Example #1
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SetElementLevelThreshold
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load template file
            OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "questions.amr");

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            // Get the first page of the template
            OmrPage page = template.Pages[0];

            // Create an element by passing the name, location and size
            GridElement element = new GridElement("grid1", new PointF(10, 20), new SizeF(60, 30));

            // Add element to the page

            // Create configuration for the element
            element.Configuration = new OmrConfig();

            // Set the TrimWhitePixels to false
            element.Configuration.TrimWhitePixels = false;

            // Create an instance of OmrEngine and pass object of OmrTemplate as parameter
            OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(template);

            // Extract the data
            OmrProcessingResult result = engine.ExtractData(new OmrImage[] { image });
            // ExEnd:SetElementLevelThreshold
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SettingMarkThreshold
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load template file
            OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "questions.amr");

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            // Create an instance of OmrEngine and pass object of OmrTemplate as parameter
            OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(template);

            // Get the configurations of OmrEngine
            OmrConfig config = engine.Configuration;

            // Set fill threshold
            config.FillThreshold = 0.12;

            // Extract the data
            OmrProcessingResult result = engine.ExtractData(new OmrImage[] { image });
            // ExEnd:SettingMarkThreshold
Example #3
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SkewImageCorrectionUsingAlgorithm
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load template file
            OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "questions.amr");

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            // Area of the image to be processed
            Rectangle area = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

            // Grayscale conversion
            GrayscaleAlgorithm gs = new GrayscaleAlgorithm();

            gs.Process(image, area);

            // Binarization
            AverageThresholdAlgorithm threshold = new AverageThresholdAlgorithm();

            threshold.Process(image, area);

            // Skew correction
            SkewCorrectionAlgorithm skewCorrection = new SkewCorrectionAlgorithm();

            skewCorrection.Process(ref image, area);

            // save image
            image.AsBitmap().Save(dataDir + "result_out.jpg");
            // ExEnd:SkewImageCorrectionUsingAlgorithm
Example #4
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:DetectImageResolutionAutomatically
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load template file
            OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "questions.amr");

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            //Set the auto image resolution detection property
            image.AutoDetectResolution = true;

            // Instantiate the recognition engine for the template
            OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(template);

            // Extract data. This template has only one page.
            OmrProcessingResult result = engine.ExtractData(new OmrImage[] { image });

            // Load actual result from
            Hashtable OmrResult = result.PageData[0];

            // Get Collection of Keys
            ICollection key = OmrResult.Keys;

            foreach (string k in key)
                Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + OmrResult[k]);
            // ExEnd:DetectImageResolutionAutomatically
        public static void Run()
                // The path to the documents directory.
                string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

                // Load template file
                OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "sample_1.amr");

                // Load the image to be analyzed
                OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "sample1.jpg");

                // do not forget to set the license for BarCode in case BarCode elements are used
                //Aspose.BarCode.License licenseBarCode = new Aspose.BarCode.License();
                //licenseBarCode.SetLicense(dataDir + "Aspose.Total.lic");

                //// do not forget to set the license for BarCode in case BarCode elements are used
                //var licenseOmr = new Aspose.OCR.License();
                //licenseOmr.SetLicense(dataDir + "Aspose.Total.lic");

                // Adding BarCode element requires creation of BarcodeElement object
                // While specifying the barcode display name, its position and size
                BarcodeElement barcodeElement = new BarcodeElement("Aztec BarCode", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(205, 205));
                // Add the BarCode element to the page element collection

                // Create an instance of OmrEngine and load the template using file path
                OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(template);
                // Extract OMR data and store the results in an instance of OmrProcessingResults
                OmrProcessingResult result = engine.ExtractData(new[] { image });
                // Get all page data into an instance of Hashtable
                Hashtable[] pages = result.PageData;
                // Loop over all the pages
                foreach (Hashtable page in pages)
                    // Display key and value
                    foreach (string key in page.Keys)
                        Console.WriteLine("key: " + key + ": " + "value: " + page[key]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\nThis example will only work if you apply a valid Aspose License. You can purchase full license or get 30 day temporary license from http:// Www.aspose.com/purchase/default.aspx.");
Example #6
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:SkewedImageSecondMethod
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(new OmrTemplate());

            // Get skew degree of the image
            double degree = engine.GetSkewDegree(image);

            // Rotate image to correct skew
            engine.RotateImage(ref image, degree);

            // Save image
            image.AsBitmap().Save(dataDir + "result_out.jpg");
            // ExEnd:SkewedImageSecondMethod
Example #7
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:ExtractText
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_OCR();

            // Load template file
            OmrTemplate template = OmrTemplate.Load(dataDir + "questions.amr");

            // Load the image to be analyzed
            OmrImage image = OmrImage.Load(dataDir + "answers.jpg");

            // Set resource for TextOcrElement
            TextOcrElement.Resource = dataDir + "Aspose.OCR.Spanish.Resources.zip";
            // Create an instance of TextOcrElement and initialize it by specifying the location of text and its size in mm
            TextOcrElement textElement = new TextOcrElement("OCR Text", new PointF(23.6f, 15.5f), new SizeF(14.6f, 4.7f));

            // Add the TextOcrElement to the page element collection

            // Create an instance of OmrEngine and load the template using file path
            OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine(template);
            // Extract OMR data and store the results in an instance of OmrProcessingResults
            OmrProcessingResult result = engine.ExtractData(new OmrImage[] { image });

            // Get all page data into an instance of Hashtable
            Hashtable[] pages = result.PageData;
            // Loop over all the pages
            foreach (Hashtable page in pages)
                // Display key and value
                foreach (string key in page.Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("key: " + key + ": " + "value: " + page[key]);
            // ExEnd:ExtractText