// <param name="stringPath"> Path to string table. </param> /// <param name="mapDataPath">Path for map data. </param> /// <param name="elePath"> Path to elevation data. </param> /// <param name="onError"> OnError callback. </param> public static void Configure(string stringPath, string mapDataPath, string elePath, OnError onError) { configure(stringPath, elePath, onError); // NOTE actually, it is possible to have multiple in-memory and persistent // storages at the same time. registerInMemoryStore(InMemoryStoreKey); registerPersistentStore(PersistentStoreKey, mapDataPath); // NOTE core library can't create directories so far for (int i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(mapDataPath, i.ToString())); }
private void ErrorEventMainThread(object obj) { OnError?.Invoke(this, (EventArgs)obj); }