public virtual void Submit_Input()
     if (!isInInertia && !IsSwapping && !IsChangingItem)
         OnClickOnItem.Invoke(CurrentItem.gameObject);           //Invoke OnClick Event on the Controller
         CurrentItem.OnSelected.Invoke();                        //Invoke OnSelected Event on the Item
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///Drag/Swipe with Mouse/Touch and Action by Click/Tap
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void SelectionAction()
            CurrentEventData.position = Input.mousePosition;

            #region Hover && SoloSelection
            if (Hover && SoloSelection)
                List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();
                EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(CurrentEventData, results); //HERE IS THE MODIfICATION

                if (results.Count > 0)
                    GameObject HitObject = results[0].gameObject;

                    if (HitObject.GetComponentInParent <SelectorManager>() != S_Manager)
                        return;                                                                 //Its not the same selector Skip All
                    MItem HitObjectItem = HitObject.GetComponentInParent <MItem>();

                    if (HitItem != HitObjectItem)
                        HitItem = HitObjectItem;

                        if (HitItem)
                            int Next = Items.FindIndex(item => item == HitItem);
                            if (IndexSelected != Next)
                                IndexSelected = Next;

                                if (PreviousItem && !PreviousItem.IsRestoring)
                                    StartCoroutine(RestoreTransformAnimation(PreviousItem)); //If is not restoring the Previous Item Restore it
                            if (MainInputDown)
                                IsSelectTransformAnimation = true;
                                OnClickOnItem.Invoke(CurrentItem.gameObject);           //Invoke OnClick Event on the Controller
                                CurrentItem.OnSelected.Invoke();                        //Invoke OnSelected Event on the Item
                //return;  //Skip everything else
            if (MainInputDown)                                          //The moment the mouse/touch start the click/touch
                MouseStartPosition = Input.mousePosition;               //Store the mouse/touch start position
                DeltaSelectorT.StoreTransform(transform);               //Store the Current Selector Transform Data

                IsSwapping = false;                                     //Set swapping to false
            if (SoloSelection)
                DeltaMousePos =;
                goto ReleaseMouse;

            #region DRAG/SWIPE on MOUSE/TOUCH

            if (MainInputPress)                                                                             //if we are still touching means that we are dragging/swiping
                DeltaMousePos = MouseStartPosition - Input.mousePosition;                                   //Store the amount of distance travelled sice the first click/touch

                if (DeltaMousePos.magnitude > Threshold && !IsSwapping && DragSpeed != 0 && !SoloSelection) //Find out if is a Swipe/Drag
                    IsSwapping = true;                                                                      //Is a Drag/Swipe!!

                    StartCoroutine(RestoreTransformAnimation(CurrentItem));                                 //Restore the Current Item to their last pos

                #region Dragin and Swapping if Animate Selection is Active

                if (AnimateSelection && IsSwapping && DragSpeed != 0)                                   //Just Drag if Animate Selection is active
                    #region Drag Radial
                    if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Radial)                 //If is a Radial Selector-----------------------------------------------------------
                        DragDistance = dragHorizontal ? DeltaMousePos.x : DeltaMousePos.y;

                        DragDistance = DragDistance * Time.fixedDeltaTime * DragSpeed;

                        //Rotate while drag
                        switch (S_Editor.RadialAxis)
                        case RadialAxis.Up:
                            transform.localEulerAngles = DeltaSelectorT.LocalEulerAngles + new Vector3(0, DragDistance, 0);                 //Rotate  on Y axis the Selector

                        case RadialAxis.Right:
                            transform.localEulerAngles = DeltaSelectorT.LocalEulerAngles + new Vector3(DragDistance, 0, 0);                 //Rotate on X axis the Selector This one has probems with gimbal

                        case RadialAxis.Forward:
                            transform.localEulerAngles = DeltaSelectorT.LocalEulerAngles + new Vector3(0, 0, DragDistance);                  //Rotate  on Z axis the Selector


                        if (IsSwapping)
                            CheckForWorldRotation();                //Align Items to the World if Use World is Active
                    #region Drag Linear
                    else if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Linear)                                  //If is a Linear Selector-----------------------------------------------------------
                        float magnitude = dragHorizontal ? DeltaMousePos.x : DeltaMousePos.y;

                        DragDistance = -(DeltaSelectorT.LocalPosition - InitialTransform.LocalPosition).magnitude + (-magnitude * DragSpeed * 0.002f);

                        float maxDistance = -distance * (Items.Count - 1);
                        DragDistance = Mathf.Clamp(DragDistance, maxDistance, 0);

                        transform.localPosition = InitialTransform.LocalPosition + S_Editor.LinearVector * DragDistance;
                    #region Drag Grid
                    else if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Grid)
                        transform.localPosition = GridVector();

            #region Release Mouse Click/Touch


            if (MainInputUp)                              //if is released the Click/Touch───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
                IsSwapping = false;                       //Set Swapping to false

                if (DeltaMousePos.magnitude <= Threshold) //if it was a CLICK/TAP and it was not on top a IU Element
                    List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();
                    EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(CurrentEventData, results);

                    if (results.Count > 0)
                        MItem HitItem = results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <MItem>();

                        if (HitItem)
                            if (HitItem.GetComponentInParent <SelectorManager>() != S_Manager)
                                return;                                                                     //Its not the same Selector
                            int Next = Items.FindIndex(item => item == HitItem);

                            if (IndexSelected == Next)                                                      //If we Click/Touch the Selected item Invoke |ON CLICK|
                                IsSelectTransformAnimation = true;
                                OnClickOnItem.Invoke(current.gameObject);                   //Invoke OnClick Event on the Controller
                                current.OnSelected.Invoke();                                //Invoke OnSelected Event on the Item
                            else                                                            //If another visible item was touch change to that one;
                                if (ClickToFocus)
                                    IndexSelected = Next;                                   //Focus on the Next Item if lcick to focus is Active
                    else if (ChangeOnEmptySpace)               // if we did not hit any item the it was a click/touch on Left or Right of the Screen
                        Vector2 center = new Vector2(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f);

                        if ((Input.mousePosition.x < center.x && dragHorizontal) || ((Input.mousePosition.y < center.y && !dragHorizontal)))

                else if (DragSpeed != 0)                              //Else if it was a swipe and swipe is active, average to the nearest item on the camera view
                    if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Radial) //Circular Selector---------------------------
                        int Next = Mathf.RoundToInt(DragDistance / S_Editor.Angle);

                        if (S_Editor.RadialAxis != RadialAxis.Up)
                            Next = -Next;

                        if (Next < 0)
                            Next = Items.Count + (Next % Items.Count);

                        IndexSelected += Next;                             // ????????????????????
                    else if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Linear) //Linear Selector---------------------------
                        IndexSelected = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(DragDistance) / distance) % Items.Count;
                    else if (S_Editor.SelectorType == SelectorType.Grid)                   //Grid Selector---------------------------
                        Vector3 DragMouse = GridVector() - InitialTransform.LocalPosition; //Get the Position on the Grid

                        int   Next = 0;
                        float mag  = float.MaxValue;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
                            float currentmag = Mathf.Abs((DragMouse + Items[i].transform.localPosition).magnitude); //Find the nearest item.

                            if (currentmag < mag)
                                Next = i;
                                mag  = currentmag;
                        IndexSelected = Next;       //Set the Focused Item to the next
                    DragDistance = 0;               //Reset Drag Distance
Example #3
        void Update()
            if (!IsActive)


            if (Submit.GetInput)
                IsSelectTransformAnimation = true;
                OnClickOnItem.Invoke(CurrentItem.gameObject);           //Invoke OnClick Event on the Controller
                CurrentItem.OnSelected.Invoke();                        //Invoke OnSelected Event on the Item

            if (S_Editor.SelectorType != SelectorType.Grid)
                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput || ChangeDown.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(false);                                                  //Change to Previous item
                if (ChangeRight.GetInput || ChangeUp.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(true);                                                   //Change to Next item
                #region GRID Selection
                int NextItemIndex = IndexSelected;

                int CurrentRow = IndexSelected / S_Editor.Grid;

                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput)                                        //Change Left

                    NextItemIndex = (NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid) + (CurrentRow * S_Editor.Grid);

                    if (NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = Items.Count - 1;
                    if (NextItemIndex < 0)
                        NextItemIndex = S_Editor.Grid - 1;
                else if (ChangeRight.GetInput)                                  //Change Right

                    if (NextItemIndex == Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = GridTotal;

                    NextItemIndex = NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid + (CurrentRow * S_Editor.Grid);
                else if (ChangeUp.GetInput)                                     //Change UP
                    NextItemIndex += S_Editor.Grid;

                    if (NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid;
                else if (ChangeDown.GetInput)
                    NextItemIndex -= S_Editor.Grid;

                    if (NextItemIndex < 0)
                        if (GridTotal + NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                            NextItemIndex -= S_Editor.Grid;
                        NextItemIndex = GridTotal + NextItemIndex;

                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput || ChangeDown.GetInput ||
                    ChangeRight.GetInput || ChangeUp.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(NextItemIndex);        //Change to Previous item
        void Update()
            if (!IsActive)


            if (Submit.GetInput)
                if (!isInInertia && !IsSwapping && !IsChangingItem)
                    OnClickOnItem.Invoke(CurrentItem.gameObject);           //Invoke OnClick Event on the Controller
                    CurrentItem.OnSelected.Invoke();                        //Invoke OnSelected Event on the Item

            if (S_Editor.SelectorType != SelectorType.Grid)
                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput || ChangeDown.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(false);                                                  //Change to Previous item
                if (ChangeRight.GetInput || ChangeUp.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(true);                                                   //Change to Next item
                #region GRID Selection
                int NextItemIndex = IndexSelected;

                int CurrentRow = IndexSelected / S_Editor.Grid;

                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput)                                        //Change Left

                    NextItemIndex = (NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid) + (CurrentRow * S_Editor.Grid);

                    if (NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = Items.Count - 1;
                    if (NextItemIndex < 0)
                        NextItemIndex = S_Editor.Grid - 1;
                else if (ChangeRight.GetInput)                                  //Change Right

                    if (NextItemIndex == Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = GridTotal;

                    NextItemIndex = NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid + (CurrentRow * S_Editor.Grid);
                else if (ChangeUp.GetInput)                                     //Change UP
                    NextItemIndex += S_Editor.Grid;

                    if (NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                        NextItemIndex = NextItemIndex % S_Editor.Grid;
                else if (ChangeDown.GetInput)
                    NextItemIndex -= S_Editor.Grid;

                    if (NextItemIndex < 0)
                        if (GridTotal + NextItemIndex >= Items.Count)
                            NextItemIndex -= S_Editor.Grid;
                        NextItemIndex = GridTotal + NextItemIndex;

                if (ChangeLeft.GetInput || ChangeDown.GetInput ||
                    ChangeRight.GetInput || ChangeUp.GetInput)
                    SelectNextItem(NextItemIndex);        //Change to Previous item

            // forcing the selector to center X
            // TODO : not have this be a magic number ( based on the number of columns ...)
            Vector3 forcedXLocation = new Vector3(-2f, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z);
            transform.localPosition = forcedXLocation;