void OnBeforeSave(object sender, OnBeforeSaveEventArgs e)
			if (e.SkipSecurity)

            var authentication = ApplicationSettings.Container.Resolve<IAuthentication>();
            var claims = authentication.GetCurrentUserClaims();

            var dataset = e.Entity.ObjectsDataSet as ObjectsDataSet;

			string message;

			if (AppSettings.Get<bool>("DataSetAuthorizationCheckModeRemoveFromDataSet"))
				// If 'remove from dataset' option is enabled, do an explicit check of the main entity first
				// so that we don't just quietly skip saves of the context/main entity
				SecurityPredicate predicate;
				var permissionLevel = ApplicationSettings.Container.Resolve<IAuthorizations>().CanUpdate(e.Entity, claims, out message, out predicate);

				if (permissionLevel != PermissionLevel.Authorized)
					authentication.ThrowAccessDenied(new GOServerException("accessDenied", String.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "unauthorized access" : message, new ForbiddenAccessException("forbidden access")));

			// Perform authorization check on full dataset because could embed multiple saves and deletes
				var permissionLevel = ApplicationSettings.Container.Resolve<IAuthorizations>().CheckWriteAuthorizationsOnDataSet(dataset, claims, e.Parameters, out message);

				if (permissionLevel != PermissionLevel.Authorized)
					authentication.ThrowAccessDenied(new GOServerException("accessDenied", String.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "unauthorized access" : message, new ForbiddenAccessException("forbidden access")));

			// Note that because Save() may involve multiple save / deletes in a single savesset, we do not set e.FiltrExpression here
			// (because there may be a different security data filter for different entities in the saveset)
			// instead, the CheckWriteAuthorizationsOnDataSet has already checked the filter(s) (for the entire dataset)
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// IDataProviderExtension<GOUserDataObject> OnBeforeSave extension
 /// Hook into GOUserDataObject.Save() so that we can MD5 hash the password prior to saving
 /// </summary>
 void OnBeforeSaveGOUser(object sender, OnBeforeSaveEventArgs e)
     if (e.Entity != null)
         var userToSave = e.Entity as GOUserDataObject;
         if (userToSave != null)
             if (userToSave.IsNew)
                 userToSave.Password = GetMD5Hash(userToSave.Password);
             else if (!e.Parameters.ContainsKey(ValidatingUser))
                 if (DataFacade.GOUserDataProvider.GetCollection(null, "UserName = \"" + userToSave.UserName + "\" && Password = \"" + userToSave.Password + "\"",
                                                                 parameters: e.Parameters,
                                                                 skipSecurity: true).Any())
                     // The password is correct in the Database, we don't need to do anything
                     userToSave.Password = GetMD5Hash(userToSave.Password);