void LateUpdate() { if (viewpoint != null) { float factor = Mathf.Min(1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 7.0f); mTrans.position = Vector3.Lerp(mTrans.position, viewpoint.position, factor); mTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(mTrans.rotation, viewpoint.rotation, factor); mLerpSpeed = 0f; } else if (!mMouseHeld && !allowInput) { allowInput = true; } else { ProcessInput(); onClick = null; // Lerp speed is interpolated so that the camera exits 'viewpoint focus' mode smoothly mLerpSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(mLerpSpeed, 1f, Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime * 5f)); // Lerp the 'look at' position float factor = Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime * 20.0f * mLerpSpeed); mPos = Vector3.Lerp(mPos, followPos, factor); float angleX = angleCurve.Evaluate(mDolly.x); Quaternion targetRot = Quaternion.Euler(angleX, mAngleY, 0.0f); // Lerp the final position and rotation of the camera, offset by the dolly distance Vector3 offset = Vector3.forward * distanceCurve.Evaluate(mDolly.x); mTrans.position = Vector3.Lerp(mTrans.position, mPos - targetRot * offset, factor); mTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(mTrans.rotation, targetRot, factor); } }
// add onClick public void AddOnClick(OnClick clickFunc) { if (onClick == null) onClick = clickFunc; else onClick += clickFunc; }
public CharacterSelectMenuScreen() { this.playerName = new TextBox(); this.characterName = new TextBox(); this.buttons = new Button[4]; OnClick c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.KnightKlick); this.InitializeButton(0, "Knight", "Knight", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 270, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.MarksmanKlick); this.InitializeButton(1, "Marksman", "Marksman", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 350, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.MageKlick); this.InitializeButton(2, "Mage", "Mage", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 430, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ToMainMenuClick); this.InitializeButton(3, "Back", "Back", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 510, c); this.playerName.Name = "Player"; this.playerName.Text = "PlayerName"; this.playerName.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; this.playerName.Width = 130; this.playerName.Height = 53; this.playerName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 + 125), 270); this.characterName.Name = "Character"; this.characterName.Text = "CharacterName"; this.characterName.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; this.characterName.Width = 130; this.characterName.Height = 53; this.characterName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 + 125), 330); }
public GHitspot(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, OnClick Target) : base(X, Y) { this.m_Width = Width; this.m_Height = Height; this.m_Target = Target; }
public Button(OnClick onClickMethod, Rectangle position, string caption) { // Save click method and initialise state variables. mOnClickMethod = onClickMethod; mHovered = false; mVisible = true; mEnabled = true; mMarked = false; // Load texture and save information about its appearance. mBackground = Core.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/button"); mPosition = position; mTint = Color.White; mHighlight = new Color(2, 84, 85, 255); // Save caption, its colour, position and load the font. mCaption = caption; mTextColour = Color.Ivory; mFont = Core.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/button"); Vector2 textSize = mFont.MeasureString(mCaption); mTextPos = new Vector2(mPosition.X + (mPosition.Width - textSize.X) * 0.5f, mPosition.Y + (mPosition.Height - textSize.Y) * 0.5f); mTextShadowPos = mTextPos + new Vector2(2, 2); }
// this is called by storage public void Init(UIStorageBase sb, int id, OnClick clickFunc) { slot_id = id; storage = sb; AddOnClick(clickFunc); // more here }
public LoadMenuScreen() { this.buttons = new Button[5]; OnClick c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.LoadSlot1Click); this.InitializeButton(0, "Slot1", "Slot 1", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 270, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.LoadSlot2Click); this.InitializeButton(1, "Slot2", "Slot 2", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 350, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.LoadSlot3Click); this.InitializeButton(2, "Slot3", "Slot 3", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 430, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.LoadMenuBackClick); this.InitializeButton(3, "Back", "Back", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 510, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ToMainMenuClick); this.InitializeButton(4, "ExitToMainMenu", "Exit to Main Menu", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 590, c); MenuEntered += this.OnMenuEntered; this.playerSlots = new string[3][]; this.slots = new int[3][]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.playerSlots[i] = new string[3]; this.slots[i] = new int[31 * 19]; } }
private GSystemButton AddButton(string name, int x, int y, int w, int h, OnClick onClick) { GSystemButton toAdd = new GSystemButton(x, y, w, h, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlText, name, Engine.GetUniFont(2)) { OnClick = onClick }; base.Client.Children.Add(toAdd); return toAdd; }
private GWindowsButton AddButton(string name, int index, OnClick onClick) { GWindowsButton toAdd = new GWindowsButton(name, 0x103, (30 + (index * 0x19)) - 0x16, 0x2f, 0x16) { OnClick = onClick }; base.Client.Children.Add(toAdd); return toAdd; }
public AntennaConfigFragment(IAntenna antenna, OnClick forceClose, OnAntenna onUpdate) { mFocus = antenna; mForceClose = forceClose; mOnUpdate = onUpdate; RTCore.Instance.Antennas.Unregistered += OnAntenna; RebuildTargetList(); }
public void RegisterOnCharacterClick(OnClick callback) { foreach (var rendable in GetRendables()) { var button = rendable as GameButton; if (button != null) { button.RegisterOnClick(callback); } } }
public GFlatButton(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, string Text, OnClick OnClick) : base(X, Y, Width, Height) { this.m_OnClick = OnClick; base.m_CanDrag = false; GTextButton toAdd = new GTextButton(Text, Engine.GetUniFont(0), Hues.Default, Hues.Load(0x35), 0, 0, new OnClick(this.Route_OnClick)); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd.Center(); base.m_Children.Add(new GHotspot(0, 0, Width, Height, toAdd)); }
public BehaviorModel(UCWebBrowserEx wb, BeforeAddBehavior methodBeforeAddBehavior, AfterAddBehavior methodAfterAddBehavior, ThrowException methodThrowException, OnClick methodOnClick, MouseOverOnBrowser methodMouseOverOnBrowser) { this._webBrowser = wb; this._methodBeforeAddBehavior = methodBeforeAddBehavior; this._methodAfterAddBehavior = methodAfterAddBehavior; this._methodThrowException = methodThrowException; this._methodClick = methodOnClick; this._methodMouseOverOnBrowser = methodMouseOverOnBrowser; this.AttachEvent(); }
protected void InitializeButton(int index, string name, string text, int width, int height, int startX, int startY, OnClick click) { buttons[index] = new Button(); buttons[index].Name = name; buttons[index].Text = text; buttons[index].BackColor = Color.DarkGray; buttons[index].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height); buttons[index].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(startX, startY); buttons[index].Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left; buttons[index].Visible = true; buttons[index].Click += new EventHandler(click); }
public SatelliteConfigFragment(VesselSatellite vs, OnClick forceClose, OnAntenna onClick) { mForceClose = forceClose; mOnClick = onClick; mFocus = vs; RebuildAntennaList(); RTCore.Instance.Antennas.Registered += OnAntenna; RTCore.Instance.Antennas.Unregistered += OnAntenna; RTCore.Instance.Satellites.Unregistered += OnSatellite; }
public GButton(int NormalID, int OverID, int PressedID, int X, int Y, OnClick ClickHandler) : base(X, Y) { this.m_fAlpha = 1f; this.m_GumpID = new int[] { NormalID, OverID, PressedID }; this.m_Gump = new Texture[3]; this.m_Draw = new bool[3]; IHue hue = Hues.Default; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.m_Gump[i] = hue.GetGump(this.m_GumpID[i]); this.m_Draw[i] = (this.m_Gump[i] != null) && !this.m_Gump[i].IsEmpty(); } this.m_OnClick = ClickHandler; this.Enabled = this.m_OnClick != null; base.m_ITranslucent = true; }
public GQuickHues(GHuePicker Picker, GBrightnessBar Brightness, GFlatButton Okay) : base(3, 0x57, 0x76, 20) { this.m_CompactHeight = 20; this.m_ExpandedHeight = Engine.GameHeight / 2; this.m_Picker = Picker; this.m_Brightness = Brightness; this.m_Okay = Okay; base.m_CanDrag = false; this.m_Timer = new Timer(new OnTick(this.Roll_OnTick), 0); GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("Quick Hues", Engine.GetUniFont(0), Hues.Default, 2, 2); this.Height = 20; this.m_CompactHeight = base.m_Height; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd.Center(); QuickHues.Load(); int count = QuickHues.Entries.Count; int num2 = 0x16; Clipper clipper = new Clipper(base.m_X + 1, base.m_Y + 1, base.m_Width - 2, base.m_Height - 2); GTextButton button = new GTextButton("Create new..", Engine.GetUniFont(0), Hues.Default, Hues.Load(0x35), 2, 2, new OnClick(this.Add_OnClick)); base.m_Children.Add(button); button.Center(); button.Y = num2; button.Scissor(clipper); num2 += button.Height; OnClick onClick = new OnClick(this.Entry_OnClick); OnHighlight highlight = new OnHighlight(this.Entry_OnHighlight); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QuickHueEntry entry = (QuickHueEntry) QuickHues.Entries[i]; GTextButton button2 = new GTextButton(entry.Name, Engine.GetUniFont(0), Hues.Load(0x58), Hues.Load(0x35), 2, 2, onClick); base.m_Children.Add(button2); button2.Center(); button2.Y = num2; button2.Scissor(clipper); button2.SetTag("HueID", entry.Hue); button2.SetTag("Index", i); num2 += button2.Height; button2.OnHighlight = highlight; button2.Tooltip = new Tooltip(string.Format("0x{0:X}", entry.Hue)); } num2 += 2; this.m_ExpandedHeight = num2; }
public GCombatGump() : base(0x2b02, 50, 50) { AbilityInfo[] abilities = AbilityInfo.Abilities; AbilityInfo active = AbilityInfo.Active; AbilityInfo primary = AbilityInfo.Primary; AbilityInfo secondary = AbilityInfo.Secondary; IFont uniFont = Engine.GetUniFont(1); OnClick onClick = new OnClick(this.Name_OnClick); GLabel toAdd = new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 100, 4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("INDEX", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x106, 4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); for (int i = 0; i < abilities.Length; i++) { AbilityInfo a = abilities[i]; IHue hueFor = GetHueFor(a); toAdd = new GTextButton(Localization.GetString(a.Name), uniFont, hueFor, hueFor, 0x38 + ((i / 9) * 0xa2), 0x26 + ((i % 9) * 15), onClick); a.NameLabel = (GTextButton) toAdd; toAdd.SetTag("Ability", a); toAdd.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(a.Tooltip), true, 240); toAdd.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); } this.m_PrimaryIcon = new GAbilityIcon(true, true, primary.Icon, 0xda, 0x69); this.m_PrimaryIcon.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(primary.Name), true); this.m_PrimaryIcon.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; this.m_PrimaryIcon.Hue = (primary == AbilityInfo.Active) ? Hues.Load(0x8026) : Hues.Default; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_PrimaryIcon); toAdd = new GLabel("Primary", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0x69); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("Ability Icon", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0x77); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); this.m_SecondaryIcon = new GAbilityIcon(true, false, secondary.Icon, 0xda, 150); this.m_SecondaryIcon.Tooltip = new Tooltip(Localization.GetString(secondary.Name), true); this.m_SecondaryIcon.Tooltip.Delay = 0.25f; this.m_SecondaryIcon.Hue = (secondary == AbilityInfo.Active) ? Hues.Load(0x8026) : Hues.Default; base.m_Children.Add(this.m_SecondaryIcon); toAdd = new GLabel("Secondary", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 150); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); toAdd = new GLabel("Ability Icon", Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 0x10c, 0xa4); base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); }
public SaveMenuScreen() { this.buttons = new Button[5]; OnClick c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.SaveToSlot1Click); this.InitializeButton(0, "Slot1", "Slot 1", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 270, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.SaveToSlot2Click); this.InitializeButton(1, "Slot2", "Slot 2", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 350, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.SaveToSlot3Click); this.InitializeButton(2, "Slot3", "Slot 3", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 430, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.SaveMenuBackClick); this.InitializeButton(3, "Back", "Back", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 510, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ToMainMenuClick); this.InitializeButton(4, "ExitToMainMenu", "Exit to Main Menu", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 590, c); }
public PauseMenuScreen() { this.buttons = new Button[5]; OnClick c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ResumeGameClick); this.InitializeButton(0, "ResumeGame", "Resume Game", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 270, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.SaveGameClick); this.InitializeButton(1, "SaveGame", "Save Game", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 350, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.HelpClick); this.InitializeButton(2, "Help", "Help", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 430, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ToMainMenuClick); this.InitializeButton(3, "ExitToMainMenu", "Exit to Main Menu", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 510, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ExitClick); this.InitializeButton(4, "Quit", "Quit to Desktop", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 590, c); }
public MainMenuScreen() { this.buttons = new Button[5]; OnClick c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.NewGameClick); this.InitializeButton(0, "NewGame", "New Game", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 0, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.LoadGameClick); this.InitializeButton(1, "LoadGame", "Load Game", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 80, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.HighScoresClick); this.InitializeButton(2, "HighScores", "High Scores", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 160, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.HelpClick); this.InitializeButton(3, "Help", "Help", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 240, c); c = new OnClick(ButtonClickEvents.ExitClick); this.InitializeButton(4, "Exit", "Exit", 130, 53, (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 - 65), 320, c); }
private GContextMenu(object owner, PopupEntry[] list) : base(100, 100) { this.m_VertexPool = VertexConstructor.Create(); this.m_Owner = owner; base.m_GUID = "MobilePopup"; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int length = list.Length; IFont uniFont = Engine.GetUniFont(3); IHue bright = Hues.Bright; IHue focusHue = Hues.Load(0x35); IHue hue = Hues.Default; OnClick onClick = new OnClick(this.Entry_OnClick); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { PopupEntry entry = list[i]; GLabel toAdd = null; if (entry.Flags == 1) { toAdd = new GLabel(entry.Text, uniFont, hue, 7, 7 + num2); } else { toAdd = new GTextButton(entry.Text, uniFont, bright, focusHue, 7, 7 + num2, onClick); toAdd.SetTag("EntryID", entry.EntryID); } toAdd.X -= toAdd.Image.xMin; toAdd.Y -= toAdd.Image.yMin; num2 += (toAdd.Image.yMax - toAdd.Image.yMin) + 4; if (((toAdd.Image.xMax - toAdd.Image.xMin) + 1) > num) { num = (toAdd.Image.xMax - toAdd.Image.xMin) + 1; } base.m_Children.Add(toAdd); } num2 -= 3; this.m_Width = num + 14; this.m_Height = num2 + 14; }
public AttitudeFragment(FlightComputer fc, OnClick queue) { mFlightComputer = fc; mOnClickQueue = queue; }
private void Toast_Activated(ToastNotification sender, object args) { OnClick?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); }
public void LoadData(CardType cardType, int value, int width, int height, Transform cardParent, Vector3 position, OnClick onClickDelegate) { OnClickDelegate = onClickDelegate; LoadData(cardType, value, width, height, cardParent, position); }
private void Awake() { button.onClick.AddListener(() => OnClick?.Invoke(this, new AssetButtonClickArgs(Item))); }
internal void DispatchEvent(Map map, MapJsEventArgs eventArgs) { switch (eventArgs.Type) { case "click": OnClick?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "contextmenu": OnContextMenu?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "dblclick": OnDblClick?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "layeradded": OnLayerAdded?.Invoke(new MapEventArgs(map, eventArgs.Type)); break; case "layerremoved": OnLayerRemoved?.Invoke(new MapEventArgs(map, eventArgs.Type)); break; case "mousedown": OnMouseDown?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mouseenter": OnMouseEnter?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mouseleave": OnMouseLeave?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mousemove": OnMouseMove?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mouseout": OnMouseOut?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mouseover": OnMouseOver?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "mouseup": OnMouseUp?.Invoke(new MapMouseEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "touchcancel": OnTouchCancel?.Invoke(new MapTouchEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "touchend": OnTouchEnd?.Invoke(new MapTouchEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "touchmove": OnTouchMove?.Invoke(new MapTouchEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "touchstart": OnTouchStart?.Invoke(new MapTouchEventArgs(map, eventArgs)); break; case "wheel": OnWheel?.Invoke(new MapEventArgs(map, eventArgs.Type)); break; } }
protected async Task Clicked(UIMouseEventArgs e) { await OnClick.InvokeAsync(e); }
void Awake() { onClick = GetComponent <OnClick>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string code = "#include <tcclib.h>\n" + /* include the "Simple libc header for TCC" */ "#define _cdecl __attribute__((__cdecl__))\n" + /*define cdelc calling convention*/ "#define _import __attribute__((dllimport))\n" + /*define dllimport for symbol*/ "_cdecl _import extern int add(int a, int b);\n" + "_import extern const char hello[];\n" + "_cdecl int fib(int n)\n" + "{\n" + " if (n <= 2)\n" + " return 1;\n" + " else\n" + " return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "_cdecl int foo(int n, const char* txt)\n" + "{\n" + " printf(\"%s\\n\", hello);\n" + " printf(\"fib(%d) = %d\\n\", n, fib(n));\n" + " printf(\"add(%d, %d) = %d\\n\", n, 2 * n, add(n, 2 * n));\n" + " printf(\"param Text=%s\\n\",txt);\n" + " return 0;\n" + "}\n"; //Create a Compiler Object please use always USING //The Object must be disposed!!! using (var compiler = new TccCompiler()) { //compiler.SetOutPutType(TccOutputType.Memory); //string fp = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Code.c"); //code = File.ReadAllText(fp); //if (compiler.CompileString(code) == -1) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Could not comple"); // return; //} DelegatePtr bnClick = new OnClick(OnButtonClick); compiler.BeforeCompileAction = () => { compiler.AddSymbol("ButtonClick", bnClick); }; compiler.CompilerErrorAction = ErrorFuncDel; //Waits until windows closed! compiler.Run("Code.c"); bnClick.Dispose(); //Add addDel = AddImp; //DelegatePtr addPtr = addDel; //int retVal = compiler.AddSymbol("add", addPtr); //if (retVal != 0) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Cannot add Smbol add!"); // addPtr.Dispose(); // return; //} //string hello = "hallo Welt"; ////IntPtr halloPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(hello); //HGlobalAnsiStringPtr halloPtr = hello; //compiler.AddSymbol("hello", halloPtr); //if (compiler.Reallocate(TccRealocateConst.TCC_RELOCATE_AUTO) < 0) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Could not reloacate the intern pointers"); // addPtr.Dispose(); // halloPtr.Dispose(); // return; //} //DelegatePtr<Foo> fooPtr = compiler.GetSymbol("foo"); //if (!fooPtr.IsValid) //{ // Console.WriteLine("cannot get foo Symbol!"); // addPtr.Dispose(); // halloPtr.Dispose(); // return; //} //fooPtr.Delegate(32, "Eingabe Text1"); //fooPtr.Delegate(23, "Eingabe Text2"); //halloPtr.Dispose(); //addPtr.Dispose(); } }
public void SetOnFinished(OnClick click) { Debugger.Log("SetOnFinished OnClick"); }
public UIButtonActionTarget(OnClick action) => Value = action;
void ClickHandler(bool value) { OnClick.Dispatch(value); MoveToggle(value, true); }
/// <summary> /// Create the DropDown list. /// </summary> /// <param name="size">List size (refers to the whole size of the list + the header when dropdown list is opened).</param> /// <param name="anchor">Position anchor.</param> /// <param name="offset">Offset from anchor position.</param> /// <param name="skin">Panel skin to use for this DropDown list and header.</param> public DropDown(Vector2 size, Anchor anchor = Anchor.Auto, Vector2?offset = null, PanelSkin skin = PanelSkin.ListBackground) : base(size, anchor, offset) { // default padding of self is 0 Padding = Vector2.Zero; // to get collision right when list is opened UseActualSizeForCollision = true; // create the panel and paragraph used to show currently selected value (what's shown when drop-down is closed) _selectedTextPanel = new Panel(new Vector2(0, SelectedPanelHeight), skin, Anchor.TopLeft); _selectedTextParagraph = UserInterface.DefaultParagraph(string.Empty, Anchor.CenterLeft); _selectedTextParagraph.UseActualSizeForCollision = false; _selectedTextParagraph.UpdateStyle(SelectList.DefaultParagraphStyle); _selectedTextParagraph.UpdateStyle(DefaultParagraphStyle); _selectedTextParagraph.UpdateStyle(DefaultSelectedParagraphStyle); _selectedTextPanel.AddChild(_selectedTextParagraph, true); // create the arrow down icon _arrowDownImage = new Image(Resources.ArrowDown, new Vector2(ArrowSize, ArrowSize), ImageDrawMode.Stretch, Anchor.CenterRight, new Vector2(-10, 0)); _selectedTextPanel.AddChild(_arrowDownImage, true); // create the list component _selectList = new SelectList(size, Anchor.TopCenter, Vector2.Zero, skin); // update list offset and space before _selectList.SetOffset(new Vector2(0, SelectedPanelHeight)); _selectList.SpaceBefore = Vector2.Zero; // add the header and select list as children AddChild(_selectedTextPanel); AddChild(_selectList); // add callback on list value change _selectList.OnValueChange = (Entity entity) => { // hide list ListVisible = false; // set selected text _selectedTextParagraph.Text = (SelectedValue ?? DefaultText); }; // hide the list by default _selectList.Visible = false; // setup the callback to show / hide the list when clicking the dropbox _selectedTextPanel.OnClick = (Entity self) => { // change visibility ListVisible = !ListVisible; }; // set starting text _selectedTextParagraph.Text = (SelectedValue ?? DefaultText); // update styles _selectList.UpdateStyle(DefaultStyle); // make the list events trigger the dropdown events _selectList.OnListChange += (Entity entity) => { OnListChange?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnMouseDown += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseDown?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnMouseReleased += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseReleased?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.WhileMouseDown += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseDown?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.WhileMouseHover += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseHover?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnClick += (Entity entity) => { OnClick?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnValueChange += (Entity entity) => { OnValueChange?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnMouseEnter += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseEnter?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnMouseLeave += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseLeave?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnMouseWheelScroll += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseWheelScroll?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnStartDrag += (Entity entity) => { OnStartDrag?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.OnStopDrag += (Entity entity) => { OnStopDrag?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.WhileDragging += (Entity entity) => { WhileDragging?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.BeforeDraw += (Entity entity) => { BeforeDraw?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.AfterDraw += (Entity entity) => { AfterDraw?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.BeforeUpdate += (Entity entity) => { BeforeUpdate?.Invoke(this); }; _selectList.AfterUpdate += (Entity entity) => { AfterUpdate?.Invoke(this); }; // make the selected value panel trigger the dropdown events _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseDown += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseDown?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseReleased += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseReleased?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.WhileMouseDown += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseDown?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.WhileMouseHover += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseHover?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnClick += (Entity entity) => { OnClick?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnValueChange += (Entity entity) => { OnValueChange?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseEnter += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseEnter?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseLeave += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseLeave?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseWheelScroll += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseWheelScroll?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnStartDrag += (Entity entity) => { OnStartDrag?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.OnStopDrag += (Entity entity) => { OnStopDrag?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.WhileDragging += (Entity entity) => { WhileDragging?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.BeforeDraw += (Entity entity) => { BeforeDraw?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.AfterDraw += (Entity entity) => { AfterDraw?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.BeforeUpdate += (Entity entity) => { BeforeUpdate?.Invoke(this); }; _selectedTextPanel.AfterUpdate += (Entity entity) => { AfterUpdate?.Invoke(this); }; }
public MenuItem(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rect, OnClick click, Vector2 target) : this(texture, rect, click) { _target = target; }
internal void InvokeOnClick() { OnClick?.Invoke(); }
protected void OnDropdownClick(MouseEventArgs e) { OnClick.InvokeAsync(e); Toogle(); }
public void AddListener(OnClick newClick) { myClick += newClick; }
public GButton(int GumpID, int X, int Y, OnClick ClickHandler) : this(GumpID, GumpID + 1, GumpID + 2, X, Y, ClickHandler) { }
public void DeleteListener(OnClick notNeeded) { myClick -= notNeeded; }
private static void OpenDyeWindow(OnClick OnClick, Gump g) { GAlphaBackground background = new GAlphaBackground(0, 0, 0xb8, 110) { m_NonRestrictivePicking = true, m_CanDrag = false, X = 0, Y = g.Parent.Height - 1 }; GHuePicker toAdd = new GHuePicker(4, 4) { Brightness = 1 }; toAdd.SetTag("Dialog", background); background.Children.Add(toAdd); background.Children.Add(new GSingleBorder(3, 3, 0xa2, 0x52)); background.Children.Add(new GSingleBorder(0xa4, 3, 0x11, 0x52)); GBrightnessBar bar = new GBrightnessBar(0xa5, 4, 15, 80, toAdd); background.Children.Add(bar); bar.Refresh(); GFlatButton okay = new GFlatButton(0x7b, 0x57, 0x3a, 20, "Okay", OnClick); okay.SetTag("Hue Picker", toAdd); okay.SetTag("Dialog", background); okay.SetTag("Button", g); background.Children.Add(new GQuickHues(toAdd, bar, okay)); background.Children.Add(okay); g.Parent.Children.Add(background); }
private void Awake() { retryButton.onClick.AddListener( ()=>OnClick?.Invoke()); nextButton.onClick.AddListener( ()=>OnClick?.Invoke()); }
protected async Task OnDropdownClick(MouseEventArgs e) { await OnClick.InvokeAsync(e); Toogle(); }
public static void ShowCharCreationSkills(int Str, int Dex, int Int, int vSkill1, int vSkill2, int vSkill3, int iSkill1, int iSkill2, int iSkill3) { GButton button2; GVSlider slider; GTextButton button3; GTextButton button4; GTextButton button5; Cursor.Hourglass = false; GBackground toAdd = new GBackground(0xa2c, 0x222, 0x160, 80, 80, true); toAdd.Children.Add(new GImage(0x58b, 0x42, -22)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GImage(0x589, 0x8e, -38)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GImage(0x1580, 0x97, -30)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GButton(0x119c, 120, 0x114, null)); GListBox box = new GListBox(GetFont(9), Hues.Load(0x76b), Hues.Load(0x961), 0xbbc, 40, 0x39, 0xcc, 0xd6, true); Client.Skills skills = Skills; for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { Skill skill = skills[i]; if (skill == null) { break; } box.AddItem(skill.Name); } box.OnClick = new OnClick(Engine.CharSkill_OnClick); toAdd.Children.Add(box); int num2 = 0x31 - box.ItemCount; if (num2 < 0) { num2 = 0; } GButton button = new GButton(250, 250, 0xfb, box.X + box.Width, box.Y, new OnClick(Engine.ScrollUp_OnClick)); toAdd.Children.Add(button); button2 = new GButton(0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfd, box.X + box.Width, box.Y + box.Height, new OnClick(Engine.ScrollDown_OnClick)) { Y = button2.Y - button2.Height }; toAdd.Children.Add(button2); toAdd.Children.Add(new GBackground(0x100, button.Width, button2.Y - (button.Y + button.Height), button.X, button.Y + button.Height, false)); slider = new GVSlider(0xfe, (box.X + box.Width) + 1, button.Y + button.Height, 13, button2.Y - (button.Y + button.Height), 0.0, 0.0, (double) num2, 1.0) { Y = slider.Y + slider.HalfHeight, Height = slider.Height - (slider.HalfHeight * 2), OnValueChange = new OnValueChange(Engine.ListView_OnValueChange) }; slider.SetTag("ListBox", box); slider.SetValue(0.0, false); toAdd.Children.Add(slider); button.SetTag("Scroller", slider); button2.SetTag("Scroller", slider); toAdd.Children.Add(new GBackground(0xbbc, 0x69, 0x19, 270, 0xba, true)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GBackground(0xbbc, 0x69, 0x19, 270, 0xd8, true)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GBackground(0xbbc, 0x69, 0x19, 270, 0xf6, true)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GLabel("Strength", GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 280, 0x38)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GLabel("Dexterity", GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 280, 0x56)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GLabel("Intelligence", GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 280, 0x74)); int[] numArray = new int[] { 0x39, 0x57, 0x75, 0xc1, 0xdf, 0xfd }; int[] numArray2 = new int[] { Str, Dex, Int, vSkill1, vSkill2, vSkill3 }; double[] numArray3 = new double[] { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double[] numArray4 = new double[] { 60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0 }; double[] numArray5 = new double[] { 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 }; GSlider[] sliderArray = new GSlider[6]; GLabel[] labelArray = new GLabel[6]; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { toAdd.Children.Add(new GImage(0xd5, 420, numArray[j])); toAdd.Children.Add(new GBackground(0xd6, 0x4b, 14, 0x1b1, numArray[j], false)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GImage(0xd7, 0x1fc, numArray[j])); GLabel label = new GLabel(numArray2[j].ToString(), GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 380, numArray[j] - 1); GSlider slider2 = new GSlider(0xd8, 0x1a8, numArray[j], 0x5d, 14, (double) numArray2[j], numArray3[j], numArray4[j], 1.0) { OnValueChange = new OnValueChange(Engine.UpdateStaticSlider_OnValueChange) }; slider2.SetTag("Static", label); slider2.SetTag("Font", GetFont(1)); slider2.SetTag("Hue", Hues.Load(1)); slider2.SetTag("Max", numArray5[j]); sliderArray[j] = slider2; labelArray[j] = label; toAdd.Children.Add(label); toAdd.Children.Add(slider2); } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { string name = string.Format("Slider{0}", k + 1); sliderArray[0].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k]); sliderArray[1].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k]); sliderArray[2].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k]); sliderArray[3].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k + 3]); sliderArray[4].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k + 3]); sliderArray[5].SetTag(name, sliderArray[k + 3]); } OnClick onClick = new OnClick(Engine.CharSkillBox_OnClick); button3 = new GTextButton((iSkill1 == -1) ? "Click Here" : Skills[iSkill1].Name, GetFont(9), Hues.Load(0x76b), Hues.Load(0x961), 0x113, 0xbf, onClick) { X = 0x112, Y = 0xd1 - button3.Height }; button3.SetTag("List", box); button3.SetTag("Skill", iSkill1); toAdd.Children.Add(button3); button4 = new GTextButton((iSkill2 == -1) ? "Click Here" : Skills[iSkill2].Name, GetFont(9), Hues.Load(0x76b), Hues.Load(0x961), 0x113, 0xbf, onClick) { X = 0x112, Y = 0xef - button4.Height }; button4.SetTag("List", box); button4.SetTag("Skill", iSkill2); toAdd.Children.Add(button4); button5 = new GTextButton((iSkill3 == -1) ? "Click Here" : Skills[iSkill3].Name, GetFont(9), Hues.Load(0x76b), Hues.Load(0x961), 0x113, 0xbf, onClick) { X = 0x112, Y = 0x10d - button5.Height }; button5.SetTag("List", box); button5.SetTag("Skill", iSkill3); toAdd.Children.Add(button5); toAdd.Children.Add(new GHotspot(270, 0xba, 0x69, 0x19, button3)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GHotspot(270, 0xd8, 0x69, 0x19, button4)); toAdd.Children.Add(new GHotspot(270, 0xf6, 0x69, 0x19, button5)); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Clear(); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(new GBackground(0x588, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, false)); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(new GImage(0x157c, 0, 0)); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(new GImage(0x15a0, 0, 4)); GButton button6 = new GButton(0x1589, 0x22b, 4, new OnClick(Engine.Quit_OnClick)) { Tooltip = new Tooltip(Strings.GetString("Tooltips.Quit")) }; Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(button6); GButton button7 = new GButton(0x15a4, 610, 0x1bd, new OnClick(Engine.CharCreationSkillsArrow_OnClick)); button7.SetTag("Strength", labelArray[0]); button7.SetTag("Dexterity", labelArray[1]); button7.SetTag("Intelligence", labelArray[2]); button7.SetTag("vSkill1", labelArray[3]); button7.SetTag("vSkill2", labelArray[4]); button7.SetTag("vSkill3", labelArray[5]); button7.SetTag("iSkill1", button3); button7.SetTag("iSkill2", button4); button7.SetTag("iSkill3", button5); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(button7); Gumps.Desktop.Children.Add(toAdd); }
void OnButtonClickHandler() { OnClick?.Invoke(_id); }
public UIButton(string label, OnClick onClick) { OnActivate = onClick; _label = label; Size = FontManager.Instance.BangersLarge.MeasureString(_label); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Dispose() { OnClick.RemoveAllListeners(); base.Dispose(); }
public RoverFragment(FlightComputer fc, OnClick queue) { mFlightComputer = fc; mOnClickQueue = queue; }
public StateButton(Vector2 location, string upTexture, string hoverTexture, string downTexture) : base(location, upTexture, hoverTexture, downTexture) { Click += new OnClick(StateButton_Click); States.Add(new ButtonState(upTexture, hoverTexture, downTexture)); }
private void Start() { _btnParam.onClick.AddListener(() => { OnClick?.Invoke(_paramName, _paramId, _type); }); }
public void Click() { OnClick.Dispatch(); }
/// <summary> /// BuildRenderTree 方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="builder"></param> protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder) { if (Collapse != null) { foreach (var item in Collapse.Items) { var index = 0; builder.OpenElement(index++, "div"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", "card"); builder.OpenElement(index++, "div"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", "card-header"); builder.OpenElement(index++, "div"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", "card-header-wrapper"); builder.OpenElement(index++, "button"); builder.AddAttribute(index, "class", GetButtonClassString(item.IsCollapsed)); builder.AddAttribute(index, "type", "button"); builder.AddAttribute(index, "data-toggle", "collapse"); builder.AddAttribute(index, "aria-expanded", item.IsCollapsed ? "false" : "true"); builder.AddContent(index++, item.Text); builder.CloseElement(); // end button if (Collapse.ShowArrow) { builder.OpenElement(index++, "i"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", "fa fa-angle-down"); builder.CloseElement(); } builder.CloseElement(); // end div builder.CloseElement(); // end div builder.OpenElement(index++, "div"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", GetClassString(item.IsCollapsed)); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "onclick", EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, () => OnClick?.Invoke(item))); builder.OpenElement(index++, "div"); builder.AddAttribute(index++, "class", "card-body"); builder.AddContent(index++, item.ChildContent); builder.CloseElement(); // end body builder.CloseElement(); // end div builder.CloseElement(); // end card } } }
public void Click() { OnClick?.Invoke(); }
public void Click(ClickableInputEventArgs args) { OnClick?.Invoke(args); }
private void Item_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnClick?.Invoke(sender, e); }
public MenuItem(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rect, OnClick click) : this(rect, click) { _texture = texture; }
public void NotifyClick(MouseEvent eventArgs) => OnClick?.Invoke(this, eventArgs);
private void CallClick() { OnClick?.Invoke(); }
private void NotifyDataChanged() => OnClick?.Invoke();