private void OnConnected(params object[] args) { SetConnectionStrength(ConnectionStrength.Connected); Strength = ConnectionStrength.Connected; OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(); }
private void SetStatus(ConnectionStatus status) { switch (status) { case ConnectionStatus.Connecting: if (Status != ConnectionStatus.Connecting) { Status = ConnectionStatus.Connecting; } break; case ConnectionStatus.Connected: if (Status != ConnectionStatus.Connected) { Status = ConnectionStatus.Connected; MstTimer.Instance.StartCoroutine(Peer.SendDelayedMessages()); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(); } break; case ConnectionStatus.Disconnected: if (Status != ConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { Status = ConnectionStatus.Disconnected; OnDisconnectedEvent?.Invoke(); } break; } }
public void Connect(string host, int port) { try { IPHostEntry entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(host); if (entry != null && entry.AddressList != null) { for (int AddressListIndex = 0; AddressListIndex < entry.AddressList.Length; AddressListIndex++) { if (entry.AddressList[AddressListIndex].AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { socket?.Close(1000); socket?.Dispose(); socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); SocketAsyncEventArgs connectEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); connectEventArgs.Completed += ConnectEventArgs_Completed; connectEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(entry.AddressList[AddressListIndex], port); if (!socket.ConnectAsync(connectEventArgs)) { ConnectEventArgs_Completed(socket, connectEventArgs); } break; } } } } catch (SocketException se) { OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(false); OnSocketExceptionEvent?.Invoke(se); } }
private void OnConnected(object sender, OnConnectedArgs e) { EvtConnectedArgs connectedArgs = new EvtConnectedArgs() { BotUsername = e.BotUsername, AutoJoinChannel = e.AutoJoinChannel }; OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(connectedArgs); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void OnConnected() { try { OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } // Start receive datagrams ReceiveAsync(); }
private void AcceptTask(IAsyncResult ar) { var tcpClient = server.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar); string name = Dns.GetHostEntry(((IPEndPoint)tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address).HostName; int id = nextId; clients.Add(id, tcpClient); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(name); nextId++; server.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptTask, null); }
private void ProcessPacket(ArraySegment <byte> data) { bool default_id = data.Array[0] < 134; if (data.Array[0] == 134) { string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.Array, 1, data.Count - 1); if (RakNet_Peer.debugLevel >= RakDebugLevel.Low) { Debug.Log("[Client] Disconnect reason " + (text.Length > 0 ? text : "empty")); } disconnect_reason = text; return; } if (default_id) { switch ((RakNetPacketID)data.Array[0]) { case RakNetPacketID.CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: IsConnecting = false; IsConnected = true; Debug.Log("[Client] Connected to " + client_peer.address + ":" + client_peer.port); OnConnected(client_peer.address, client_peer.port); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(client_peer.address, client_peer.port); break; case RakNetPacketID.NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS: Disconnect(DisconnectionType.ServerIsFull); break; case RakNetPacketID.CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED: Disconnect(DisconnectionType.Timeout); break; case RakNetPacketID.CONNECTION_LOST: Disconnect(DisconnectionType.ConnectionLost); break; case RakNetPacketID.DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: Disconnect(DisconnectionType.ConnectionClosed); break; } } else { OnReceivedData(data); } }
private void SetupStart() { EvtConnectedArgs conArgs = new EvtConnectedArgs { BotUsername = BotProgram.BotName, AutoJoinChannel = string.Empty }; OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(conArgs); EvtJoinedChannelArgs joinedChannelArgs = new EvtJoinedChannelArgs { BotUsername = BotProgram.BotName, Channel = string.Empty }; OnJoinedChannelEvent?.Invoke(joinedChannelArgs); }
private void SetupStart() { TRBotLogger.Logger.Information($"\nPlease enter a name to use (no spaces)! This can be an existing name in the database. Skip to use \"{DEFAULT_TERMINAL_USERNAME}\" as the name."); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) == true) { newName = DEFAULT_TERMINAL_USERNAME; } else { //Remove all spaces newName = Helpers.RemoveAllWhitespace(newName); } //Set the name TerminalUsername = newName; EvtConnectedArgs conArgs = new EvtConnectedArgs { BotUsername = TerminalUsername, AutoJoinChannel = string.Empty }; OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(conArgs); EvtJoinedChannelArgs joinedChannelArgs = new EvtJoinedChannelArgs { BotUsername = TerminalUsername, Channel = string.Empty }; OnJoinedChannelEvent?.Invoke(joinedChannelArgs); }
private async Task OnMessage(ResponseMessage message) { var des = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExileTradeWebSocketMessage>(message.Text); if (des?.Auth != null) { if (des.Auth.Value) { OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { await Stop(); } } if (des?.New != null) { foreach (var id in des.New) { OnNewIdRecievedEvent?.Invoke(this, id); } } }
public override void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn) { base.OnClientConnect(conn); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(conn); }
public virtual void OnConnected(HPacket packet) { HotelServer = HotelEndPoint.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), packet.ReadInt32()); ClientVersion = packet.ReadUTF8(); ClientIdentifier = packet.ReadUTF8(); ClientType = packet.ReadUTF8(); try { MessagesInfoIncoming = new List <HMessage>(); MessagesInfoOutgoing = new List <HMessage>(); Out = new Outgoing(new List <HMessage>()); In = new Incoming(new List <HMessage>()); int MessagesInfoLenght = packet.ReadInt32(); foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, MessagesInfoLenght)) { int CurrentMessageID = packet.ReadInt32(); string CurrentMessageHash = packet.ReadUTF8(); string CurrentMessageName = packet.ReadUTF8(); string CurrentMessageStructure = packet.ReadUTF8(); bool CurrentMessageIsOutgoing = packet.ReadBoolean(); string CurrentMessageSource = packet.ReadUTF8(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentMessageHash) || CurrentMessageHash == "NULL") { CurrentMessageHash = CurrentMessageName; } CurrentMessageHash = CurrentMessageSource + "_" + CurrentMessageHash; HMessage CurrentHMessage = new HMessage((ushort)CurrentMessageID, CurrentMessageHash, CurrentMessageName, CurrentMessageStructure); if (CurrentMessageIsOutgoing) { MessagesInfoOutgoing.Add(CurrentHMessage); } else { MessagesInfoIncoming.Add(CurrentHMessage); } } List <HMessage> GeodeOut = new List <HMessage>(); List <HMessage> GeodeIn = new List <HMessage>(); foreach (PropertyInfo GeodeOutProperty in Out.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { if (GeodeOutProperty.PropertyType == typeof(HMessage)) { GeodeOut.Add(MessagesInfoOutgoing.First(x => x.Name == GeodeOutProperty.Name)); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("MessageInfo not found for: " + GeodeOutProperty.Name); } } foreach (PropertyInfo GeodeInProperty in In.GetType().GetProperties()) { try { if (GeodeInProperty.PropertyType == typeof(HMessage)) { GeodeIn.Add(MessagesInfoIncoming.First(x => x.Name == GeodeInProperty.Name)); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("MessageInfo not found for: " + GeodeInProperty.Name); } } Out = new Outgoing(GeodeOut); In = new Incoming(GeodeIn); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Critical MessagesInfo exception: " + ex.Message); MessagesInfo_Failed = true; } IsConnected = true; if (DisableEventHandlers == false) { try { OnConnectedEvent.Invoke(this, packet); } catch { };//Invoke event handler } }
private void OnConnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsConnected.Set(); Debug.Log("Connected to RosBridge: " + RosBridgeServerUrl); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public Task OnConnected(OnConnectedEvent theEvent) { return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected override void OnHandshaked() { Console.WriteLine($"Chat SSL client handshaked a new session with Id {Id}"); OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public override void OnConnected(string p0) { OnConnectedEvent?.Invoke(this, p0); }